337 research outputs found


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    In so many divorce cases especially artist which lifted by media, one or \ud both of them are harmed, surprised and get unfeared reverse to Nyata and Nova \ud which have the segmentation to woman the research claimed that both of tabloid \ud in give information was inclained news information from one party only. Basedon the above reason, the research tried to unload the suspilion of it. Do they are \ud one on hand or these news did not fullfil the cover both side principle To unload the news \ud construction of Nyata and Nova the searcher used \ud framing analyze with Zhongdang Pan and Gerald Kosiscki model. The subject of the research \ud was “selebriti” rubric Nyata tabloid edition of 1952/ 1 Desember 2008. The theory used in this \ud research construction theory to the Berger and \ud Luckman and hierarcy of influence theory of Pamela Shoemaker and D’Reese. \ud The finding result showed that diffraction of gender at divorce news of young musicians is \ud clearly. Both of the news were diffraction of gender. In Pasha and Okie’s cases, Nyata and Nova \ud were tend to advocate Pasha, they blurred Ungu’s vocalist mistake and it going to force Okie into \ud corner. \ud There is not different with Aris case. The existance of Fany as wife suffering after her husband \ud succesfull make Nyata and nova mainstream to choose Fany as the side and going to force aris \ud inti corner as irresponsible husband. The form of unfair of gender in Nyata tabloid were \ud stereotyping and violence psychologist also faced by Okie. \ud The gender based violence with physical or \ud psychologist caused by the relationship among women (Okie) and men (Pasha) signed with \ud powerless relation. In Nova tabloid only one so mentioned one unfair of gender manisfaction in \ud stereotyping form. \ud The same with unfear of gender form by psychologist in Fany’s household seemed in Nyata \ud tabloid news. Besides marginalization was also faced by Fany. \ud From the result finding above, it can concluded that Nyata and Nova did \ud not fully advocate to woman correctly, but the text by both of tabloids was loaded \ud with grind to woman presented

    Pengelompokan Penyakit Pada Pasien Berdasarkan Usia Dengan Metode K-Means Clustering (Studi Kasus : Puskesmas Bahorok)

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    In this study, the process of applying the K-Means method will be carried out in classifying diseases in bahorok health center patients based on age. To simplify the process of managing a lot of data, the Bahorok Health Center needs a system in making decisions to find out the grouping of diseases based on the age of patients who are often affected by the disease at the Bahorok Health Center. The application of the K-Means Clustering method is a method used in data mining which works by finding and classifying data that have similar characteristics between one data and other data that has been obtained. As for the results. The results of the pattern analysis above From 20 data obtained 3 groups, it can be concluded as follows: Group 1 Centroid 1: (2.2 1.4 2.2) there are 5 data. Based on the above calculations, it can be seen that in cluster 1 group 1, the patients are children. Group 2 Centroid 2: (1 1,6 1,6) there are 3 data. Based on the above calculations, it can be concluded that in cluster 2, group 2 is an adult patient. Group 3 Centroid 3: (1,75 1,58 6) there are 12 data. Based on the above calculations, it can be concluded that in cluster 3, group 3 is the patient is the elderly. Keywords : K-Means, Diseases in Patient

    Balancing and Lucas-balancing Numbers With Real Indices

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    In this thesis, we have studied the balancing and Lucas-balancing numbers for real indices. Also we have discussed some properties of balancing numbers with real numbers. We extend some properties of Fibonacci numbers to balancing numbers


