9 research outputs found

    Changing Coastal Landscapes : Shore displacement and the strategies for defence and subsistence at the medieval castle of Raseborg

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    Recent archaeological research around the medieval Castle of Raseborg has shown that in the Middle Ages the most prominent changes in the surroundings of the castle, both natural and man-made, are related to the littoral landscape of the site. Archaeological data offers new information on post-glacial shore displacement in the region, and suggests that during the first half of the 16th century the shore level around the castle was considerably lower than expected. Shore displacement also affected the castle’s strategies for defence and subsistence.Peer reviewe

    A Pre-Roman Burial Site in Puijonsarvennenä, Kuopio, Eastern Finland: Preliminary Results and Interpretations

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    In 2019, a metal detector hobbyist found an iron spearhead, a knife, and some burnt bones from an ambiguous stone structure situated on the scenic cape of Puijonsarvennenä in Kuopio. Archaeological excavation and sub- sequent analyses of the find material confirmed that the site was a single cremation burial, which was radiocarbon dated to 410–355 calBC, in the Pre-Roman Iron Age. The find material included several fragments of bone artefacts and a small amount of asbestos-tempered ceramics. The burial and its finds seem to indicate that the deceased person engaged in hunting and possibly fur trading, setting Puijonsarvennenä into a continuum with similar burial sites known from interior and northern Finland from the Early Bronze Age to the Late Iron Age. Currently, Puijonsarvennenä is the only Iron Age burial site to have been excavated in the North Savo province.Peer reviewe

    Neonatal Alexander Disease : Novel GFAP Mutation and Comparison to Previously Published Cases

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    Alexander disease (AxD) is a genetic leukodystrophy caused by GFAP mutations leading to astrocyte dysfunction. Neonatal AxD is a rare phenotype with onset in the first month of life. The proband, belonging to a large pedigree with dominantly inherited benign familial neonatal epilepsy (BFNE), had a phenotype distinct from the rest of the family, with hypotonia and macrocephaly in addition to drug-resistant neonatal seizures. The patient deteriorated and passed away at 6 weeks of age. The pathological and neuroimaging data were consistent with the diagnosis of AxD. Genetic analysis of the proband identified a novel de novo GFAP missense mutation and a KCNQ2 splice site mutation segregating with the BFNE phenotype in the family. The GFAP mutation was located in the coil 2B region of GFAP protein, similar to most neonatal-onset AxD cases with an early death. The clinical and neuroradiological features of the previously published neonatal AxD patients are presented. This study further supports the classification of neonatal-onset AxD as a distinct phenotype based on the age of onset.Peer reviewe

    Possibilities to use local food in Haapavesi Vocational Institute

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    Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää lähiruoan käyttömahdollisuuksia Haapaveden ammattiopistossa. Työssä tutkittiin hankinnoista vastaavien ja päättävien henkilöiden suhtautumista lähiruokaan ja halukkuutta sen käyttöön ammattikeittiöissä. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin myös asiakkaiden mielipiteitä lähellä tuotetuista elintarvikkeista sekä ostohalukkuutta. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin laadullista tutkimusotetta. Aineistonkeruumenetelmiksivalittiin kysely ja teemahaastattelu, mitkä toteutettiin aikavälillä marraskuu 2005 - toukokuu 2006. Asiakaskyselyt toteutettiin kahdessa asiakastilaisuudessa. Teemahaastattelut tehtiin kahdeksalle henkilölle. Tutkimuksen tuloksista ilmeni, että keittiöhenkilöstö ja hankinnoista vastaavatpäättäjät kokivat lähiruoan myönteisenä asiana ja uskoivat käyttömahdollisuuksien kasvattamiseen Haapaveden ammattiopiston ammattikeittiöissä. Tulokset osoittivat asennemuutosten ja ajankäytön tehostamisen tarpeellisuuden olevan välttämätöntä. Haastateltavien ja asiakaskyselyihin osallistuneiden henkilöiden näkemykset lähiruoasta olivat yhteneväiset. Lähellä tuotettu ruoka miellettiin puhtaaksi, terveelliseksi, turvalliseksi ja maaseudun elinkeinoelämää tukevaksi. Kyselyjenperusteella ruoan alkuperätiedolla ei ollut niin suurta merkitystä asiakastyytyväisyyteen kuin ruoanvalmistuksella, esille laitolla ja tilojen somistamisella. Lähiruoka on yksi tapa toteuttaa käytännön tasolla Haapaveden ammattiopiston Strategia 2010:n mukaisia arvoja ja painopistealueita, joita ovat ekologisuus, kestävä kehitys, asiakaslähtöisyys ja yrittäjyys. Asennemuutosten lisäksi vaaditaan etenkin alkuvaiheessa taloudellisia lisäresursseja hankintakanavien ja logistiikan luomiseen. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi tarvitaanaktiivista yhteistoimintaa Oulun Eteläisen alueen ammattikeittiöiden ja tavarantoimittajien kanssa.The purpose of this thesis was to study the possibilities touse food from local ingredients in Haapavesi Vocational Institute. The aim was to clarify the attitudes of the kitchen chefs and decision-makers and the willingness to use local ingredients in professional kitchens. The customers - views of locally grown food and willingness to buy them were also clarified by this research. By using a qualitative research method, eight participants were interviewed andthe attitudes of customers were examined by questionnaires. The questionnaires were made on two different occasions. These studies were accomplished during November 2005 - May 2006. The results of the research showed that the kitchen staff and decision- makers experienced local food in an affirmative way. They believed in the increase of the use in locallyproduced food in Haapavesi Vocational Institute. They also believed that it would be necessary to change attitudes and improve efficiency. All the respondents of the research agreed that locally grown ingredients are safe, healthy, pure and brings employment whit it. In addition the information on the origin was not as important as the art of cookery, setting out and decorating. Local food is one option to carry out in practice the values of the Strategy 2010 in Haapavesi Vocational Institute. The values are ecology, sustainable development, customer-drivenness and entrepreneurship. In the beginning of this process economical resources andteam work between the professional kitchens and suppliers are needed in the Oulun Eteläinen area

