201 research outputs found

    Food Safety and Sustainability: The Case of the New Organizational Arrangements between Rural Producers and Consumers of Organic Products in Japan

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    The relationship between consumers and producers is changing, and has impacted governments, organizations, production, and the agribusiness. New standards in food consumption, with a strong emphasis on safety food and production sustainability have becoming worries for these agencies. The Seikatsu Club Consumer's Cooperative (SCCC), case study focused in this paper, can help spread these concepts, improving the relationship with the natural environment. In Japan, this type of cooperative has new contractual arrangements between rural producers and final consumers, called Teikei System, that it was build from of a trusty commitment of them. A brief history of Japanese immigration in Brazil and their large contribution to the Brazilian agriculture development, it was discussed the possibility of these arrangement can established in some cooperatives of rural producers Nikkeys (descendent of Japanese) in Brazil.sustainability, network consumers-rural producers, organics food consumption, Japan, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    The PNAE (National School Feeding Program) activity system and its mediations

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    The National School Feeding Program (PNAE—Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar) is a Brazilian policy that attends to 44 billion students per year, distributed in 5,568 municipalities, providing school meals to public school students. Law No. 11,947 establishes a minimum percentage of 30% to purchase foodstuffs directly from family farming. In addition to the general rules, it is possible to create specific rules for the operationalization of the program; therefore, this paper aims to characterize the dynamic process of the relationships and actions of social agents involved through the Activity System generated by Law No. 11,947 of 2009 in the municipality of Porto Velho in the state of Rondônia, located in the western Amazon. As a theoretical framework, cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) and mediated action theory (MAT) were used. To achieve the objective, qualitative research and abductive reasoning were adopted, using a unique and incorporated case study as a strategy. In all, 49 interviews were conducted and analyzed using content analysis. The extent of the influenced community and the different realities to which the actors are exposed were verified

    PNAE (National School Feeding Program) and its events of expansive learnings at municipal level

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    The National School Feeding Program (PNAE for its acronym in Portuguese) is one of the largest food policies in the world, partially covering the daily needs of 44 billion students per year. In 2009, Law No. 11,947 established that at least 30% of the total financial transfer of PNAE was used in the purchase of foodstuff directly from family farming in the left-wing government of Lula. In practice, the rules allow public policy managers to choose between bidding or public call, provision by large agribusiness companies or by family farmers, and this is practiced in idiosyncratic ways by 5568 Brazilian municipalities. Each municipality organizes its own system. Therefore, the aim of this article is to analyze how the evolution of Law No. 11,947 promotes expansive learning in the Brazilian National School Feeding Program (NSFP-PNAE), located in the Western Amazon. As a theoretical framework, the Cultural–Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) and the Theory of Expansive Learning (TEL) were used. Qualitative research in an abductive reasoning was carried out, using a single and incorporated case study as its strategy. The study included 21 interviews, later analyzed by Content Analysis. The main contribution is the advance in solutions for societal needs, in terms of continuous collective collaboration, creating expansive learning, transformative or not, in both sides of productive systems and consumption, integrating family farmers and students by a healthy nutrition and feeding in the same system since 2009

    Abordagem FEW Nexus (nexo água-energia-alimento) para o desenvolvimento sustentável através dos ODS da ONU

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    Objective/Purpose: To analyze how the FEW Nexus Approach can contribute to the promotion of sustainable development, having the UN SDGs as a goal and serve as a new epistemological and ontological approach in solving problems related to a complex reality of the present day, such as the sustainable development. Design/methodology/approach: Literature review on the current state of research involving the use of the FEW Nexus Approach, from a global overview to the research scenario on the subject in Brazil. The characterization of the FEW Nexus approach was also made, and its connection with the concepts of sustainable development. Results: It was demonstrated that the FEW Nexus approach, when related to the concept of sustainable development, can seek in the Sustainable Development Goals the tangible goals that, eventually, this paradigm is criticized for not offering. The analysis helps to understand how, from this perspective, FEW Nexus considers the tradeoffs in the management of natural resources, the possibilities for directing public policies and social and economic programs, using the UN SDGs as targets. Originality/Value: Demonstrate the applicability of the FEW Nexus Approach within Applied Social Sciences, where this approach is used much less frequently compared to the Hard Sciences. Possibility of offering a contribution to the elaboration of public policies that can address a crucial problem for sustainability, which is the attack on poverty in Brazil and worldwide.Objetivo/Finalidade: Analisar como a Abordagem do FEW Nexus pode contribuir na promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável, tendo os ODS da ONU como meta e servir como uma nova abordagem epistemológica e ontológica na resolução de problemas relacionados a uma realidade complexa dos dias atuais, como o desenvolvimento sustentável. Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Revisão da literatura sobre o estado atual das pesquisas envolvendo o uso da Abordagem do FEW Nexus, a partir de um panorama global até o cenário da pesquisa sobre o tema no Brasil. Também foi feita a caracterização da abordagem de FEW Nexus, e sua ligação com os conceitos do desenvolvimento sustentável. Resultados: Se demonstrou que abordagem de FEW Nexus, quando relacionada ao conceito de  desenvolvimento sustentável, pode buscar nos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável as metas tangíveis que, eventualmente, este paradigma é criticado por não oferecer. A análise auxilia no entendimento de como, nessa perspectiva, o FEW Nexus considera os tradeoffs na gestão de recursos naturais, as possibilidades de direcionamento de políticas públicas e programas sociais e econômicos, utilizando como metas os ODS da ONU. Originalidade/valor: Demonstrar a aplicabilidade da Abordagem do FEW Nexus dentro das Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, onde essa abordagem é utilizada numa frequência muito menor em comparação às Ciências exatas. Possibilidade de oferecer uma contribuição para a elaboração de política públicas que possam atender um problema crucial para a sustentabilidade, que é o ataque a pobreza em nível de Brasil e mundial


