305 research outputs found

    Modelisation de la dynamique du peuplement d’especes commerciales apres eclaircie selective par devitalisation en forets naturelles de Côte d’Ivoire

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    L’objectif des dispositifs sylvicoles de Mopri et d’Irobo est d’étudier la  dynamique des forêts naturelles de Côte d’Ivoire. L’analyse des données de 1978 à 2008 a permisd’évaluer la dynamique des peuplements d’espèces commerciales selon 2 méthodes, en fonction de 7 classes de surface terrière et de 16 classes de diamètre. Avec la seconde méthode qui estime le taux d’accroissement courant annuel à partir de la moyenne par classe de surface terrière, on obtient la meilleure qualité prédictive du taux d’accroissement diamétrique des arbres (MCErés = 0,034 et R² = 99,25 %). L’évolution de la surface terrière par classe de diamètre montre que l’éclaircie sélective par dévitalisation chimique a un effet positif sur l’accroissement diamétrique des arbres d’espèces commerciales. Cette technique sylvicole profite essentiellement aux arbres de diamètre 1m. Avec une proportion d’espèces commerciales de 46,8 %, le dispositif de Mopri est deux fois plus riche que celui d’Irobo (23,5 %). Aussi, les valeurs estimées de l’accroissement courant annuel de la surface terrière  sont-elles plus élevées à Mopri. Ce taux est maximal dans les placettes carrées de 1 ha dont la surface terrière est comprise entre 17,5 et 20 m2.ha-1 à Mopri, et entre 22,5 et 25 m2.ha-1 à Irobo.Mots clés : Modélisation,espèce principale, taux d’accroissement,  diamètre, surface terrière, Côte d’Ivoire

    Découpage du savoir, apprentissage et transfert de connaissance

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    Discovering Implicational Knowledge in Wikidata

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    Knowledge graphs have recently become the state-of-the-art tool for representing the diverse and complex knowledge of the world. Examples include the proprietary knowledge graphs of companies such as Google, Facebook, IBM, or Microsoft, but also freely available ones such as YAGO, DBpedia, and Wikidata. A distinguishing feature of Wikidata is that the knowledge is collaboratively edited and curated. While this greatly enhances the scope of Wikidata, it also makes it impossible for a single individual to grasp complex connections between properties or understand the global impact of edits in the graph. We apply Formal Concept Analysis to efficiently identify comprehensible implications that are implicitly present in the data. Although the complex structure of data modelling in Wikidata is not amenable to a direct approach, we overcome this limitation by extracting contextual representations of parts of Wikidata in a systematic fashion. We demonstrate the practical feasibility of our approach through several experiments and show that the results may lead to the discovery of interesting implicational knowledge. Besides providing a method for obtaining large real-world data sets for FCA, we sketch potential applications in offering semantic assistance for editing and curating Wikidata

    La transmisión de la cultura africana a los niños

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    African ancient traditions suffered a major historical change as a result of colonization. Several decades after decolonization and access to independence, what is the situation and place of the African culture in Africa and outside Africa? Does African culture perpetuate effectively today? What are the obstacles to the transmission of African culture to our children? What are the beliefs or elements that have influenced the transmission of our culture after the period of independence? Roughly, what is left of our culture in the twenty-first century? We are going to focus on Côte d´Ivoire case study, basing our analysis on an analytical reading of contemporary society since 1960, year of the independence of our country.Las tradiciones ancestrales africanas sufrieron un gran cambio histórico a raíz de la colonización. Varias décadas después de la descolonización y el acceso a la independencia, ¿cuál es la fisonomía y el lugar de la cultura africana en África y fuera de África? ¿Se sigue perpetuando la cultura africana de manera eficaz hoy en día? ¿Cuáles son los obstáculos a la transmisión de la cultura africana a nuestros hijos? ¿Cuáles son las creencias o los elementos que han influido en la transmisión de nuestra cultura después del periodo de las independencias? A grosso modo, ¿qué queda de nuestra cultura en el siglo XXI? Vamos a interesarnos por el caso de Costa de Marfil, basando nuestro análisis en una lectura analítica de la sociedad contemporánea desde 1960, año de la independencia de nuestro país

    La performance du système de soins de santé primaires ivoirien : les dimensions à privilégier

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Construction et validation de filtres de recherche bibliographique pour soutenir la prise de décisions basée sur les évidences : le cas de la sécurité des patients

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    Les filtres de recherche bibliographique optimisés visent à faciliter le repérage de l’information dans les bases de données bibliographiques qui sont presque toujours la source la plus abondante d’évidences scientifiques. Ils contribuent à soutenir la prise de décisions basée sur les évidences. La majorité des filtres disponibles dans la littérature sont des filtres méthodologiques. Mais pour donner tout leur potentiel, ils doivent être combinés à des filtres permettant de repérer les études couvrant un sujet particulier. Dans le champ de la sécurité des patients, il a été démontré qu’un repérage déficient de l’information peut avoir des conséquences tragiques. Des filtres de recherche optimisés couvrant le champ pourraient s’avérer très utiles. La présente étude a pour but de proposer des filtres de recherche bibliographique optimisés pour le champ de la sécurité des patients, d’évaluer leur validité, et de proposer un guide pour l’élaboration de filtres de recherche. Nous proposons des filtres optimisés permettant de repérer des articles portant sur la sécurité des patients dans les organisations de santé dans les bases de données Medline, Embase et CINAHL. Ces filtres réalisent de très bonnes performances et sont spécialement construits pour les articles dont le contenu est lié de façon explicite au champ de la sécurité des patients par leurs auteurs. La mesure dans laquelle on peut généraliser leur utilisation à d’autres contextes est liée à la définition des frontières du champ de la sécurité des patients.Optimized bibliographic search filters are designed to facilitate information retrieval in bibliographic databases, which are almost always the most abundant source of scientific evidence. The purpose of such filters is to support evidence-based decision making. Many of the filters available in the literature are methodological search filters. To reach their full potential they need to be combined with subject filters that identify studies covering a particular topic. In the field of patient safety, it has been demonstrated that deficiencies in the information retrieval process can lead to tragic consequences. Optimized bibliographic search filters covering the field could thus be very useful. This study is intended to provide subject bibliographic search filters optimized for the field of patient safety, assess their validity, and offer a guide for developing optimized bibliographic search filters. We propose high-performing bibliographic search filters to retrieve papers dealing with patient safety in health care organizations, that have been explicitly defined as relevant to the patient safety field by their authors, in Medline, Embase and CINAHL. The main generalization issue lies in defining the boundaries of the patient safety field