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    Bangunan mempunyai fungsi atau peran penting dalam kehidupan manusia yang disesuaikan dengan tujuan dibangunnya suatu bangunan. Salah satunya gedung Gelanggang Generasi Muda, gedung ini berfungsi untuk gabungan kesenian, olahraga dan kepemimpinan. Untuk tercapainya suatu tujuan dari gedung tersebut maka perlu adanya perencanaan pemeliharaan yang rutin, dengan begitu pembaruan atau perbaikan gedung akan rutin dilakukan sesuai dengan umur rencana bangunan. Life Cycle Cost adalah salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisa nilai ekonomis sebuah bangunan dengan mempertimbangkan biaya pengoperasian sepanjang umur hidup bangunan. Namun faktanya, dalam suatu pembangunan gedung masih sangat jarang diperhitungkan terkait biaya hidup gedung dengan umur gedung yang sudah direncanakan. Pada penelitian ini penulis membuat perhitungan Life Cycle Cost berdasarkan studi pustaka dan data aktual, biaya ini terdiri dari biaya awal, biaya operasional, biaya pemeliharaan dan biaya perawatan yang dihitung hingga umur rencana bangunan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Dari hasil penelitian nilai life Cycle Cost Gedung Gelanggang Generasi Muda berdasarkan studi pustaka didapat sebesar Rp.66.470.815.590 dan dengan nilai sisa Rp.70.501.407.022, sedangkan nilai life Cycle Cost berdasarkan data aktual didapat sebesar Rp.58.432.393.417 dan dengan nilai sisa sebesar Rp.61.584.510.417. Nilai Life Cycle Cost terendah yaitu nilai Life cycle cost berdasarkan data aktual tanpa nilai sisa. Hasil perubahan tingkat suku bunga dengan rentang ±30% bahwa nilai Life Cycle Cost akan naik jika suku bunga turun, dan nilai Life Cycle Cost akan turun jika suku bunga naik.;--Building have an important role in human life in all aspect tailored to the function of the building. Gelanggang Generasi Muda (GGM) is the one building that was built for this function. This building functions is the place for teenager to develop their skills, such as; art, leadership, and sport. To achive this purpose of the building, we must plan about routine maintenance, repair, and renewal of the building components, to make it reach the age of the building plan. Life Cycle Cost is the one of the method that can be used to analize the economic value of a building by considering operating costs over the life of the building. But the fact is, it is still rare for building to calculated its cost that used during the age of the building that has been planned. In this study the authors make Life Cycle Cost calculations based on literature studies and actual data, these costs consist of initial costs, operational costs, maintenance costs and renewal costs that are calculated to the age of the building plan. Descriptive quantitative is the method that used in this research. From the research results, life cycle cost value for the Gelanggang Generasi Muda Building based on literature study is Rp.66.470.815.590 and with a residual value is Rp.70.501.407.022, while the value of the life cycle cost based on actual data is Rp.58.432.393.417 and with a residual value is Rp.61.584.510.417. The lowest value of Life Cycle Cost is the value of Life cycle cost based on actual data without residual value. Changes in interest rates with a range of ± 30%, the value of Life Cycle Cost will increase if interest rates fall, and the value of Life Cycle Cost will decrease if interest rates rise


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara physical appearance comparison dengan body dissatisfaction remaja putri Kota Bandung. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode korelasional. Penentuan subjek sebanyak 397 orang menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data diperoleh dengan mengadaptasi dan memodifikasi instrumen Physical Appearance Comparison Scale (PACS) yang disusun oleh Thompson dan instrumen Multiple Body-Self Related Questionnaire Appearance Scales (MBSRQ-AS) yang disusun oleh Tomas Cash. Hasil penelitian berupa hasil uji korelasi antara physical appearance comparison dengan body dissatisfaction menunjukkan bahwa physical appearance comparison memiliki korelasi positif dengan body dissatisfaction. Penelitian ini memperoleh temuan physical appearance comparison sebagian besar remaja putri Kota Bandung berada pada tingkat sedang dan body dissatisfaction sebagian besar remaja putri Kota Bandung berada pada tingkat sedang.; This research aims to determine the relationship between physical appearance comparison and body dissatisfaction among female adolescent in Bandung. The design of this research is quantitative with correlational method. The determination of subject (N = 397) in this research used a purposive sampling technique. Datum were obtained by modifying a Physical Appearance Comparison Scale (PACS) instrument proposed by Thompson and Multiple Body-Self Related Questionnaire Appearance Scales (MBSRQ-AS) instrument proposed by Cash. Result of this research is correlation between physical appearance comparison and body dissatisfaction among female adolescent in Bandung showed that physical appearance comparison had positive correlation with body dissatisfaction. Additional results of this research are female adolescent in Bandung had moderate level of social comparison and moderate level of body dissatisfaction

    KONSTRUKSI MEDIA TERHADAP KASUS PERCERAIAN DIKALANGAN \ud ARTIS(Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Gender pada Rubrik “Selebritis” di Tabloid Nyataedisi 1952/ 1 Desember 2008 dan Rubrik “Kabar Kabur” di Tabloid Nova edisi1084/ XXI/ 1­7 Desember 2008)

