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    This research conducted at SMP Negeri 14 Palu in VIII grade students. The researcher selected VIII Anggrek class as the experimental class. This research aimed to prove that the application of free writing can develop the skill of the students in writing recount text. The researcher applied a preexperimental research design with one group pre-test post-test and one class as a sample. The sample was chosen by using purposive sampling technique. The researcher conducted the pre-test and post-test. The data collections were the analyzed statistically. The result of the data indicated that the t-counted (11.29) was greater than the t-table (2.064) by applying 0.05 level significant with 24 degree freedom/df (25-1). It shows that the application of free writing technique can significantly develop the students’ skill in writing recount text. Keywords: Developing skill; writing; recount text; free writing


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    Maslahah is the study of the aims and the objectives of Islamic Law. Maslahah is often used by Ulema as a method in resting the law to answer the legal problems that arise. Al-Ghazali mentioned various types of Maslahah viewed from whether it is acknowledged or not by the Shari’ah, which is divided into three types: Maslahah that is acknowledged by the Shari’ah, Maslahah that is rejected by the Shari’ah, and Maslahah that is neither acknowledged nor rejected by the Shari’ah. Studying the term Maslahah that is associated with the development of modern society is of utmost importance. Maslahah can act as the necessary foundation for the realization of all human interests, both general and specific. So the spirit of Islam, shalih li kullizamaninwamakanin can be realized

    Uruf in Islamic Law Perspective

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    This paper discusses "Uruf in the perspective of Islamic law" by revealing problems, namely: (1) What is the position of uruf in istinbath of Islamic law, and (2) How is the application of uruf in Islamic Sharia laws. The position of uruf in istinbath of Islamic law is very important and can be a basis for legal considerations. The law of fiqhiyyah states that custom is punishable. Meanwhile, the application of uruf in Islamic Sharia laws is a source of law, especially in matters of muamalah, munakahah, and other social relations. Islamic law, which is closely related to interaction with fellow humans, is greatly influenced by the customs in society


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    ABSTRAKBank sebagai Lembaga perbankan, memerlukan adanya jaminan (agunan) dalammemberikan kredit bagi masyarakat, dan hingga saat ini fidusia adalah jenis pengikatan jaminan yang yang paling diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Ketentuan Undang-undang No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta yakni dalam Pasal 16 ayat 3 menyatakan bahwa “hak cipta dapat dijadikan sebagai objek jaminan fidusia”, namun dalam praktek perbankan di Kota Medan, belum ditemukan adanya perjanjian kredit dimana hak cipta dijadikan sebagai jaminan dalam pemberian kredit. Hal ini karena adanya faktor penghambat pelaksanaan perjanjian kredit dengan jaminan hak cipta tersebut yakni berkaitan dengan valuasi dalam bentuk uang.Kata Kunci : Perjanjian Kredit, Hak Cipta, Objek, Fidusi


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    In the Qur’an, there are commands, prohibitions, warnings, instructions and stories of previous Prophets. Study of the content of al-Qur'an is not only a worship of Allah but also to get guidance that lives in accordance with Islamic law. Al-Qur'an thematic study is one of the methods of studying the Qur'an that is practiced by Muslim scholars and ulama. One of the thematic studies contained in al-Qur'an is the association of husband and wife like nusyuz. Nusyuz is a violation of a shared commitment to what is obligatory in the household. The study of nusyuz needs to be done in relation to understanding, asbabun nuzul, ulama's review as well as a review of Islamic law on these actions. By conducting a study of the nusyuz, we are expected to be able to better understand the related matter, giving knowledge to others in order to avoid the actions that lead to the nusyuz

    Pemantauan Penanganan Kasus Balita Gizi Buruk dengan Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Spasial di Kota Banda Aceh

