21 research outputs found

    Asociaciones de bacterias y hongos benéficos como estrategia de control de <i>Nacobbus aberrans</i> en el Cinturón Hortícola de La Plata

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    El “nematodo del rosario”, Nacobbus aberrans, causa importantes pérdidas económicas en el Cinturón Hortícola Platense. En las raíces de las plantas afectadas por este fitopatógeno endoparásito, se observa la presencia de agallas que limitan el transporte de agua y nutrientes, disminuyendo el crecimiento, el rendimiento e incluso provocando la muerte de las plantas de pimiento (Capsicum annuum L.). El método más difundido por años entre los productores hortícolas para su control fue mediante el uso, en ocasiones indiscriminado, de bromuro de metilo (fumigante/desinfectante químico). A pesar de que su efecto sobre los nematodos es muy eficiente se ha comprobado que daña la capa de ozono, razón por la cual ha sido prohibida su utilización en Argentina. Por este motivo han surgido diferentes líneas de investigación para encontrar nuevas alternativas para el manejo del nematodo de rosario. Una de las prácticas más estudias es el control biológico, es decir, la aplicación de distintos microorganismos como hongos nematófagos, hongos micorrícicos arbusculares y bacterias entomopatógenas. Muy pocos estudios se han enfocado en el empleo de éstos en forma conjunta. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar el efecto de la inoculación conjunta de la bacteria entomopatógena Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner, el hongo nematófago Paecilomyces lilacinus y el hongo formador de micorrizas arbusculares Rhizophagus intraradices en un suelo infestado con Nacobbus aberrans sobre la población del mismo y el crecimiento de plantas de pimiento. Para tal fin, este trabajo experimental se realizó en condiciones semicontroladas de temperatura en invernáculo. Los tratamientos aplicados fueron: inoculación solitaria de los agentes de control de biológico (ACB), todas las combinaciones posibles entre ellos y un testigo (sin inoculación de ACB). Esto se realizó bajo dos condiciones de infestación con nematodos: plantas no inoculadas e inoculadas con N. aberrans. En plantas de pimiento se midieron parámetros morfológicos, fisiológicos y bioquímicos. Se determinaron también variables relacionadas con la respuesta de los ACB en presencia y ausencia del nematodo. Los datos se analizaron mediante ANOVA. El crecimiento de las plantas y los parámetros fisiológicos determinados, como la conductancia estomática, la fotosíntesis neta, el rendimiento cuántico del fotosistema II, la conductividad relativa de las membranas celulares y el contenido de proteínas solubles mostraron evidencias de daño ocasionado por N. aberrans. Lo que se condice con plantas sometidas a estrés hídrico y nutricional. Las plantas inoculadas con los microorganismos benéficos en presencia del nematodo morigeraron esos daños y por ende el estrés producido. En cuanto al porcentaje de micorrización, no fue afectado por la presencia de nematodos, al igual que por los otros microorganismos benéficos, en los tratamientos combinados. El número de huevos totales del nematodo disminuyó significativamente en todos los tratamientos inoculados tanto individualmente como combinados por los microorganismos benéficos, comparado con el tratamiento control, sin inoculación. Todo esto sugiere que el uso de microorganismos benéficos reduce la infestación por N. aberrans y mejora el crecimiento de las plantas; siendo eficiente su aplicación como agentes de control biológico contra nematodos y a su vez como biofertilizante.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Enhanced Leishmania braziliensis Infection Following Pre-Exposure to Sandfly Saliva

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    Parasites of the genus Leishmania cause a variety of diseases known as leishmaniasis, that are transmitted by bites of female sand flies that, during blood-feeding, inject humans with parasites and saliva. It was shown that, in mice, immunity to sand-fly saliva is able to protect against the development of leishmaniasis. We have investigated, in the present study, whether this finding extends the sand fly species Lutzomyia intermedia, which is responsible for transmission of Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite species able to cause destructive skin lesions that can be fatal if left untreated. We observed that mice injected with sand fly saliva develop a specific immune response against salivary proteins. Most importantly, however, this immune response was unable to protect mice against a challenge infection with L. braziliensis, indicating that exposure to this sand fly saliva is harmful to the host. Indeed, subjects with cutaneous leishmaniasis have a higher immune response against L. intermedia saliva. These findings indicate that the anti-saliva immune response to sand fly saliva plays an important role in the outcome of leishmaniasis caused by L. braziliensis, in both mice and humans, and emphasize possible hurdles in the development of vaccines based on sand fly saliva

    Immunity to Lutzomyia intermedia Saliva Modulates the Inflammatory Environment Induced by Leishmania braziliensis

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    Transmission of Leishmania parasites occurs during blood feeding, when infected female sand flies inject humans with parasites and saliva. Chemokines and cytokines are secreted proteins that regulate the initial immune responses and have the potential of attracting and activating cells. Herein, we studied the expression of such molecules and the cellular recruitment induced by salivary proteins of the Lutzomyia intermedia sand fly. Of note, Lutzomyia intermedia is the main vector of Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite species that causes cutaneous leishmaniasis, a disease associated with the development of destructive skin lesions that can be fatal if left untreated. We observed that L. intermedia salivary proteins induce a potent cellular recruitment and modify the expression profile of chemokines and cytokines in mice. More importantly, in mice previously immunized with L. intermedia saliva, the alteration in the initial inflammatory response was even more pronounced, in terms of the number of cells recruited and in terms of gene expression pattern. These findings indicate that an existing immunity to L. intermedia sand fly induces an important modulation in the initial immune response that may, in turn, promote parasite multiplication, leading to the development of cutaneous leishmaniasis

