194 research outputs found

    Mobile Internet Service Preferences of Young Customers: Evidence from Bangladesh

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    Purpose: With the global wireless communication growth, the launching of commercial fourth-generation (4G) services in Bangladesh, including high transmission speed, the number of mobile internet subscribers has grown considerably during the last five years. During the same time, business models have become increasingly complex in the cellular industry because internet subscribers perceive value differently. This situation originates challenges among the mobile service operators in Bangladesh to create internet subscribers and retain the existing ones, especially the young mobile data users with more switching trends. Therefore, the objective of the study is to identify the determining factors that influence young customers to choose mobile internet services. Methods: This study is based on primary data collected from 440 young mobile internet users below 30 years old in Bangladesh. The study investigated ten factors of customer preferences for mobile internet, comparing male and female customers using the statistical tools: mean, standard deviation, and two-tailed t-test. Results: The study results indicate significant differences between female and male customers in mobile internet preference factors, including maximum coverage area, network quality and speed, security and privacy, and customer care. The female customers choose internet packages for security and privacy and a variety of packages, while the male customers choose mobile internet for maximum area of coverage and company image. Implications: The study findings have critical managerial implications for mobile internet providers to tailor their network and services to create new customers and gain customer retention resulting in significant growth and substantial earnings

    Human Face Detection and Segmentation of Facial Feature Region

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    Human face, facial feature detection and Segmentation have attracted a lot of attention because of their wide applications. In computer-human interaction, face recognition, video surveillance, security system and so many application use automatic face detection. This paper is about a study of detecting human faces within images and segmenting the face into numbered regions which are the face-, mouth-, eyes- and nose regions respectively. For face detection we have used the Viola2013;Jones object detection framework. Sometime the VJOD make a false frame of object detection. Here trying to detect the problem of identification and improve the detection quality by changing the threshold value. It detect the frontal face of human which is 2D. From detected face image we separate the extracted part of face in a single image and Segment nose, eyes, lip and hole face portion by Discontinuous based Image Segmentation. The development and experiments demonstration of this research is done on MATLAB 2013. The learning behavior of the algorithm was tested on different face of human

    The Effect Of Capital Expenditure And Local Revenue On Economic Growth In Cities And Regencies In Bengkulu

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    The main objective of regional development is to create economic growth and equitable development, including inter-regional distribution of income (PAD). Fast economic growth and low income inequality can be achieved, but both cannot be achieved simultaneously. This study aims to determine the effect of Capital Expenditure and Local Revenue on economic growth in cities and regencies in Bengkulu. The samples in this study were 10 local governments at the district/city level in cities and regencies in Bengkulu with a study period from 2015 to 2020. The data collection method used the documentation method. The data analysis used was multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination  and hypothesis testing. The results of the regression test obtained the regression equation Y = 254.213 + 0.097X1 + 0.025X2. Capital expenditure (PAD) has a significant influence on economic growth in cities and regencies in Bengkulu because a significant value of 0.006 is smaller than 0.05. This means that as PAD increases, economic growth will also increase. Local Revenue does not have a significant effect on economic growth in cities and regencies in Bengkulu because the significant value is 0.531, which is less than 0.05. This means that the high or low PAD generated by a region does not really affect economic growth because there is still funding from the center. Based on the results of testing the hypothesis with the F test, the hypothesis made shows that together capital expenditure and regional original income affect economic growth in cities and regencies in Bengkulu. The results of statistical calculations show a significance value of 0.05. The coefficient of determination is 0.162, which means that changes in the independent variables together are able to explain the dependent variable by 16.2%, while the remaining 1% is explained by other factors outside the independent variables used in this researc

    Yersinia enterocolitica: Epidemiological Studies and Outbreaks

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    Yersinia enterocolitica is the most common bacteriological cause of gastrointestinal disease in many developed and developing countries. Although contaminated food is the main source of human infection due to Y. enterocolitica, animal reservoir and contaminated environment are also considered as other possible infection sources for human in epidemiological studies. Molecular based epidemiological studies are found to be more efficient in investigating the occurrence of human pathogenic Y. enterocolitica in natural samples, in addition to conventional culture based studies

    A Study on Multiresolution based Image Fusion Rules using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

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    The purpose of image fusion is to create a single image that optimizes the amount of data also highlight the necessary information from two or more source images. There are various types of pixel based image fusion methods such as AVG, Principle Component Analysis (PCA), Intensity Hue Saturation (IHS), Brovey Transform (BT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) etc. But Stationary wavelet Transform (SWT) based fusion method provides better fusion result with less color distortion. On the other-hand, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set (IFS) helps to remove the barrier of vagueness and uncertainties from the fused image. That is why; this paper focus several types of fusion methods using SWT with different IFS operations for find the better one that is helpful for human perception also for next generation image processing.


