300 research outputs found

    In the invisible space – the phenomemon of Crypts in Ostia

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    The article addresses the issue of Mithraism in Ostia. It discusses the latest discoveries, the nature of the Mithra cult in Ostia, with particular emphasis on the place of Mithra’s shrines in the city space

    Leki przeciwnadciśnieniowe a skażenie rakotwórczymi nitrozoaminami

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    At the end of June 2018 small amounts of highly carcinogenic N–nitrosamine — N–nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) contaminations were found in some of the angiotensin II receptor AT1 antagonists (sartans) used to treat arterial hypertension. By July 2019, four N–nitrosamine impurities had been identified in sartans: NDMA, N–nitrosodiethylamine, N‑nitrosodiisopropylamine and N-nitroso-N-methyl-4-aminobutyric acid. Seven manufacturers of three contaminated active substances (valsartan, losartan and irbesartan) from China, India and Mexico had also been identified. These compounds had infiltrated the active pharmaceutical ingredients probably as a consequence of ill-considered synthesis modifications. The number of people who have been prescribed contaminated valsartan alone is estimated at around 20 million worldwide. This paper discusses the role of sartans in medicine in the context of the physiological significance of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system as well as the role of tetrazole moiety in the mechanism of sartans receptor activity. The synthesis of tetrazole moiety and its modifications have been characterized as possible causes of the appearance of nitrosamine impurities in sartans. The toxicological properties of nitrosamines are also briefly outlined. The fact that nitrosamines had been entering medicines for at least five years without the knowledge of the authorities responsible for the safety of medicines has exposed a gross malfunctioning of the system intended to guarantee the safety of medicinal products. The valsartan scandal has forced changes to some drug regulations, in particular the requirements for analytical procedures.At the end of June 2018 small amounts of highly carcinogenic N–nitrosamine — N–nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) contaminations were found in some of the angiotensin II receptor AT1 antagonists (sartans) used to treat arterial hypertension. By July 2019, four N–nitrosamine impurities had been identified in sartans: NDMA, N–nitrosodiethylamine, N‑nitrosodiisopropylamine and N-nitroso-N-methyl-4-aminobutyric acid. Seven manufacturers of three contaminated active substances (valsartan, losartan and irbesartan) from China, India and Mexico had also been identified. These compounds had infiltrated the active pharmaceutical ingredients probably as a consequence of ill-considered synthesis modifications. The number of people who have been prescribed contaminated valsartan alone is estimated at around 20 million worldwide. This paper discusses the role of sartans in medicine in the context of the physiological significance of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system as well as the role of tetrazole moiety in the mechanism of sartans receptor activity. The synthesis of tetrazole moiety and its modifications have been characterized as possible causes of the appearance of nitrosamine impurities in sartans. The toxicological properties of nitrosamines are also briefly outlined. The fact that nitrosamines had been entering medicines for at least five years without the knowledge of the authorities responsible for the safety of medicines has exposed a gross malfunctioning of the system intended to guarantee the safety of medicinal products. The valsartan scandal has forced changes to some drug regulations, in particular the requirements for analytical procedures


