771 research outputs found

    In-situ Noise Measurement and Analysis for the Motorcycle Muffler

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    Noise from the vehicles is one of the noise pollution to the environment. The noises emitted by the vehicles have to obey the requirement of regulation of maximum sound pressure level permitted for respective vehicles. In this study, the aim is to reduce the noise emitted from the motorcycle muffler. The noise emitted from the motorcycle muffler is analyzed and measured using a sound level meter. The average sound pressure level of the motorcycle muffler is determined in certain conditions. The sound pressure level is obtained from original motorcycle muffler, when it is under constant speed (10 km/hr, 20 km/hr, 30 km/hr) and under acceleration (in the scope of 0 km/hr to 30 km/hr). The study is continued by using a modified motorcycle muffler which contains sound absorptive materials. The absorptive materials chosen are glass wool, cotton and Styrofoam and they are taking turn to be placed into the motorcycle muffler to reduce the sound pressure level. Then the experiment is repeated. It is found that Styrofoam does not perform significantly in absorbing sound or noise in this study. Glass wool demonstrates relatively better sound energy absorption compared with cotton. In general, soft and porous materials are considered good performance in sound absorption. Denser materials are better at soundproofing or sound blocking. Therefore, glass wool with relatively higher density among the investigated absorptive materials in this study has the greatest sound absorption performance

    Sleeping Beauty screen reveals Pparg activation in metastatic prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer (CaP) is the most common adult male cancer in the developed world. The paucity of biomarkers to predict prostate tumor biology makes it important to identify key pathways that confer poor prognosis and guide potential targeted therapy. Using a murine forward mutagenesis screen in a Pten-null background, we identified peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (Pparg), encoding a ligand-activated transcription factor, as a promoter of metastatic CaP through activation of lipid signaling pathways, including up-regulation of lipid synthesis enzymes [fatty acid synthase (FASN), acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), ATP citrate lyase (ACLY)]. Importantly, inhibition of PPARG suppressed tumor growth in vivo, with down-regulation of the lipid synthesis program. We show that elevated levels of PPARG strongly correlate with elevation of FASN in human CaP and that high levels of PPARG/FASN and PI3K/pAKT pathway activation confer a poor prognosis. These data suggest that CaP patients could be stratified in terms of PPARG/FASN and PTEN levels to identify patients with aggressive CaP who may respond favorably to PPARG/FASN inhibition

    Gelsolin induces colorectal tumor cell invasion via modulation of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator cascade

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    Gelsolin is a cytoskeletal protein which participates in actin filament dynamics and promotes cell motility and plasticity. Although initially regarded as a tumor suppressor, gelsolin expression in certain tumors correlates with poor prognosis and therapy-resistance. In vitro, gelsolin has anti-apoptotic and pro-migratory functions and is critical for invasion of some types of tumor cells. We found that gelsolin was highly expressed at tumor borders infiltrating into adjacent liver tissues, as examined by immunohistochemistry. Although gelsolin contributes to lamellipodia formation in migrating cells, the mechanisms by which it induces tumor invasion are unclear. Gelsolin’s influence on the invasive activity of colorectal cancer cells was investigated using overexpression and small interfering RNA knockdown. We show that gelsolin is required for invasion of colorectal cancer cells through matrigel. Microarray analysis and quantitative PCR indicate that gelsolin overexpression induces the upregulation of invasion-promoting genes in colorectal cancer cells, including the matrix-degrading urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA). Conversely, gelsolin knockdown reduces uPA levels, as well as uPA secretion. The enhanced invasiveness of gelsolin-overexpressing cells was attenuated by treatment with function-blocking antibodies to either uPA or its receptor uPAR, indicating that uPA/uPAR activity is crucial for gelsolin-dependent invasion. In summary, our data reveals novel functions of gelsolin in colorectal tumor cell invasion through its modulation of the uPA/uPAR cascade, with potentially important roles in colorectal tumor dissemination to metastatic sites

    Analysis of Nkx3.1:Cre-driven Erk5 deletion reveals a profound spinal deformity which is linked to increased osteoclast activity

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    Extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 5 (ERK5) has been implicated during development and carcinogenesis. Nkx3.1-mediated Cre expression is a useful strategy to genetically manipulate the mouse prostate. While grossly normal at birth, we observed an unexpected phenotype of spinal protrusion in Nkx3.1:Cre;Erk5fl/fl (Erk5fl/fl) mice by ~6–8 weeks of age. X-ray, histological and micro CT (µCT) analyses showed that 100% of male and female Erk5fl/fl mice had a severely deformed curved thoracic spine, with an associated loss of trabecular bone volume. Although sex-specific differences were observed, histomorphometry measurements revealed that both bone resorption and bone formation parameters were increased in male Erk5fl/fl mice compared to wild type (WT) littermates. Osteopenia occurs where the rate of bone resorption exceeds that of bone formation, so we investigated the role of the osteoclast compartment. We found that treatment of RANKL-stimulated primary bone marrow-derived macrophage (BMDM) cultures with small molecule ERK5 pathway inhibitors increased osteoclast numbers. Furthermore, osteoclast numbers and expression of osteoclast marker genes were increased in parallel with reduced Erk5 expression in cultures generated from Erk5fl/fl mice compared to WT mice. Collectively, these results reveal a novel role for Erk5 during bone maturation and homeostasis in vivo

