126 research outputs found

    Sens et utilité du français et de la philosophie en techniques d'éducation en services de garde

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    "La présente recherche a été subventionnée par le Programme d'aide à la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA)"Également disponible en version électroniqueBibliogr

    La recherche dans le réseau collégial privé agréé: Portraits, recommandations et orientations

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    Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 20 février 2007)Également disponible en format papie

    L’intégration des services de santé mentale de première ligne. Étude du modèle développé à la Clinique communautaire de Pointe-St-Charles

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    L'examen d'une expérience de collaboration établie depuis 25 ans entre la Clinique communautaire de Pointe-St-Charles, qui a un mandat de Centre local de services communautaires, et l'hôpital Douglas, un centre spécialisé en psychiatrie, a permis de documenter un mode de partenariat particulier pour des services de santé mentale destinés à des adultes. Avec le soutien d'une équipe de consultants en psychiatrie disponible sur place, les professionnels 1 des équipes multidisciplinaires de première ligne sont responsables du plan de traitement établi et assurent un suivi de longue durée, si nécessaire. L'approche d'intervention mise également sur l'enracinement de cette Clinique dans le quartier et sur une tradition de collaboration avec plusieurs organismes communautaires qui accueillent les personnes suivies à cette clinique. Ce modèle d'organisation est soumis à des pressions, vu les transformations dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux. Cette étude, réalisée durant la période de reconfiguration des services de santé au Québec, a permis d'apporter un éclairage sur les conditions de réalisation du modèle d'intervention à la Clinique communautaire de Pointe-St-Charles et d'identifier des pistes d'amélioration, en considérant le point de vue des usagers et celui des professionnels impliqués.A close examination of the experience of collaboration established over the past 25 years between the Clinique communautaire de Pointe-St-Charles - which has the primary care mandate of a CLSC (local community services), and the Douglas Hospital, a centre specialized in psychiatry, - has allowed to document a particular type of partnership for adult mental health services. With the support of a team of psychiatric consultants, first line multidisciplinary teams of professionals are responsible for the treatment plan established as well as ensuring, if necessary, continuity of long-term care. This approach also counts on the fact this clinic is deeply-rooted in the neighborhood as well as on the tradition of collaboration with many community organizations servicing people treated at this clinic. This model of organization is submitted to pressures caused by the transformation of the health and social services system. This study realized during the transformation period, has allowed to shed new light on the conditions of realization of the intervention model at the Pointe-St-Charles community clinic and identify points of improvement by considering the perspective of consumers and professionals involved.El examen de una experiencia de colaboración establecido hace 25 anos entre la Clínica comunitaria de Pointe-St-Charles que tiene un mandato de Centro local de servicios comunitarios y el Hospital Douglas, un centro especializado en psiquiatría, ha permitido documentar un modo de trabajo conjunto, particular para los servicios de salud mental destinados a adultos. Con el apoyo de un equipo de consultantes en psiquiatría disponibles en el lugar, los profesionales de los equipos multidiciplinarios de primera línea son responsables del plan de tratamiento establecido y aseguran un seguimiento prolongado cuando es necesario. El modelo de intervención se basa igualmente en el enraizamiento de esta Clínica en el barrio y en la colaboración de varios organismos comunitarios que reciben a las personas que son seguidas en esta clínica. Dadas las transformaciones de la red de la salud y de los servicios sociales, este modelo organizacional está sometido a presiones. Este estudio, realizado durante le periodo de reconfiguración de los servicios de salud en el Quebec, ha permitido clarificar a cerca de las condiciones de realización del modelo de intervención en la Clínica comunitaria de Pointe-St-Charles e identificar las pistas para mejorarlo, considerando el punto de vista de los usuarios y de los profesionales implicados

    Inadequate heart rate control despite widespread use of beta-blockers in outpatients with stable CAD: findings from the international prospective CLARIFY registry

