49 research outputs found
Manusia merupakan makhluk yang memiliki berbagai macam kebutuhan, mulai dari kebutuhan sandang, pangan dan papan. Selain kebutuhan yang bersifat material, manusia juga memiliki kebutuhan yang bersifat biologis. Dalam kondisi normal, kebutuhan biologis dapat dipenuhi oleh pasangan suami istri dalam berkehidupan rumah tangga. Hal tersebut tentu akan berbeda jika terjadi pada seorang tahanan yang jauh dari pasangan hidupnya. Kebutuhan biologis yang tidak bisa tersalurkan menyebabkan seorang tahanan rentan untuk melakukan pelecehan seksual kepada tahanan yang lain. Hal inilah yang terjadi di lapas warungkiara Kabupaten Sukabumi. Metode yang penulis lakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis yaitu metode yang menggambarkan atau melukiskan fenomena yang terjadi di tengah-tengah masyarakat kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Adapun metode pendekatan yang penulis gunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian yang penulis temukan adalah bahwa terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya pelecehan seksual antar tahanan dilapas salah satunya adalah tidak diberikannya fasilitas cuti atau tidak ada fasilitas ruangan khusus yang disediakan oleh pihak lapas agar para tahanan bisa melepas rindu dengan pasanganny
Implementasi Program Rehabilitasi Narkoba Berbasis Masyarakat di Pusat Rehabilitasi Narkoba ar-Rahman Tegal Binangun Palembang
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya pusat rehabilitasi narkoba di Sumatera Selatan yang dalam proses penerapannya berbasis masyarakat dengan menggunakan pendekatan Comunity yang berujung pada proses spiritual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pertama, implementasi program rehabilitasi narkoba melalui tiga tahap yaitu, tahap biologis-medis, psikoterapi-psikologi, dan tahap moral-spiritual. Pada tahap biologis-medis meliputi; detoksifikasi, mandi, dan memotong rambut serta kuku. Tahap psikoterapi-psikologi meliputi; isolasi dan motivasi, tahap terakhir adalah tahap moral-spiritual meliputi; pendidikan dasar-dasar agama, sholat berjamaâah, zikir dan membaca al-Qurâan. Kedua, faktor pendukung dan penghambat, faktor pendukung yaitu; sarana prasarana yang mendukung, adanya perhatian dan kasih sayang pembimbing, dan adanya dukungan dari pemerintah. Faktor penghambat yaitu; keadaan pecandu yang parah dan tidak adanya dukungan dari orang tua. Ketiga, Output program rehabiilitasi narkoba yaitu; adanya perubahan perilaku dan mental, munculnya kesadaran untuk berhenti mengkonsumsi narkoba, munculnya ketaatan dalam beribadah, dan meningkatnya jumlah anak bina yang dinyatakan selesai menjalani proses rehabilitasi
Variations of Marine Debris In Manado Bay and its environs
Nowadays, Indonesia is facing an increasing crisis of debris pollution. Through rivers, city drainage, marine activities, and tourists, garbage can enter the sea. The existence of this debris is a new threat that has a terrible impact on the marine ecosystem and the socio-economic sustainability of the community. Based on this, the Government of Indonesia has issued a regulation in Presidential Regulation no. 83 of 2018 concerning Marine Debris Management. One of the achievement points is the compilation of baseline data and publication of marine debris in all coastal areas of Indonesia every year. This study aimed to identify the types of marine debris found in macro and meso sizes and to analyze the composition and density of marine debris on the coast of Manado Bay and its environs during ebb and flood tide. Sampling was carried out on five beaches in Manado Bay and its environs using the Marine Debris Monitoring Guidelines by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) 2020. Based on the data collection, it was found that nine types of marine waste materials and types of plastic waste were the most dominant types of waste found (about 70-86%). Of the five research sites, Sindulang Beach is the location with the highest solid waste density of 8.28 items/m2 (during flood tide) and 15.31 items/m2 (during ebb tide). Overall, the amount of marine debris found during ebb tide conditions was more than during flood tide conditions, and the amount of macro-sized trash was more than meso-size. White and transparent colors were the dominant color.Keywords: Composition; Density; Macro and Meso-Marine debris; Manado Bay; Color of debrisAbstrakSaat ini Indonesia sedang menghadapi krisis pencemaran sampah yang kian meningkat Sampah dapat masuk ke laut melalui aliran sungai, drainase kota, aktivitas laut maupun dari para wisatawan Keberadaan sampah tersebut menjadi ancaman baru yang sangat berdampak buruk terhadap ekosistem laut dan keberlangsungan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengeluarkan suatu regulasi dalam Peraturan Presiden No. 83 Tahun 2018 tentang Penanganan Sampah Laut. Salah satu poin capaiannya yaitu tersusunnya baseline data dan publikasi sampah laut di seluruh wilayah pesisir Indonesia setiap tahunnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi jenis sampah laut ukuran makro dan ukuran meso yang ditemukan dan menganalisis komposisi