    The structural and functional studies of the non-stereospecific α-haloacid dehalogenase (DehE) from rhizobium sp. RC1

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    Environmental pollution caused by the abundance of xenobi otic compounds in nature. For instance, synthetically halogenated compounds released from chemical industry we re proven harmful to our health and environment. However, α-haloacid dehalogenases could catalysed the removal of halides from organic haloalkanoic acids and of interest for bioremediation. This study presents the first structural conformations and important residues of the non-stereospecific α-haloacid dehalogenase, DehE from Rhizobium sp. RC1. The enzyme was modeled using ‘in silico’technique and crystal structure of DehI from Pseudomonas putida PP3 was used as a template since both of them gets high similiarity to each other. DehE consis ts of only helices motif and depicted active site showed that the binding orientiations of both D- and L-2-chlor opropionic acid by using substrate-docking analysis shared similar key binding residues among non-stereo specific α -haloacid dehalogenases. Twelve residues lining the active site has identified and some of them were verified using site-directed mutagenesis tests. Each residues was affected after mutation and Asp189 was proven to be as a catalytic residue for nucleophilic attack mechansim when its mutation resulted in total loss of activity. Three binding residues, Trp34, Phe37 and Ser188 were responsible for substrate recognition due to their mutati on had diminish activity of the enzyme to below 20%. These details will promote more protein engineering studies to α haloacid dehalogenases for future bioremediation and industrial applications

    A 5-FU precursor designed to evade anabolic and catabolic drug pathways and activated by Pd chemistry in vitro and in vivo

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    We are grateful to the EPSRC (EP/N021134/1) for funding. T.L.B. thanks the CMVM of the University of Edinburgh (Principal's scholarship), and B.R.-R. thanks the EC (H2020MSCA-IF-2014-658833, ChemoBOOM) for financial support. A.U.-B. and D.J.B. thank Medical Research Scotland (PHD-1046-2016) for funding. We acknowledge support from the MRC Confidence in Concept scheme (MRC/CIC6/52) and EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (PIII024).5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is an antineoplastic antimetabolite that is widely administered to cancer patients by bolus injection, especially to those suffering from colorectal and pancreatic cancer. Because of its suboptimal route of administration and dose-limiting toxicities, diverse 5-FU prodrugs have been developed to confer oral bioavailability and increase the safety profile of 5-FU chemotherapy regimens. Our contribution to this goal is presented herein with the development of a novel palladium-activated prodrug designed to evade the metabolic machinery responsible for 5-FU anabolic activation and catabolic processing. The new prodrug is completely innocuous to cells and highly resistant to metabolization by primary hepatocytes and liver S9 fractions (the main metabolic route for 5-FU degradation), whereas it is rapidly converted into 5-FU in the presence of a palladium (Pd) source. In vivo pharmokinetic analysis shows the prodrug is rapidly and completely absorbed after oral administration and exhibits a longer half-life than 5-FU. In vivo efficacy studies in a xenograft colon cancer model served to prove, for the first time, that orally administered prodrugs can be locally converted to active drugs by intratumorally inserted Pd implants.UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) EP/N021134/1CMVM of the University of EdinburghEuropean Commission European Commission Joint Research Centre H2020MSCA-IF-2014-658833Medical Research Scotland PHD-1046-2016UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) Medical Research Council UK (MRC) MRC/CIC6/52 UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) PIII02

    Cryopreservation of Neurospheres Derived from Human Glioblastoma Multiforme

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    Cancer stem cells have been shown to initiate and sustain tumor growth. In many instances, clinical material is limited, compounded by a lack of methods to preserve such cells at convenient time points. Although brain tumor-initiating cells grown in a spheroid manner have been shown to maintain their integrity through serial transplantation in immune-compromised animals, practically, it is not always possible to have access to animals of suitable ages to continuously maintain these cells. We therefore explored vitrification as a cryopreservation technique for brain tumor-initiating cells. Tumor neurospheres were derived from five patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Cryopreservation in 90% serum and 10% dimethyl sulfoxide yielded greatest viability and could be explored in future studies. Vitrification yielded cells that maintained self-renewal and multipotentiality properties. Karyotypic analyses confirmed the presence of GBM hallmarks. Upon implantation into NOD/SCID mice, our vitrified cells reformed glioma masses that could be serially transplanted. Transcriptome analysis showed that the vitrified and nonvitrified samples in either the stem-like or differentiated states clustered together, providing evidence that vitrification does not change the genotype of frozen cells. Upon induction of differentiation, the transcriptomes of vitrified cells associated with the original primary tumors, indicating that tumor stem-like cells are a genetically distinct population from the differentiated mass, underscoring the importance of working with the relevant tumor-initiating population. Our results demonstrate that vitrification of brain tumor-initiating cells preserves the biological phenotype and genetic profiles of the cells. This should facilitate the establishment of a repository of tumor-initiating cells for subsequent experimental designs

