1,233 research outputs found

    Uncovering Proximity of Chromosome Territories using Classical Algebraic Statistics

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    Exchange type chromosome aberrations (ETCAs) are rearrangements of the genome that occur when chromosomes break and the resulting fragments rejoin with other fragments from other chromosomes. ETCAs are commonly observed in cancer cells and in cells exposed to radiation. The frequency of these chromosome rearrangements is correlated with their spatial proximity, therefore it can be used to infer the three dimensional organization of the genome. Extracting statistical significance of spatial proximity from cancer and radiation data has remained somewhat elusive because of the sparsity of the data. We here propose a new approach to study the three dimensional organization of the genome using algebraic statistics. We test our method on a published data set of irradiated human blood lymphocyte cells. We provide a rigorous method for testing the overall organization of the genome, and in agreement with previous results we find a random relative positioning of chromosomes with the exception of the chromosome pairs \{1,22\} and \{13,14\} that have a significantly larger number of ETCAs than the rest of the chromosome pairs suggesting their spatial proximity. We conclude that algebraic methods can successfully be used to analyze genetic data and have potential applications to larger and more complex data sets

    Strategic planning with environmental component

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    Strategic planning with environmental component is a function of management. It is the process that can help to put ecological goals as well as to achieve them. Nowadays, planning of ecological factors assumed to be a basis for all management decisions. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1313