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    [EN] Creative thinking is an essential element in the architectural field. Social factors and especially the conditions derived from the educational process, lull and conceal a power that, in spite of this, remains waiting to be activated. There are specific methodologies which allow its reactivation, supported on a suitable motivation, but especially on a strategy with a planned and structured action. The Analysis of Forms or Graphic Creation is the suitable context for the application of these strategies and methodologies that allow the awakening of the creative capacity.[ES] El pensamiento creativo es un elemento esencial en el ámbito arquitectónico. Los condicionantes sociales y sobre todo los derivados del proceso educativo adormecen y ocultan una potencia que, a pesar de ello permanece a la espera de ser activada. Existen metodologías específicas que permiten su reactivación, apoyadas en una motivación adecuada, pero sobre todo en una estrategia de acción planificada y estructurada. El Análisis de las Formas o la Ideación Gráfica es el contexto idóneo para la aplicación de estas estrategias y metodologías que permitan el despertar de la capacidad creativa.García Córdoba, M.; Ródenas López, MA.; Muñoz Mora, MJ.; Jiménez Vicario, PM. (2012). PENSAMIENTO DIVERGENTE Y CREACIÓN GRÁFICA ARQUITECTÓNICA. MOTIVACIÓN, ACTUACIÓN Y DESARROLLO. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 17(19):270-279. doi:10.4995/ega.2012.1379SWORD2702791719Eisner, E., 1995. Educar la visión artística. Barcelona: Paidós.Gardner, H., 1995. Inteligencias múltiples. La teoría en la práctica. Barcelona: PaidósGuilford, J. P. (1959). Three faces of intellect. American Psychologist, 14(8), 469-479. doi:10.1037/h0046827Gutiérrez, R., 2002. "Educación artística y desarrollo creativo". Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, Anejo I, 6.Tatarkiewicz, W., 1993. "Creación: Historia del concepto". Criterios, 30, 238-257.Torrance, E. P., 1960. The Minnesota Studies of Creative Thinking in the Early School Years. University of Minnesota

    Kult Mitry w Cesarstwie Rzymskim. Dotychczasowe badania, nowe odkrycia i interpretacje

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    Mithraic Mysteries in the Roman Empire. Research so far carried out, new findings and interpretations (Summary) Mithraic Mysteries are until today one of the greatest mysteries of antiquity for the historians dealing with the history of the Roman religion. The mystery still remains partly unsolved regardless of the fact that a thorough research has been conducted for over a century now. This extraordinary cult with difficult to trace beginnings was spreading in the first centuries of our era throughout the whole territory of the Roman Empire until the time when its fate was irreversibly determined by the decisions and actions of Theodosius who categorically condemned non-Christian practices. First and foremost, Mithraism has become a subject of greatly intensified scientific studies conducted on a global scale. An unquestionable influence has a substantial increase of new data, especially archeological research. How interesting this cult has become is clearly shown by recent serious studies whose authors create and propose new trends in the exploration process of this subject

    Factors influencing the effectiveness of smoking cessation messages

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    viii, 67 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm.Includes abstract and appendices.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 58-62).Two studies were conducted to test the effects of need for cognition, self-efficacy, stage of change, and reasons for smoking on the relationships between message framing, intentions to quit and message strength. In the first (pilot) experiment, a sample of 44 non-smokers and 14 smokers completed need for cognition, self-efficacy and stage of change measures and were randomly assigned to either the gain- or loss-framed condition. Although some significant effects were found, none of the hypotheses were supported. In the second study, 39 smokers completed the same measures in addition to a smoking motives and an affect measure. Message framing and perceptions of the prototypical smoker were manipulated, and participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions. Again, some significant effects were found, but none of the hypotheses were supported. Limitations, including lack of power, and future research directions are discussed