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    This study investigates the differential impact that microcredit borrowers of different income classes might have experienced in their poverty condition after borrowing microcredit loans. Methods of this study consisted of a cross-sectional survey as well as unstructured interviews with the female microcredit borrowers in Bangladesh. Results show that an overwhelming majority of microcredit borrowers has experienced improvement in their poverty condition, but the degree of benefits widely varies among different groups of borrowers. Borrowers with some resource base have been benefitted most; whereas the absolute poor borrowers, with hardly any asset holding, not only have experienced least improvement in their financial condition but also have become even poorer in few instances.  Article visualizations

    Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells Provide Protection Against Bacterial-Induced Colitis

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    We have examined the influence of depleting plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) in mice on the immune response to the gut pathogen Citrobacter rodentium, an organism that is a model for human attaching effacing pathogens such as enterohaemorraghic E. coli. A significantly higher number of C. rodentium were found in mice depleted of pDC from 7 days after infection and pDC depleted mice showed increased gut pathology and higher levels of mRNA encoding inflammatory cytokines in the colon upon infection. pDC-depletion led to a compromising of the gut mucosal barrier that may have contributed to increased numbers of C. rodentium in systemic organs. pDC-depleted mice infected with C. rodentium suffered substantial weight loss necessitating euthanasia. A number of observations suggested that this was not simply the result of dysregulation of immunity in the colon as pDC-depleted mice infected intravenously with C. rodentium also exhibited exacerbated weight loss, arguing that pDC influence systemic immune responses. Overall, these data indicate that pDC contribute at multiple levels to immunity to C. rodentium including control of bacterial numbers in the colon, maintenance of colon barrier function and regulation of immune responses to disseminated bacteria

    Antioxidative potential of Duranta repens (linn.) fruits against H2O2 induced cell death in vitro

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    The effects of Duranta repens fruits were investigated on H2O2 induced oxidative cell death to evaluate its antioxidative potential in vitro. HEK293T cells were treated with different concentrations [0-1000 ìg/ ml] of ethanol extract (E-Ex) and methanol extract (M-Ex) of D. repens for 24h, and then treated with 100 ìM H2O2 for 24h. Cell viability, antioxidant parameters of cells, and antioxidant constituents of the extracts were determined. Treatment with limited dose of E-Ex or M-Ex increased the survival rate of H2O2–treated HEK293T cells, however the extra-high dose showed growthinhibitory effect. Treatment with E-Ex or M-Ex protected cellular lipid per-oxidation. In vitro analyses showed the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and H2O2 scavenging activities as well as reducing potential of the extracts. We report here that the limited dose of E-Ex and M-Ex possess antioxidative potential, which can protect H2O2-induced oxidative celldamage.Key words: Duranta repens (Linn.), Oxidative cell death, Lipid per-oxidation, Antioxidant, Phytochemical

    Expression of AgNOR in histopathologically diagnosed gastric carcinoma patients

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    Background: Worldwide, gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related fatalities, after lung cancer. Identifying stomach cancer without relying entirely on histopathology is critical. The Silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (AgNOR's) reflect the aggressiveness of the tumor, according to the study. To establish the effectiveness of these approaches in detecting stomach cancer, the present study was done in order to test their efficacy. The aim of the study was to observe expression of AgNOR in histopathologically diagnosed gastric carcinoma patients.Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study was carried out in the department of pathology, Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh from July 2017 to June 2019. A total of 60 adults who were histopathologically diagnosed patients with gastric carcinoma in gastric endoscopic biopsies and resected samples.Results: More than one-third of the patients (38.3%) belonged to the age group of 61-70 years. The age range of the participants was 40-82. 55% were male and 45% were female, 63.3% of the cancers were in the pylorus region, 33.3% were in the body and 3.3% were in the cardiac end. 80% of the GC were intestinal type and 20% were of diffuse type. 50% of the cancers were moderately differentiated, 36.67% were poorly differentiated, and 13.33% were well differentiated. The association between histopathological grading of gastric carcinoma and AgNOR was statistically significant.Conclusions: The growth of the tumor is highly variable. The AgNOR stain is also a good marker to detect the proliferation of tumor cells