199 research outputs found

    An Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS) for Natural Resource Planning: Making the Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) System Interactive

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    End-users in academe, as well as in professional practice, are increasingly looking toward advances in distance education to improve learning opportunities for students and staff. The Internet has provided one medium for delivering information to global users in a dynamic environment. Unfortunately, the restrictions of the Internet (in terms of server connectivity, bandwidth type, and data processing capabilities, etc.) often limit the flexibility for delivering and working with large multimedia and interactive files. An alternative platform to the Internet is the digital video disk (DVD), which is capable of storing, delivering, and processing large pieces of information almost instantaneously and without the system requirements of the Internet. This presentation will demonstrate the application of an electronic performance support system (EPSS), delivered via DVD, to wilderness planning using the Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) system

    T-Duality of Green-Schwarz Superstrings on AdS(d) x S(d) x M(10-2d)

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    We verify the self-duality of Green-Schwarz supercoset sigma models on AdSd×Sd_d \times S^d backgrounds (d=2,3,5) under combined bosonic and fermionic T-dualities without gauge fixing kappa symmetry. We also prove this property for superstrings on AdSd×Sd×Sd_d \times S^d \times S^d (d=2,3) described by supercoset sigma models with the isometries governed by the exceptional Lie supergroups D(2,1;α)D(2,1;\alpha) (d=2) and D(2,1;α)×D(2,1;α)D(2,1;\alpha)\times D(2,1;\alpha) (d=3), which requires an additional T-dualisation along one of the spheres. Then, by taking into account the contribution of non-supercoset fermionic modes (up to the second order), we provide evidence for the T-self-duality of the complete type IIA and IIB Green-Schwarz superstring theory on AdSd×Sd×T102d_d\times S^d \times T^{10-2d} (d=2,3) backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond fluxes. Finally, applying the Buscher-like rules to T-dualising supergravity fields, we prove the T-self-duality of the whole class of the AdSd×Sd×M102d_d\times S^d \times M^{10-2d} superbackgrounds with Ramond-Ramond fluxes in the context of supergravity.Comment: v2: 57 pages, 1 figure, typos fixed and clarifications added, version to appear in JHE

    Measuring Attitudes Toward the Rights of Indigenous People: An Index of Global Citizenship

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    Global citizenship has emerged as a key objective of liberal education.  Because the status of indigenous persons world-wide is inextricably linked to globalization and imperialism, mainstream culture students’ attitudes toward the rights of indigenous persons can be taken as an index of global citizenship.  The items comprising the Measure of Attitudes Toward the Rights of Indigenous Persons (MATRIP) draw directly from the United Nations’ 2007 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.  Twenty-three statements about indigenous peoples’ rights--as explicated in the UN Declaration--were transformed into Likert-type items measuring five dimensions: Preservation of Culture, Lands & Resources, Self-Governance, Restitution, and Services and Representation.  Questionnaires were administered to 226 undergraduates. MATRIP measurement properties were tested using confirmatory factor analysis. Results indicate that a final scale consisting of 20 items adequately measures the hypothesized dimensions. Potential uses for the scale are discussed in the context of education abroad

    Modifiable Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors among Indigenous Populations

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    Objective:. To identify modifiable cardio-metabolic and lifestyle risk factors among indigenous populations from Australia (Aboriginal Australians/Torres Strait Islanders), New Zealand (Māori), and the United States (American Indians and Alaska Natives) that contribute to cardiovascular disease (CVD). Methods:. National health surveys were identified where available. Electronic databases identified sources for filling missing data. The most relevant data were identified, organized, and synthesized. Results:. Compared to their non-indigenous counterparts, indigenous populations exhibit lower life expectancies and a greater prevalence of CVD. All indigenous populations have higher rates of obesity and diabetes, hypertension is greater for Māori and Aboriginal Australians, and high cholesterol is greater only among American Indians/Alaska Natives. In turn, all indigenous groups exhibit higher rates of smoking and dangerous alcohol behaviour as well as consuming less fruits and vegetables. Aboriginal Australians and American Indians/Alaska Natives also exhibit greater rates of sedentary behaviour. Conclusion:. Indigenous groups from Australia, New Zealand, and the United States have a lower life expectancy then their respective non-indigenous counterparts. A higher prevalence of CVD is a major driving force behind this discrepancy. A cluster of modifiable cardio-metabolic risk factors precede CVD, which, in turn, is linked to modifiable lifestyle risk factors

    Two spatial scales in a bleaching event : corals from the mildest and the most extreme thermal environments escape mortality