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    Production and consumption activities generate residus that, according to their disposal, produce negative impacts on the environment. This situation worsened critically after the Industrial Revolution. In order to reuse these residues, new forms of producing, consuming and proper disposal for these products are needed after the end of their life cycle. Based on this context, the objective of this study is to analyze how a reverse supply chain of the collection of used cooking oil is structured and coordinated. The methodological path observes the qualitative approach and characterizes itself as exploratory. In theoretical terms, the study is guided by the reverse supply chain and the supply chain coordination approaches. Results show the initiative of a company that does not work with used cooking oil, but employs a strategy based on this residue for triggering the structuration process of the chain under analysis. As its main contribution, the study suggests the consolidation of the fifth stage of logistics: Reverse Supply Chain (RSC)

    Organic production in Brazil from the point of sustainable development

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    Frente à temática socioambiental e o número crescente de consumidores preocupados com a qualidade dos alimentos, muitos países têm dedicado esforços em ações voltadas à produção orgânica para atendimento destas demandas. No Brasil várias políticas públicas foram implementadas para fomentar e regulamentar a produção orgânica e agroecológica. E, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o impacto do Política Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica – PNAPO na produção orgânica no país, bem como sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento sustentável e para a agricultura familiar. Para tanto, buscou-se identificar os avanços ocorridos nesta área, a partir da análise de dados do Censo Agropecuário dos anos de 2006 e 2017. Os resultados evidenciam que a PNAPO se propõe à atender as dimensões social, econômica e ambiental da sustentabilidade, com menor ênfase no pilar econômico. Contudo, a análise comparativa dos dados do Censo Agropecuário evidenciaram a redução do pessoal ocupado e do número de estabelecimentos, que atrelados ao aumento do uso de agrotóxicos, compactuam com estudos anteriores quanto aos desafios enfrentados pela agricultura familiar e as formas sustentáveis de produção. No entanto, é inegável a contribuição da política, pois mesmo frente às barreiras e pressões existentes, a produção orgânica apresentou crescimento ao longo do período.In view of the socio-environmental theme and the browsing bumber of consumes concerne Wirth the quality of food, many countries have dedicated efforts to actions aimed at organic production to meet these demands. In Brazil, several public policies have been implemented to promote and regulate organic and agroecological production. And, this study aimed to analyze the impact of the National Policy on Agroecology and Organic Production (NPAOP) on organic and agroecological production in the country, as well as its contribution to sustainable development and family farming. For this purpose, we sought to identify the advances that have occurred in this area, based on data analysis from the Agricultural Census of the years 2006 and 2017. The results show that NPAOP proposes to meet the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability. Moreover, the comparative analysis of data from the Census of Agriculture showed a reduction in the bumber of employed persons and the bumber of establishments, which, coupled Wirth the increase in the use of pesticides, are consistent Wirth previous studies regarding the challenges faced by family farming and sustainable forms of production. However, the contribution of the policy is undeniable, because even in the face of existing barriers and pressures, organic production grew over the period

    The importance of the relationship between company and incubator for biotechnology development

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    The biotechnology activities development demands an intense academic and scientific basis, a productive sector capable of transforming academic research in scientific products and services, and the creation of an institutional environment to promote the sector’s development. Moreover, many biotechnology companies establish formal partnerships with Universities (by technological incubator) to expand innovative capacity coming into the market. The importance of biotechnology for developing countries is perceived by its ability to promote national development based on knowledge and innovation. In Brazil, the government establishes technological incubators to accelerate the company consolidation. In this way, it is important to study the relationship between the actors involved. In this context, this article aims to analyze the relationship between a technological incubator and a biotech company. To do so, the qualitative approach was adopted to reach the objective. Interviews with incubator’s employees of a Brazilian University and biotechnology company’s managers were conducted. The results show that the company-incubator interaction promoted projects approval which were able to support new researches development and to purchase production equipment. Incubated companies have higher chances of survival in the market from the interaction with University, through the technological incubator. The relationship between the incubator and the biotech company is considered a fundamental condition for biotechnology activities development