    The History of Coast Salish ‘Woolly Dogs’ Revealed by Ancient Genomics and Indigenous Knowledge

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    Ancestral Coast Salish societies in the Pacific Northwest kept long-haired “woolly” dogs that were bred and cared for over millennia. However, the dog wool-weaving tradition declined during the 19th century, and the population was lost. Here, we analyze genomic and isotopic data from a preserved woolly dog pelt, “Mutton”, collected in 1859. Mutton is the only known example of an Indigenous North American dog with dominant pre-colonial ancestry postdating the onset of settler colonialism. We identify candidate genetic variants potentially linked with their unique woolly phenotype. We integrate these data with interviews from Coast Salish Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and weavers about shared traditional knowledge and memories surrounding woolly dogs, their importance within Coast Salish societies, and how colonial policies led directly to their disappearance

    The history of Coast Salish “woolly dogs” revealed by ancient genomics and Indigenous Knowledge

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    Ancestral Coast Salish societies in the Pacific Northwest kept long-haired “woolly dogs” that were bred and cared for over millennia. However, the dog wool–weaving tradition declined during the 19th century, and the population was lost. In this study, we analyzed genomic and isotopic data from a preserved woolly dog pelt from “Mutton,” collected in 1859. Mutton is the only known example of an Indigenous North American dog with dominant precolonial ancestry postdating the onset of settler colonialism. We identified candidate genetic variants potentially linked with their distinct woolly phenotype. We integrated these data with interviews from Coast Salish Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and weavers about shared traditional knowledge and memories surrounding woolly dogs, their importance within Coast Salish societies, and how colonial policies led directly to their disappearance

    The Advertising of Axe and Dove Products

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    This is the second prize winner for the 2012 Mashup contest celebrating student creativity in video and multimedia. This mashup illuminates different marketing strategies for two of Unilever Corporation\u27s brands: Axe and Dove. Axe uses objectification, sexualization, and dehumanizing portrayals of women to sell products. Dove capitalizes on the likely disgust felt by viewers of the Axe advertisements; their campaign is built on their perceived refusal of misogyny.https://repository.upenn.edu/showcase_videos/1030/thumbnail.jp

    The Advertising of Axe and Dove Products

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    This is the second prize winner for the 2012 Mashup contest celebrating student creativity in video and multimedia. This mashup illuminates different marketing strategies for two of Unilever Corporation\u27s brands: Axe and Dove. Axe uses objectification, sexualization, and dehumanizing portrayals of women to sell products. Dove capitalizes on the likely disgust felt by viewers of the Axe advertisements; their campaign is built on their perceived refusal of misogyny.https://repository.upenn.edu/showcase_videos/1030/thumbnail.jp

    Laser e luz pulsada de alta energia: indução e tratamento de reações alérgicas relacionadas a tatuagens Laser and intense pulsed light: induction and treatment of allergic reactions related to tattoos

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    Os autores apresentam dois casos de reações alérgicas relacionadas a tatuagens, em que o laser e a luz pulsada de alta energia tiveram papel fundamental na indução e no tratamento dessas reações. No primeiro, houve surgimento de lesão eczematosa no local do pigmento vermelho utilizado na tatuagem. Após várias tentativas terapêuticas, a luz pulsada de alta energia foi utilizada com sucesso na remoção do pigmento e desaparecimento dos sintomas. No segundo, os autores demonstram um caso de reação anafilática induzida pelo laser Nd:YAG de pulso longo.<br>The authors describe two cases of allergic reactions related to tattoos, in which laser and intense pulsed light had an important role in inducing and treating these allergic reactions. In the first case, the patient developed eczematous lesions at the site of the red pigment used in tattooing. After several unsuccessful therapeutic attempts, intense pulsed light was used. It successfully removed the red pigment and treated the allergy symptoms. In the second case, the authors describe a case of anaphylactic reaction precipitated by the long pulse Nd:YAD laser

    Quando as partes tomam as rédeas da situação: um estudo de caso da narrativa no procon When the parties overtake the control: a case study on narrative at a product safety comitee

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    Este artigo toma como objeto de investigação as narrativas em uma audiência de conciliação do PROCON, em uma cidade de Minas Gerais. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa e apresenta um estudo de caso, ancorado nos pressupostos teóricos da Lingüística Interacional. A narrativa é considerada um objeto conversacional, seqüencial e discursivo. O estudo mostra que as narrativas compareceram fundamentalmente nas fases de apresentação da reclamação pelo reclamante e na aceitação ou refutação da reclamação pelo reclamado, fazendo parte do jogo argumentativo na discussão sobre a legalidade nas relações de consumo.<br>This paper investigates narratives in a conciliation hearing at the Product Safety Comisssion in a city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The research methodology is qualitative, underscored by the theoretical framework of Interactional Linguistics. Narrative is considered as a sequencial, conversational and discursive object. The study shows that narratives are an important linguistic instrument in the complaint presentation's phase by the complainant and in the acceptance or rejection's phase by the respondent and are an important part of the argumentation in the discussion on the legality of actions in consume relations