96 research outputs found

    MAGNETO: cell type marker panel generator from single-cell transcriptomic data

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    Single-cell RNA sequencing experiments produce data useful to identify different cell types, including uncharacterized and rare ones. This enables us to study the specific functional roles of these cells in different microenvironments and contexts. After identifying a (novel) cell type of interest, it is essential to build succinct marker panels, composed of a few genes referring to cell surface proteins and clusters of differentiation molecules, able to discriminate the desired cells from the other cell populations. In this work, we propose a fully-automatic framework called MAGNETO, which can help construct optimal marker panels starting from a single-cell gene expression matrix and a cell type identity for each cell. MAGNETO builds effective marker panels solving a tailored bi-objective optimization problem, where the first objective regards the identification of the genes able to isolate a specific cell type, while the second conflicting objective concerns the minimization of the total number of genes included in the panel. Our results on three public datasets show that MAGNETO can identify marker panels that identify the cell populations of interest better than state-of-the-art approaches. Finally, by fine-tuning MAGNETO, our results demonstrate that it is possible to obtain marker panels with different specificity levels

    Biochemical parameter estimation vs. benchmark functions: A comparative study of optimization performance and representation design

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Computational Intelligence methods, which include Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence, can efficiently and effectively identify optimal solutions to complex optimization problems by exploiting the cooperative and competitive interplay among their individuals. The exploration and exploitation capabilities of these meta-heuristics are typically assessed by considering well-known suites of benchmark functions, specifically designed for numerical global optimization purposes. However, their performances could drastically change in the case of real-world optimization problems. In this paper, we investigate this issue by considering the Parameter Estimation (PE) of biochemical systems, a common computational problem in the field of Systems Biology. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of various meta-heuristics in solving the PE problem, we compare their performance by considering a set of benchmark functions and a set of synthetic biochemical models characterized by a search space with an increasing number of dimensions. Our results show that some state-of-the-art optimization methods – able to largely outperform the other meta-heuristics on benchmark functions – are characterized by considerably poor performances when applied to the PE problem. We also show that a limiting factor of these optimization methods concerns the representation of the solutions: indeed, by means of a simple semantic transformation, it is possible to turn these algorithms into competitive alternatives. We corroborate this finding by performing the PE of a model of metabolic pathways in red blood cells. Overall, in this work we state that classic benchmark functions cannot be fully representative of all the features that make real-world optimization problems hard to solve. This is the case, in particular, of the PE of biochemical systems. We also show that optimization problems must be carefully analyzed to select an appropriate representation, in order to actually obtain the performance promised by benchmark results

    MedGA: A novel evolutionary method for image enhancement in medical imaging systems

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    Medical imaging systems often require the application of image enhancement techniques to help physicians in anomaly/abnormality detection and diagnosis, as well as to improve the quality of images that undergo automated image processing. In this work we introduce MedGA, a novel image enhancement method based on Genetic Algorithms that is able to improve the appearance and the visual quality of images characterized by a bimodal gray level intensity histogram, by strengthening their two underlying sub-distributions. MedGA can be exploited as a pre-processing step for the enhancement of images with a nearly bimodal histogram distribution, to improve the results achieved by downstream image processing techniques. As a case study, we use MedGA as a clinical expert system for contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance image analysis, considering Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery for uterine fibroids. The performances of MedGA are quantitatively evaluated by means of various image enhancement metrics, and compared against the conventional state-of-the-art image enhancement techniques, namely, histogram equalization, bi-histogram equalization, encoding and decoding Gamma transformations, and sigmoid transformations. We show that MedGA considerably outperforms the other approaches in terms of signal and perceived image quality, while preserving the input mean brightness. MedGA may have a significant impact in real healthcare environments, representing an intelligent solution for Clinical Decision Support Systems in radiology practice for image enhancement, to visually assist physicians during their interactive decision-making tasks, as well as for the improvement of downstream automated processing pipelines in clinically useful measurements

    FiCoS: A fine-grained and coarse-grained GPU-powered deterministic simulator for biochemical networks.

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    Mathematical models of biochemical networks can largely facilitate the comprehension of the mechanisms at the basis of cellular processes, as well as the formulation of hypotheses that can be tested by means of targeted laboratory experiments. However, two issues might hamper the achievement of fruitful outcomes. On the one hand, detailed mechanistic models can involve hundreds or thousands of molecular species and their intermediate complexes, as well as hundreds or thousands of chemical reactions, a situation generally occurring in rule-based modeling. On the other hand, the computational analysis of a model typically requires the execution of a large number of simulations for its calibration, or to test the effect of perturbations. As a consequence, the computational capabilities of modern Central Processing Units can be easily overtaken, possibly making the modeling of biochemical networks a worthless or ineffective effort. To the aim of overcoming the limitations of the current state-of-the-art simulation approaches, we present in this paper FiCoS, a novel "black-box" deterministic simulator that effectively realizes both a fine-grained and a coarse-grained parallelization on Graphics Processing Units. In particular, FiCoS exploits two different integration methods, namely, the Dormand-Prince and the Radau IIA, to efficiently solve both non-stiff and stiff systems of coupled Ordinary Differential Equations. We tested the performance of FiCoS against different deterministic simulators, by considering models of increasing size and by running analyses with increasing computational demands. FiCoS was able to dramatically speedup the computations up to 855×, showing to be a promising solution for the simulation and analysis of large-scale models of complex biological processes

