5,854 research outputs found


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    In recent times, the theory of purchasing and supply operations has been widely studied under a variety of labels and for a number of reasons. Realizing competitive advantage from organizational alignment and relation to materials supply is for a form of backward integration. In the process, the manufacturing organization obeys demands from distributors; purchasing is in turn re-structured and managed to achieve improved customer value for manufacturing; thereafter, the process addresses the suppliers to the organization (external integration) typically involving supplier rationalization and the introduction of supplier evaluation systems. Based on previous research, there was finding that strategic purchasing has been impact to communication, coordination and collaboration with supplier which is increase supplier involvement. According to a survey 100 respondent which was conducted by means questionnaires and 94 completed questionnaires were returned. Six responses were considered incomplete and had to be discarded, and this left 86 valid responses. This study result are strategic purchasing has a positive significant effect to communication is 0.314; positive significant effect to coordination is 0.336; and positive significant effect collaboration is 0.365. Communication and Collaboration directly will bring significant contribution to supplier involvement, but coordination is not directly. Key words: Strategic purchasing, communication, collaboration, coordination, supplier involvement


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    Optimizationturning machineis performed to maximize every machining on the turning machine, so that the machine can work optimally. Turning machine optimization process includes several stages, First, check all components of the turning machine is normal and there is no damage, secondly, the process of replacing a component on the turning machine that is broken between the worm gear, nortonbox shaft, and tapered pin. Then, testing the workpiece according to operating procedures. The results obtained from testing the turning machine is cutting force 29,36 N, power of cut 8,8 Watt, and the effective turning time is 1,21minute.The tangential force smaller than the received force during operation, is still in safe condition. Keywords: optimization, tangential force, power of cut, cutting force Optimalisasi mesin bubut dilakukan untuk memaksimalkan setiap proses permesinan pada mesin bubut agar mesin dapat bekerja secara optimal. Proses optimalisasi mesin bubut meliputi beberapa tahapan, yaitu : pertama mengecek semua komponen dari mesin bubut apakah normal dan tidak ada kerusakan, kedua, proses penggantian komponen pada mesin bubut yang rusak di antaranya, roda gigi cacing. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian pada benda kerja sesuai prosedur pengoperasian. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian mesin bubut yaitu gaya potong 29,36 N, daya pemotongan 8,8 Watt, serta waktu pembubutan efektif 1,21 menit. Dengan gaya tangensial lebih kecil saat beroperasi dibanding gaya yang mampu diterima. Kata kunci : optimalisasi, gaya tangensial, daya pemotongan, gaya poton

    The Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Profitability of Restaurants And Cafés: A Research in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Currently the business sector of restaurants and cafés in Surabaya has been developing rapidly. In a relatively short time, many restaurants and cafés appear with unique and various offers. Restaurant and café are businesses that emphasize not only on the food served, but also on the service delivery of the employees. In other words, the business of restaurants and cafés not only sell the product but also sell the service. In this research, the data collection is done by distributing questionnaires to 794 employees and customers in 55 restaurants and cafés in Surabaya which adopt the table service concept. The Partial Least Square for Multivariate Analysis is employed for processing the data

    Bahasa Karo

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    Uji Efektifitas Beauveria Basianna Dan Bacillus Thuringiensis Terhadap Ulat Api (Setothosea Asigna Eeck, Lepidoptera, Limacodidae) Di Laboratorium

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    Palm oil tree is the most productif than the other nabaty oil plant. Setothosea is the primaryleaf eaten on palm oil tree. Test Effectiveness of Bacillus thuringiensis and Beauveriabasianna Caterpillars Against Fire Setothosea asigna Eecke in laboratory. The research wasconducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pests Faculty of Agriculture, University of NorthSumatra, Medan with altitude ± 32 meters above sea level. The research method used is nonCompletely Randomized Design factorial. The parameters in the observed percentagemortality of larvae of the caterpillar is Setothosea asigna fire. The results show thepercentage of mortality of silkworm larvae using Beauveria basianna flames were highest intreatment by 100% I3 is the observation of the IV, percentage mortality of silkworm larvaeusing Bacillus thuringiensis flames were highest in I6 treatment was 100% in the observationof the IV

    Peran Masyarakat dalam Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    The criminal act of corruption is an extraordinary crime, which can cause widespread damage to society, as stated in the preamble of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). Corruption is a type of economic crime, where the losses suffered from this crime are related to the economy. This research is a doctrinal research using normative juridical method, as well as analytical descriptive. This study has two formulations of the problem, namely: first, what are the implications of corruption crimes on people's welfare?; Second, what is the role of the community in eradicating corruption? This research shows that: first, corruption crimes can greatly reduce the quality of people's lives, so that the eradication of corruption needs to be more enforced; secondly, much of the corruption that occurs in Indonesia is caused by a lack of social control, so that the role of society in eradicating corruption needs to be maximized as a means of controlling power

