25 research outputs found

    Models of sports student exchange and the role of their support systems

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    Establishing student exchange programs is one way for sports science faculty to support the University to be a world-class university. For several years the faculty has been hosting several batches of a sports students exchange (SSE) program that gains interest and benefits for the students and the institution; however, limited studies have been conducted to present information about the program and its support system. This research is conducted to explain and give an overview of the program as well as explore the support system of the program. Three primary data, namely a depth-interview, questionnaire, and documentation, are gathered to explore the SSE program. The participants are lectures, faculty management, and students involved in the SSE in 2018-2019. The existence of the SSE program was exceedingly influenced by the faculty participation in AUCPESS. A grant from the Dharmasiswa Scholarship that aimed to bolster the exchange of culture and build up the Faculty's International atmosphere was the first booster. However, after the funding stopped, the program ran independently with non-financial support from Rector, faculty management, partner universities, and students. Hence, funding is not a pivotal issue as long as the University and faculty management eager to support the program

    Ekowisata Bahari dan Wisata Olahraga Bahari di Desa Olele: Studi Pendahuluan

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    This research aims to obtain a general overview of marine ecotourism and marine sports tourism in Olele Village. Applying qualitative description methods, this research uses interview techniques, observation, and literature study for data collection. This research shows that sports tourism activities are in the marine ecotourism area in Olele Village. Types of sports activities, namely snorkeling and diving. In conclusion, there are tourism activities in the marine ecosystem area in Olele Village. Keywords: ecotourism, sports tourism, marine sport

    Evaluation of Physical Fitness for Students with Mentally impaired Aged 10-12 years in Poso Regency, Sulawesi Tengah Province, Indonesia

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    The ability of mentally retarded children with children in general is different, both in terms of the recipient stimulates and concentrates on the problem or activity carried out so that in giving a response has a difference, therefore there needs to be differences in special treatment or service. This study aims to determine the level of physical fitness of mentally impaired students aged 10-12 years in Poso District, Indonesia.The research design used was quantitative descriptive research. Sample in this study were 15 mentally impaired students aged 10-12 years. The test used to determine Physical Fitness uses the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test which consists of 1.) Running 50 meters, 2) Pull Up, 3.) Sit Up, 4.) Vertical Jump, 5) Run 600 meters. Data obtained from the test results were analyzed using descriptive analysis such as mean, standard deviation and percentage (%)Physical Fitness Tests for Mentally Impairedmale students are obtained by students who are in the very good category 0%, good 0%, moderate 50%, less 37.5%, very less 12.5%. While Mentally Impairedfemale students are  obtained very good 0%, good 0%, moderate 28.57%, less category 57.15%, very less category 14.28%. The overall summary of the physical fitness level of the students is in the very good category 0%, good 0%, medium 40% less 46.67%, very less 13.33%. From these results it is known that Physical Fitness for students with Mentally Impaired Students aged 10-12 years old is included in the less category. So it is recommended that there be special treatment and instruments for physical fitness tests in Mentally Impaired Student

    Effect of Aquarobic and Weight Training on Cortisol Levels in Obese Women

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    Exercise is physical stress which potentially causes disruption of homeostasis, especially in sports that is excessively done. Weight Training (LB) and Aquarobic Exercise (LA) can be modulators of handling stress. This research aims at investigating the effect of the difference between LB and LA to physical stress in obese women. The study was conducted in 2014. The method used in this study was randomized experimental pretest-posttest control group design in 36 obese women, aged 45-50 years who were divided into 3 groups, group LB 50% RM, 3 sets, 12 repetition, treatment two times a day for 8 weeks (n = 12), LA 75% HRmax, treatment 2 days for 8 weeks (n = 12) and control group (n = 12). Body Mass Index (BMI) and cortisol levels were measured before and after the treatment. Hypothesis testing was conducted using test (One-Way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis) and the mean difference test (Tukey HSD and Mann Whitney\u27s). The results of BMI is increased in the WT group and is decreased in LA group as compared to control group (p <0.05). The decrease of cortisol level is higher than in LA and LB group and controls (p <0.05). LB and LA affect the physical stress that is characterized by the increase in cortisol levels in obese women. Conclusion: LB is more dominant than LA in increasing physical stress

    The software instrument for gymnast posture analysis

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    The general aim of this research was to develop an ideal instrument to analyse the ideal anthropometric posture of artistic gymnastic sports so that profiles and proportions of the length of the athletes were ideal through analysis images. Research and development methods used the following paths for problem identification, information gathering, product design, design validation, product testing, trial used and mass product manufacturing. The results of the study contain software design (UNG) with the performance of storing and analysing images by adjusting the real coordinate scale and height digital scale as a reference to measure the athlete's body length and the degree of posture imbalance. Validity was measured in two ways, namely correlating the standard length gauge No. Reg C4 / VI / 250419 with measurements in the software amounting to 0.92 very high categories and averaging in hundreds of assessments of 92 ICT experts and sports experts at 96.5. Reliability using retest was .95 very high category. Posture Image Analysis of 150 male world gymnasts All the figures around depict the average height, Percentage of limb length, posture imbalance. in degree, posture analysis which is suitable and efficient in displaying for each exercise.it describe an average height of 166 cm with a leg length proportion of 54%, Body 26%, Head 13% and neck 5%. The conclusion of UNG software was to effectively analyse the profile image of the sample male artistic gymnastic ideal to produce a profile and the length of anthropometric proportions of the athlete's body members in accordance with the actual object

    Acceleration Number of Head Lectors Through The Intervention of The Model of Paper Sosio Transformis