    Essays in International Finance

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    Opinions regarding capital account openness have been undergoing changes. On the one hand, financial liberalization and integration are viewed as sources of economic growth and prosperity due to a better allocation of capital to productive uses. In addition, free capital mobility and access to foreign capital are considered to be important facilitators of investment as well as cross-border risk sharing. On the other hand, during the global financial crisis, free capital mobility was blamed for exchange rate overvaluation, overborrowing, fueling of credit booms, asset price bubbles, and sudden stops. Policymakers in emerging market economies claim that the risk of macroeconomic and financial instability increases due to large and volatile global capital flows. Chapters 1 and 2 of this dissertation analyze policies, such as capital flow management measures, monetary policy, and FX interventions, that are implemented by policymakers in emerging market economies with the aim of smoothing economic and financial fluctuations. Chapter 3 assesses the determinants of capital market integration in Europe, motivated by the benefits that cross-border capital flows can bring to economies. The first chapter presents a novel dataset on the easing and tightening of capital controls on inflows and outflows for 24 emerging market economies for the 1997-2014 period at a quarterly frequency. The indexes on capital controls and an index on macroprudential policies (Cerutti et al., 2017) are then used to estimate policy reaction functions that examine the motivation for a time-varying adjustment of these policy measures. According to both the theoretical literature and policymakers, such as the International Monetary Fund, macroprudential policies and controls on net capital inflows should be used in a countercyclical manner in order to smooth business and financial fluctuations. Indeed, the empirical findings of this chapter show that adjustment of macroprudential policies and capital controls on inflows can be largely explained by changing global financial conditions; that is, the policies are used to limit exposure to international capital flows. However, the pattern of loosening and tightening of macroprudential policies and capital controls varies across instruments and categories of assets as well as exhibits some heterogeneity across countries with different income levels, external indebtedness, and exchange rate regimes. The second chapter analyzes, using a sample of 15 emerging market economies, whether countries with a large foreign exchange debt in the non-financial private sector tend to react more strongly to exchange rate changes using both FX interventions and monetary policy. As empirical observations suggest, countries with de jure floating exchange rate regimes are often reluctant to allow their currencies to float freely in practice. One reason why countries may wish to limit exchange rate volatility is potential negative balance sheet effects due to currency mismatches on the balance sheets of firms and households. This chapter supports the idea that an important source of "fear of floating" is balance sheet currency mismatches. This effect is asymmetric; that is, countries stem depreciation, but not appreciation pressure. The third chapter assesses the potential for legal harmonization and convergence in institutional quality to affect financial structures in Europe. The chapter is motivated by the Action Plan for a European Capital Markets Union, which aims to deepen and integrate financial markets in the EU through standardization and harmonization of financial regulations. Based on self-collected data on the implementation of the EU-Directives, the analysis suggests that legal harmonization promotes portfolio equity holdings, while discrepancies in institutional quality, such as insolvency procedures, investor protection, and tax systems, matter primarily for cross-border debt positions. In addition, the relationship between external investments and harmonization of regulations vary significantly across sectors. The results are driven by the investments of institutional investors.Die Meinungen über Kapitalmarktöffnung haben sich immer wieder geändert. Auf der einen Seite werden die Liberalisierung und Integration von Finanzmärkten als begünstigender Faktor für Wirtschaftswachstum und Wohlstand angesehen, da sie zu einer produktiveren Allokation von Kapital beitragen. Außerdem werden freier Kapitalverkehr und Zugang zu Auslandskapital