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    Nutrition problem contributes to the death rate of toddler. In Aceh Province during 2013, there are 855 toddlers suffering malnutrition and only 14,04% of them recovered, 2,46% died and there are still 714 more toddlers under treatment.Qualitative descriptive research with observational design through action research approach using Geographical Information System (GIS) are carried out in the city of Banda Aceh where the sample of children with malnutrition are obtained from the result of nutrient status monitoring, weighing routine data in posyandu, investigation of the health facilities and the report from society. The collected dependent data variables are children with severe malnutrition and malnourished children, the residence location of the research subjects, the work place of the nutrient management employee, the community health center (puskesmas) and serving fasilities of children with severe malnutrition by Global Positioning System (GPS).The distribution pattern and regions prone to children with malnutrition are concentrated in Kecamatan Kuta Raja, Kecamatan Meuraxa and Kecamatan Ule Kareng. In those districts, the number of children with severe malnutrition is above 0,6% and the number of malnourished children is also above 1,5% of the minimum tolerance number of children set by the City Health Department of Banda Aceh. The percentage of the weighed children to the number of target (D/S) for those districts is in between 53,7% to 69,5%. The number of recovered children after being treated is 7,2%, while 0,9% are died and 9,9% of the children with severe malnutrition are dropped out. The number and the distribution of nutrient management employee are not sufficient and they are not well trained with 21,2% of the posyandu are active. In the other hand, the number and the distribution of puskesmas and hospital are fairly equally distributed throughout Banda Aceh. The development of severe malnutrition children monitoring management information system creates the information of improvement of children with severe malnutrition, distribution map of nutritional cases, the distribution of human resources and the health facilities, and produces a report of success coverage of nutritional program indicator.The distribution pattern and regions prone to malnutrition are distributed in the coastal area and in the city border which are slum and poor region. The regions also suffer low quantity and quality of nutrient officer, limited operational infrastructure, and only few posyandu are active . The severe malnutrition children monitoring management information system can help through evaluating the improvement of the children's recovery and it can also produce various information needed

    Desain Sistem Kontrol Sudut Penyalaan ThyristorKomutasi Jaringan Berbasis Mikrokontroler PIC 16F877

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    Thyristordigunakan untuk pengontrolan tegangan ac pada rangkaian penyearah terkendali dan rangkaian pengontrol tegangan ac karena dapat diatur tegangankeluaran dengan pengaturan sudut penyalaan dari sinyal trigger. Pada penelitian dihasilkan sebuah prototaip rangkaian kontrol sudut penyalaan Thyristor untuk aplikasi penyearah gelombang penuh satu fasa, tiga fasa dan rangkaian pengontrol tegangan ac satu.Rangkaian kontrol ini terdiri dari mikrokontroler PIC 16F877 dan rangkaian zero crossing detector yang menggunakan gerbang inverting. Desain diawali dengan simulasi menggunakan PSIM 6.0. sebagai referensi untuk rangkaian eksperimen. Sinyal triggerpada rangkaian penyearah terkendali satu fasa gelombang penuh, dan rangkaian pengontrol tegangan ac satu fasa sudut penyalaannya dapat diatur dari 0o– 180o. Sinyal triggerrangkaian penyearah terkendali tiga fasa gelombangpenuh sudut penyalaannya dapat diatur dari 0o– 60o. Hasil yang diperoleh melalui eksperimen ini sama dengan hasil simulasi

    Problem Solving Dalam Perspektif Bimbingan Konseling Islami

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    : Problem Solving in the Perspective of Islamic Counseling. In Islamic perspective, the main objective of the creation of man is to submit to God\u27s command. Faith has even become parameter for the quality of Muslim personality. However, a Muslim cannot be designated as believer until he has prudently been able to face and find solution for every problems attested by Allah. There are many an individual who are not brave enough to make decision in solving the problem. In this essay, the perspective of Islamic counseling will be discussed in order to introduce baravery and motivate individuals to eable them to make proper decision for every problem. This process of bravery implantation is conducted by a counselor by instilling firm theological principles. With these principles of faith, it is hoped that a counselee will find a ditermined way of life, and have assurance that every stand taken will be inspected by protected by Allah


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    This paper discusses "Pregnant Marriage according to Religious Court Judges from the Maslahah Perspective" by revealing the problems, namely: (1) How is the implementation of Article 53 KHI regarding pregnant marriage, (2) What are the implications of implementing Article 53 KHI regarding pregnant marriage? And (3) How is the analysis of the judges of the religious courts on Article 53 of the KHI concerning marriage and pregnancy from a maslahah perspective? The Religious Courts do not directly handle cases of pregnant women, while cases that are related to pregnant women are cases of marriage isbat and marriage dispensation. The marriage of a pregnant woman affects the status of the child that the woman is carrying. By holding a marriage for pregnant women and men who impregnate them, they will maintain the lineage of children, inheritance and guardianship of the children they contain. Article 53 Compilation of Islamic Law regarding pregnant marriage contains many benefits for society in general, especially for pregnant women and the children they are carrying.The implementation of Article 53 of the KHI regarding pregnant marriage, its implications, and the judges of the religious courts' analysis of Article 53 of the KHI on pregnant marriage from a maslahah perspective are all discussed in this paper as they relate to pregnant marriage from the perspective of the religious court judge. Pregnant women's matters are not specifically handled by religious courts; instead, cases involving marriage isbat and marriage dispensation are related to pregnant women. The status of the child that the woman is carrying is impacted by her marriage. The lineage of children, inheritance, and guardianship of the children they contain will be maintained by pregnant women and the men who impregnate them by maintaining a marriage. Pregnant mothers and the children they carry stand to gain greatly from the provisions of Article 53 of the Compilation of Islamic Law
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