    Property Label Stability in Wikidata

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    International audienceStability in Wikidata's schema is essential for the reuse of its data. In this paper, we analyze the stability of the data based on the changes in labels of properties in six languages. We find that the schema is overall stable, making it a reliable resource for external usage

    A New Approach to Modelling Students’ Socio-Emotional Attributes to Predict Their Performance in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) are computer-based learning environments that aim to imitate to the greatest possible extent the behavior of a human tutor in their capacity as a pedagogical and subject expert. One of the major challenges of these systems is to know how to adapt the training both to changing requirements of all kinds and to student knowledge and reactions. The activities recommended by these systems mainly involve active student performance prediction that, nowadays, becomes problematic in the face of the expectations of the present world. In the associated literature, several approaches, using various attributes, have been proposed to solve the problem of performance prediction. However, these approaches have failed to take advantage of the synergistic effect of students' social and emotional factors as better prediction attributes. This paper proposes an approach to predict student performance called SoEmo-WMRMF that exploits not only cognitive abilities, but also group work relationships between students and the impact of their emotions. More precisely, this approach models five types of domain relations through a Weighted Multi-Relational Matrix Factorization (WMRMF) model. An evaluation carried out on a data sample extracted from a survey carried out in a general secondary school showed that the proposed approach gives better performance in terms of reduction of the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) compared to other models simulated in this paper

    What is Normal, What is Strange, and What is Missing in a Knowledge Graph: Unified Characterization via Inductive Summarization

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    Knowledge graphs (KGs) store highly heterogeneous information about the world in the structure of a graph, and are useful for tasks such as question answering and reasoning. However, they often contain errors and are missing information. Vibrant research in KG refinement has worked to resolve these issues, tailoring techniques to either detect specific types of errors or complete a KG. In this work, we introduce a unified solution to KG characterization by formulating the problem as unsupervised KG summarization with a set of inductive, soft rules, which describe what is normal in a KG, and thus can be used to identify what is abnormal, whether it be strange or missing. Unlike first-order logic rules, our rules are labeled, rooted graphs, i.e., patterns that describe the expected neighborhood around a (seen or unseen) node, based on its type, and information in the KG. Stepping away from the traditional support/confidence-based rule mining techniques, we propose KGist, Knowledge Graph Inductive SummarizaTion, which learns a summary of inductive rules that best compress the KG according to the Minimum Description Length principle---a formulation that we are the first to use in the context of KG rule mining. We apply our rules to three large KGs (NELL, DBpedia, and Yago), and tasks such as compression, various types of error detection, and identification of incomplete information. We show that KGist outperforms task-specific, supervised and unsupervised baselines in error detection and incompleteness identification, (identifying the location of up to 93% of missing entities---over 10% more than baselines), while also being efficient for large knowledge graphs.Comment: 10 pages, plus 2 pages of references. 5 figures. Accepted at The Web Conference 202

    Incidence and risk factors of severe adverse events with nevirapine-based antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected women. MTCT-Plus program, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In resource-limited settings where nevirapine-containing regimen is the preferred regimen in women, data on severe adverse events (SAEs) according to CD4 cell count are limited. We estimated the incidence of SAEs according to CD4 cell count and identify their risk factors in nevirapine-treated women.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All HIV-infected women who initiated nevirapine-containing regimen in the MTCT-Plus operational program in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, were eligible for this study. Laboratory and clinical (rash) SAEs were classified as grade 3 and 4. Cox models were used to identify factors associated with the occurrence of SAEs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From August 2003 to October 2006, 290 women initiated a nevirapine-containing regimen at a median CD4 cell count of 186 cells/mm<sup>3 </sup>(IQR 124-266). During a median follow-up on treatment of 25 months, the incidence of all SAEs was 19.5/100 patient-years. The 24-month probability of occurrence of hepatotoxicity or rash was not different between women with a CD4 cell count >250 cells/mm<sup>3 </sup>and women with a CD4 cell count ≤250 cells/mm<sup>3 </sup>(8.3% <it>vs</it>. 9.9%, Log-rank test: p = 0.75). In a multivariate proportional hazard model, neither CD4 cell count >250 cells/mm<sup>3 </sup>at treatment initiation nor initiation NVP-based regimen initiated during pregnancy were associated with the occurrence of SAEs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CD4 cell count >250 cells/mm<sup>3 </sup>was not associated with a higher risk of severe hepatotoxicity and/or rash, as well as initiation of ART during pregnancy. Pharmacovogilance data as well as meta-analysis on women receiving NVP in these settings are needed for better information about NVP toxicity.</p