344 research outputs found

    Análisis genómico de Mycobacterium tuberculosis sensible, MDR y XDR aislados en el Perú

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    Señala que la tuberculosis (TB) es una de las enfermedades más importantes en salud pública en el mundo y en el Perú tiene una notable importancia por el número de casos de TB registrados y el incremento de casos drogorresistentes en los últimos años. Se realizó el análisis genómico comparativo de tres genomas de Mycobacterium tuberculosis que mostraban características fenotípicas de sensibilidad a drogas (INS-SEN), multidrogorresistente (INS-MDR) y extremadamente resistente (INSXDR). Se determinó que los aislados de INS-MDR y de INS-XDR difieren en 6.1% SNPs, mientras que el análisis comparativo del genoma del aislado INS-SEN con la cepa INS-MDR y la cepa INS-SEN con INS-XDR difieren en 50.2% y 50.3% respectivamente. Las variaciones en el genoma de M. tuberculosis en los aislados INS-SEN, INS-MDR y INS-XDR con más frecuencia pertenecen a la familia de genes Q (biosíntesis, catabolismo y transporte de metabolitos secundarios) y genes L (recombinación, replicación y reparación del ADN). Se concluye que el aislado sensible y drogorresistentes que incluye MDR y XDR no se encuentran relacionados estrechamente.Tesi

    Characterizing information leaders in Twitter during COVID-19 crisis

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    Information is key during a crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic as it greatly shapes people opinion, behaviour and even their psychological state. It has been acknowledged from the Secretary-General of the United Nations that the infodemic of misinformation is an important secondary crisis produced by the pandemic. Infodemics can amplify the real negative consequences of the pandemic in different dimensions: social, economic and even sanitary. For instance, infodemics can lead to hatred between population groups that fragment the society influencing its response or result in negative habits that help the pandemic propagate. On the contrary, reliable and trustful information along with messages of hope and solidarity can be used to control the pandemic, build safety nets and help promote resilience and antifragility. We propose a framework to characterize leaders in Twitter based on the analysis of the social graph derived from the activity in this social network. Centrality metrics are used to identify relevant nodes that are further characterized in terms of users parameters managed by Twitter. We then assess the resulting topology of clusters of leaders. Although this tool may be used for surveillance of individuals, we propose it as the basis for a constructive application to empower users with a positive influence in the collective behaviour of the network and the propagation of information

    Relationship between indication for tooth extraction and outcome of immediate implants: a retrospective study with 5 years of follow-up

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    Objectives: The aims of this retrospective study were to evaluate the survival rate of a series of immediate implants after 3 years of follow-up and to study the relationship between survival and indication for tooth extraction. Study design: A retrospective study of patients treated with immediate implants between January 2003 and Dec - ember 2008 was carried out. All patients receiving at least one post-extraction implant and a minimum follow-up of 5 years were included. Results: After 60 months, 30 immediate implants had been lost in 17 patients, yielding a total implant success rate of 93.8%. None of the implants placed failed after the extraction of included canines (100% success rate). In 20 failed implants the reason for extraction had been severe periodontal disease (91.8% SR), in 4 endodontic failure (88.6%SR), in 3 unrestorable caries (95.9% SR), in 1 untreatable fracture (95.2% SR) and in 2 improvement of prosthetic design (98.1% SR). No statistically significant influence was found between immediate implant failure and the reason for tooth extraction ( p =0.11). Conclusions: The use of immediate implants is a successful alternative to replace missing teeth for severe perio - dontal disease, periapical pathology or by decay or untreatable fractures. Some reasons, such as periodontal disease itself is associated with a success rate significantly below the overall average. Similarly, the prosthetic design is associated with a better prognosis than all other reasons

    Identificación de señales autogeneradas que afectan a la patogenicidad de Fusarium oxysporum

