417 research outputs found

    Determination of Selection Index of Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao L.) Yield Traits Using Regression Methods

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    The increasing chocolate consumption has not been followed by growing production of dry cocoa beans. In order to support the increase in cocoa production, planting materials with high yield are needed. The objective of this research was to determine the components of cocoa traits affecting weight of dry cocoa beans, and set a selection index for superior cocoa trees. The experiment material were four cocoa hybrid populations of which their family ancestry were unknown, and were planted on Samigaluh Plantation, Yogyakarta, and Segayung Plantation, Central Java. Observations and data collection were conducted on four plant populations. The observations were undertaken for three years, by observing plant traits, including pod length, pod diameter, husk thickness, cavity diameter, pod fresh weight, cocoa bean/pod fresh weight, husk fresh weight, dry weight of cocoa beans/pod, number of cocoa beans/pod, dry weight per cocoa bean. The collected data were analyzed using path and regression analysis methods. The results showed that pod diameter (X4), fresh pod weight (X5), number of cocoa beans/pod (X8), and dry weight/cocoa bean (X9) were used to form a selection index resulting the equation I = 0.0792 X4 + 0.1330 X5 + 0.0106 X8 + 0.1349 X9 furthermore will be used in the selection of cocoa trees. Ten cocoa plants from seeds having the highest general selection index were D 034, D 003, D 015, A 054, D 004, D 033, D 041, A 157, D 036, and D 025 will be selected for further evaluation

    Histochemistry of backcross 1 of oil palm seeds at different storage periods

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    Oil palm backcross 1 is the result of the crossing between Elaeis oleifera and Elaeis guineensis, followed by backcrossing to one of its parents. It has several advantages, including slow height growth and good oil quality, thereby having the potential to be developed. However, it also has a short seed shelf life, which might be inherited from E. oleifera that has relatively quick seed deterioration. This is problem to the breeding program, and there have not been many studies on the seed deterioration process. A histological examination can determine the composition of food reserves in seed endosperm tissue. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the histochemistry of seeds concerning the process of seed deterioration. Histochemical tests with Sudan III, Milon, and IKI reagents were used as histochemical tests of fat, protein and carbohydrate seed content with different seed storage periods, i.e. 4, 3, 2, and less than 1 year. The result showed that the fat content decreased during the storage periods. Based on carbohydrates and proteins staining, there were only very few substances , which were difficult to distinguish among the storage periods, so that this analysis could not be used as the determining indicator of seed deterioration. The fat content was a determining factor of seed deterioration and quality. The oil palm seed storage up to 3-4 years led to the reduction in the fat content in significant quantities compared to the fresh seeds stored less than 1 year as they still contained a lot of fat in the cell

    Penyuluhan Metode Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga di Desa Rowo, Kecamatan Mirit, Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Garbage is a human daily or natural process that is solid or semi-dense in the form of organic or inorganic substances that can be decomposed or unable to decompose that are considered useless and discarded into the environment. The increase in population and changes in people's consumption patterns are the causes of the increase in household waste production. The lack of public awareness, the absence of facilities and waste management causes people to throw indiscriminately into residential neighborhoods, namely sewers, rivers, or burning them around the house. This activity is carried out to provide public education on waste management in several stages, namely field surveys, social mapping, counseling, and evaluation. Counseling is done by method of lectures, discussions, and demos. Material submitted about the types of garbage and its dangers, the introduction of the concept of TPS3R, and demos on garbage sorting. Counseling has changed people's perceptions of garbage. People become more understanding and aware to manage household waste. Finally, the community can conduct garbage collection, sorting, transporting, and weighing activities properly, proven in Dukuh Rowo Pasar successfully conducting transportation and weighing of garbage independently. The effort is the first step of the method in TPS3R. The distribution of bins is one way to reduce the indiscriminate garbage disposal activities carried out by the community. It takes community cooperation to deal with this issue. The village government should allocate budgets for the procurement of waste management facilities and infrastructure, such as trash cans, transportation of garbage transporters, and the construction of landfills (landfills). In addition, waste management education to the community also needs to be improved. Keywords: household, waste, integrated waste management, reuse, reduce, recycl


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kreativitas serta mengetahui keterampilan kolaborasi dan komunikasi siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek dan siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Hasil penelitian 1) terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah; 2) terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kreativitas siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah; 3) keterampilan kolaborasi siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek lebih baik daripada siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah; 4) keterampilan komunikasi siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek lebih baik daripada siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah; Secara umum pembelajaran berbasis proyek dan pembelajaran berbasis masalah dapat meningkatkan keterampilan keterampilan berpikir kritis, kreativitas, kolaborasi, dan komunikasi siswa pada mata pelajaran fisika dengan topik energi.; The aims of this thesis are to determine the increase of critical thinking skills and creativity, as well as knowing the skills of collaboration and communication students who received project-based learning and students who received problem-based learning. Results of the study 1) there is a significant difference between critical thinking skills of students who received project-based learning and students who received problem-based learning; 2) there is a significant difference between the creativity of the students who received project-based learning and students who received problem-based learning; 3) collaborative skills of students who received project-based learning is better than students who received problem-based learning; 4) The communication skills of students who received project-based learning is better than students who received problem-based learning; In general, project-based learning and problem-based learning can improve critical thinking skills, creativity, collaboration, and communication of students on physics lesson

