34 research outputs found

    Critical Review in the Application of the Concept of Qath'iy and Zhanny to the Qur’an and Hadith

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    Kajian ayat-ayat Alquran dalam klasifikasi qath'iy dan zhanniy memang bukan wacana baru. Ilmuwan muslim era klasik telah menginisiasi pembahasan qath'iy dan zhanniy dalam kerangka ijtihad dalam memahami teks-teks di era kontemporer, isu qath'iy dan zhanniy, meskipun pembahasannya telah didahului di era klasik, Disadari bahwa mereka masih menyisakan ruang untuk diskusi terkait kontekstualisme mereka daripada sekadar doktrin dogmatifnya. Dari perspektif otoritas keilmuan misalnya, ada pandangan yang mengisyaratkan bahwa masalah qath'iy dan zhanniy lebih tepat menjadi wacana ushul fiqh daripada ulum Al-Qurān dan bukan merupakan salah satu pokok bahasan. diskusi untuk muftassirin dalam proses interpretasi. Selain itu, menurut Imam As-Syatibi, pengkategorian ayat Alquran ke dalam qathiy dan zhanniy merupakan ijtihad ulama yang tidak harus dilihat secara dogmatis. Sehingga dalam pengertian dan penerapan qathiy dan zhanniy harus dipahami dalam pengertian yang lebih dinamis

    Tafsir dan Politik Kekuasaan di Indonesia

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    This paper seeks to investigate the developmental style of interpretive thought in Indonesia amid the dynamics of the political power that surrounds it. Most of the interpretations that are products of thought can be categorized into the scope of knowledge, while power politics as a dynamic cannot be separated from power. A conception is needed to form a relationship between interpretation and power politics in Indonesia. Foucault's theory of the relationship between power and knowledge can be used as an alternative to bridge these needs. The method used in this paper is descriptive analysis based on library research. The findings of this study are that the development pattern of interpretive thought in Indonesia amid the political power surrounding it shows that the developing thinking is influenced by the Adab Ijtimā'i (social ethics) style. Through Foucault's theory, it appears that there is a relationship between power which in this context is represented in the period of power politics in the three eras of power in Indonesia during the independence era, namely: the Old Order era, the New Order era, and the Reform era and the knowledge represented in the products of the interpretations of the mufasirnya adapted to the era of political power

    Analisis Manhaj Khāṣ Kitab Tafsir Ahkām Al-Qur’ān Karya Ibn al-‘Arabī

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    Tulisan ini membahas manhaj khāṣ Ibn al-‘Arabi dalam karyanya Tafsir Ahkam Al-Quran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui manhaj khas Ibn al-‘Arabi dalam penulisan tafsirnya. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada kajian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Sifat dari penelitian ini adalah exploratory research. Sumber primer dalam penelitian ini adalah kitab Tafsir Ahkam Al-Quran karya Ibn al-‘Arabi, ada pun sumber sekunder berasal dari kitab, buku, artikel yang relevan dengan tema kajian. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian adalah bahwa terdapat tujuh manhaj khas yang ditempuh oleh Ibn al-‘Arabi dalam kitab tafsirnya

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pemungutan Pajak Reklame Sesuai Perda Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pajak Reklame Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Jakarta Utara Tahun 2021

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the Implementation of the Billboard Tax Collection Policy in accordance with Local Regulation Number 12 of 2011 concerning t he Billboard Tax of the North Jakarta Local Revenue Service in 2021 at Pademangan Local Tax Collection Service Unit. This research is a type of qualitative research using descriptive analysis. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of the billboard tax collection policy using George Edward III's theory which consists of 4 (four) dimensions including: the communication dimension there is still a lack of direct socialization to taxpayers; the dimension of resources consisting of human resources is still a lack of supervisory billboard tax officers; dimensions of financial resources have  been  met; the dimensions of the disposition of the  implementor's response, understanding of the policy is still not met due to taxpayers who still do not understand the procedures for administering billboards; and the dimensions of the bureaucratic structure are still not met because the licensing process for the administration of billboards tends to be difficult and long, there was a violation regarding the installation location permit, the media for placing billboards that violated environmental ecology, there were installers who did not pay attention to the validity period of the permit for installing advertisements, so that many billboards were posted without  confirmation of the extension of billboard  installation.  So that  the efforts made  in overcoming this are giving warning  letters, issuing summons, submitting appeal letters, and forcibly dismantling billboards and improving the billboard administration procedure to make it easier and ease of the licensing process in order to facilitate the licensing process and meet their tax obligations in addition to the existence of fixed regulations for the billboard tax so that taxpayers more easily understand existing regulations