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    Background: To use CLARIFY, a prospective registry of patients with stable CAD (45 countries), to explore heart rate (HR) control and beta-blocker use.<p></p> Methods: We analyzed the CLARIFY population according to beta-blocker use via descriptive statistics with Pearson's χ2 test for comparisons, as well as a multivariable stepwise model.<p></p> Results: Data on beta-blocker use was available for 32,914 patients, in whom HR was 68 ± 11 bpm; patients with angina, previous myocardial infarction, and heart failure had HRs of 69 ± 12, 68 ± 11, and 70 ± 12 bpm, respectively. 75% of these patients were receiving beta-blockers. Bisoprolol (34%), metoprolol tartrate (16%) or succinate (13%), atenolol (15%), and carvedilol (12%) were mostly used; mean dosages were 49%, 76%, 35%, 53%, and 45% of maximum doses, respectively. Patients aged < 65 years were more likely to receive beta-blockers than patients ≥ 75 years (P < 0.0001). Gender had no effect. Subjects with HR ≤ 60 bpm were more likely to be on beta-blockers than patients with HR ≥ 70 bpm (P < 0.0001). Patients with angina, previous myocardial infarction, heart failure, and hypertension were more frequently receiving beta-blockers (all P < 0.0001), and those with PAD and asthma/COPD less frequently (both P < 0.0001). Beta-blocker use varied according to geographical region (from 87% to 67%).<p></p> Conclusions: Three-quarters of patients with stable CAD receive beta-blockers. Even so, HR is insufficiently controlled in many patients, despite recent guidelines for the management of CAD. There is still much room for improvement in HR control in the management of stable CAD

    Perspective d’usagers suivis en clinique externe d’établissements de première, deuxième et troisième lignes

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    L'étude regroupe les résultats de quatre enquêtes majeures sur la satisfaction de la clientèle de services de consultation externe en santé mentale de Montréal. Elle implique des milieux offrant des services de base, des services spécialisés et des services ultra-spécialisés. Effectuée à l'aide d'entrevues individuelles auprès d'un total de 856 patients, elle a permis de documenter la perspective de ces usagers. Les principales tendances observées indiquent que les patients sont généralement très satisfaits de la façon d'être des intervenants et de l'alliance thérapeutique établie avec eux. L'organisation et le fonctionnement des services génèrent toutefois des taux de satisfaction nettement inférieurs. Ces résultats semblent refléter l'impact des transformations récentes dans le système de services en santé mentale.This study is based on results of four major surveys on the satisfaction of the clientele regarding external consultation of mental health services in Montréal. It covers milieux offering primary care, specialized and ultra-specialized services. Conducted with 856 patients through personal interviews, this study has allowed to document consumers' perspectives. The major tendencies observed indicate that patient are generally highly satisfied with the work of mental health professionals and the therapeutic alliance they establish with them. Organization as well as functioning of services however, generate less satisfaction. These results appear to reflect the impact of recent transformation of the mental health system.El estudio reagrupa los resultados de cuatro grandes encuestas sobre la satisfacción de la clientela de los servicios de consulta externa en salud mental de Montreal. Esta implica los medios que ofrecen servicios de base, servicios especializados y servicios ultra especializados. Efectuada por medio de entrevistas individuales a 856 pacientes, la misma ha permitido documentar la perspectiva de estos usuarios. Las principales tendencias observadas indican que en general los pacientes se encuentran satisfechos de la manera de ser de los trabajadores y de la alianza terapéutica que se ha establecido con ellos. La organización y el funcionamiento de los servicios generan sin embargo algunos porcentajes de satisfacción, netamente inferiores. Estos resultados parecen reflejar el impacto de las recientes transformaciones en el sistema de servicios en salud mental

    Projet Collège+ : validation d’un assistant numérique pour l’inclusion scolaire de collégiens porteurs d’autisme