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    The result of preliminary study conducted through interview and documentation study of personnel and general equipment in FIK in January 2017, found the number of lecturers with the position of Lektor in Faculty of Sport Science (FIK) amounting to 33. Of 33 lecturers when viewed from time to occupy the position and education owned there are 16 lecturers who should have proposed to the position of Head Lector. The formulation of the problem in this research is “How is the effectiveness of focused mentoring model in acceleration effort to increase to Head Lector’s Position and what are the obstacles faced in the field related to model intervention. The research method was done by qualitative approach, the informant was determined by purposive sampling technique and then the informant was added with the snowball technique. With purposive sampling technique, there were 10 people as informant. The research instruments are in-depth interview guide and observation guide, and data analysis technique using analysis model from Miles and Huberman.The result of this research get the effectiveness value of model 30% (not effective), this happened because of the characteristics of departments in FIK. Inhibiting factors in increasing the human resources of lecturers to the position of Head Lecturer in the field of public health and sports on FIK Unnes have different characteristics. In the field of public health, the main constraint is in the field of educational activities, where the IKM department is a relatively new department and with human resources who are still in S3 studies (33%). Increasing human resources to the position of Head of Sports sector, the obstacle that needs to get the main attention is the publication to the journal, this is exacerbated by low motivation, although there are 5 lecturers who have passed the S3. Characteristics of each field in this FIK require a mentoring model to be able to improve the quality of human resources, especially to Head Lecto

    Development of a Baseline Game Learning Model to Improve Field Tennis Learning Outcomes

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    The aims of this research is (1) to unveil how is the product, (2) to discover the effectiveness of the learning model, and (3) to determine the acceptance response of baseline game product as a learning model in increasing tennis-learning outcome of students in Physical Sport and Recreation Study Program, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. This is a Research and Development type of research where the subject of the research is the student of Physical Sport and Recreation Study Program, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Data of this research are product’s quality evaluation result, suggestion for product improvement, and students’ questionnaire result, which are obtained from expert evaluation, experimental study of small group (20 students), and experimental study of large group (50 students). The results of this study are a product of the baseline game learning model for tennis games. The results of the product assessment for the standard game learning model were 88 % (good) for small-scale trials and 93.13 % (good) for large scale trials. Based on the findings of the study and assessment, it can be said that the baseline game learning model for tennis games can be used to enhance the learning outcomes of field tennis for students enrolled in Physical Sport and Recreation Study Program, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

    Factors That Affect Motivasi Training PPLP Boxing Athletes During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Palu City

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    The objectives of this study: (1) How to find out the training motivation of PPLP boxing athletes during the Covid-19 pandemic in Palu City; (2) How to maintain the intrinsic motivation of PPLP boxing athletes during training during the COVID-19 pandemic in Palu City; (3) How to maintain the extrinsic motivation of PPLP boxing athletes during training during the COVID-19 pandemic in Palu City; (4) What obstacles do PPLP boxing athletes face during training during the COVID-19 pandemic in Palu City. The research uses qualitative methods with the design of phenomenological studies. The data source is information from PPLP athletes from Central Sulawesi Province, coaches, provincial dispora and parents of PPLP boxing athletes. The data obtained are analyzed qualitatively with the following steps: (1) data collection; (2)data reduction; (3) presentation of data. The results showed that the training conditions of pplp boxing athletes during the Covid-19 pandemic in Palu city felt the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic from the beginning of appearing in Central Sulawesi in 2020. The obstacle to training pplp boxing athletes during the Covid-19 pandemic in Palu city is that during this pandemic, the government issued a very unprofitable policy for PPLP boxing athletes. The training strategies for boxing athletes during the covid-19 pandemic in the city of Palu can still train during the pandemic; they are restricting training grounds. Online media is a solution for PPLP Central Sulawesi boxing athletes; by using online media, they can carry out training through the program provided by the trainer and not carry out training in crowded places

    Tingkat pengetahuan dan persepsi guru penjas terhadap metode blended learning

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    Scientific approach dan jam pelajaran mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani (penjas) menjadi problematika dalam pembelajaran. Blended learning merupakan metode pembelajaran yang mengkombinasikan pembelajaran online dan tatap muka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan persepsi guru penjas terhadap metode blended learning. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei digunakan dalam penelitian. Sampel penelitian yaitu Guru penjas Kota Semarang sebanyak 30 orang ditentukan dengan purposive sampling. Kuesioner digunakan dalam pengumpulan data. Teknik analisis data menggunakan percentage correction. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 40% Guru penjas memiliki tingkat pengetahuan sangat baik, 50% memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik dan 10% memiliki tingkat pengetahuan kurang. Persepsi guru penjas terhadap kemudahan penggunaan metode blended learning dalam pembelajaran yaitu 50% menyatakan sangat mudah menggunakan metode blended learning, 43,33% menyatakan mudah dan 6,67% guru menyatakan sulit. Persepsi guru penjas terhadap pemahaman, kreativitas, dan keaktifan siswa terhadap penggunaan metode blended learning dalam pembelajaran yaitu 20% guru menyatakan sangat setuju metode blended learning dapat meningkatkan pemahaman, kreativitas, dan keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran, 50% menyatakan setuju dan sebanyak 30% tidak setuju. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yatu tingkat pengetahuan Guru penjas terhadap metode blended learning baik. Persepsi guru penjas terhadap blended learning yaitu mudah untuk digunakan, mampu meningkatkan pemahaman, kreativitas, dan keaktifan siswa