275 research outputs found

    Isolamento, identificação e sorotipagem de candida albicans a partir de secreção vaginal

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    Foram estudadas 104 amostras de secreção vaginal de mulheres com suspeita de candidiase segundo observações clinicas, na cidade de Alfenas-MG. Encontrou-se 55,7% de positividade para Candida albicans .prevalecendo maior índice na raça negra (64% de 25 amostras), sendo de 53,1% (79 amostras), a positividade na raça branca. Em 14 gestantes, a pesquisa da levedura mostrou-se positiva na totalidade dos casos. A maioria das amostras positivas (93,1%) procedia de mulheres com idade compreendida entre 20 40 anos. O uso de anticoncepcionais, antibióticos e presença de displasias cervicais mostraram-se como fatores que contribuiram para maior incidência do fungo. Das 58 amostras de C. albicans isoladas, 50 (86,2%) pertenciam ao sorotipo "A", sendo 37 (74%) isoladas de mulheres da raça branca e 13 (26%) da raça negra. Apenas 08 amostras (13,8%) pertenciam ao sorotipo "B", sendo 05 (11,9%) isoladas a partir de mulheres da raça branca e 03 (18,75%) da raça negra

    Th1-Th17 Cells Mediate Protective Adaptive Immunity against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans Infection in Mice

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    We sought to define protective mechanisms of immunity to Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans bloodstream infections in mice immunized with the recombinant N-terminus of Als3p (rAls3p-N) vaccine plus aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH3) adjuvant, or adjuvant controls. Deficiency of IFN-γ but not IL-17A enhanced susceptibility of control mice to both infections. However, vaccine-induced protective immunity against both infections required CD4+ T-cell-derived IFN-γ and IL-17A, and functional phagocytic effectors. Vaccination primed Th1, Th17, and Th1/17 lymphocytes, which produced pro-inflammatory cytokines that enhanced phagocytic killing of both organisms. Vaccinated, infected mice had increased IFN-γ, IL-17, and KC, increased neutrophil influx, and decreased organism burden in tissues. In summary, rAls3p-N vaccination induced a Th1/Th17 response, resulting in recruitment and activation of phagocytes at sites of infection, and more effective clearance of S. aureus and C. albicans from tissues. Thus, vaccine-mediated adaptive immunity can protect against both infections by targeting microbes for destruction by innate effectors


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    SUMMARY Infection by Candidaspp. is associated with high mortality rates, especially when treatment is not appropriate and/or not immediate. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly identify the genus and species of Candida. The aim of this study was to compare the identification of 89 samples of Candida spp. by the manual methods germ tube test, auxanogram and chromogenic medium in relation to the ID 32C automated method. The concordances between the methods in ascending order, measured by the Kappa index were: ID 32C with CHROMagar Candida(κ = 0.38), ID 32C with auxanogram (κ = 0.59) and ID 32C with germ tube (κ = 0.9). One of the species identified in this study was C. tropicalis,which demonstrated a sensitivity of 46.2%, a specificity of 95.2%, PPV of 80%, NPV of 81.1%, and an accuracy of 80.9% in tests performed with CHROMagar Candida;and a sensitivity of 76.9%, a specificity of 96.8%, PPV of 90.9%, NPV of 91%, and an accuracy of 91% in the auxanogram tests. Therefore, it is necessary to know the advantages and limitations of methods to choose the best combination between them for a fast and correct identification of Candidaspecies

    Fountain Pen Ink As an Aid in Mycologic Technic1

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