39 research outputs found

    Die Rolle der im Regenwurmdarm assoziierten Mikroorganismen auf das Schicksal des im Boden auftretenden Prions

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    The effect of earthworm gut (species Lumbricus terrestris, Aporrectodea caliginosa, and Eisenia fetida) on transiting bacterial community was studied using 16S rRNA-based techniques. CFB bacteria (classes Flavobacteria and Sphingobacteria) were considered as facultative gut-associated. Newly detected family Lumbricoplasmataceae within the class Mollicutes (Firmicutes) was proposed to be obligate earthworm-associated bacteria. Firmicutes and Gammaproteobacteria strongly reduced their diversity and relative number upon the passage being gut-sensitive bacterial groups, although the genus Pseudomonas (Gammaproteobacteria) were gut-resistant members of community. Other bacterial groups have varied number; unclassified Spingomonadaceae (Alphaproteobacteria) and Alcaligenes faecalis (Betaproteobacteria) represented the gut-resistant part of their populations. No earthworm host-specific effect was observed. Up to 20% of bacterial species isolated from the soil and earthworm sources were able to digest recPrP in pure culture; Gammaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Bacilli were the taxa with the biggest potential to deplete the recPrP. Most of studied fungal isolates degraded recPrP. The prion was demonstrated to be depleted in vitro in aqueous extracts of the soil and the cast within 2-6 days. Non-specific proteolytic activity strongly increased from soil substratum to the cast through the trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like proteases released by the earthworm. However, the passage through the gut did not promote any enhanced recPrP digestion. Thus, under applied conditions the microbial-earthworm gut systems do not produce proteases de novo, which notably affect the prion proteolysis.Die Auswirkung der Regenwurmdarm (Arten Lumbricus terrestris, Aporrectodea caliginosa, und Eisenia fetida) assoziierten und durchgehenden Bakterien en wurde mit Hilfe der 16S rRNA-Bestimmung untersucht. CFB Bakterien (Klassen Flavobacteria und Sphingobacteria) wurden als fakultativ regenwurmdarmassoziiert betrachtet. Die neulich entdeckte Familie Lumbricoplasmataceae mit der Klasse Mollicutes (Firmicutes) wurde als regenwurmdarmassoziierte Bakterien vorgeschlagen. Bei Firmicutes und Gammaproteobacteria wurde eine starke Reduktion ihrer DiversitĂ€t, sowie der Zahl der Bakterien innerhalb der Darmpassage beobachtet, was auf eine darmempfindliche Bakteriengruppe hinweist, obwohl die Gattung Pseudomonas (Gammaproteobacteria) eine DarmwiederstandsfĂ€higkeit zeigte. Die Bakterienzahl der anderen Bakteriengruppen hat sich geĂ€ndert (variiert); nicht klassifizierte Spingomonadaceae (Alphaproteobacteria) und Alcaligenes faecalis (Betaproteobacteria) stellten einen darm-wiederstandsfĂ€higen Teil ihrer Population dar. Es wurde keine wirtspezifische Rolle des Regenwurms beobachtet. Es wurde keine spezifische Wirkung beobachtet bei RegenwĂŒrmern aus unterschiedlichen Umgebungen. Bis 20 % der aus dem Boden und den RegenwĂŒrmern isolierten Bakterienspezies waren dazu fĂ€hig, recPrP aus einer reinen Kultur abzubauen; Gammaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, und Bacilli wiesen einen grĂ¶ĂŸeres Potential zum Abbau von recPrP auf. Die meisten getesteten pilzartigen Isolate waren auch zum recPrP-Abbau fahig. Die Degradation des Prions wurde in vitro in den wĂ€ssrigen Extrakten aus dem Boden und den Wurmexkrementen (2-6 Tagen) demonstriert (gezeigt). Es wurde eine stark erhöhte unspezifische proteolytische AktivitĂ€t durch den in Regenwurmdarm (freigesetzten) detektierten trypsin- und chymotrypsin-artigen Enzymen beobachtet. Jedoch wurde kein erhöhte recPrP-Abbau innerhalb der Darmpassage detektiert. Zusammenfassend erzeugt das Mikrooraganismen-Regenwurmdarm System unter angewandten Bedingungen, keine de novo Protease, die zum Prion-Abbau beitragen

    Metabolic and evolutionary patterns in the extremely acidophilic archaeon Ferroplasma acidiphilum YT

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    Ferroplasmaceae represent ubiquitous iron-oxidising extreme acidophiles with a number of unique physiological traits. In a genome-based study of Ferroplasma acidiphilum YT, the only species of the genus Ferroplasma with a validly published name, we assessed its central metabolism and genome stability during a long-term cultivation experiment. Consistently with physiology, the genome analysis points to F. acidiphilum YT having an obligate peptidolytic oligotrophic lifestyle alongside with anaplerotic carbon assimilation. This narrow trophic specialisation abridges the sugar uptake, although all genes for glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, including bifunctional unidirectional fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase/phosphatase, have been identified. Pyruvate and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenases are substituted by ‘ancient’ CoA-dependent pyruvate and alpha-ketoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductases. In the lab culture, after ~550 generations, the strain exhibited the mutation rate of ≄1.3 × 10−8 single nucleotide substitutions per site per generation, which is among the highest values recorded for unicellular organisms. All but one base substitutions were G:C to A:T, their distribution between coding and non-coding regions and synonymous-to-non-synonymous mutation ratios suggest the neutral drift being a prevalent mode in genome evolution in the lab culture. Mutations in nature seem to occur with lower frequencies, as suggested by a remarkable genomic conservation in F. acidiphilum YT variants from geographically distant populations

