58 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Tugas Polri Mendukung Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk meninjau dan menganalisis pelaksanaan tugas Polri guna mendukung penerapan protokol kesehatan selama pandemi Covid-19 dalam rangka terwujudya situasi kamtibmas yang kondusif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian dan penulisan ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif, dengan beberapa pendekatan yang biasa digunakan dalam penelitian hukum, antara lain; pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konsep, pendekatan kasus, pendekatan analisis, dan pendekatan historis. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa sesuai fungsinya, Polri telah melaksanakan tugas guna mendukung penerapan protokol kesehatan selama pandemi Covid-19 dalam rangka terwujudya situasi kamtibmas yang kondusif. Hal tersebut dilaksanakan dengan cara antara lain: Pertama, preventif: menerbitkan STR untuk panduan anggota melaksanakan Tindakan-tindakan pada masa pandemi dan masa transisi Normal Baru, Binmas, Sabhara, Lalu Lintas dan satker-satker lainnya terlibat aktif memberikan informasi dan penyadaran pada masyarakat. Bersama-sama dengan Pemerintah Daerah menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat dengan memanfaatkan teknologi, misalnya dengan CCTV, drone, aplikasi-aplikasi online. Merangkul masyarakat dengan humanis, sehingga masyarakat yang terdampak Covid-19 secara kesehatan maupun secara ekonomi dapat survive. Kedua: preemtif: melakukan patrol-patroli dan razia-razia untuk mencegah kejahatan. Ketiga: penegakan hukum sebagai upaya terakhir bagi orang-orang yang melakukan perlawanan meski melanggar, termasuk memerintahkan pengendara motor dan mobil untuk putar balik karena larangan mudik Lebaran

    Juridical Analysis of Cancellation of Bonding Agreements of Selling & Buying a Plan of Land

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    The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the process of canceling the binding sale and purchase agreement for a plot of land. To find out and analyze the legal consequences of the cancellation of the binding sale and purchase agreement for a plot of land in the construction of legal certainty.The method used by the researcher is Juridical Empirical (sociolegal research)and The specifications in this study are descriptive analytical. Based on the results of the study that The process of canceling the binding sale and purchase agreement for a plot of land is made by the parties to make their own cancellation deed in carrying out any legal actions, all possibilities can occur, including if the parties have agreed to cancel the previously agreed sale and purchase agreement, through a court order to cancel the agreement that is not Legal consequences can only be carried out by a judge or higher institution or competent institution, automatically canceling the agreement, then the contents of the agreement are automatically null and void by law and even considered that the agreement never existed or never occurred. Legal consequences Against the cancellation of the binding agreement on the sale and purchase of a plot of land in construction, legal certainty, namely:null and void by law, namely the non-fulfillment of objective conditions (Article 1320 of the Civil Code): a certain matter, a permissible/halal/legal cause, the agreement cannot be executed, because the agreement is not simply canceled, but cannot be implemented or forwarded to the next process, because it is still have a certain legal status

    Analisa Hasil Pengelasan 2g Dan 3g Dengan Bahan Plat Besi St 40 Ketebalan 10 mm Dan Voltase 20 - 35 Menggunakan Mesin Las Mig

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    Pengelasan secara umum dapat diartikan sebagai suatu ikatan metalurgi pada sambugan logam atau logam paduan yang dilaksanakan pada saat logam dalam keadaan cair. Prosedur pengelasan kelihatannya sangat sepele dan sederhana dalam pengelasan, pengetahuan harus turut serta mendampingi praktek. Secara lebih terperinci dapat dikatakan bahwa dalam perancangan konstruksi bangunan dan mesin dengan sambungan las, harus direncanakan pula tentang cara pengelasan, cara pemeriksaan, bahan las dan jenis las yang akan dipergunakan berdasarkan fungsi dari bagian-bagian bangunan atau mesin yang dirancang. Definisi las berdasarkan DIN (Deutche Industrie Normen) adalah ikatan metalurgi pada sambungan logam atau logam panduan yang dilaksanakan dalam keadaan lumer atau cair.Secara umum pengelasan dapat didefinisikan sebagai penyambungan dari beberapa batang logam dengan memanfaatkan energi panas Adapun jenis-jenis las yaitu seperti las tig, las mig, las listrik dan las karbit. Las mig yaitu merupakan proses penyambungan dua material logam atau lebih menjadi satu melalui proses pencairan setempat, dengan menggunakan elektroda gulungan (filler metal) yang sama dengan logam dasarnya (base metal) dan menggunakan gas pelindung ( inert gas ). Dalam pengujian bahan di lakukan uji lengkung pada sambungan las plat besi ST 40, uji tekan adalah suatu alat uji mekanik yang berguna untuk mengukur dan mengetahui kekuatan benda terhadap gaya tekan. Metode pengujian dilakukan di laboratoriumdiketahui bahwa bahan mengalami beban tekanan maksimum 24,21 kgf,kemudian mengalami kuat tarik 62,64 kgf/cm²