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    The results show that the company-incubator interaction promoted projects approval which were able to support new researches development and to purchase production equipment. Incubated companies have higher chances of survival in the market from the interaction with University, through the technological incubator. The relationship between the incubator and the biotech company is considered a fundamental condition for biotechnology activities development

    Cooperative entrepreneurship and cooperativism of rural electrification: The CRELUZ case

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    Este estudo se propôs a investigar se há evidências de elementos do empreendedorismo cooperativo em organizações cooperativas e, em caso positivo, quais aspectos sugerem tal presença, buscando-se explorar e identificar esses elementos, especialmente a partir de princípios do Movimento Cooperativo. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de caso na Cooperativa de Energia e Desenvolvimento Rural do Médio Uruguai Ltda. (CRELUZ), coletando- se os dados através de entrevistas com gestores da cooperativa, dados publicados em documentos institucionais e de sua web page, assim como em estudos anteriores realizados na mesma. Os resultados foram obtidos através da análise de conteúdo, definindo-se as categorias de análise a priori, com base na literatura utilizada. Os dados que emergiram por meio da pesquisa sugerem a existência de empreendedorismo cooperativo em dois níveis: dos membros da cooperativa e da cooperativa enquanto organização. Ademais, a CRELUZ parece ter desenvolvido a competência de efetivar relações intercooperativas, tanto no nível local quanto regional e internacional, e se destaca pela geração sustentável de energia, pesquisas para geração eólica e geração térmica, a partir do lixo urbano.Palavras-chave: empreendedorismo cooperativo, intercooperação, cooperativa de eletrificação rural.This study aimed to investigate whether there are evidences of cooperative entrepreneurship elements in cooperative organizations and, if so, what aspects suggest that presence, aiming to explore and identify these elements, especially on the basis of the principles of the cooperative movement. To this end, we performed a case study in the Cooperative for Energy and Rural Development of Eastern Uruguay Ltda. (CRELUZ), collecting data through interviews with the cooperative managers, published institutional documents, in the cooperative’s web page as well as in previous studies conducted in it. The results were obtained through content analysis and the categories of analysis were defined a priori, based on the literature used. The data that emerged from the study suggest the existence of cooperative entrepreneurship at two levels: among the members of the cooperative and in the cooperative as an organization. Moreover, CRELUZ seems to have developed the competence to establish intercooperative relationships at the local, regional and international levels and stands out due to a sustainable generation of energy, research for wind energy and for thermal energy based on urban waste.Keywords: cooperative entrepreneurship, intercooperation, rural electrification cooperative

    Revisitando o Conceito de Mecanismo de Coordenação: Confiança Como Um Mecanismo de Coordenação na Análise de Formas Organizacionais Plurais no Agronegócio

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    The matter of coordination, of allocation of resources and of the organizational forms used for this allocation, has been highlighted as an investigative focus in different sciences and theoretical approaches such as economics, sociology, and Organizational Theory, amongst others. Although models, governance structures and organizational forms have deserved great prominence, the same doesn’t occur with the concept of coordination mechanism, showing the necessity of reviewing and rebuilding of this concept. Trust, considered by many authors as being one of the mechanisms of coordination, has been used as a complementary and integrates form to other approaches. In agribusiness, even though it’s mentioned, few are the works that contemplates them in a more deep way. It has been chosen make this essay as an effort to elucidate the theoretical matters approached. Thus, the goal of this work is reviewing the concept of coordination mechanism. It is concluded that trust attends to the proposals of a coordination mechanism and that it’s necessary the wellidentification of the arenas and coordination mechanisms and the possible combinations of mechanisms in the identification of organizational forms.A questão de coordenação, de alocação de recursos e das formas organizacionais utilizados para esta alocação, tem sido destacado como um foco de investigação em diferentes ciências e abordagens teóricas , tais como economia, sociologia e Teoria Organizacional , entre outros. Embora os modelos, estruturas de governança e formas organizacionais tenham merecido grande destaque, o mesmo não ocorre com o conceito de mecanismo de coordenação, evidenciando a necessidade de revisão e reconstrução deste conceito. Confiança, considerada por muitos autores como sendo um dos mecanismos de coordenação, tem sido utilizada como uma forma complementar e integrada com outras abordagens. No agronegócio, mesmo que seja mencionado, são poucas as obras que a contemple de forma mais profunda. A confiança foi escolhida para este ensaio como um esforço para elucidar algumas  questões teóricas relativas ao mecanismo de coordenação. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é revisitar de forma aprofundada o conceito de mecanismo de coordenação. Conclui-se que a confiança atende aos propósitos de um mecanismo de coordenação, e que é necessário uma melhor identificação das arenas e mecanismos de coordenação e as possíveis combinações de mecanismos na identificação de formas organizacionais