    “ARMAN” archaea depend on association with euryarchaeal host in culture and in situ

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    AbstractIntriguing, yet uncultured ‘ARMAN’-like archaea are metabolically dependent on other members of the microbial community. It remains uncertain though which hosts they rely upon, and, because of the lack of complete genomes, to what extent. Here, we report the co-culturing of ARMAN-2-related organism, Mia14, with Cuniculiplasma divulgatum PM4 during the isolation of this strain from acidic streamer in Parys Mountain (Isle of Anglesey, UK). Mia14 is highly enriched in the binary culture (ca. 10% genomic reads) and its ungapped 0.95 Mbp genome points at severe voids in central metabolic pathways, indicating dependence on the host, C. divulgatum PM4. Analysis of C. divulgatum isolates from different sites and shotgun sequence data of Parys Mountain samples suggests an extensive genetic exchange between Mia14 and hosts in situ. Within the subset of organisms with high-quality genomic assemblies representing the ‘DPANN’ superphylum, the Mia14 lineage has had the largest gene flux, with dozens of genes gained that are implicated in the host interaction.</jats:p

    Microbial ÎČ-glucosidases from cow rumen metagenome enhance the saccharification of lignocellulose in combination with commercial cellulase cocktail

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    BACKGROUND: A complete saccharification of plant polymers is the critical step in the efficient production of bio-alcohols. Beta-glucosidases acting in the degradation of intermediate gluco-oligosaccharides produced by cellulases limit the yield of the final product. RESULTS: In the present work, we have identified and then successfully cloned, expressed, purified and characterised 4 highly active beta-glucosidases from fibre-adherent microbial community from the cow rumen. The enzymes were most active at temperatures 45–55°C and pH 4.0-7.0 and exhibited high affinity and activity towards synthetic substrates such as p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (pNPbetaG) and pNP-beta-cellobiose, as well as to natural cello-oligosaccharides ranging from cellobiose to cellopentaose. The apparent capability of the most active beta-glucosidase, herein named LAB25g2, was tested for its ability to improve, at low dosage (31.25 units g(-1) dry biomass, using pNPbetaG as substrate), the hydrolysis of pre-treated corn stover (dry matter content of 20%; 350 g glucan kg(-1) dry biomass) in combination with a beta-glucosidase-deficient commercial Trichoderma reseei cellulase cocktail (5 units g(-1) dry biomass in the basis of pNPbetaG). LAB25g2 increased the final hydrolysis yield by a factor of 20% (44.5 ± 1.7% vs. 34.5 ± 1.5% in control conditions) after 96–120 h as compared to control reactions in its absence or in the presence of other commercial beta-glucosidase preparations. The high stability (half-life higher than 5 days at 50°C and pH 5.2) and 2–38000 fold higher (as compared with reported beta-glucosidases) activity towards cello-oligosaccharides may account for its performance in supplementation assays. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that beta-glucosidases from yet uncultured bacteria from animal digestomes may be of a potential interest for biotechnological processes related to the effective bio-ethanol production in combination with low dosage of commercial cellulases

    Identification and characterization of carboxyl esterases of gill chamber-associated microbiota in the deep-sea shrimp rimicaris exoculata by using functional metagenomics

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    The shrimp Rimicaris exoculata dominates the fauna in deep-sea hydrothermal vent sites along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (depth, 2,320 m). Here, we identified and biochemically characterized three carboxyl esterases from microbial communities inhabiting the R. exoculata gill that were isolated by naive screens of a gill chamber metagenomic library. These proteins exhibit low to moderate identity to known esterase sequences (<52%) and to each other (11.9 to 63.7%) and appear to have originated from unknown species or from genera of Proteobacteria related to Thiothrix/Leucothrix (MGS-RG1/RG2) and to the Rhodobacteraceae group (MGS-RG3). A library of 131 esters and 31 additional esterase/lipase preparations was used to evaluate the activity profiles of these enzymes. All 3 of these enzymes had greater esterase than lipase activity and exhibited specific activities with ester substrates (<356Umg 1) in the range of similar enzymes. MGS-RG3 was inhibited by salts and pressure and had a low optimal temperature (30°C), and its substrate profile clustered within a group of low-activity and substrate-restricted marine enzymes. In contrast, MGS-RG1 and MGS-RG2 were most active at 45 to 50°C and were salt activated and barotolerant. They also exhibited wider substrate profiles that were close to those of highly active promiscuous enzymes from a marine hydrothermal vent (MGS-RG2) and from a cold brackish lake (MGS-RG1). The data presented are discussed in the context of promoting the examination of enzyme activities of taxa found in habitats that have been neglected for enzyme prospecting; the enzymes found in these taxa may reflect distinct habitat-specific adaptations and may constitute new sources of rare reaction specificities.The European Community project MAMBA (FP7-KBBE-2008-226977), grant BIO2011-25012 from the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness (formerly MICINN). P.N.G. and O.V.G. were supported by EU FP7 project MICROB3 (FP7-OCEAN.2011 287589). This work received support from the Government of Canada through Genome Canada and the Ontario Genomics Institute (grant 2009-OGI-ABC-1405 to A.F.Y. and A.S.) and from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (grants GM074942 and GM094585 to A.S. through the Midwest Center for Structural Genomics).http://aem.asm.orgam201