als wichtige Faktoren für Investitionen und grenzüberschreitende Risikoteilung gesehen. Auf der anderen Seite wurden dem freien Kapitalverkehr Verantwortung für Überbewertungen von Währungen, Überschuldung, zu hohe Kreditbereitschaft, Vermögenspreisblasen und plötzliche Unterbrechungen von Finanzströmen zugewiesen. Politische Entscheidungsträger in Schwellenländern haben zudem behauptet, dass das Risiko makroökonomischer und finanzieller Instabilität mit großen und volatilen internationalen Kapitalflüssen ansteigt. Kapitel 1 und 2 dieser Doktorarbeit widmen sich der Analyse von Maßnahmen, die von Entscheidungsträgern in Schwellenländern implementiert werden, um wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Schwankungen zu reduzieren, wie zum Beispiel das Management von Kapitalflüssen, Geldpolitik und Wechselkursinterventionen. Kapitel 3 untersucht die Einflussfaktoren der Kapitalmarktintegration in Europa motiviert durch die Vorteile, die grenzüberschreitender Kapitalverkehr für die beteiligten Länder mit sich bringen kann. Das erste Kapitel beschreibt einen neuartigen Datensatz von Lockerungen und Straffungen der Kontrollen von Kapitalzuflüssen und Kapitalabflüssen für 24 Schwellenländer über den Zeitraum 1997-2014 bei vierteljährlicher Frequenz. Die konstruierten Indizes für Kapitalverkehrskontrollen und ein Index für makroprudenzielle Maßnahmen (Cerutti et al., 2017) werden anschließend dafür verwendet, Funktionen zu schätzen, mit denen die Motivation für zeitlich variierende Anpassungen dieser Maßnahmen untersucht werden kann. Die theoretische wissenschaftliche Literatur und Äußerungen von internationalen Entscheidungsträgern, wie zum Beispiel dem Internationalen Währungsfond, legen nahe, dass die antizyklische Verwendung von makroprudenziellen Maßnahmen und Kapitalkontrollen für Netto-Kapitalzuflüsse für Volkswirtschaften vorteilhaft sind, da sie konjunkturelle und finanzielle Zyklen glätten können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Anpassungen von makroprudenziellen Maßnahmen und Kapitalkontrollen für Kapitalzuflüsse zum Großteil mit wechselnden globalen finanziellen Bedingungen erklärt werden können. Das bedeutet, dass die Maßnahmen dafür verwendet werden, die Exposition gegenüber dem internationalen Kapitalverkehr zu reduzieren. Das Muster der Lockerung und Straffung von makroprudenziellen Maßnahmen und Kapitalverkehrskontrollen variiert hinsichtlich der betrachteten Maßnahmen und Vermögensarten und weist einige Heterogenität zwischen Ländern mit unterschiedlichen Einkommensniveaus, Auslandsverschuldungsquoten und Wechselkursregimen auf. Das zweite Kapitel untersucht anhand einer Stichprobe von 15 Schwellenländern, ob Länder mit einer hohen Auslandsverschuldung im nicht finanziellen Privatsektor tendenziell stärker mit Wechselkursinterventionen und Geldpolitik auf Wechselkursänderungen reagieren. Empirische Beobachtungen legen nahe, dass Schwellenländer mit einem de jure freien Wechselkursregime oft zögerlich sind, ihre Währungen in der Praxis tatsächlich frei schwanken zu lassen. Ein Grund dafür, dass Länder versuchen, die Volatilität ihrer Wechselkurse zu reduzieren, sind mögliche negative Effekte wegen der Währungsdifferenzen in den Bilanzen von Unternehmen und privaten Haushalten. Das Kapitel unterstützt die Idee, dass Währungsdifferenzen in Bilanzen ein wichtiger Grund für die sogenannte "fear of floating" sind. Der Effekt ist asymmetrisch in der Hinsicht, dass Länder Abwertungsdruck aushalten, nicht jedoch Druck zur Aufwertung ihrer Währung. Das dritte Kapitel widmet sich den Auswirkungen rechtlicher Harmonisierung und der Konvergenz der institutionellen Qualität auf die Finanzmarktstrukturen in Europa. Das Kapitel ist durch den Aktionsplan für eine Europäische Kapitalmarktunion motiviert, der durch Standardisierung und Harmonisierung von Finanzmarktregeln eine Vertiefung und Integration der Finanzmärkte in der EU anstrebt. Auf Basis eines selbstständig erstellten Datensatzes zur Implementierung von EU-Richtlinien zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass rechtliche Harmonisierung grenzüberschreitende Investitionen in Aktien befördert. Unterschiede in der institutionellen Qualität, zum Beispiel hinsichtlich Insolvenzverfahren, Schutz von Investoren und Steuersysteme, sind in erster Linie für die Integration der Anleihemärkte von Bedeutung. Die Beziehung zwischen Auslandsinvestitionen und Harmonisierung der Regulierung variiert zudem deutlich über die verschiedenen Sektoren. Die Ergebnisse werden am stärksten von den Investitionen institutioneller Investoren geprägt