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    Fusarium oxysporum (Fo) es uno de los hongos fitopatógenos más destructivos a nivel mundial afectando a una gran variedad de cultivos vegetales, utilizados tanto como para alimentación humana, como animal. Por ello es esencial conocer cómo funciona su ciclo de reproducción y de infección, y así poder desarrollar estrategias apropiadas de contención. Ambos ciclos están regulados por una señalización autocrina de feromonas y la α-feromona, que modulan diferentes aspectos de la fisiología y patología de los hongos, entre ellos, la germinación, el quimiotropismo y el quorum sensing.En el hongo modelo S. cerevisae, Bar1 es una aspartil proteasa secretada que actúa como "barrera" y antagonista de la señalización de la α-feromona. Dado que las proteasas Bar1 de diferentes hongos (C. albicans y S. cerevisae) reconocen y tienen un sitos de corte diferentes en la α-feromona, es difícil predecir dónde podría cortar Bar1 de F. oxysporum la α-feromona en esta especie fúngica. Aquí mostramos que la proteasa Bar1 de F. oxysporum, a diferencia de las de otros hongos (C. albicans y S. cerevisae), no es secretada, tal y como se predijo a través de un estudio bioinformático y por otras evidencias experimentales.En efecto, utilizando exudados fúngicos de F. oxysporum y mutantes de ΔBar1 pudimos identificar la presencia de una proteasa secretada hasta ahora desconocida, que corta la α-feromona de F. oxysporum entre Cys2 y Thr3, pero la presencia de Bar1 no fue identificada. No se dieron los mismos cortes en la αferomona de F. oxysporum cuando se incubó directamente con la germínula del hongo. En este caso se detectó un sitio de corte adicional entre Thr3 y Trp4 cuando se utilizó germínula wt pero no en germínula de ΔBar1.Es probable que F. oxysporum, al igual que otros hongos filamentosos y a diferencia de los hongos tipo levadura, necesite anclar Bar1 a su membrana por alguna razón aún desconocida. Para entender mejor esto y el papel que desempeña una proteasa secretada aún no descrita en la señalización autocrina de F. oxysporum, serán necesarios más experimentos.<br /

    Dataset for Sun dynamics from topological features

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    The present study presents an extensive dataset meticulously curated from solar images sourced from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), encompassing a range of spectral bands. This collaborative effort spans multiple disciplines and culminates in a robust and automated methodology that traverses the entire spectrum from solar imaging to the computation of spectral parameters and relevant characteristics. The significance of this undertaking lies in the profound insights yielded by the dataset. Encompassing diverse spectral bands and employing topological features, the dataset captures the multifaceted dynamics of solar activity, fostering interdisciplinary correlations and analyses with other solar phenomena. Consequently, the data's intrinsic value is greatly enhanced, affording researchers in solar physics, space climatology, and related fields the means to unravel intricate processes. To achieve this, an open-source Python library script has been developed, consolidating three pivotal stages: image acquisition, image processing, and parameter calculation. Originally conceived as discrete modules, these steps have been unified into a single script, streamlining the entire process. Applying this script to various solar image types has generated multiple datasets, subsequently synthesized into a comprehensive compilation through a data mining procedures. During the image processing phase, conventional libraries like OpenCV and Python's image analysis tools were harnessed to refine images for analysis. In contrast, image acquisition utilized established URL libraries in Python, facilitating direct access to original SOHO repository images and eliminating the need for local storage. The computation of spectral parameters involved a fusion of standard Python libraries and tailored algorithms for specific attributes. This approach ensures precise computation of a diverse array of attributes crucial for comprehensive analysis of solar images

    Anxiety before extraction of impacted lower third molars

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    Objetives: Assess levels of trait anxiety, state anxiety and dental anxiety before extraction of lower third molars and check the correlation and reliability of the scales used for the measurement of preoperative anxiety. Study D esign: A prospective study of patients treated with extraction of a lower third molar between September 2010 to December 2010 was carried out. A total of 125 patients were included in the study. All of them were patients of the Oral Surgery and Implantology Department (Valencia University Medical and Dental School, Valencia, Spain). Before surgery, patients had to complete a preoperative protocol with 4 scales: the STAI-T (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait) for measuring trait anxiety, the STAI-S (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State) for measuring state anxiety, and DAS (Dental anxiety Scale of N. Corah) and APAIS (Amsterdam Preoperative anxiety and Information Scale) for measuring dental anxiety. Results: Patients undergoing extractions of an impacted lower third molar showed low levels of trait anxiety and moderate levels of state anxiety and dental anxiety. Higher levels of trait anxiety were obtained for older patients. Women had higher mean levels of dental anxiety and state anxiety that men with a statistically significant difference in STAI-S scales, DAS, and APAIS. Patients with higher trait anxiety and state anxiety showed higher levels of dental anxiety. A significant correlation ( p ≤ 0.01) ( p = 0.00) was found between the four scales used to measure anxiety. The scale showed higher correlation was STAI-S scale. The 4 scales showed high reliability (α of C.> 0.80). Conclusion s : Patients with highest levels of trait anxiety and state anxiety, had more dental anxiety. The STAI-T, STAI-S, DAS and APAIS scales provided useful information about anxiety before the extraction of lower impacted third molars. The STAI-S is the scale with highest correlation and reliability