    Genome sequence and functional genomic analysis of the oil-degrading bacterium Oleispira antarctica

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    M.K. and P.N.G. designed the work; T.N.C. performed physiological studies; M.K., M.F., Y.A.-R., A.B., N.L.-C., M.E.G., O.R.K., T.Y.N., S.K., I.L., O.V.G., M.M.Y. R.R. and P.N.G. were associated with genome annotation; H.J.H. performed lipids and FAME analysis; M.F., M-l.F., S.J., S.C. and J.P.A performed chaperonin anti-proteome analysis; A.-x. S., O.K., O.E., P.A.P., P.S. and Y.K. were associated with structural proteomics; A.T. and R.F. were associated with functional proteomics; H.L. performed electron microscopy; R.D. performed real-time PCR; M.M.-G. and M.F. performed DIGE proteome analysis; M.G. was involved in siderophore production; O.N.R. performed genomic islands’ analysis; H.T. performed storage lipid compounds’ analysis; P.N.G. coordinated manuscript writing.Accession Codes: The genome sequence of Oleispira antarctica RB-8 has been deposited in GenBank under accession core FO203512. Protein structures have deposited in PDB under accession codes 3QVM (a/b hydrolase, OLEAN_C08020), 3QVQ (phosphodiesterase, OLEAN_C20330), 3M16 (transaldolase, OLEAN_C18160), 3LQY (isochorismatase, OLEAN_C07660), 3LNP (amidohydrolase, OLEAN_C13880), 3V77/3L53 (fumarylacetoacetate isomerase/hydrolase, OLEAN_C35840), 3VCR/3LAB (2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase, OLEAN_C25130), 3IRU (phoshonoacetaldehyde hydrolase, OLEAN_C33610), 3I4Q (inorganic pyrophosphatase, OLEAN_C30460), 3LMB (protein with unknown function, OLEAN_C10530).Ubiquitous bacteria from the genus Oleispira drive oil degradation in the largest environment on Earth, the cold and deep sea. Here we report the genome sequence of Oleispira antarctica and show that compared with Alcanivorax borkumensis—the paradigm of mesophilic hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria—O. antarctica has a larger genome that has witnessed massive gene-transfer events. We identify an array of alkane monooxygenases, osmoprotectants, siderophores and micronutrient-scavenging pathways. We also show that at low temperatures, the main protein-folding machine Cpn60 functions as a single heptameric barrel that uses larger proteins as substrates compared with the classical double-barrel structure observed at higher temperatures. With 11 protein crystal structures, we further report the largest set of structures from one psychrotolerant organism. The most common structural feature is an increased content of surface-exposed negatively charged residues compared to their mesophilic counterparts. Our findings are relevant in the context of microbial cold-adaptation mechanisms and the development of strategies for oil-spill mitigation in cold environments.We acknowledge the funding from the EU Framework Program 7 to support Projects MAMBA (226977), ULIXES (266473), MAGIC PAH (245226) and MICROB3 (287589) This work received the support of the Government of Canada through Genome Canada and the Ontario Genomics Institute (grant 2009-OGI-ABC-1405 to A.F.Y. and A.S.), and the U.S. Government National Institutes of Health (grants GM074942 and GM094585 (to A.S. through Midwest Center for Structural Genomics). The study was supported by the Max Planck Society and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through project KU 2679/2-1 and BU 890/21-1. We thank the sequencing team of the AG Reinhardt for technical assistance and Alfred Beck for computational support. The skilful work of electron microscopic sample preparation by Mrs. Ingeborg Kristen (Dept. VAM, HZI Braunschweig) is gratefully acknowledged. Authors thank Professor Ken Timmis for his critical reading the manuscript and useful comments.http://www.nature.com/naturecommunicationsam201

    HPLC-MS/MS Trachypus boharti Brazil 2

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    HPLC-MS/MS runs of MeOH extracts from single Trachypus boharti specimen antennae collected in Brazil - second hal

    HPLC-MS/MS Philanthus spp. South Africa

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    HPLC-MS/MS runs of MeOH extracts from single Philanthus specimen antennae collected in South Afric

    HPLC-MS/MS Philanthus gibbosus cocoons

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    HPLC-MS/MS runs of MeOH extracts from single Philanthus gibbosus cocoons reared in German