    Gender-Based Violence in International Human Rights Law: Evolution Towards a Binding Post-Binary Framework

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    The present Article seeks to analyze the notion of gender-based violence, in light of the evolving gender discourse, and identify the problems associated with effectively addressing it in international human rights law. It analyzes the definitions of gender, enshrined in various human rights documents, and suggests using performative theory of gender to form a comprehensive view on gender-based violence. It also critically addresses three aspects of regulating gender-based violence: inclusivity, patriarchy, and normativity. It concludes that, in the long term, the commitment to eradicate gender-based violence should be strengthened by framing it as a binding treaty obligation on the universal human rights level, while in the short term it can continue to be strengthened through a developing body of jurisprudence and authoritative interpretations of standing instruments

    DEAH-box helicase Prp43p and its co-factors

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    MATH 107-0013: University Mathematics BI

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    Vinter herdighet og skjøtsel av hundekvein (Agrostis canina) på golf greener i nordiske klima

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    Major concerns for the introduction of velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina) on Nordic golf courses are whether current cultivars have sufficient winter hardiness, and if it is possible to control the rapid thatch formation in this species. This thesis is a part of the project ‘Velvet Green’ funded by the Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation (STERF) and the Norwegian Research Council and running from 2007 to 2010. The first part of the thesis includes screening of velvet bentgrass cultivars for winter hardiness under controlled environmental conditions and evaluation of effects of metabolic changes induced by cold acclimation on winter hardiness. The second part of the project covers field trials at two locations in Norway with different climatic conditions. The field trials focused on effects of rootzone composition, irrigation regime, and key management practices on turfgrass visual quality, playability, winter survival, and thatch formation. Up to six velvet bentgrass cultivars Avalon, Greenwich, Legendary, Villa, Venus, and Vesper, and creeping bentgrass ‘Penn A-4’ in nonacclimated and acclimated state were tested under controlled environmental conditions for freezing tolerance, susceptibility to Microdochium nivale, and tolerance to anoxia under simulated ice cover. The experiments were carried out in 2007, 2008, and 2009 in University of Life Sciences and Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk). Differences in freezing tolerance between velvet bentgrass and creeping bentgrass and among velvet bentgrass cultivars were nonsignificant, but as a species velvet bentgrass tended to be more susceptible to pink snow mold than creeping bentgrass. Acclimation significantly improved freezing tolerance, susceptibility to Microdochium nivale, and tolerance to anoxia. Freezing tolerance increased in the order: nonacclimated turf < acclimated at 2°C for 2 wk and 16 h photoperiod < acclimated at 2°C for 2 wk and 16 h photoperiod with additional subzero acclimation at -2°C for 2 wk in darkness < acclimation in the field during fall. The freezing tolerance of velvet bentgrass ‘Greenwich’ and creeping bentgrass ‘Penncross’ was further studied under controlled environments in collaboration with Rutgers University and University of Massachusetts (USA) in 2009 to determine crown carbohydrate and protein changes at different stages of cold acclimation and assess their relationship to freezing tolerance. Similar freezing tolerance in velvet bentgrass and creeping bentgrass was associated with similar levels of sucrose in crown tissue of acclimated plants. Significantly higher crown fructan content in creeping bentgrass than in velvet bentgrass had no significant impact on LT50 and suggested negligible direct contribution of fructans to freezing tolerance. Increased freezing tolerance in response to cold acclimation was associated with enhanced amino acid synthesis, since serine hydroxymethyltrasferase and methionine synthase were upregulated by acclimation. The first acclimation stage caused more changes in the crown protein composition than subzero acclimation. Effects of nitrogen (75 or 150 kg ha-1 yr-1), topdressing (0.5 or 1.0 mm sand biweekly), and mechanical (grooming, vertical cutting, spiking) / biological (‘Thatch-less™’) treatments on turfgrass visual quality, playability, winter survival, and thatch formation were evaluated on USGA greens at a coastal (Landvik, 58°N) and a continental (Apelsvoll, 61°N) location in Norway in 2007-2010 and 2007-2009, respectively. Velvet bentgrass required at least 150 kg N ha-1 yr-1 and heavy topdressing during the first year after establishment. From the second year, 75 kg N ha-1 yr-1 and heavy topdressing were key elements in maintenance of velvet bentgrass with acceptable turf visual and playing quality and adequate percentage of organic matter in the mat. Monthly spiking improved water infiltration rate by more than 50%, but led to softening of the green surface. Monthly vertical cutting resulted in better visual quality and reduced the content of organic matter in the mat. We concluded that monthly verticutting and spiking once or twice per year can be recommended as standard mechanical treatments for a mature velvet bentgrass green. The last field trial was conducted to clarify the effects of rootzone