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    Author Posting. © Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, 2013. This article is posted here by permission of Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Limnology and Oceanography 58 (2013): 1531-1545, doi:10.4319/lo.2013.58.5.1531.In summer 2010, a bleaching event decimated the abundant reef flat coral Stylophora pistillata in some areas of the central Red Sea, where a series of coral reefs 100–300 m wide by several kilometers long extends from the coastline to about 20 km offshore. Mortality of corals along the exposed and protected sides of inner (inshore) and mid and outer (offshore) reefs and in situ and satellite sea surface temperatures (SSTs) revealed that the variability in the mortality event corresponded to two spatial scales of temperature variability: 300 m across the reef flat and 20 km across a series of reefs. However, the relationship between coral mortality and habitat thermal severity was opposite at the two scales. SSTs in summer 2010 were similar or increased modestly (0.5°C) in the outer and mid reefs relative to 2009. In the inner reef, 2010 temperatures were 1.4°C above the 2009 seasonal maximum for several weeks. We detected little or no coral mortality in mid and outer reefs. In the inner reef, mortality depended on exposure. Within the inner reef, mortality was modest on the protected (shoreward) side, the most severe thermal environment, with highest overall mean and maximum temperatures. In contrast, acute mortality was observed in the exposed (seaward) side, where temperature fluctuations and upper water temperature values were relatively less extreme. Refuges to thermally induced coral bleaching may include sites where extreme, high-frequency thermal variability may select for coral holobionts preadapted to, and physiologically condition corals to withstand, regional increases in water temperature.J.C.B.S. was partially supported by Fundac¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e a Tecnologia (project PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2011) and by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Competitiveness Programme (National Strategic Reference Framework). Kristen Davis was partially supported by a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution postdoctoral scholarship. This research was supported by KAUST with awards USA 00002 and KSA 00011

    The control of translational accuracy is a determinant of healthy ageing in yeast

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    Life requires the maintenance of molecular function in the face of stochastic processes that tend to adversely affect macromolecular integrity. This is particularly relevant during ageing, as many cellular functions decline with age, including growth, mitochondrial function and energy metabolism. Protein synthesis must deliver functional proteins at all times, implying that the effects of protein synthesis errors like amino acid misincorporation and stop-codon read-through must be minimized during ageing. Here we show that loss of translational accuracy accelerates the loss of viability in stationary phase yeast. Since reduced translational accuracy also reduces the folding competence of at least some proteins, we hypothesize that negative interactions between translational errors and age-related protein damage together overwhelm the cellular chaperone network. We further show that multiple cellular signalling networks control basal error rates in yeast cells, including a ROS signal controlled by mitochondrial activity, and the Ras pathway. Together, our findings indicate that signalling pathways regulating growth, protein homeostasis and energy metabolism may jointly safeguard accurate protein synthesis during healthy ageing

    Doing gender locally: The importance of ‘place’ in understanding marginalised masculinities and young men’s transitions to ‘safe’ and successful futures

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    Observable anxieties have been developing about the position of boys and young men in contemporary society in recent years. This is expressed as a crisis of masculinity, in which place is often implicitly implicated, but is rarely considered for its role in the shaping of young men’s practices, trajectories and aspirations. Drawing on research conducted with young people who accessed a range of social care support services, this article argues that transition means different things for young men in different locales and that local definitions of masculinity are required to better understand young men’s lives and the opportunities available to them. The authors argue that home life, street life, individual neighbourhoods, regions and nations all shaped the young men’s identities and the practices they (and the staff working with them) drew on in order to create successful futures and ‘safe’ forms of masculinity. It is suggested that this place-based approach has the potential to re-shape the ‘crisis’ discourse surrounding masculinity and the anxieties associated with young men

    Enhanced Th17-Cell Responses Render CCR2-Deficient Mice More Susceptible for Autoimmune Arthritis

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    CCR2 is considered a proinflammatory mediator in many inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. However, mice lacking CCR2 develop exacerbated collagen-induced arthritis. To explore the underlying mechanism, we investigated whether autoimmune-associated Th17 cells were involved in the pathogenesis of the severe phenotype of autoimmune arthritis. We found that Th17 cells were expanded approximately 3-fold in the draining lymph nodes of immunized CCR2−/− mice compared to WT controls (p = 0.017), whereas the number of Th1 cells and regulatory T cells are similar between these two groups of mice. Consistently, levels of the Th17 cell cytokine IL-17A and Th17 cell-associated cytokines, IL-6 and IL-1β were approximately 2–6-fold elevated in the serum and 22–28-fold increased in the arthritic joints in CCR2−/− mice compared to WT mice (p = 0.04, 0.0004, and 0.01 for IL-17, IL-6, and IL-1β, respectively, in the serum and p = 0.009, 0.02, and 0.02 in the joints). Furthermore, type II collagen-specific antibodies were significantly increased, which was accompanied by B cell and neutrophil expansion in CCR2−/− mice. Finally, treatment with an anti-IL-17A antibody modestly reduced the disease severity in CCR2−/− mice. Therefore, we conclude that while we detect markedly enhanced Th17-cell responses in collagen-induced arthritis in CCR2-deficient mice and IL-17A blockade does have an ameliorating effect, factors additional to Th17 cells and IL-17A also contribute to the severe autoimmune arthritis seen in CCR2 deficiency. CCR2 may have a protective role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune arthritis. Our data that monocytes were missing from the spleen while remained abundant in the bone marrow and joints of immunized CCR2−/− mice suggest that there is a potential link between CCR2-expressing monocytes and Th17 cells during autoimmunity