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    International audienceLe projet propose un outil d'assistance à l'inclusion scolaire permettant d'organiser et de soutenir les activités pédagogiques et communicationnelles d'élèves autistes en milieu ordinaire (i.e., collège). Cette assistance s'articule autour d'une tablette numérique. Celle-ci sera utilisable par les élèves et leurs aidants (enseignants, auxiliaires de vie scolaire, éducateurs, rééducateurs, etc.) dans leur travail d'accompagnement des élèves autistes. Les tablettes numériques de nouvelle génération, munies d'un écran tactile, du réseau sans fil et de camera, représentent un support très prometteur pour une assistance multifonctions de la personne en situation de handicap et à un cout raisonnable. La versatilité de ces tablettes permet une utilisation adaptée aux capacités de l'utilisateur. Dans ce projet, la tablette s'appuiera sur un catalogue ouvert d'applications gratuites, destinées aux élèvesavec désordres du spectre de l'autisme : ralenti vidéo, communication augmentée, gestion des routines scolaires, gestion du temps, aide-mémoire, enregistrement contextuel, gestion des émotions, scenarios d'interaction sociale, etc

    Gender- and age-related differences in clinical presentation and management of outpatients with stable coronary artery disease

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    <br>Introduction: Contemporary generalizable data on the demographics and management of outpatients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) in routine clinical practice are sparse. Using the data from the CLARIFY registry we describe gender- and age-related differences in baseline characteristics and management of these patients across broad geographic regions.</br> <br>Methods: This international, prospective, observational, longitudinal registry enrolled stable CAD outpatients from 45 countries in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and North, Central, and South America.</br> <br>Results: Baseline data were available for 33 280 patients. Mean (SD) age was 64 (10.5) years and 22.5% of patients were female. The prevalence of CAD risk factors was generally higher in women than in men. Women were older (66.6 vs 63.4 years), more frequently diagnosed with diabetes (33% vs 28%), hypertension (79% vs 69%), and higher resting heart rate (69 vs 67 bpm), and were less physically active. Smoking and a history of myocardial infarction were more common in men. Women were more likely to have angina (28% vs 20%), but less likely to have undergone revascularization procedures. CAD was more likely to be asymptomatic in older patients perhaps because of reduced levels of physical activity. Prescription of evidence-based medication for secondary prevention varied with age, with patients ≥ 75 years treated less often with beta blockers, aspirin and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors than patients < 65 years.</br> <br>Conclusions: Important gender-related differences in clinical characteristics and management continue to exist in all age groups of outpatients with stable CAD.</br&gt

    Heart Rate and Use of Beta-Blockers in Stable Outpatients with Coronary Artery Disease

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    <p><b>Background:</b> Heart rate (HR) is an emerging risk factor in coronary artery disease (CAD). However, there is little contemporary data regarding HR and the use of HR-lowering medications, particularly beta-blockers, among patients with stable CAD in routine clinical practice. The goal of the present analysis was to describe HR in such patients, overall and in relation to beta-blocker use, and to describe the determinants of HR.</p> <p><b>Methods and Findings:</b> CLARIFY is an international, prospective, observational, longitudinal registry of outpatients with stable CAD, defined as prior myocardial infarction or revascularization procedure, evidence of coronary stenosis of >50%, or chest pain associated with proven myocardial ischemia. A total of 33,438 patients from 45 countries in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Middle East, and Asia/Pacific were enrolled between November 2009 and July 2010. Most of the 33,177 patients included in this analysis were men (77.5%). Mean (SD) age was 64.2 (10.5) years, HR by pulse was 68.3 (10.6) bpm, and by electrocardiogram was 67.2 (11.4) bpm. Overall, 44.0% had HR≥70 bpm. Beta-blockers were used in 75.1% of patients and another 14.4% had intolerance or contraindications to beta-blocker therapy. Among 24,910 patients on beta-blockers, 41.1% had HR≥70 bpm. HR≥70 bpm was independently associated with higher prevalence and severity of angina, more frequent evidence of myocardial ischemia, and lack of use of HR-lowering agents.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> Despite a high rate of use of beta-blockers, stable CAD patients often have resting HR≥70 bpm, which was associated with an overall worse health status, more frequent angina and ischemia. Further HR lowering is possible in many patients with CAD. Whether it will improve symptoms and outcomes is being tested.</p&gt
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