serta kepadatan sampah laut di pesisir Teluk Manado dan sekitarnya saat kondisi pasang dan surut. Pengambilang sampel dilakukan pada 5 pantai di Teluk Manado dan Sekitarnya dengan menggunakan Pedoman Pemantauan Sampah Laut oleh Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) Tahun 2020. Berdasarkan hasil pendataan, didapatkan 9 jenis bahan sampah laut dan jenis sampah plastik merupakan jenis sampah yang paling dominan ditemukan (sekitar 70-86%). Dari kelima lokasi penelitian, Pantai Sindulang merupakan lokasi dengan kepadatan sampah tertinggi yaitu sebesar 8,28 item/m2 (saat kondisi pasang) dan 15,31 item/m2 (saat kondisi surut). Secara keseluruhan, jumlah sampah laut yang ditemukan saat kondisi surut lebih banyak dibanding saat kondisi pasang dan jumlah sampah ukuran makro lebih banyak dibandingkan sampah ukuran meso. Warna putih dan bening merupakan warna sampah yang dominan.Kata kunci: Kepadatan; Komposisi; Sampah laut makro dan meso; Teluk Manado; Warna sampah
Agricultural Extention Paradigm Private Companies in Bandung Barat District
The purpose of this study is to examine the paradigm of organizing and technical agricultural counseling of private company. This is a qualitative research, and data were collected using interview, observation, document study and FGD techniques. Study documents include reading the standard operational procedures (SOP) counseling, counseling materials, invitations, vouchers, and coupons. Data were analyzed by reading the entire text of the interview transcription, summarizing and eliminating duplication, classifying, describing patterns, and themes. Marketing officers deal with farmer consumers using marketingtechniques and extension methods. Technically, the method of providing knowledge, involving stakeholders, and counseling private companies uses paradigms: persuasive-participatory (solicitation and deliberation), educative participatory (education and deliberation) through information services, consultation, guidance, guidance and assistance in accordance with farmers' interests, using a professional approach, satisfying farmers, providing equality and democracy. The results showed that the paradigm of agricultural extension providers of private companies is oriented to get benefit from the sale of agricultural facilities, or marketing agricultural products
Surface Thermal Front Persistence in Malacca Strait
The Malacca strait is an essential seaway for international sea traffic and a provider of biological and non-biological resources. This strait has dynamic conditions resulting from the interaction between the Indian Ocean in the north and the Pacific Ocean in the south. The characteristic of the thermal front is the strait dynamics that have not been studied comprehensively. This research aims to map and identify the spatial and temporal pattern of the thermal front in Malacca Strait. The data used are sea surface temperature of AquaMODIS level 3 satellite images and bathymetry data of Malacca Strait, Ocean Nino Index (ONI), and Dipole Mode Index (DMI). The sea surface temperature data were processed from 2010 to 2020 using the Single Edge Image Detection (SIED) method. This research denotes the thermal front phenomenon found with several variations in each season. The highest (lowest) number of thermal fronts was discovered in the east season (first transitional season). The total number of thermal fronts each year happened to be maximum in 2015 and minimum in 2019. Annual variability (ENSO and IOD) impacts the number of thermal front events, but the observation period has to be explicitly adjusted in the analysis needed. Persistent thermal fronts in the Malacca Strait occurred in 1-5 repetitions at the exact location. Thermal fronts are commonly found in the northern region of the strait and areas with significant depth changes.Keywords: Malacca Strait; sea surface temperature; thermal front.AbstrakSelat Malaka terkenal sebagai perairan penting dalam lalu lintas laut internasional serta penyedia sumber daya hayati dan non hayati. Perairan ini juga memiliki kondisi yang dinamis sebagai hasil interaksi antara Samudera Hindia di bagian utara serta Samudera Pasifik di bagian selatan selat. Dinamika perairan yang belum dikaji secara komprehensif di perairan ini adalah karakteristik thermal front. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memetakan secara spasial dan temporal kejadian thermal front di perairan Selat Malaka serta menganalisis karakteristik dari thermal front yang dipetakan tersebut. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data suhu permukaan laut citra satelit AquaMODIS level 3, data batimetri Selat Malaka, serta data Ocean Nino Index (ONI) dan Dipole Mode Index (DMI). Metode Single Edge Image Detection (SIED) digunakan untuk mengolah data suhu permukaan laut pada periode pengamatan tahun 2010 hingga 2020. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di perairan Selat Malaka dapat ditemukan thermal front dengan jumlah variatif setiap musim. Jumlah thermal front tertinggi ditemukan pada musim timur dan terendah pada musim peralihan 1. Jumlah total thermal front setiap tahun ditemukan maksimum pada tahun 2015 dan minimum pada tahun 2019. Variabilitas annual (ENSO dan IOD) memberikan dampak terhadap jumlah kejadian thermal front, namun untuk kebutuhan analisis perlu disesuaikan terhadap periode pengamatan dari variabilitas tersebut. Thermal front persisten di Selat Malaka dapat terjadi pada rentang 1-5 kali pengulangan pada lokasi yang sama. Lokasi thermal front persisten lebih sering terjadi di wilayah utara selat dan/atau pada wilayah dengan perubahan kedalaman yang signifikan.Kata kunci: Selat Malaka, suhu permukaan laut, thermal front