    Leki przeciwnadciśnieniowe a skażenie rakotwórczymi nitrozoaminami

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    At the end of June 2018 small amounts of highly carcinogenic N–nitrosamine — N–nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) contaminations were found in some of the angiotensin II receptor AT1 antagonists (sartans) used to treat arterial hypertension. By July 2019, four N–nitrosamine impurities had been identified in sartans: NDMA, N–nitrosodiethylamine, N‑nitrosodiisopropylamine and N-nitroso-N-methyl-4-aminobutyric acid. Seven manufacturers of three contaminated active substances (valsartan, losartan and irbesartan) from China, India and Mexico had also been identified. These compounds had infiltrated the active pharmaceutical ingredients probably as a consequence of ill-considered synthesis modifications. The number of people who have been prescribed contaminated valsartan alone is estimated at around 20 million worldwide. This paper discusses the role of sartans in medicine in the context of the physiological significance of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system as well as the role of tetrazole moiety in the mechanism of sartans receptor activity. The synthesis of tetrazole moiety and its modifications have been characterized as possible causes of the appearance of nitrosamine impurities in sartans. The toxicological properties of nitrosamines are also briefly outlined. The fact that nitrosamines had been entering medicines for at least five years without the knowledge of the authorities responsible for the safety of medicines has exposed a gross malfunctioning of the system intended to guarantee the safety of medicinal products. The valsartan scandal has forced changes to some drug regulations, in particular the requirements for analytical procedures.Pod koniec czerwca 2018 roku w niektórych lekach z grupy antagonistów receptora AT1 dla angiotensyny II (sartanów) stosowanych w nadciśnieniu tętniczym wykryto niewielkie ilości silnie rakotwórczego zanieczyszczenia N–nitrozodimetyloaminą (NDMA) z grupy N–nitrozoamin. Do lipca 2019 roku zidentyfikowano łącznie cztery N–nitrozoaminy stanowiące zanieczyszczenia sartanów — NDMA, N–nitrozodietyloaminę, N–nitrozodiizopropyloaminę oraz kwas N‑nitrozo-N‑metylo-4‑aminomasłowy, a także siedmiu wytwórców trzech skażonych substancji czynnych (walsartanu, losartanu, irbesartanu) pochodzących z Chin, Indii oraz Meksyku. Związki te przedostawały się do produktów leczniczych prawdopodobnie wskutek nieprzemyślanych modyfikacji syntezy. Liczbę osób, którym przepisano sam skażony walsartan, w skali światowej szacuje się na około 20 milionów. W pracy omówiono miejsce sartanów w leczeniu w kontekście fizjologicznego znaczenia układu renina–angiotensyna–aldosteron oraz rolę ugrupowania tetrazolowego w mechanizmie ich działania receptorowego. Scharakteryzowano syntezę ugrupowania tetrazolowego oraz jej modyfikacje jako możliwe przyczyny pojawienia się zanieczyszczeń nitrozoaminowych w sartanach. Pokrótce przedstawiono także toksykologiczne właściwości nitrozoamin. Fakt, że związki te przedostawały się do leków przez co najmniej 5 lat niewykryte i bez wiedzy organów odpowiedzialnych za bezpieczeństwo leków, obnażył rażące niedostosowanie do rzeczywistości systemu mającego gwarantować bezpieczeństwo produktów leczniczych. Dlatego „afera walsartanowa” wymusiła zmiany niektórych regulacji dotyczących leków, zwłaszcza wymagania dotyczące procedur analitycznych

    Selective resection of the bone with preservation of soft tissues (“empty toe technique”) combined with negative pressure wound therapy for treatment of osteomyelitis of the great toe - a case report

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    Diabetic foot ulceration (DFU) is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus, and one that is difficult to treat. In many cases of DFU, chronic osteomyelitis occurs in the foot. The present paper describes the course of treatment for chronic osteomyelitis of the great toe with metatarsophalangeal arthritis using selective resection of the bone preserving the soft tissues (the “empty toe technique”). Following the procedure, to promote surgical wound healing, negative pressure wound therapy was administered for 7 days, with a constant pressure of –120 mmHg. The presented method was found to be effective in treating osteomyelitis in a patient with DFU, partially preserving the function and completely preserving the shape of the treated toe

    Happiness and education: troubling students for their own contentment

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    Currently higher education strategies seem to concentrate on the expedient, developing skills that can secure employment in the world of work. Following Dreyfus and Spinosa (2003), this may have immediate advantages, but in totalising pedagogic practices it may restrict our openness to people and to our own contentment with ourselves. Valuable as this may be as a way to satisfy politico-economic policy imperatives, it strays from education as an edifying process where personal development represents, through the facing up to distress and despair, an unsettling of our developing identity and a negation of our immediate desire satisfaction. Such an unsettling is not intended to give pleasure or satisfaction in the normative way in which the imperative of happiness has been used in student satisfaction surveys or in the wider societal context that this totalisation represents (Ahmed 2010). What I propose for higher education is not a dominant priority to feed the happiness for others but a mission to personal contentment revealed through realising student potentialities to them and so recognising their limitations as part of seeking an attunement to contentment