    Comparing feature selection and machine learning approaches for predicting CYP2D6 methylation from genetic variation

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    IntroductionPharmacogenetics currently supports clinical decision-making on the basis of a limited number of variants in a few genes and may benefit paediatric prescribing where there is a need for more precise dosing. Integrating genomic information such as methylation into pharmacogenetic models holds the potential to improve their accuracy and consequently prescribing decisions. Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) is a highly polymorphic gene conventionally associated with the metabolism of commonly used drugs and endogenous substrates. We thus sought to predict epigenetic loci from single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to CYP2D6 in children from the GUSTO cohort.MethodsBuffy coat DNA methylation was quantified using the Illumina Infinium Methylation EPIC beadchip. CpG sites associated with CYP2D6 were used as outcome variables in Linear Regression, Elastic Net and XGBoost models. We compared feature selection of SNPs from GWAS mQTLs, GTEx eQTLs and SNPs within 2 MB of the CYP2D6 gene and the impact of adding demographic data. The samples were split into training (75%) sets and test (25%) sets for validation. In Elastic Net model and XGBoost models, optimal hyperparameter search was done using 10-fold cross validation. Root Mean Square Error and R-squared values were obtained to investigate each models’ performance. When GWAS was performed to determine SNPs associated with CpG sites, a total of 15 SNPs were identified where several SNPs appeared to influence multiple CpG sites.ResultsOverall, Elastic Net models of genetic features appeared to perform marginally better than heritability estimates and substantially better than Linear Regression and XGBoost models. The addition of nongenetic features appeared to improve performance for some but not all feature sets and probes. The best feature set and Machine Learning (ML) approach differed substantially between CpG sites and a number of top variables were identified for each model.DiscussionThe development of SNP-based prediction models for CYP2D6 CpG methylation in Singaporean children of varying ethnicities in this study has clinical application. With further validation, they may add to the set of tools available to improve precision medicine and pharmacogenetics-based dosing

    In silico-guided sequence modifications of K-ras epitopes improve immunological outcome against G12V and G13D mutant KRAS antigens

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    Background: Somatic point substitution mutations in the KRAS proto-oncogene primarily affect codons 12/13 where glycine is converted into other amino acids, and are highly prevalent in pancreatic, colorectal, and non-small cell lung cancers. These cohorts are non-responsive to anti-EGFR treatments, and are left with non-specific chemotherapy regimens as their sole treatment options. In the past, the development of peptide vaccines for cancer treatment was reported to have poor AT properties when inducing immune responses. Utilization of bioinformatics tools have since become an interesting approach in improving the design of peptide vaccines based on T- and B-cell epitope predictions. Methods: In this study, the region spanning exon 2 from the 4th to 18th codon within the peptide sequence of wtKRAS was chosen for sequence manipulation. Mutated G12V and G13D K-ras controls were generated in silico, along with additional single amino acid substitutions flanking the original codon 12/13 mutations. IEDB was used for assessing human and mouse MHC class I/II epitope predictions, as well as linear B-cell epitopes predictions, while RNA secondary structure prediction was performed via CENTROIDFOLD. A scoring and ranking system was established in order to shortlist top mimotopes whereby normalized and reducing weighted scores were assigned to peptide sequences based on seven immunological parameters. Among the top 20 ranked peptide sequences, peptides of three mimotopes were synthesized and subjected to in vitro and in vivo immunoassays. Mice PBMCs were treated in vitro and subjected to cytokine assessment using CBA assay. Thereafter, mice were immunized and sera were subjected to IgG-based ELISA. Results: In silico immunogenicity prediction using IEDB tools shortlisted one G12V mimotope (68-V) and two G13D mimotopes (164-D, 224-D) from a total of 1,680 candidates. Shortlisted mimotopes were predicted to promote high MHC-II and -I affinities with optimized B-cell epitopes. CBA assay indicated that: 224-D induced secretions of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12p70, and IL-21; 164-D triggered IL-10 and TNF-α; while 68-V showed no immunological responses. Specific-IgG sera titers against mutated K-ras antigens from 164-D immunized Balb/c mice were also elevated post first and second boosters compared to wild-type and G12/G13 controls. Discussion: In silico-guided predictions of mutated K-ras T- and B-cell epitopes were successful in identifying two immunogens with high predictive scores, Th-bias cytokine induction and IgG-specific stimulation. Developments of such immunogens are potentially useful for future immunotherapeutic and diagnostic applications against KRAS(+) malignancies, monoclonal antibody production, and various other research and development initiatives