    Tanggapan Kacang Hijau (Vigna Radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) terhadap Pemberian Mikoriza dan Kompos Lumpur Pengolahan Limbah Susu

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    Produksi kacang hijau nasional mengalami ketidakstabilan pada kurun waktu 2014-2018. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produksi kacang hijau dengan menambahkan agen hayati seperti Jamur Mikoriza Arbuskular (JMA) dan kompos lumpur pengolahan limbah dari beberapa jenis limbah, salah satunya limbah susu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggapan kacang hijau terhadap pemberian mikoriza dan kompos lumpur pengolahan limbah susu, mengetahui pola hubungan antara dosis kompos lumpur dengan komponen hasil dan hasil kacang hijau yang dikombinasikan dengan pemberian JMA, dan mengetahui peran mikoriza dalam mendukung pembentukan bintil akar kacang hijau. Penanaman dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2021 hingga Januari 2022 ditata menurut Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan empat ulangan dan dua faktor perlakuan, yaitu pemberian mikoriza yang meliputi tanpa mikoriza (M0) dan dengan mikoriza (M1), faktor kedua adalah dosis kompos lumpur pengolahan limbah susu yang terdiri dari 0 g/polibag (S0), 25 g/polibag (S1), 50 g/polibag (S2), dan 75 g/polibag (S3). Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap Pengamatan meliputi infeksi akar, panjang akar, tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang, jumlah daun, jumlah polong, bobot biji, bobot 100 biji, jumlah bintil, dan jumlah bintil efektif. Kombinasi mikoriza dan kompos lumpur pengolahan limbah susu menunjukkan pengaruh nyata terhadap bobot biji tanaman dengan dosis optimum tanpa mikoriza 74,86 g/polibag dan 62,03 g/polibag dengan mikoriza

    The Dynamics of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Growth Type

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    (Sesamum indicumL.) is one of important vegetableoil cropsin theworld. Indonesian local sesame cultivars in use today still have indeterminate growth types that cause simultaneous harvest, narrow adaptability and lower yield. Stage of the research is to see dynamics growth type of sesame due to environmental change and to find morphological and biochemical selection criteria of determinate growth cultivar. This study uses a factorial completely randomized design consisting of three replications. The first factor is six cultivars of sesame, two types of determinate growth type cultivar introduced from Turkey III Det 23, III Det 36 and four indeterminate growth type cultivars Sbr 3, Sbr 4, white local and black local. The second factor is six environments that combine various combinations of temperature and several concentrations of NaCl as salinity stress. The results showed that the environment combined heat stress temperature and salinity affect growth type of sesame. Heat stress makes longer vegetative phase and salinity stress causes black local genotype changed to determinate growth type. III det 23 and III det 36 were considered as stable determinate cultivar and best used as a parent crossing in sesame breeding program.

    Soybean protoplast isolation and culture. (Pemisahan dan Pembiakan Protoplas Kedelai).

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    Protoplas kedelai dipisahkan dari kotiledon muda (15 â 20 hari bunga mekar) yang direndam selama 5 jam di dalam larutan ensim dengan kandungan selulose 2%. Pembelahan sel teram0 selang 3 hari sesudah pembiakan di dalam media cair KP8, apabila protoplas diikat dalam alginat berdaya lekat. lemah dengan kadar 1%. Varietas Galunggung nampak lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan varietas lainnya dalam hasil protoplas dan kemampuan membelah. Soybean protoplasts were isolated from immature cotyledons (15 â 20 days after anthesis) incubated for 5 hours in the enzyme solutions containing 2% cellulase. Cell division was observed after 3 days incubation in the KP8 liquid medium when the protoplasts were embedded in 1% low viscosity of alginate. Galunggung voriety was superior both in the protoplast yield and plating efficiency

    Penggunaan Bantuan Penyerbukan dalam Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Benih Beberapa Aksesi Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.)

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    Penggunaan benih untuk budidaya akan menentukan hasil panen. Untuk meningkatkan hasil panen maka diperlukan adanya peningkatan mutu benih, dan tingginya hasil benih bernas mentimun dapat diperoleh melalui penyerbukan buatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyerbukan buatan dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil benih bernas mentimun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pusat Inovasi Agroteknologi (PIAT), Kalitirto, Berbah, Sleman, yang terletak pada ketinggian 130 mdpl. Penelitian berlangsung pada bulan Maret hingga Agustus 2019. Penelitian ini mengggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi (Split Plot) dengan 2 faktor yaitu penyerbukan buatan dan aksesi mentimun. Data pengamatan di ambil dari hasil berat biji per tanaman, jumlah biji per tanaman, berat 100 biji, dan jumlah buah per tanaman. Analisis data menggunakan uji ANOVA, dengan uji lanjut Scott-Knott tingkat kepercayaan 5%. Seluruh analisis data dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak R versi 3.5.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyerbukan buatan pada mentimun memberikan perbedaan nyata pada jumlah biji per tanaman, sedangkan untuk pengamatan jumlah buah, berat biji per tanaman ataupun berat 100 biji tidak menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda nyata
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