208 research outputs found


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    As it is clear from the foregoing, the countries/country groups analyzed by education, R&D and labor market characteristics show a rather mixed picture. There is a lot more work to do at community, regional and national levels. This is true not only for the member states but also for the candidate countries. Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 proceed well on the road towards achieving the objectives of more and better jobs, full employment and social cohesion. These are open countries and most of them do not hinder the free flow of persons regarding the citizens of the new member states. As to competitiveness, these countries are among the best not only in Europe but also in the world. The best example for using synergies is the Scandinavian cooperation in the form of the Nordic Council (Cluster 1). Within this regional partnership arrangement (which even has its own parliament and budget) the member states cooperate in more than 25 topics, covering also the employment-education fields. The difference from the average is not so great in the case of education financing but it is rather substantial in R&D support. The new member states, the cohesion countries and the candidate countries must significantly increase the current level and encourage the business sector through enterprise-friendly policies in order for the support from the business sector to reach the desired 2/3 level. The resulting impacts will be visible also in the correlation between employment, unemployment, economic activity and long-term unemployment. It is a particularly important issue in Poland, Malta, Italy, Hungary and Greece. It should be acknowledged that the progress is rather difficult with regard to community-level arrangements. It is enough to mention the progress of the strategy during the first five years, or the fact that the European Commission to give new dynamics to it in 2005. The process is progressing well at the level of resolutions. Although the member states have prepared their national programs, they contain rather heterogeneous issues and targets. Considering only the R&D expenditures and the relevant target deadlines, the various countries wish to reach the following rates by 2010: Malta 0.75%, Cyprus 1.0%, Greece 1.5%, Poland 1.65%, Slovakia and Hungary 1.8%. Ireland and the United Kingdom set 2013-2014 as a deadline for reaching the desired rates. As a next step, the European Commission will urge the prime ministers and heads of state to make the necessary commitments within the framework of the European Council and will provide support for each member state. What is more, the Commission would use the Cohesion Fund, together with other EU tools, to finance the objectives of growth and employment. However, the support of the European Council and Parliament will also be required for the achievement of all these targets. Naturally, there are many other aspects of the Lisbon strategy apart from the human one. Still, the human aspect forms the basis given that it is man who creates things. The economic and environmental pillars of the strategy are designed in such a manner that the common development efforts based on synergies will be indispensable not only within each pillar but also among the various pillars. After all, 2010 is not that far from today.Lisbon strategy, mobility factor, education-employment factor, human resources, Labor and Human Capital,

    On high-dimensional support recovery and signal detection

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    On high-dimensional support recovery and signal detection

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    Hydrogen (Atom)

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    This image is a representation of an atom of hydrogen. The cage represents some of the pathways of the electron, seen here shining in purple, as it exists in the 1s orbital. The electron spins around the tiny nucleus containing a proton (not to scale). The color was chosen to match the color of hydrogen plasma

    Barmherzigkeit in der heutigen Zeit?

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    Diese Diplomarbeit behandelt die Frage: „Barmherzigkeit in der heutigen Zeit?“ Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass heutzutage der Begriff Barmherzigkeit kaum verwendet wird. Dies wird dargestellt, indem Lexika auf den Begriff überprüft werden. Es zeigt sich hier, dass die Annahme stimmt. Im Anschluss wird der gegenwärtige Sprachgebrauch des Begriffs untersucht. Dabei ist zu sehen, dass anstelle von Barmherzigkeit Gerechtigkeit und Recht Anwendung finden. Bei der Untersuchung der Barmherzigkeit in sozialen Institutionen der Kirche und des Staates kommt man zum Ergebnis, dass kirchliche Organisationen statt Barmherzigkeit Professionalität und Effizienz zum Thema zu machen, und, dass. im Sozialstaat das Entscheidende nicht die Barmherzigkeit, sondern die Gerechtigkeit bzw. das Recht ist. Folgend wird die Bibel bzgl. der ursprünglichen Bedeutung der Barmherzigkeit untersucht, außerdem wird der Frage von Gottes Barmherzigkeit im AT und aufgrund der Gleichnisse Jesu im NT behandelt. Weiters wird Jesu Barmherzigkeit und seine Forderung nach ihr beleuchtet. – Barmherzigkeit kommt ursprünglich nicht ‚von Herzen’, sondern vom Bereich der Eingeweide. Außerdem erweist Gott bereits im AT oftmals Barmherzigkeit, und genau diesen Gott verkündet Jesus. Im Anschluss daran wird die Bedeutung der Barmherzigkeit systematisiert. Abschließend werden ethische Grundhaltungen beleuchtet, die Aspekte der Barmherzigkeit enthalten und statt der Barmherzigkeit sprachlich Verwendung finden. Schlussfolgerung: „Barmherzigkeit“ kommt heute im Sprachgebrauch fast nicht vor. Sie kommt aber noch in Handlungen der Menschen zum Ausdruck, wird jedoch als solche nicht mehr bezeichnet bzw. verstanden; was in einer Zeit in der der barmherzige Gott immer weniger ‚wichtig’ zu sein scheint nicht verwundert. Sie bleibt auch heutzutage speziell die Macht des Einzelnen

    Monitoring and supporting the development of children and young people in the United Kingdom

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    Development is a continuous process influenced by several factors. If practitioners would like to ensure children's and young persons' optimal social and emotional development and school performance, they have to monitor both development and academic achievement from early childhood until the age of 19. In the UK, more than one million children struggle with speech, language and communication problems so the early identification is of vital importance. If identification is missed or late, it may have detrimental effects on the child’s or young person’s psychological, mental and physycal health. Multi-agency teams work in collaboration in order to provide the relevant help to those in need. A fejlődés egy életen át tartó folyamat, melynek menetét számos tényező befolyásolja. Ha a szakemberek biztosítani szeretnék a gyermekek és fiatalok optimális társas és érzelmi fejlődését, valamint iskolai teljesítményét, akkor kora gyermekkortól 19 éves korig monitorozniuk kell e folyamatokat. Az Egyesült Királyságban több mint egy millió gyermek küszködik beszéd-, nyelv- és kommunikációs problémákkal, ezért a korai azonosítás óriási fontossággal bír. Ha e problémák azonosítása késik vagy elmarad, az súlyosan károsíthatja a gyermek, illetve fiatal lelki, mentális és testi egészségét. Számos szakma képviselői együttműködve biztosítják a megfelelő segítségnyújtást a rászorulókna
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