39 research outputs found

    Gabriela Marcela filozofia wiary

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    Universal spectra of random Lindblad operators

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    To understand typical dynamics of an open quantum system in continuous time, we introduce an ensemble of random Lindblad operators, which generate Markovian completely positive evolution in the space of density matrices. Spectral properties of these operators, including the shape of the spectrum in the complex plane, are evaluated by using methods of free probabilities and explained with non-Hermitian random matrix models. We also demonstrate universality of the spectral features. The notion of ensemble of random generators of Markovian qauntum evolution constitutes a step towards categorization of dissipative quantum chaos.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures + supplemental materia

    Bycie i transcendencja – Lévinas i Marcel

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    Gabriel Marcel i perspektywy filozofii religii

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    Jean-Luc Marion: teologia w horyzoncie daru

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    To, co nieredukowalne w człowieku

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    Wolność i wartości

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    Podstawy epistemologiczne wiary we wczesnych pismach Gabriela Marcela

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    Random Lindblad operators obeying detailed balance

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    We introduce different ensembles of random Lindblad operators L\cal L, which satisfy quantum detailed balance condition with respect to the given stationary state σ\sigma of size NN, and investigate their spectral properties. Such operators are known as `Davies generators' and their eigenvalues are real; however, their spectral densities depend on σ\sigma. We propose different structured ensembles of random matrices, which allow us to tackle the problem analytically in the extreme cases of Davies generators corresponding to random σ\sigma with a non-degenerate spectrum for the maximally mixed stationary state, σ=1/N\sigma = \mathbf{1} /N. Interestingly, in the latter case the density can be reasonably well approximated by integrating out the imaginary component of the spectral density characteristic to the ensemble of random unconstrained Lindblad operators. The case of asymptotic states with partially degenerated spectra is also addressed. Finally, we demonstrate that similar universal properties hold for the detailed balance-obeying Kolmogorov generators obtained by applying superdecoherence to an ensemble of random Davies generators. In this way we construct an ensemble of random classical generators with imposed detailed balance condition

    Noise Fingerprints of Fiber Supercontinuum Sources

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    We present a novel technique for measuring unique ”noise fingerprints” of fiber supercontinuum (SC) sources, revealing a strong dependence of SC relative intensity noise not only on the dispersion of the fiber, but also on its cross-sectional geometry