    Hemodynamic variations and anxiety during the surgical extraction of impacted lower third molars

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    The surgical removal of an impacted third molar can cause patient anxiety. Such anxiety and the use of vasoconstrictor drugs and local anesthetics in turn can induce hemodynamic variations during the operation. A study is made of the variations in hemodynamic parameters (systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate) and their correlation to patient gender and anxiety during surgical removal of an impacted lower third molar. A prospective study was carried out in the Oral Surgery Unit of a university clinic, with the inclusion of 125 patients (mean age 24.9 years). Anesthesia was administered in the form of 4% articaine and adrenalin 1:200,000 for surgical removal of the impacted lower third molars. Women experienced greater anxiety than men. Systolic blood pressure showed few changes ? the maximum and minimum values being recorded at the time of incision and upon suturing, respectively. Diastolic blood pressure in turn showed maximum and minimum values before the start of surgery and during extraction, respectively, while heart rate proved maximum during incision and minimum upon suturing. The differences in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate, between men and women, and between patients with and without anxiety, failed to reach statistical significance. The fact that these were young patients could contribute to explain the absence of significant hemodynamic changes in our study

    La vida decodificada de Avibacterium paragallinarum

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorMenciona que el genoma de Avibacterium paragallinarum fue analizado a partir de la secuencia genómica con una cobertura de 25X y 88 contigs. Se obtuvo un total de 2’458’923 pb para el genoma completo. La secuencia genómica de A. paragallinarum tiene 2517 secuencias codificantes y entre los grupos funcionales más importantes están las proteínas de transporte y envoltura celular. Se identificaron los genes relacionados a factores de virulencia que ayudarán a entender los mecanismos de patogenicidad y relación filogenética con otras especies para desarrollar candidatos vacunales.Tesi

    Comparative study of mandibular linear measurements obtained by cone beam computed tomography and digital calipers

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    Objectives: Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an innovative dental of imaging system characterized by rapid volumetric imaging with patient exposure to a single dose of radiation. The present study was carried out to compare the linear measurements obtained with CBCT and digital caliper in 20 mandibles from human cadavers. Study design: A total of 4800 linear measurements were measured between different mandibular anatomical po - ints with CBCT and digital caliper. The real measurements were defined as those obtained with the digital caliper. Posteriorly, the mandibles were scanned to obtain the CBCT images, with software-based measurements of the distances. Results: The measurements obtained with the digital caliper were greater. The CBCT technique underestimated distances greater than 100 mm. Conclusions: CBCT allows to obtain linear mandibular anatomical measurements equivalent to those obtained with digital caliper. The differences existing between both methods were clinically acceptable

    Gestión administrativa y su influencia en el compromiso docente en una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana – 2019

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    En la presente investigación sobre “Gestión administrativa y su influencia en el compromiso docente en una Universidad Privada de Lima Metropolitana – 2019”, presentó como objetivo establecer la influencia de la “Gestión Administrativa sobre el Compromiso Docente” de una Universidad Privada. Se usó una metodología de tipo, método y diseño correspondiente a descriptivo-correlacional, enfoque cuantitativo y no experimental-transversal respectivamente. Usando el muestreo un aleatorio simple, se obtuvo 158 de 783 docentes de una Universidad Privada en el 2019. Se aplicó un Cuestionario sobre “Gestión Administrativa” con 32 ítems, con cuatro dimensiones: planificación, organización, dirección y control y el segundo Cuestionario sobre “Compromiso Docente” con 24 ítems en total, con tres dimensiones de compromisos: afectivo, de continuidad y normativo Se concluyó que la “Gestión Administrativa” y “Compromiso Docente” se relacionan en forma significativa y directamente proporcional. También, se establecieron relaciones en forma significativa y directamente proporcionales entre las categorías de planificación, organización, dirección y control de la “Gestión Administrativa” con el “Compromiso Docente” de una Universidad Privada.Tesi