    Eco-sustainable Campus Initiatives: A Web Content Analysis

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    Though many prominent universities in the world have been implementing the sustainability programs for many years, few universities in Indonesia are just start taking the initiative to develop eco-campus, sustainable campus or green campus. In this current state, the Indonesian universities are still lack of practical framework to guide their sustainability programs. While some articles offer conceptual or practical sustainability frameworks, the actual campus sustainability practices are not much explored. This paper fills the gap by investigating the actual campus sustainability practices from some major universities in the world. The findings shows that campus sustainability initiative is commonly implemented with an integrated approach covering environmental management, green building, public participation, teaching and research. In addition, the initiative is guided by a high level sustainability policy/plan, and the presence of dedicated organizational unit to manage sustainability program. Furthermore, the investigation of the Indonesian university shows that only four of ten sites have a dedicated a sub-domain web site for the sustainability initiative, the real activities are still minimum, and the absence of a dedicated organizational unit. The findings could help Indonesian universities in their sustainability endeavor

    Owner’s Commitment to the Planning and Controlling Processes to Improve Performance in Small and Medium Manufacturing Companies

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    Owners of small companies usually have the role as the top management that has to commit to the provision of time, cost, and resources. For the top management, the most important aspect to run the business is to develop and to create a value for the company so that the value can increase the performance. Based on the previous researches, good commitment and leadership style from the top management have effects on planning and controlling processes in improving organization performance. Meanwhile, the survey results from interviewing and collecting questionnaires from 110 practitioners of small manufacturing companies and examining the hypothesis create a fit model which has been thoroughly tested using Partial Least Square (PLS). After the PLS test, the results show that: first, there is a positive effect but not significant commitment from the company owners to the effectiveness of the company planning processes second, there is a positive effect and significant commitment from the company owners to the effectiveness of the controlling processes third, planning process conducted by departments inside the company has positive effect and significance to the controlling processes in small companies fourth, the planning process conducted by companies has positive effect and significance to increase company performance fifth, the controlling process conducted by companies has positive effect and significance to increase company performance. Further exploration, owners of small companies in East Java have the tendency not to focus on planning process but to stress more on controlling process


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    The skin of salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), a by-product of the fillet process line, could serve as an excellent source of aquatic collagen. It was possible to apply active collagen from salmon fish as well as the formulation of clay mask material. Collagen helped in the regeneration and replacement of dead and old cells for improving skin texture and integrity to maintain young and healthy skin. The purpose of this study was to find out which formulations produced the superior physical properties of salmonid collagen clay masks. Extraction of salmon skin purity was conducted by conventional extraction process. Salmon rind was pretreated with 0.5 M acetic acid. The collagen subunits extracted were then analyzed on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel (SDSPAGE) to determine the peptide chains. The collagen yield of the conventional method was 35.6%. The soluble collagen was extracted as a raw material for cosmetic material such as clay masks. Clay mask formulations contained collagen as a key ingredient due to their significant advantages as natural moisturizers. The best formulation of salmonid collagen clay mask was an F3 preparation with a kaolin concentration of 25% and a bentonite concentration of 1%.  F3 preparation was more preferred by respondents with good resulting odor, color, and texture parameters.Keywords: Clay, Collagen, Cosmetics, Extract, Salmon, Mas

    Simulation and feasibility studies of rooftop PV system for university campus buildings in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Present work simulates and analyzes the rooftop photovoltaic (PV) system on buildings roofs of the University of Surabaya, Indonesia for electricity power generation. The work also to calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction that can be obtained by PV system mounted on the building roofs. The surface area of the roofs was determined using Polygon feature of Google Earth TM. The energy output of the system was simulated with SolarGIS pvPlanner software program. The grid-connected PV system type was chosen in the simulation. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction analysis was carried out using RETScreen program simulation. It was found that about 10,353 m2 of the rooftop of the university buildings could be used for panel installation. The total capacity of the panels is found about 2,070 kWp with total electricity production is about 3,180 MWh per year and could supply up to 80% of the campus energy demand. The system would serve as a means of reducing 3,367.6; 2,477.2, or 1,195.7 tons of CO2 to the atmosphere in comparison to the same amount of electricity produced by burning coal, oil, or natural gas respectively. The unit cost of PV electricity was found ranging from 0.10 - 0.20 USD/kWh. From economic aspects, the rooftops PV system has the potential to provide power at a competitive cost in comparison to other alternative options of power generation. © 2018, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research
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