5 research outputs found

    Education and role modelling for clinical decisions with female cancer patients

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    Background: Patients vary widely in their preferences and capacity for participating in treatment decision-making. There are few interventions targeting patient understanding of how doctors make decisions and shared decision-making. This randomized trial investigates the effects of providing cancer patients with a package designed to facilitate shared decision-making prior to seeing their oncologist. Patients and methods: Sixty-five female cancer patients were randomized to receive either the package (booklet and 15-min video) or a booklet on living with cancer, before their initial consultation. Participants completed questionnaires prior to the intervention, immediately after the oncology consultation, and 2 weeks and 6 months later. The first consultation with the oncologist was audio-taped and transcribed. Results: Patients receiving the package were more likely than controls to declare their information and treatment preferences in the consultation, and their perspectives on the costs, side-effects and benefits of treatment. Doctors introduced considerably more new themes in the consultations with intervention subjects than they did with controls; no other differences in doctor behaviour were noted. Conclusions: This short intervention successfully shifted patient and doctor behaviour closer to the shared decision-making model, although it did not alter patients' preferences for information or involvement

    The state of Britain's mammals 2003 The second of the annual updates following the publication of ' Britain's mammals: the challenge for conservation' in 2001

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    Includes bibliographical references. Title from coverAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:8437. 6975(2003) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Aspects of extended impregnation kraft cooking for high-yield pulping of hardwood

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    The long-term trend regarding wood is an increase in price. Because wood contributes to a large part of production costs, the efficient utilisation of wood is greatly desired to reduce production costs for kraft pulp producers. During the 1990s, the development of improved modified kraft cooking began, which led to higher yields. There was also a trend of terminating kraft cooking at a higher kappa number to maximise the overall yield. For hardwood, the defibration point became a critical setback in allowing this termination at a high kappa number. This thesis discusses how this issue has been tackled in the laboratory by using improved modified kraft cooking combined with extended impregnation to enable a decrease in reject content and shift the defibration point towards a higher kappa number for hardwood. This lab concept is referred to as extended impregnation kraft cooking (EIC), and this thesis reveals that EIC cooking efficiently reduces the reject content for both birch and eucalypt. By using EIC cooking, the defibration point was shifted to a kappa number of ca. 30 from ca. 20 using conventional kraft cooking. This study demonstrates the great potential for achieving a higher overall yield for eucalypt by terminating the EIC cooking at a high kappa number, but with the conditions used in this thesis, no improvement in yield was observed for birch.   An important issue is that the termination of kraft cooking at high kappa number increases the demand for extended oxygen delignification to reach a similar kappa number into bleaching, i.e., due to cost and environmental reasons. Extended oxygen delignification was shown to be possible for both birch and eucalypt EIC pulps (i.e., from kappa number 27 to 10) with an acceptable pulp viscosity number.   The other part of this thesis addresses aspects regarding the limitations in oxygen delignification. It has previously been shown in the literature that a high xylan yield of kraft cooking could negatively affect the efficiency of subsequent oxygen delignification. In this work, the increased xylan content in eucalypt kraft pulp within the range of 8–18% had only a marginally negative impact on the oxygen delignification efficiency after correcting for the HexA contribution to the kappa number. It is also desired to extend the oxygen delignification towards lower kappa number, i.e., below kappa number 10 to decrease the bleaching chemical requirement. In this study, the hypothesis that the reduced efficiency of oxygen delignification at low kappa numbers could partly be due to the formation of oxidisable carbohydrate-related structures (i.e., HexA and/or other non-lignin structures) was also tested. No formation was established. On the other hand, a final oxygen delignification stage in the bleaching could be an attractive alternative for reducing yellowing and enhancing brightness; in fact, this has led to the development of a patent (SE 528066).Ved står för en stor del av produktionskostnaderna vid framställning av sulfatmassa. Då vedpriserna har ökat genom åren är ett effektivt utnyttjande av veden önskvärt för att kunna sänka produktionskostnaderna. Under 1990-talet förbättrades den modifierade sulfatkokningen vilket innebar möjlighet till högre massautbyte. För att maximera massautbytet styrdes kokningsprocessen mot ett högre kappatal. Detta har visat sig vara svårare för lövved än för barrved, eftersom defibrerbarhetspunkten utgör ett kritiskt hinder. I denna avhandling har laborationsstudier utförts där förbättrad modifierad sulfatkokning kombinerats med förlängd impregnering för att kunna sänka spethalten och därmed förskjuta defibrerbarhetspunkten mot ett högre kappatal. Detta koncept kallas för extended impregnation kraft cooking (EIC). EIC-kokning visade sig vara en effektiv metod för att minska spethalten hos björk och eukalyptus. Med EIC-kokning kunde defibrerbarhetspunkten höjas från cirka 20 till cirka 30. I denna avhandling klarläggs att det finns stora möjligheter att öka massautbytet för eukalyptus genom att avsluta sulfatkoket vid ett högre kappatal. För björk kunde ingen ökning av massutbytet uppnås genom ovanstående metod.   Vid ett högre kappatal efter sulfatkoket ställs även krav på förlängd syrgasdelignifiering, för att kunna behålla samma kappatal in till blekeriet. Det visade sig vara fullt möjligt att förlänga syrgasdelignifieringen för de EIC-kokade björk- och eukalyptusmassorna (d.v.s. från kappatal 27 till 10) med accepterad massaviskositet.   Den andra delen av avhandlingen tar upp aspekter på syrgasdelignifieringens begränsningar. Tidigare studier har visat att ett högre utbyte av xylan vid sulfatkokning kan vara negativt för syrgasdelignifieringens effektivitet.  I denna studie har det påvisats att en ökad xylanhalt i intervallet 8–18 procent i eukalyptusmassa endast har en marginell negativ inverkan på syrgasdelignifieringens effektivitet efter att kappatalet korrigerats för HexA. Det är önskvärt att förlänga syrgasdelignifieringen till ett lägre kappatal än 10 för att minska förbrukningen av blekkemikalier. I den här studien prövades hypotesen att syrgasdelignifieringens begränsningar vid låga kappatal, under 10, delvis skulle kunna bero på bildning av oxiderbara kolhydratrelaterade strukturer (d.v.s. HexA och/eller andra okända ”non-lignin”-strukturer). Ingen bildning kunde dock observeras. Däremot indikerades att ett syrgassteg i slutet av bleksekvensen skulle kunna vara ett eftersträvansvärt alternativ för minskad eftergulning och ökad ljushet, vilket ledde till ett patent (SE 528066).QC 2012050

    Containment measures

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    OBSOLETE (project finished) - Description of containment measures during COVID'19 lockdown, in the context of SIlent Cities project. Please request access to Silent Cities if neede

    A dataset of acoustic measurements from soundscapes collected worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    International audiencePolitical responses to the COVID-19 pandemic led to changes in city soundscapes around the globe. From March to October 2020, a consortium of 261 contributors from 35 countries brought together by the Silent Cities project built a unique soundscape recordings collection to report on local acoustic changes in urban areas. We present this collection here, along with metadata including observational descriptions of the local areas from the contributors, open-source environmental data, open-source confinement levels and calculation of acoustic descriptors. We performed a technical validation of the dataset using statistical models run on a subset of manually annotated soundscapes. Results confirmed the large-scale usability of ecoacoustic indices and automatic sound event recognition in the Silent Cities soundscape collection. We expect this dataset to be useful for research in the multidisciplinary field of environmental sciences