333 research outputs found

    Planning framework and methods to assess possible future high renewable penetrations in emerging economy electricity industries and security, affordability, and environmental implications for Indonesia’s Java-Bali grid

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    Electricity industries worldwide are transitioning away from fossil-fuels towards wind and solar generation. While these technologies are now often cost-competitive as well as environmentally preferrable alternatives to coal and gas options, their highly variable output does raise challenges for delivering secure, affordable, and clean energy. This is particularly challenging for the electricity industries of emerging economies giving growing demand and limited financial resources. This thesis aims to address some of the limitations with existing frameworks, methods, and tools for assisting policymakers to plan electricity industry development, with a particular focus on better assessing future electricity generation options for emerging economies. It uses an open-source evolutionary programming-based optimisation model, National Electricity Market Optimiser (NEMO), to assess future generation options for the case study of Indonesia’s Java-Bali electricity grid. NEMO can model geographically and temporally variable wind and solar resources and solve least cost generation mixes in a highly configurable and transparent manner. A first study assessed the potential industry costs savings possible by recognising the reality of lower reliability standards in emerging economies than often assumed for modelling exercises. Accepting lower reliability outcomes not only reduces industry costs but also supports greater solar and wind deployment, hence better environmental outcomes. Next, the underlying evolutionary programming optimisation of NEMO was used to assess not just the least cost generation mix but the wider solution space, including generation portfolios that deliver total industry costs within 5% of the least cost solution highlighted the wide range of possible technology mixes that could potentially deliver a low cost future industry. Finally, NEMO was used to explore the potential implications of high variable renewable penetrations for operating reserves and hence power system security. The inevitability of some periods with both low wind and solar availability means that high renewables portfolios still feature significant dispatchable generation capacity. This means that the power system will generally have greater levels of operating reserves to cover possible plant failures than mixes with predominantly dispatchable generation. In summary, this thesis contributes to better understanding of the challenges and opportunities of deploying possible future high renewables in emerging economy electricity industries


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    Grid connected renewable energy technology for urban households, particularly photovoltaics modules, has been utilized increasingly significant in some countries through Feed-in tariff mechanism in a larger sense that the photovoltaics modules are served as centralized power generation. The potential of conducting building integrated photovoltaics-grid connected scheme through Feed-in tariff, which is focused in urban residential sector, is presented in this work. Urban residential of Indonesia along with other relevant data has been selected in the deliberation and analysis as it is provided a common picture of developing countries, where the energy policy and relevant regulation still rely on the subsidy. This work therefore intended to present technical and economical opportunities derived from implementing residential integrated photovoltaics-grid connected scheme in Indonesia urban household sector

    PENATAAN ULANG GUDANG BENANG DAN GUDANG KAIN (Studi Kasus di PT. Kusuma Sandang Mekarjaya Yogyakarta)

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    Gudang Benang dan Gudang Kain PT. Kusuma Sandang Mekarjaya belum tertata dengan baik. Akibatnya, aliran bahan di gudang tidak first in first out dan kapasitas penyimpanan kurang optimal. Penataan yang sembarangan di gudang juga mengakibatkan pekerja mengalami kesulitan dalam memasukkan dan mengeluarkan barang yang disimpan. Selain itu, PT. Kusuma Sandang Mekarjaya juga berencana untuk membeli forklift. Forklift ini akan digunakan untuk memindahkan barang baik yang ada di Gudang Benang maupun Gudang Kain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan rancangan Gudang Benang dan Gudang Kain yang memperbaiki aliran bahan di dalam gudang. Penataan ulang Gudang Benang dan Gudang Kain dilakukan dengan alternatif pemakaian single-deep selective rack dan mobile rack sebagai alat penyimpanan gudang serta penggunaan forklift sebagai alat pemindahan barang. Barang-barang yang disimpan di gudang dikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis dan frekuensi aliran barang, yang mengacu pada prinsip popularity. Lokasi penyimpanan barang ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode class-based dedicated storage. Untuk menjaga agar selalu tercipta aliran first in first out, dilakukan pembagian blok pada gudang. Blok dibedakan menurut jenis benang dan kain yang disimpan. Selain membentuk blok, dibuat standard operating procedure untuk operator gudang. Untuk memudahkan operator gudang dalam menempatkan dan mengambil barang, dilakukan penempelan kartu informasi pada barang yang disimpa

    Sizing and Costs Implications of Long-Term Electricity Planning: A Case of Kupang City, Indonesia