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    In so many divorce cases especially artist which lifted by media, one or \ud both of them are harmed, surprised and get unfeared reverse to Nyata and Nova \ud which have the segmentation to woman the research claimed that both of tabloid \ud in give information was inclained news information from one party only. Basedon the above reason, the research tried to unload the suspilion of it. Do they are \ud one on hand or these news did not fullfil the cover both side principle To unload the news \ud construction of Nyata and Nova the searcher used \ud framing analyze with Zhongdang Pan and Gerald Kosiscki model. The subject of the research \ud was “selebriti” rubric Nyata tabloid edition of 1952/ 1 Desember 2008. The theory used in this \ud research construction theory to the Berger and \ud Luckman and hierarcy of influence theory of Pamela Shoemaker and D’Reese. \ud The finding result showed that diffraction of gender at divorce news of young musicians is \ud clearly. Both of the news were diffraction of gender. In Pasha and Okie’s cases, Nyata and Nova \ud were tend to advocate Pasha, they blurred Ungu’s vocalist mistake and it going to force Okie into \ud corner. \ud There is not different with Aris case. The existance of Fany as wife suffering after her husband \ud succesfull make Nyata and nova mainstream to choose Fany as the side and going to force aris \ud inti corner as irresponsible husband. The form of unfair of gender in Nyata tabloid were \ud stereotyping and violence psychologist also faced by Okie. \ud The gender based violence with physical or \ud psychologist caused by the relationship among women (Okie) and men (Pasha) signed with \ud powerless relation. In Nova tabloid only one so mentioned one unfair of gender manisfaction in \ud stereotyping form. \ud The same with unfear of gender form by psychologist in Fany’s household seemed in Nyata \ud tabloid news. Besides marginalization was also faced by Fany. \ud From the result finding above, it can concluded that Nyata and Nova did \ud not fully advocate to woman correctly, but the text by both of tabloids was loaded \ud with grind to woman presented


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    The purpose of this study is to describe (1) the scenario and implementation of learning the role of Indonesia in the Global Era through the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model through the Team Games Tournament (TGT) type cooperative setting in grade VI students, (2) teacher and student responses class VI on learning material on the role of Indonesia in the global era, (3) the difficulties experienced by grade VI students in completing the subject matter of Indonesia's role in the global era. This research method is descriptive qualitative research. The participants of this research were teachers and students. Data collection techniques used in the study were observation, questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis in qualitative research was carried out before entering the field, during the field and after finishing the field. The results of scenario research and the implementation of learning carried out by the teacher can be seen with the improvement in learning, students become more active in learning. The teacher and student responses both can be seen from the results of the questionnaire given during the lesson. The difficulty experienced by students with this material is only in the question indicators explaining the meaning of globalization, but most students do not experience difficulties in the material. Conclusions based on the results of research on scenarios and implementation of learning material on Indonesia's Role in the Global Era with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model through the cooperative setting type Teams Games Tournament (TGT) in grade VI SDN Gandasari the results are good and the steps taken by the teacher are already corresponding. The teacher's response in learning the material on Indonesia's Role in the Global Era has been good, as well as student responses to learning have been good. Difficulties experienced by grade VI students in completing the material on Indonesia's role in the global era. Students have difficulty in the question indicator explaining the meaning of globalization. The average student answered incorrectly on the test questions given by the teacher. However, most students do not experience difficulties in the material on Indonesia's role in the global era. As for the other factors that became students' difficulties based on the results of the interviews, namely students were difficult to memorize and understand so much subject matter. Many students have difficulty answering questions in essay form

    Pengambilalihan Perseroan Terbatas Bidang Penyiaran Sesuai Hukum Positif Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan karena kemunculan lembaga penyiaran swastabaru diluar sepengetahuan instansi terkait. Hal ini dikarenakan adanyakekosongan hukum peraturan Perundang-undangan. Peraturan Perundangundangantersebut antara lain Undang-undang No.40 tahun 2007 tentangperseroan terbatas dengan Undang-undang No.32 tahun 2002 tentang penyiaran.Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui, mendeskripsikan dan menganalisaterkait perbandingan pengambilalihan perseroan terbatas khusus dibidangpenyiaran dengan perseroan terbatas pada umumnya serta memberikan alternatifpenyelesaian kasus pengambilaihan penyiaran. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukanyaitu menggunakan jenis yuridis normatif dimana undang-undang menjadi sentralpenelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang sebagai sentralpenelitian, pendekatan analitis dan pendekatan perbandingan. Urgensi daripenelitian ini adalah agar tidak terjadi lagi akuisisi yang menyebabkan terjadinyapengendalian dan pemusatan dalam dunia penyiaran.Kata kunci : pengambilalihan, perseroan terbatas, penyiara