    Rules of Interpretation of Verses Related to Social Aspects in the Qur’an

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    This article discusses qawā'id al-tafsīr (rules of interpretation) regarding verses relating to social aspects in the Al-Quran. This research aims to find out the ta'qid masalik developed by Muslim scientists in interpreting Al-Quran verses and to present interpretive principles related to social verses in the Al-Quran. This research is based on a literature review using qualitative methods. The primary sources in this research are verses from the Koran relating to social aspects, while secondary sources come from books, scriptures, and articles relevant to the research theme. The results obtained from the research are that the maslak ta'qid developed by Muslim scientists from the classical to contemporary eras were found to be based on istiqrā', istinbāṭ, and al-ta'qid maslak based on texts. And, 20 rules of interpretation can be used as a guide in studying verses related to social aspects

    Kaidah penafsiran ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan aspek sosial dalam Al-Quran

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    Kajian yang mengaitkan Al-Quran dengan aspek sosial telah mengkristal pada dinamika relevansinya. Upaya menghubungkan Al-Quran dengan aspek sosial (ijtimā’ī) tampak pada warna adāb ijtimā’ī dalam studi corak (alwān) produk tafsir. Upaya lainnya adalah studi mauḍū’i (tematik) terhadap aspek-aspek sosial dalam Al-Quran. Studi terhadap ayat-ayat yang berkenaan dengan sosial selayaknya perlu dikembangkan melalui studi lanjutan yaitu kaidah tafsir (qawā’id al-tafsīr). Ayat-ayat yang berkenaan dengan aspek sosial dijadikan sebagai basis studi menghadirkan kaidah. Urgensi hadirnya kaidah penafsiran ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan aspek sosial juga didorong oleh masih terbukanya diskursus dalam hal mekanisme perumusan suatu kaidah tafsir. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui masalik ta’qid yang dikembangkan oleh ilmuan Muslim dalam penafsiran ayat-ayat Al-Quran dan menyajikan kaidah-kaidah penafsiran yang berkaitan dengan ayat-ayat sosial dalam Al-Quran. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada kajian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Sumber primer dalam penelitian ini adalah ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang berkaitan dengan aspek sosial, ada pun sumber sekunder berasal dari kitab, buku, artikel yang relevan dengan tema kajian. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa maslak ta’qīd dalam qawāid al-tafsīr yang dikembangkan oleh ilmuan Muslim klasik, dalam hal ini, Ibn Taimiyyah dengan karyanya Muqaddimah fī Uṣūl al-Tafsīr dan Muhyi al-Dīn al-Kāfījī dengan karyanya al-Taisir fī Qawā’id ‘ilm al-Tafsīr menggunakan maslak yaitu istiqra’ dan istinbāṭ dalam pengkaidahan tafsir. Sedangkan ilmuan Muslim kontemporer, dalam hal ini, al-Sa’dī, Fahd al-Rūmī, Musā’id al-Ṭayyār, Khālid al-Sabt, dan Mas’ūd al-Rakītī ditemukan bahwa ilmuan Muslim kontemporer masih mempertahankan penggunaan maslak istiqra’ dan istinbāṭ, dan pada saat yang sama menerapkan pengembangan maslak baru dalam pengkaidahan tafsir yaitu maslak ta’qīd bi al-naṣ dan taqarrur. Sementara berkaitan dengan kaidah penafsiran terhadap ayat-ayat yang berkenaan dengan aspek sosial dalam Al-Quran, setelah mempedomani penggunaan maslak ta’qid yang dikembangkan ilmuan Muslim ditemukan 20 kaidah tafsir

    Perceptions of Indonesian Nurses Toward the Application of the Internet of Things in the Future

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    In the healthcare industry, Internet of Things (IoT) based systems are utilized for phone care delivery, smart healthcare, smart health sensors and wearable technology, preventative systems, and distant monitoring. No studies have assessed nurses’ perspectives of IoT applications in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to identify health professionals’ perspectives on future health and technology trends, to identify their readiness to adopt new health technologies, and to identify the use of IoT technology in healthcare applications. This study was conducted using a descriptive and cross-sectional approach. Nurses with a Diploma III and at least one year of experience were selected from three different departments (medical surgical, pediatrics, maternity). About 76% of 350 nurses had little knowledge of IoT technology and 95% said they do not keep up to date with IoT publications. About 50% of nurses believed that IoT technology will have a large impact on the health and education sectors. These results indicated that IoT technology and informatics should be included in nursing education and further studies should be conducted to integrate technological trends into healthcare and nursing practices. Keywords: perceptions, nurses, internet of things, healthcar

    Eficacia ejercicio basado en el hogar usando una aplicación móvil para mejorar las funciones cognitivas en pacientes con hipertensión: un sencillo diseño experimental