    Computational Intelligence for Life Sciences

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    Computational Intelligence (CI) is a computer science discipline encompassing the theory, design, development and application of biologically and linguistically derived computational paradigms. Traditionally, the main elements of CI are Evolutionary Computation, Swarm Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, and Neural Networks. CI aims at proposing new algorithms able to solve complex computational problems by taking inspiration from natural phenomena. In an intriguing turn of events, these nature-inspired methods have been widely adopted to investigate a plethora of problems related to nature itself. In this paper we present a variety of CI methods applied to three problems in life sciences, highlighting their effectiveness: we describe how protein folding can be faced by exploiting Genetic Programming, the inference of haplotypes can be tackled using Genetic Algorithms, and the estimation of biochemical kinetic parameters can be performed by means of Swarm Intelligence. We show that CI methods can generate very high quality solutions, providing a sound methodology to solve complex optimization problems in life sciences

    A novel framework for MR image segmentation and quantification by using MedGA.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Image segmentation represents one of the most challenging issues in medical image analysis to distinguish among different adjacent tissues in a body part. In this context, appropriate image pre-processing tools can improve the result accuracy achieved by computer-assisted segmentation methods. Taking into consideration images with a bimodal intensity distribution, image binarization can be used to classify the input pictorial data into two classes, given a threshold intensity value. Unfortunately, adaptive thresholding techniques for two-class segmentation work properly only for images characterized by bimodal histograms. We aim at overcoming these limitations and automatically determining a suitable optimal threshold for bimodal Magnetic Resonance (MR) images, by designing an intelligent image analysis framework tailored to effectively assist the physicians during their decision-making tasks. METHODS: In this work, we present a novel evolutionary framework for image enhancement, automatic global thresholding, and segmentation, which is here applied to different clinical scenarios involving bimodal MR image analysis: (i) uterine fibroid segmentation in MR guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery, and (ii) brain metastatic cancer segmentation in neuro-radiosurgery therapy. Our framework exploits MedGA as a pre-processing stage. MedGA is an image enhancement method based on Genetic Algorithms that improves the threshold selection, obtained by the efficient Iterative Optimal Threshold Selection algorithm, between the underlying sub-distributions in a nearly bimodal histogram. RESULTS: The results achieved by the proposed evolutionary framework were quantitatively evaluated, showing that the use of MedGA as a pre-processing stage outperforms the conventional image enhancement methods (i.e., histogram equalization, bi-histogram equalization, Gamma transformation, and sigmoid transformation), in terms of both MR image enhancement and segmentation evaluation metrics. CONCLUSIONS: Thanks to this framework, MR image segmentation accuracy is considerably increased, allowing for measurement repeatability in clinical workflows. The proposed computational solution could be well-suited for other clinical contexts requiring MR image analysis and segmentation, aiming at providing useful insights for differential diagnosis and prognosis

    Analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data based on autoencoders

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    Abstract: Background: Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq) experiments are gaining ground to study the molecular processes that drive normal development as well as the onset of different pathologies. Finding an effective and efficient low-dimensional representation of the data is one of the most important steps in the downstream analysis of scRNA-Seq data, as it could provide a better identification of known or putatively novel cell-types. Another step that still poses a challenge is the integration of different scRNA-Seq datasets. Though standard computational pipelines to gain knowledge from scRNA-Seq data exist, a further improvement could be achieved by means of machine learning approaches. Results: Autoencoders (AEs) have been effectively used to capture the non-linearities among gene interactions of scRNA-Seq data, so that the deployment of AE-based tools might represent the way forward in this context. We introduce here scAEspy, a unifying tool that embodies: (1) four of the most advanced AEs, (2) two novel AEs that we developed on purpose, (3) different loss functions. We show that scAEspy can be coupled with various batch-effect removal tools to integrate data by different scRNA-Seq platforms, in order to better identify the cell-types. We benchmarked scAEspy against the most used batch-effect removal tools, showing that our AE-based strategies outperform the existing solutions. Conclusions: scAEspy is a user-friendly tool that enables using the most recent and promising AEs to analyse scRNA-Seq data by only setting up two user-defined parameters. Thanks to its modularity, scAEspy can be easily extended to accommodate new AEs to further improve the downstream analysis of scRNA-Seq data. Considering the relevant results we achieved, scAEspy can be considered as a starting point to build a more comprehensive toolkit designed to integrate multi single-cell omics
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