The Riau Archipelago Sea is part of the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Lane (ALKI) 1, with a very high intensity of crossing ships. Analysis of surface wind speed and significant wave height is the most important for the safety and performance of offshore shipping. This research aims to study wave characteristics and wind speed by identifying the main factors that affect significant wave height and surface wind speed. Dominant factors that affect significant wave height and wind speed are needed to decide on the safest path and the best time before crossing in ALKI-1. Temporal and spatial analysis of the seasonal variability of significant wave height and wind speed using ECMWF data for 18 years. The data used are significant wave height data and wind speed every 6 hours during the period 2000 â 2018. Three observation points are used for temporal analysis, it is found that significant wave height and wind speed are influenced by two main factors, namely MJO and Monsoon. Maximum significant wave height and wind speed that occurs in the SON period for points 3 and the DJF period at points 1 and 2. MJO affects directly from phases one to eight for observation points 1, 2, and 3. The 4, 7, and 8 MJO phases affect the value of wave height and wave speed significantly, and the 1, 2, and 5 MJO phases affect wave height and wind speed weakly.
Keywords: ALKI 1, MJO, MJO phase, Monsoon, Significant wave height, Wind speed
Where are they going, and what can we do to keep them? Intent to leave among nurses in British Columbia, Canada
Purpose. To identify: (1) alternate professions being considered by nurses, and (2) potential policy levers to retain them. Methods. This study describes responses to a subset of questions on a survey of nearly 15,000 nurses in British Columbia. Participants expressing intent to leave were asked what other professional options they were considering, and what changes they would need to keep them in nursing. We used thematic analysis to identify themes and sub-themes of participant responses. Results. Fewer than one in five nurses expressed intent to stay in the profession for more than two years. Participants cited a wide variety of other professional options available to them; the most commonly cited category was âanything but nursingâ. When asked what they needed to stay in nursing, participants described improvements in compensation, safe staffing, work/life balance, workplace culture, physical and psychological safety, and opportunities for advancement
Estimated incidence of influenza-associated severe acute respiratory infections in Indonesia, 2013-2016
Background: Indonesiaâs hospital- based Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) surveillance system, Surveilans Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut Berat Indonesia (SIBI), was established in 2013. While respiratory illnesses such as SARI pose a significant problem, there are limited incidence- based data on influenza disease burden in Indonesia. This study aimed to estimate the incidence of influenza- associated SARI in Indonesia during 2013- 2016 at three existing SIBI surveillance sites.Methods: From May 2013 to April 2016, inpatients from sentinel hospitals in three districts of Indonesia (Gunung Kidul, Balikpapan, Deli Serdang) were screened for SARI. Respiratory specimens were collected from eligible inpatients and screened for influenza viruses. Annual incidence rates were calculated using these SIBI- enrolled influenza- positive SARI cases as a numerator, with a denominator catchment popula-tion defined through hospital admission survey (HAS) to identify respiratory- coded admissions by age to hospitals in the sentinel site districts.Results: From May 2013 to April 2016, there were 1527 SARI cases enrolled, of whom 1392 (91%) had specimens tested and 199 (14%) were influenza- positive. The overall estimated annual incidence of influenza- associated SARI ranged from 13 to 19 per 100 000 population. Incidence was highest in children aged 0- 4 years (82- 114 per 100 000 population), followed by children 5- 14 years (22- 36 per 100 000 population).Conclusions: Incidence rates of influenza- associated SARI in these districts indicate a substantial burden of influenza hospitalizations in young children in Indonesia. Further studies are needed to examine the influenza burden in other potential risk groups such as pregnant women and the elderly.This work was supported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention [Cooperative Agreement Number 5U51IP000346-05]