    ”Den där gamla fula saken borde brännas”: Kulturarvskonstruktion i Norra Savolax

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    Pohjoissavolainen arkeologinen kulttuuriperintö on muodostunut, ja muodostuu, kulttuuriperintöprosesseissa, joissa toimijoina ovat tutkijoiden lisäksi paikalliset ihmiset. Tutkimuksen kerrostumat ovat rakentaneet virallista näkemystä kulttuuriperinnöstä jo vuosisatojen ajan. Tuona aikana kansanvalistuksesta on siirrytty kohti kansalaistiedettä ja kansallisromanttisista muinaismuistoista kohti moniäänistä kulttuuriperintöä.For centuries, archaeological and cultural heritage in Northern Savo has been constructed and managed by researchers and local communities alike. Different agents often have contradictory views regarding what constitutes as cultural heritage. This article outlines these processes through an account of archaeological and ethnographic phenomena in Iisalmi parish, written in 1887 by Alli Nissinen, who had received an scholarship from the Finnish Antiquarian Society for the purpose. An archaeological survey was conducted in the same area 132 years later. Over that time, national romanticism and top-down public education have been gradually replaced by ideals of citizen science and multivocal, diverse cultural heritage.flera århundraden har kulturarvet i Norra Savolax skapats och styrts genom kulturarvsprocesser, som engagerat både forskare och lokalbor. Olika aktörer kan ofta ha motstridiga åsikter angående vad som är kulturarv och värt att bevaras. I denna artikel behandlas dessa processer huvudsakligen utgående från den redogörelse som Finska Fornminnesföreningens stipendiat Alli Nissinen år 1887 utarbetade kring fornlämningarna i Idensalmi härad. Nissinens expedition jämförs med en arkeologisk inventering gjord på samma område 132 år senare. Under åren emellan har nationalromantiken och folkbildningen ersatts med ideal som bygger på medborgarvetenskap och ett mångstämmigt kulturarv

    A Pre-Roman Burial Site in Puijonsarvennenä, Kuopio, Eastern Finland: Preliminary Results and Interpretations

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    In 2019, a metal detector hobbyist found an iron spearhead, a knife, and some burnt bones from an ambiguous stone structure situated on the scenic cape of Puijonsarvennenä in Kuopio. Archaeological excavation and sub- sequent analyses of the find material confirmed that the site was a single cremation burial, which was radiocarbon dated to 410–355 calBC, in the Pre-Roman Iron Age. The find material included several fragments of bone artefacts and a small amount of asbestos-tempered ceramics. The burial and its finds seem to indicate that the deceased person engaged in hunting and possibly fur trading, setting Puijonsarvennenä into a continuum with similar burial sites known from interior and northern Finland from the Early Bronze Age to the Late Iron Age. Currently, Puijonsarvennenä is the only Iron Age burial site to have been excavated in the North Savo province.Peer reviewe