437 research outputs found

    Analysis of learning anxiety among senior high school students

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    Learning is the primary task of every student. However, there are many factors responsible for the success or failure such as anxiety, which is the unpleasant feeling of worry, concern, and fear. Therefore this study aims to measure students' anxiety levels in learning and determine efforts to overcome this condition. This is a quantitative descriptive study, with data collected from 192 students using anxiety instruments. The results showed that most students' anxiety levels were in the normal category,  this is because the majority chooses to confide in their close friends

    Struktur Bahasa Melayu Dialek Panai(1999)

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    Tangan merupakan salah satu media dalam penyebaran mikroorganisme patogen penyebab penyakit, melalui sentuhan langsung maupun tidak langsung. Studi menunjukkan bahwa cuci tangan yang benar merupakan salah satu tindakan yang paling efektif untuk mencegah penularan penyakit. Cara transmisi virus yang lain adalah melaui kontak tangan, ataupun lingkungan yang terkena virus seperti gagang pintu, meja dan kursi, kemasan atau wadah makanan minuman. Tangan sering menjadi media penyebaran covid 19. Penyebaran covid 19 terjadi bila virus masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui mata, hidung atau mulut. Virus 90 Peran dan Tantangan Teknik Lingkungan di Era New Normal covid 19 yang menempel pada tangan dapat berpindah, saat tangan menyentuh mata, hidung, wajah atau makan dan minuman. Virus umumnya dapat bertahan selama beberapa jam di permukaan yang halus. Jika virus dapat beradaptasi terhadap suhu dan kelembaban yang ada, virus dapat bertahan selama beberapa hari. Virus covid 19, sensitif terhadap sinar ultraviolet dan panas. Panas berkelanjutan pada suhu 55,8 ?C (132,8ºF) selama 30 menit, eter, alkohol 75%, desinfektan yang mengandung klorin, asam perasetat, kloroform, dan pelarut lipid lainnya dapat secara efektif menonaktifkan virus


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    ABSTRAKSI: Today Optional Northern Route network of Link between Surabaya – Denpasar uses Synchronous Digital Technology (SDH) that has capacity of STM-4 with Add/Drop Multiplexer-600 (ADM-600) as the multiplexing - demultiplexing element. The transition needs of Plain Old Telephony Services (POTS) to Non-POTS that increase exponentially are the consequences of telecommunication and information technology progress which caused higher channel demand that need a reanalysis of optional Northern Route network for the following six years. This final project analyzes the network for its capability of fulfilling the channel demand estimation in the year 2008 with identification existing condition of optional part of Northern Route link between Surabaya – Denpasar. The analysis is continued with choosing the transport technology that will be implemented based on existing fiber optic core using consideration, comparison of several levels SDH system with Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), comparison of the limitation distance for dispersion of Standard Single Mode Fiber (SSMF) and Non Zero Dispersion Shifted Fiber (NZDSF). The result of this final project analysis are the new configuration of optional part of northern route network using NZDSF fiber optic, SDH transport technology using two STM-64 equipments, seven EDFA’s using 24 dB gain, three DCF’s that are inserted in the network and the application of Bidirectional Self Healing Ring (BSHR) as the protection system.Kata Kunci : -ABSTRACT: Jaringan Optional Northern Route link Surabaya – Denpasar saat ini menggunakan teknologi Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) yang memiliki kapasitas STM-4 dengan elemen multiplex Add/Drop Multiplexer-600 (ADM-600). Kemajuan teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi yang menyebabkan kebutuhan kanal semakin besar, sehingga diperlukan suatu analisis jaringan optional Northern Route untuk enam tahun mendatang. Proyek akhir ini mengkaji jaringan atas kesanggupannya memenuhi estimasi kebutuhan kanal pada tahun 2008 dengan melakukan identifikasi kondisi existing jaringan optional Northern Route link Surabaya – Denpasar. Kemudian dilakukan pemilihan teknologi transport yang akan diimplementasikan sesuai dengan pertimbangan utilitas pemakaian core serat optik exsisting, perbandingan beberapa level sistem SDH dan Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), perbandingan jarak berbatas dispersi dari serat optik Standard Single Mode Fiber (SSMF) dan Non Dispersion Shifted Fiber (NZDSF). Hasil kajian proyek akhir ini adalah konfigurasi jaringan optional Northern Route link Surabaya – Denpasar yang baru menggunakan serat optik NZDSF, teknologi transport SDH menggunakan 2 perangkat STM-64, 7 EDFA yang memakai G = 24 dB, 3 DCF yang disisipkan pada jaringan dan penerapan Bidirectional Self Healing Ring (BSHR) sebagai sistem proteksinya.Keyword:

    The Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling to Reduce Student Learning Anxiety

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    This is a continuing study of a development behavioral model to help students reduce their learning anxiety. 192 students involved as study population after filled self-report scale of learning anxiety, but only 30 students who had meet the learning anxiety criteria and they were given counseling interventions. Through quasi-experiment pretest-posttest control group design, 30 students divided into two groups, 15 students in the experiment group with behavioral counseling and 15 students in the control group with no specific approach. Overall, there are significant differences between experiment and control group (t = -27.65, p < 0.05). The results of the proposed study prove that the behavioral counseling model showed higher impact to reduce learning anxiety rather than the conventional counseling with no specific approach. Therefore, the author concludes that behavioral counseling is one of the effective interventions to reduce students learning anxiety. The implication of this research to counseling practice will be discussed

    Analisis Co Benefit Di Sentra Industri Tahu Adiwerna, Kabupaten Tegal

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    “Co-benefits” refers to multiple benefits in different fields resulting from one policy, strategy or action plan. As an example: policy or strategy taken on reducing GHG emission from transportation, would ensure better air quality, health, promoting the use of biofuels and other alternative energy sources. Industrial waste water or domestic wastewater household if not disposed of or treated with either will cause pollution. The high content of organic content in wastewater will lead to GHG emissions impact on society as well as water pollution and odor pollution, Environmental Management in Industry Centers Adiwerna Tofu, Tegal regency was done by the management (cleaner production) and waste water treatment. Co Benefit analysis showed the relationship of environmental quality improvement occurs with the reduction of COD and capture methane gas that can be utilized for the community. The reduction of emissions in air can reduce GHG. Method of estimated GHG reduction can be done by comparing GHG emissions before the project (baseline - BE) and after the implementation of projects co-benefits (project - PE). The evaluation was done by grouping into 3 tiers. Evaluation indicators are COD, BOD5, smell, CH4, while other indicators are N, P and hazardous waste indicators concerning health. To get the best results of the evaluation required complete data

    Business Center Management (A Site Study at 1st Public Vocational School Purwokerto)

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    The objectives of the research are (1) to describe the characteristic of organizational structure of the business center, (2) the characteristic of the work relationship of a business center with a school, (3) the characteristic of the business center activities. This research is a qualitative research with ethnography design. The informants in this research are the principal, vice principal, business center administrators, teachers, and students. The method of collecting data used observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. Data analysis used an analysis model arranged in a site. The research results show that: (1) the organizational structure of business center program consists of the person in care taker of the program, administrators, professional staffs, and students. The person in care taker of the program is the principal who has a role and function as the person who is responsible to the business center. The administrators consist of the chairman, secretary, and treasurer who handled by the vice principal and teachers. The chairman has a responsible of the business center activities, the secretary is in charge of the administration, while the treasurer is as a staff who handle the finance. The professional staffs consist of supervisor, administrative officer, and warehouse officer. Students acts as the participants to do practice, namely the person who practice to sell the products; (2) Business center is organized as a place for training practice of students to the entrepreneurship subject. The source of fund in the business center is from the Directorate of Vocational School being managed and developed by the school as much as Rp. 250 million. The business center is managed by the school assisted by the professional staffs. In its implementation, the school selects the candidates or professional staffs and the promotion is through radio and brochure, and directly by students in practice of selling the products. Business center sell daily needs and grocery items. The selling process is done directly by the business center, and indirectly through students in selling practice with direct and order selling techniques; (3) The business center activity is started at 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. The business center activities are to sell in wholesale and retail. The warehouse staffs organized the circulation of the business center products, the staff serves the customers, while the administrative staffs to input data and make a financial report. The administration is accumulated in the computerized system to expedite the process and accuracy of data, being supported by the manual system which is recorded in the cash book, inventory, purchasing, sale, and so on