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    This paper presents long-term electricity supply-demand scenarios for Kupang City, Indonesia. The objective of the analysis is to reveal the alternatives sizing of power plants along with the power generation costs that is potentially incurred during the study period. The study is conducted using bottom-up energy model. Electricity energy in terms of supply-demand variation is taking into account both fossil fueled and renewable energy potential in the supply side, and the scheme of high as well as average electricity growth rate in the demand side. Four variations of supply-demand conditions is presented as the study result. The results has shown total energy supplied which is required in order to satisfy the usual demand growth and the total saving potential under the demand scheme. The variation in terms of costs also shown depending upon the renewable energy penetration. The study is expected to contribute towards the utilization of more renewable energy potential, particularly the possible implementation of Photovoltaic plants and the campaign of energy efficiency and conservation within the observed area

    Prototype of The Quran and Translation of The Ministry of Religion 2019 Edition in Quran Live Chat on Whatsapp and Telegram Applications

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    This study aims to integrate the Qur'an and its translation in an instant messaging application. The method used This research uses a mixed method, which combines qualitative and quantitative methods. This study resulted in a product in the form of a chatbot named Quran Live Chat and concluded that there were benefits felt by users in searching for the latest verses and translations belonging to the Ministry of Religion for the 2019 edition of the refinement by using instant messaging applications such as Whatsapp and Telegram. This study recommends that further research be carried out related to the integration of the book of interpretation

    Energy Decomposition Model Using Takagi-Sugeno Neuro Fuzzy

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    Decomposition analysis is useful method to determine significant factors contribute towards the development of energy consumption. This paper presents factors decomposition of electricity consumption in Indonesia’s household sector using artificial intelligent method. The proposed artificial intelligent technique used in this study is the Neuro Fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno (NFTS) network, which is worked under multiple input multiple output condition. By tuning the appropriate Gaussian parameters, which are mean and variance, and two Takagi-Sugeno weight, the changes in electricity consumption that is decomposed into production effect, structural effect, and efficiency effect, has revealed. Compared to the common method, the performance of NFTS network for both constant and current price variables is quite satisfied, given the error generated in the network ranges between 0.003 and 2.09 %, which is quite low and acceptable

    Energy and Environment Implications of Long-Term Power Development Involving Renewable Energy: a Case of Timor Island, Indonesia

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    This paper presents a long-term electricity energy supply-demand model of Timor Island, Indonesia. Implications of projected demand growth within the observed area towards the available supply as well as the amount of CO2 emission is taken into account. As its main objective is to review and to present initial comparison of the long-term electricity planning prepared by the utility, the analysis is carried out using the bottom-up energy system model. Unlike the common electricity long-term demand projection that is usually constructed based on the factors related to the electricity growth, the model is developed based on the simple projection considering historical electricity demand users. According to the analysis, the planned power plants would not able to meet the electricity demand in the case of high growth demand scenario. The variation of CO2 emission that is obtained from the considered scenarios is also shown

    Perbandingan Analisa Aliran Daya Dengan Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Genetika Dan Metode Newton-Raphson

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    Load Flow Analysis in Power System is used to determine the system\u27s parameters itself. The computation process closely related with system\u27s optimization problem. Newton-Raphson method for load flow iteration has been used for long time. Genetic Algorithms method\u27s application as one of optimization methods worked in giving solution for the system, through application procedure on genetic operators in process. Both methods apply in simulation to compute simplified 12 Bus East Java 150 KV. From the comparison of the two methods above we have thatr Jacobian matrix is needed to apply in Newton-Raphson method meanwhile it is not needed in Genetic Algorithms method. The computation time for Newton-Raphson method is quite fast comparing with Genetic Algorithms\u27

    Drivers and Barriers of Mobile Phone Remanufacturing Business in Indonesia: Perspectives of Retailers

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    Remanufacturing is deemed to be effective in reducing WEEE. Existing studies on remanufacturing mostly focus on operational issues, product acquisition, and pricing. However, some doubts about remanufacturing business arise in developing countries, where there is less regulation on remanufacturing and less environmental awareness. This study aims to investigate the prospects of remanufacturing business from the retailers' perspectives through in-depth interviews on three retailers in Surabaya, Indonesia. The main drivers for mobile phone remanufacturing business are its affordable and competitive price, big demand for popular mobile phones and high-end mobile phone, the opportunity for specification upgrade, and its suitability with the needs of Indonesian people. The main barriers for remanufacturing business are the possibility for cannibalizing new mobile phones' market share, the uncertainty of core supply, discontinuity of replacement part supply, lack of product knowledge among consumers and retailers, hesitation of retailers to sell remanufactured products, and lack of strict and clear regulations about remanufacturing business. Findings of this study provide insights to prospective mobile phone remanufacturers of what needs to be tackled to start a prosperous business. On the theoretical side, it provides complementary knowledge to existing studies that have been conducted mostly on countries that have higher environmental awareness
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