    Notary/PPAT Liability for Autenticity of Deed which in Judges' Decision is Declared to Have Fake Signature

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    The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the juridical implications of making a deed in which there is a forged signature. This study used a normative juridical research method. Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that the juridical implications for the making of a deed in which there is a fake signature is that it can be canceled or null and void because it does not meet the subjective requirements in the form of agreeing the parties and the objective conditions in the form of a lawful cause. In addition, the making of a deed in which there is a forgery of a signature with procedural efforts that are not in accordance with the making of the deed results in the deed being formally flawed

    Jual Beli Tanah di Bawah Tangan di Desa Selat Kecamatan Pemayung Kabupaten Batanghari

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    Transition of land rights and ownership rights over units of flats through sale and purchase can only be registered if proven by a deed made by the authorized PPAT according to the provisions of the applicable legislation. The relevant right holder is obliged to register the amendment to his land right to the Land Office, because land registration is a strong proof of the abolition of ownership rights and the legality of the transfer and encumbrance. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the reasons for not registering the transfer of land rights and why many people in Selat Village, Pemayung Subdistrict, Batanghari Regency, do not transfer land rights before the PPAT and the legal consequences of the land purchase agreement under the hand as a condition for registration. transfer of land rights. The population in this study is the people of the Selat Village who have been buying and selling land under their hands. The total population is 112 people. With details of 52 people who have been buying and selling land under the hand. The number of samples is 10 people, 6 people doing buying and selling transactions only attended by both parties and 4 others through the Village Head and attended by both parties. Data sources from this study are primary data, secondary data and tertiary data. Analysis of the data used is qualitative, which is an analysis based on the data presented to be classified based on the problem under study and then described based on the legal norms that govern it. Keywords: Buy; Sell; Land Abstrak Peralihan hak atas tanah dan hak milik atas satuan rumah susun melalui jual beli hanya dapat didaftarkan jika dibuktikan dengan akta yang dibuat oleh PPAT yang berwenang menurut ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Pemegang hak yang bersangkutan wajib mendaftarkan perubahan hak atas tanahnya kepada Kantor pertanahan, karena pendaftaran tanah merupakan alat pembuktian yang kuat mengenai hapusnya hak milik serta sahnya peralihan dan pembebanan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis penyebab tidak dilakukannya pendaftaran peralihan hak atas tanah dan mengapa masyarakat Desa Selat Kecamatan Pemayung Kabupaten Batanghari banyak yang tidak melakukan peralihan hak atas tanah di hadapan PPAT serta akibat hukum perjanjian jual beli tanah di bawah tangan sebagai syarat pendaftaran peralihan hak atas tanah. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Desa Selat yang sudah melakukan jual beli tanah di bawah tangan. Total populasinya adalah sebanyak 112 orang. Dengan rincian 52 orang yang telah melakukan jual beli tanah di bawah tangan. Jumlah sampelnya adalah sebanyak 10 orang, 6 orang melakukan transaksi jual beli hanya dihadiri kedua belah pihak dan 4 orang lagi melalui Kepala Desa dan dihadiri oleh kedua belah pihak. Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah data primer, data sekunder serta data tersier. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah secara kualitatif, yaitu suatu analisis berdasarkan data-data yang tersajikan untuk kemudian diklasifikasikan berdasarkan permasalahan yang diteliti dan selanjutnya dideskripsikan berdasarkan norma hukum yang mengaturnya. Kata Kunci: Jual; Beli; Tana


