6 research outputs found

    Virtual numbers for virtual machines?

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    Knowing the number of virtual machines (VMs) that a cloud physical hardware can (further) support is critical as it has implications on provisioning and hardware procurement. However, current methods for estimating the maximum number of VMs possible on a given hardware is usually the ratio of the specifications of a VM to the underlying cloud hardware’s specifications. Such naive and linear estimation methods mostly yield impractical limits as to how many VMs the hardware can actually support. It was found that if we base on the naive division method, user experience on VMs at those limits would be severely degraded. In this paper, we demonstrate through experimental results, the significant gap between the limits derived using the estimation method mentioned above and the actual situation. We believe for a more practicable estimation of the limits of the underlying infrastructure

    Time for Cloud? Design and implementation of a time-based cloud resource management system

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    The current pay-per-use model adopted by public cloud service providers has influenced the perception on how a cloud should provide its resources to end-users, i.e. on-demand and access to an unlimited amount of resources. However, not all clouds are equal. While such provisioning models work for well-endowed public clouds, they may not always work well in private clouds with limited budget and resources such as research and education clouds. Private clouds also stand to be impacted greatly by issues such as user resource hogging and the misuse of resources for nefarious activities. These problems are usually caused by challenges such as (1) limited physical servers/ budget, (2) growing number of users and (3) the inability to gracefully and automatically relinquish resources from inactive users. Currently, cloud resource management frameworks used for private cloud setups, such as OpenStack and CloudStack, only uses the pay-per-use model as the basis when provisioning resources to users. In this paper, we propose OpenStack Café, a novel methodology adopting the concepts of 'time' and booking systems' to manage resources of private clouds. By allowing users to book resources over specific time-slots, our proposed solution can efficiently and automatically help administrators manage users' access to resource, addressing the issue of resource hogging and gracefully relinquish resources back to the pool in resource-constrained private cloud setups. Work is currently in progress to adopt Café into OpenStack as a feature, and results of our prototype show promises. We also present some insights to lessons learnt during the design and implementation of our proposed methodology in this paper

    Inferring User Actions from Provenance Logs

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    Progger, a kernel-spaced cloud data provenance logger which provides fine-grained data activity records, was recently developed to empower cloud stakeholders to trace data life cycles within and across clouds. Progger logs have the potential to allow analysts to infer user actions and create a data-centric behaviour history in a cloud computing environment. However, the Progger logs are complex and noisy and therefore, currently this potential can not be met. This paper proposes a statistical approach to efficiently infer the user actions from the Progger logs. Inferring logs which capture activities at kernel-level granularity is not a straightforward endeavour. This paper overcomes this challenge through an approach which shows a high level of accuracy. The key aspects of this approach are identifying the data preprocessing steps and attribute selection. We then use four standard classification models and identify the model which provides the most accurate inference on user actions. To our best knowledge, this is the first work of its kind. We also discuss a number of possible extensions to this work. Possible future applications include the ability to predict an anomalous security activity before it occurs

    Detecting and mapping tree seedlings in UAV imagery using convolutional neural networks and field-verified data

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    Mapping of tree seedlings is useful for tasks ranging from monitoring natural succession and regeneration to effective silvicultural management. Development of methods that are both accurate and cost-effective is especially important considering the dramatic increase in tree planting that is required globally to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The combination of high-resolution imagery from unmanned aerial vehicles and object detection by convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is one promising approach. However, unbiased assessments of these models and methods to integrate them into geospatial workflows are lacking. In this study, we present a method for rapid, large-scale mapping of young conifer seedlings using CNNs applied to RGB orthomosaic imagery. Importantly, we provide an unbiased assessment of model performance by using two well-characterised trial sites together containing over 30,000 seedlings to assemble datasets with a high level of completeness. Our results showed CNN-based models trained on two sites detected seedlings with sensitivities of 99.5% and 98.8%. False positives due to tall weeds at one site and naturally regenerating seedlings of the same species led to slightly lower precision of 98.5% and 96.7%. A model trained on examples from both sites had 99.4% sensitivity and precision of 97%, showing applicability across sites. Additional testing showed that the CNN model was able to detect 68.7% of obscured seedlings missed during the initial annotation of the imagery but present in the field data. Finally, we demonstrate the potential to use a form of weakly supervised training and a tile-based processing chain to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of CNNs applied to large, high-resolution orthomosaics

    The analysis of ordered categorical data: An overview and a survey of recent developments

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    Association model, Bayesian inference, cumulative logit, generalized estimating equations, generalized linear mixed model, inequality constraints, marginal model, multi-level model, ordinal data, proportional odds, 62J99,