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    Effectiveness Main Goal: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of home based-exercise using mobile application to improve cognitive functions in patients with hypertension. Methods: This study was conducted using a queasy experimental with one group pre-post test design at a public health center located in West Java, Indonesia on February to July 2019. A mobile-based exercise program was a walking activity at home every day for one month. The sample in the study was selected using convenience sampling to adults aged above 18 years old and diagnosed with hypertension. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was used to measure cognitive function. A paired t-test used to analyze data with the significance level was set at 0.05. Results: A total of 120 participants were enrolled in this study. The mean age of the sample was 56.42 ± 10.6 years old, 70 (58.3%) were male, 61 (50.8%) had lower education level, and 77 (64.2%) were unemployed. The mean score of MoCA showed improved after intervention, from 23.3 ± 3.42 to 26.7 ± 2.78, p=0.010. In more detail, there were improvement after intervention in domain of naming (2.930.34 vs. 3.141.06, p=0.003), attention (2.39 ± 0.68 vs. 3.12 ± 1.04, p=0.001), and abstraction (1.56 ± 0.49 vs. 2.01 ± 0.89, p=0.043). Conclusion: Using a mobile-exercise App was effective, easy to do with low cost to improve cognitive function and prevent dementia in hypertensive patients.Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue determinar el efecto del ejercicio en el hogar utilizando una aplicación móvil para mejorar las funciones cognitivas en pacientes con hipertensión. Métodos: Este estudio se realizó utilizando un sencillo diseño experimental con un grupo de prueba previa y posterior en un centro de salud pública ubicado en Java Occidental, Indonesia, de febrero a julio de 2019. Un programa de ejercicios basado en dispositivos móviles era una actividad de caminar en casa todos los días durante un mes. La muestra en el estudio se seleccionó mediante muestreo de conveniencia para adultos mayores de 18 años y diagnosticados con hipertensión. La Evaluación Cognitiva de Montreal (MoCA) se utilizó para medir la función cognitiva. Una prueba t pareada utilizada para analizar datos con el nivel de significancia se estableció en 0.05. Resultados: Un total de 120 participantes se inscribieron en este estudio. La edad media de la muestra fue de 56.42 ± 10.6 años, 70 (58.3%) eran hombres, 61 (50.8%) tenían un nivel educativo más bajo y 77 (64.2%) estaban desempleados. La puntuación media de MoCA mostró una mejoría después de la intervención, de 23.3 ± 3.42 a 26.7 ± 2.78, p = 0.010. Más detalladamente, hubo mejoría después de la intervención en el dominio de nomenclatura (2.930.34 vs. 3.141.06, p = 0.003), atención (2.39 ± 0.68 vs. 3.12 ± 1.04, p = 0.001) y abstracción (1.56 ± 0.49 vs. 2.01 ± 0.89, p = 0.043). Conclusión: El uso de una aplicación de ejercicio móvil fue efectivo, fácil de hacer con bajo costo para mejorar la función cognitiva y prevenir la demencia en pacientes hipertensos

    Independent Urine Measurement Based on Internet of Things

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    This study aims to create an independent urine measuring instrument based on the internet of things (IoT). This study was to see the differences in uroflometric measurements using an independent urine measuring based IoT tool compared to uroflometry in the urology clinic. The sampling method used was consecutive sampling with a total of 32 respondents. Uroflometry measurements were carried out twice, first using an independent urine measuring device based on the IoT, secondly using the standard uroflometric peak flow rate examination in the urology clinic. The results of measuring the average amount of urine per second using an independent urine measuring device based on IoT 22.22 ml / second, the average peak flow rate using uroflometry in the urology clinic is 23.97 ml / second, this shows that an independent urine measuring instrument based on IoT is not significantly different from uroflometry in urology polyclinic with a p value of 0.411, which indicates Ho was accepted, meaning there was no difference between the mean amount of urine per second and the average peak flow rate using uroflometry in the urology clinic. This study therefore concludes that an independent urine measuring devise based on the IoT instrument is effective for measuring urine emission per second. Suggestion: Follow up on the patent and legality of measuring instruments   Keywords: independent urine measuring instrument, internet of things(IoT), uroflometry, urethral strictur

    Doctoral Dissertation Research Trend: A Comparative Study of Postgraduate Programs in Education Universities

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the research trends in the doctoral dissertation program over the past three years (2016 - 2018). A qualitative approach with content analysis methods was conducted at 4 universities, selected from 12 universities of the Teacher Education and Training Institute, namely Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Negeri Surabaya and Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Sample in this study were study program at Educational Management, Language Education, Sports Education, Basic Education, and Education Research and Evaluation. A total of 327 dissertation were analyzed, consisted 36 dissertations from UPI, 32 dissertations from UNY, 35 dissertations from UNESA, and 224 dissertations from UNJ. The parameters used to analyze the study was focus on research issues and themes, theories used, research methods, data collection techniques, sampling techniques and data analysis techniques, novelty, citations and reading sources. The results showed in the last 3 years, UNJ produced higher numbers of dissertation compared to others university. While others, less than 40 dissertations were selected. Education research trends in each study program are very diverse, ranging from issues and research themes, research methods used to data analysis. Majority of the research methods used were descriptive qualitative, quantitative and R&D, data collection using questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documents, while data analysis uses more descriptive analysis. Keywords: Content analysis, Educational research, Dissertation research trend