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    Innovations on hijab have implications for the expansion of its users. Thus it encourages the growth of new identities for hijab which are then expressed by enriching its style, form, color tone, and fabric. The cultivation of hijab throughs the pop-culture of Korea arose and known as the “Korean waved” hijab. This paper has an opportunity to elaborate on hijab’s contemporary progression worldwide. It reflects the Korean pop-culture and identifies the authenticity of the tradition of wearing the hijab in Indonesia. It problematizes the issue of Korean hijab style and how the Quran responds to it. The research framework used a sequential exploratory model henceforth resulting in a scientific response to the phenomenon of Korea's creative industries in the making of an authentic Indonesian hijab model. The results answered the challenges of the vision of "Making Indonesia 4.0" in developing the industrial sector of textile in Indonesia by tracing ethical, aesthetical, and economic modes of hijab

    Penerapan Overhaul Engine Stand Kijang Menggunakan Alat-Alat Spesial Service Tool Di SMK NU 1 Adiwerna Kabupaten Tegal

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    Vocational High School is the biggest contributor to unemployment in the area, many supporting factors such as the unstable condition of the company. Basically, that is not all, the teaching process for these Vocational Schools is at the forefront of the increase in the unemployment rate of SMK graduates. From the results of community service activities, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) With the community service at Adiwerna District 1 Vocational High School, giving at Adiwerna Nu 1 Vocational School in Tegal Regency, providing knowledge, understanding, and innovation on efficient engine stand overhauls according to operational standards procedure; (2) Speeding up the work when the engine stand overhaul practices in competency subjects overhaul the engine with the SOP tool so as to make students competent in their performance practices


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    The recommendation system is an important tool for providing personalized suggestions to users about products or services. However, previous research on individual recommendation systems using skyline queries has not considered the dynamic personal preferences of users. Therefore, this study aims to develop an individual recommendation model based on the current individual preferences and user location in a mobile environment. We propose an RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) score-based algorithm to predict the current individual preferences of users. This research utilizes the skyline query method to recommend local cuisine that aligns with the individual preferences of users. The attributes used in selecting suitable local cuisine include individual preferences, price, and distance between the user and the local cuisine seller. The proposed algorithm has been implemented in the JALITA mobile-based Indonesian local cuisine recommendation system. The results effectively recommend local cuisine that matches the dynamic individual preferences and location of users. Based on the implementation results, individual recommendations are provided to mobile users anytime and anywhere they are located. In this study, three skyline objects are generated: soto betawi (C5), Mie Aceh Daging Goreng (C4), and Gado-gado betawi (C3), which are recommended local cuisine based on the current individual preferences (U1) and user location (L1). The implementation results are exemplified for one user located at (U1L1), providing recommendations for soto betawi (C5) with an individual preference score of 0.96, Mie Aceh Daging Goreng (C4) with an individual preference score of 0.93, and Gado-gado betawi (C3) with an individual preference score of 0.98. Thus, this research contributes to the field of individual recommendation systems by considering the dynamic user location and preferences

    Penerapan Penggunaan Dongkrak Ulir Elektrik Jack Sebagai Media Kompetensi Pembelajaran Sistem Hidraulik Di SMK Ma’arif NU Talang

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    Vocational High Schools are the biggest contributor to unemployment in the area, many supporting factors such as the unstable state of the company. Basically that's not all, the teaching process at the Vocational School is at the forefront of increasing unemployment rates for SMK graduates. From the results of community service activities the following conclusions with the existence of community service activities at SMK Ma'arif Nu Talaang, Tegal Regency, it provides knowledge, understanding and innovation of efficient power transfer system equipment in accordance with Operational Procedures for Safety Procedures. Speed up the work when practicing lifting a car to change tires in the subjects of the power transfer system competency with the SOP equipment so as to make students competent in their performance practice
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