10 research outputs found

    Multiple sclerosis in Finland 2018-Data from the national register

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    Objectives Finland is a high-risk multiple sclerosis (MS) region, but a national MS register has not existed until 2014. In this paper, we present the Finnish MS register variables and data collected by 31 December 2018. Materials and Methods Numbers and data counts of MS patients in the register (ICD-10 code G35) are presented. The disease types and proportion of patients receiving disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) were analysed in five hospital districts with most complete data sets. MS prevalence in Finland was estimated using administrative hospital discharge data as an additional resource. Results There were a total of 8722 MS patients in the Finnish MS register by 31 December 2018 (71.5% females). Mean age at MS diagnosis was 38.7 years and peak prevalence was at age 50-54 years. Disease course was relapsing remitting (RRMS) in 66.7%, secondary progressive (SPMS) in 13.5%, and primary progressive (PPMS) in 7.9% of the 5365 MS patients in the selected districts with most complete data. A total of 66.0% of RRMS patients, 19.6% of SPMS patients and 9.9% of PPMS patients were receiving DMTs. By combining MS register data with databases of those hospitals that had not joined the register, the nationwide prevalence estimate was between 10 and 11 thousand patients (corresponding to crude prevalence 180-200/100 000). Conclusions The Finnish MS register is currently used in 15/21 Finnish hospital districts. By register integration into the electronic patient files, the coverage of the register has increased to approximately 80% of the estimated Finnish MS population.Peer reviewe

    Logiikka ja argumentaatio lukion filosofiassa

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    Yksi lukion filosofian tavoitteista on kehittää opiskelijoiden itsenäistä ajattelua ja luoda pohja keskustelun järkiperäiselle arvioinnille ja kyvylle ilmaista näkemyksiä perustellen millä tahansa alalla, ei vain filosofiassa. Logiikkaan ja argumentaatioon liittyviä kysymyksiä käsitellään omana aihealueenaan erityisesti lukion filosofian ensimmäisessä pakollisessa moduulissa. Tästä huolimatta argumentaatio on koko lukion filosofian opetuksen läpäisevä aihe. Logiikan ja argumentaation Lops-tukimateriaali pyrkii tukemaan argumentaatiotaitoja sekä edistämään niiden harjoittelemista. Materiaali sisältää runsaasti opetusvinkkejä ja tehtäviä

    Electric Solar Wind Sail in tailwind

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    The Electric Solar Wind Sail (E-sail) is a novelpropulsion concept that enables faster space travel tomany solar system targets. E-sail uses charged solarwind particles as the source of its propulsion. This isachieved by deploying long, conducting and chargedtethers, which get pushed by the solar wind byCoulomb drag [1].E-sail technology is being developed to technicalreadiness level (TRL) 4-5 by the European Union’sSeventh Framework Programme for Research andTechnological Development, EU FP7, in a projectnamed ESAIL (http://www.electric-sailing.fi/fp7).Prototypes of the key parts are to be produced. Thedesign will be scalable so that a real solar winddemonstration mission could be scaled up from them.We review here the latest results of the constantlyevolving E-sail project

    Electric Solar Wind Sail in tailwind

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    The Electric Solar Wind Sail (E-sail) is a novelpropulsion concept that enables faster space travel tomany solar system targets. E-sail uses charged solarwind particles as the source of its propulsion. This isachieved by deploying long, conducting and chargedtethers, which get pushed by the solar wind byCoulomb drag [1].E-sail technology is being developed to technicalreadiness level (TRL) 4-5 by the European Union’sSeventh Framework Programme for Research andTechnological Development, EU FP7, in a projectnamed ESAIL (http://www.electric-sailing.fi/fp7).Prototypes of the key parts are to be produced. Thedesign will be scalable so that a real solar winddemonstration mission could be scaled up from them.We review here the latest results of the constantlyevolving E-sail project

    Evidence of a causal effect of genetic tendency to gain muscle mass on uterine leiomyomata

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    Uterine leiomyomata (UL) are the most common tumours of the female genital tract and the primary cause of surgical removal of the uterus. Genetic factors contribute to UL susceptibility. To add understanding to the heritable genetic risk factors, we conduct a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of UL in up to 426,558 European women from FinnGen and a previous UL meta-GWAS. In addition to the 50 known UL loci, we identify 22 loci that have not been associated with UL in prior studies. UL-associated loci harbour genes enriched for development, growth, and cellular senescence. Of particular interest are the smooth muscle cell differentiation and proliferation-regulating genes functioning on the myocardin-cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A pathway. Our results further suggest that genetic predisposition to increased fat-free mass may be causally related to higher UL risk, underscoring the involvement of altered muscle tissue biology in UL pathophysiology. Overall, our findings add to the understanding of the genetic pathways underlying UL, which may aid in developing novel therapeutics.Peer reviewe

    Evidence of a causal effect of genetic tendency to gain muscle mass on uterine leiomyomata

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