composition (straight sand vs. sand amended with 20% v/v garden compost) and irrigation regime (light and frequent vs. deep and infrequent) on turfgrass visual quality, playability, thatch formation, root development, and nutrient leaching. The study was carried out from August 2007 to October 2009 on a USGA-green at a coastal location in Norway (58°N). Neither rootzone composition nor irrigation regime affected the thickness or percentage of organic matter in the mat. Amendment with compost showed clear advantages in the form of higher visual quality, less snow mold caused by Microdochium nivale, longer irrigation intervals, and less risk for development of soil water repellency. Infrequent irrigation to the field capacity was a better irrigation strategy on velvet bentgrass greens than frequent irrigation, except for the first year after sowing.Før hundekvein (Agrostis canina) kan anbefales for golfgreener i Norden må to viktige spørsmål avklares. Har tilgjengelige sorter tilstrekkelig vinterherdighet? Kan vi kontrollere den store mengden filt som hundekvein produserer? Denne avhandlingen er en del av prosjektet ”Velvet Green” finansiert av Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation (STERF) og Norges forskningsråd og som varte fra 2007 til 2010. Den første delen av avhandlingen handler om vurderingen av vinterherdighet av hundekveinsorter basert på forsøk i kontrollert klima og effekten av metaboliske endringer ved herding på vinterherdighet. Den andre delen av avhandlingen presenterer tre feltforsøk på to steder med ulikt klima. Disse forsøkene viser hvordan visuell kvalitet, spillekvalitet, vinteroverlevelse og filtdannelse påvirkes av ulike vekstmedier, vanningsregime og skjøtselstiltak. Inntil 6 ulike sorter av hundekvein; Avalon, Greenwich, Legendary, Villa, Venus ogVesper, og krypkvein (Agrostis stolonifera) Penn A-4, ble testet under kontrollerte klimaforhold for frosttoleranse, mottagelighet for rosa snømugg Microdochium nivale og toleranse for oksygenmangel under simulert isdekke. Forsøkene ble utført i perioden fra 2007 til 2009 ved Universitetet for Miljø og Biovitenskap og Bioforsk Øst Landvik. Forskjellene i frosttoleranse mellom hundekveinsortene og krypkvein var ikke signifikante, men arten hundekvein var mer mottakelig mot M. nivale enn krypkvein. Herding forbedret frosttoleranse, reduserte mottakelighet for M. nivale og økte toleransen for anaerobe forhold. Frosttoleranse økte i rekkefølge: ikke-herdet gress < herdet ved 2°C i 2 uker og 16 timers daglengde < herdet ved 2°C og 16 timers daglengde i 2 uker med påfølgende -2°C for 2 uker i mørke < herdet i felt om høsten. Frosttoleransen til hundekvein ’Greenwich’ og krypkvein ’Penncross’ ble testet under kontrollerte klimaforhold i samarbeid med Rutgers University og University of Massachusetts (USA) i 2009. Forsøket ble designet for å kartlegge endringer i sammensetningen av karbohydrater og proteiner i kroner av gresset ved ulike stadium under herding, og å vurdere stoffenes forhold til frosttoleranse. Tilsvarende frosttoleranse mellom hundekvein og krypkvein ble assosiert med like nivå av sukrose i kroner av herdede planter. Det betydelig høyere kronenes fruktaninnholdet i krypkvein hadde ingen signifikant påvirkning på LT50 og dette antyder at fruktaner ikke har noen direkte påvirkning på frosttoleranse for kveinartene. Økt frosttoleranse etter herding ble forklart med økt aminosyresyntese da serinhydroxymethyltrasferase og methioninsyntase ble oppregulert ved herding. Den første fasen av herding førte til flere endringer i kronenes protein sammensetning enn ved tillegsherdingen på -2 °C. Feltforsøkene ble utført på greener bygget etter USGA sine anbefalinger på to steder: kystnært på Landvik i Grimstad (58°N) i 2007-2010 og i innlandsklima på Apelsvoll på Toten (61°N) i 2007-2009. Det første forsøket vurderer effektene av nitrogengjødsling (75 eller 150 kg ha-1 år-1), toppdressing (0,5 eller 1,0 mm sand annenhver uke), mekaniske (grooming, vertikal skjæring, stikklufting) og biologiske (‘Thatch-less™’) behandlinger på visuell kvalitet, spillekvalitet, vinteroverlevelse og oppbygging av filt. Hundekvein krevde minimum 150 kg N ha-1 år-1 og største mengde toppdressing første året etter etablering. Fra det andre året gav 75 kg N ha-1 år-1 og største mengde toppdressing best visuelt inntrykk og spillekvalitet og passe mengde organisk materiale i filtlaget. Månedlig stikklufting forbedret infiltrasjonhastigheten for vann med mer enn 50%, men førte til mykere overflate. Månedlig vertikalskjæring førte til bedre visuell kvalitet og reduserte organisk materiale i filt laget. Vi konkluderer med at månedlig vertikalskjæring og stikklufting en eller to ganger i året kan anbefales som standard mekanisk behandling på en moden hundekveingreen. Det siste felt forsøket ble utformet for å kartlegge effektene av vekstmedium (ren sand eller sand tilført 20 volumprosent hagekompost) og vanningsregime (lite og ofte eller mye og sjeldent) på visuell kvalitet, spillekvalitet, filtutvikling, rotutvikling og avrenning fra USGAgreen. Forsøket ble utført på Landvik fra august 2007 til oktober 2009. Verken vekstmedium eller vanningsregime påvirket tykkelsen på filtlaget eller innhold av organisk materiale.Innblanding av kompost ga klart bedre visuell kvalitet, mindre angrep av rosa snømugg, mindre behov for vanning og mindre risiko for utvikling av lokale tørrflekker pga hydrofobisk vekstmasse. Med unntak av første året etter såing gav sjelden vanning til feltkapasitet det beste resultatet på hundekvein greener.Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Reasearch Foundation, STERF ; Norges Forskningsrå

    MATH 107-001: University Mathematics BI

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