26 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of hip fracture in Belarus: development of a country-specific FRAX model and its comparison to neighboring country models

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    Summary Fracture probabilities resulting from the newly generated FRAX model for Belarus based on regional estimates of the hip fracture incidence were compared with FRAX models of neighboring countries. Differences between the country-specific FRAX patterns and the rank orders of fracture probabilities were modest. Objective This paper describes the epidemiology of hip fractures in Belarus that was used to develop the country-specific fracture prediction FRAX® tool and illustrates its features compared to models for the neighboring countries of Poland, Russia, and Lithuania. Methods We carried out a population-based study in a region of Belarus (the city of Mozyr) representing approximately 1.2% of the country’s population. We aimed to identify all hip fractures in 2011–2012 from hospital registers and primary care sources. Age- and sex-specific incidence and national mortality rates were incorporated into a FRAX model for Belarus. Fracture probabilities were compared with those derived from FRAX models in neighboring countries. Results The estimated number of hip fractures nationwide in persons over the age of 50 years for 2015 was 8250 in 2015 and is predicted to increase to 12,918 in 2050. The annual incidence of fragility hip fractures in individuals aged 50 years or more was 24.6/10,000 for women and 14.6/10,000 for men, standardized to the world population. The comparison with FRAX models in neighboring countries showed that hip fracture probabilities in men and women in Belarus were similar to those in Poland, Russia, and Lithuania. The difference in incidence rates between the surveys including or excluding data from primary care suggested that 29.1% of patients sustaining a hip fracture were not hospitalized and, therefore, did not receive specialized medical care. Conclusion A substantial proportion of hip fractures in Belarus does not come to hospital attention. The FRAX model should enhance accuracy of determining fracture probability among the Belarus population and help guide decisions about treatment

    The structure of SgrAI bound to DNA; recognition of an 8 base pair target

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    The three-dimensional X-ray crystal structure of the ‘rare cutting’ type II restriction endonuclease SgrAI bound to cognate DNA is presented. SgrAI forms a dimer bound to one duplex of DNA. Two Ca2+ bind in the enzyme active site, with one ion at the interface between the protein and DNA, and the second bound distal from the DNA. These sites are differentially occupied by Mn2+, with strong binding at the protein–DNA interface, but only partial occupancy of the distal site. The DNA remains uncleaved in the structures from crystals grown in the presence of either divalent cation. The structure of the dimer of SgrAI is similar to those of Cfr10I, Bse634I and NgoMIV, however no tetrameric structure of SgrAI is observed. DNA contacts to the central CCGG base pairs of the SgrAI canonical target sequence (CR|CCGGYG, | marks the site of cleavage) are found to be very similar to those in the NgoMIV/DNA structure (target sequence G|CCGGC). Specificity at the degenerate YR base pairs of the SgrAI sequence may occur via indirect readout using DNA distortion. Recognition of the outer GC base pairs occurs through a single contact to the G from an arginine side chain located in a region unique to SgrAI

    An experience- and preference-based EQ-5D-3L value set derived using 18 months of longitudinal data in patients who sustained a fracture: results from the ICUROS

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    Introduction EQ-5D-3L preference-based value sets are predominately based on hypothetical health states and derived in cross-sectional settings. Therefore, we derived an experience-based value set from a prospective observational study. Methods The International Costs and Utilities Related to Osteoporotic fractures Study (ICUROS) was a multinational study on fragility fractures, prospectively collecting EQ-5D-3L and Time trade-off (TTO) within two weeks after fracture (including pre-fracture recall), and at 4, 12, and 18 months thereafter. We derived an EQ-5D-3L value set by regressing the TTO values on the ten impairment levels in the EQ-5D-3L. We explored the potential for response shift and whether preferences for domains vary systematically with prior impairment in that domain. Finally, we compared the value set to 25 other EQ-5D-3L preference-based value sets. Results TTO data were available for 12,954 EQ-5D-3L health states in 4683 patients. All coefficients in the value set had the expected sign, were statistically significant, and increased monotonically with severity of impairment. We found evidence for response shift in mobility, self-care, and usual activities. The value set had good agreement with the only other experience- and preference-based value set, but poor agreement with all hypothetical value sets. Conclusions We present an experience- and preference-based value set with high face validity. The study indicates that response shift may be important to account for when deriving value sets. Furthermore, the study suggests that perspective (experienced versus hypothetical) is more important than country setting or demographics for valuation of EQ-5D-3L health states

    Structural and evolutionary classification of Type II restriction enzymes based on theoretical and experimental analyses

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    For a very long time, Type II restriction enzymes (REases) have been a paradigm of ORFans: proteins with no detectable similarity to each other and to any other protein in the database, despite common cellular and biochemical function. Crystallographic analyses published until January 2008 provided high-resolution structures for only 28 of 1637 Type II REase sequences available in the Restriction Enzyme database (REBASE). Among these structures, all but two possess catalytic domains with the common PD-(D/E)XK nuclease fold. Two structures are unrelated to the others: R.BfiI exhibits the phospholipase D (PLD) fold, while R.PabI has a new fold termed ‘half-pipe’. Thus far, bioinformatic studies supported by site-directed mutagenesis have extended the number of tentatively assigned REase folds to five (now including also GIY-YIG and HNH folds identified earlier in homing endonucleases) and provided structural predictions for dozens of REase sequences without experimentally solved structures. Here, we present a comprehensive study of all Type II REase sequences available in REBASE together with their homologs detectable in the nonredundant and environmental samples databases at the NCBI. We present the summary and critical evaluation of structural assignments and predictions reported earlier, new classification of all REase sequences into families, domain architecture analysis and new predictions of three-dimensional folds. Among 289 experimentally characterized (not putative) Type II REases, whose apparently full-length sequences are available in REBASE, we assign 199 (69%) to contain the PD-(D/E)XK domain. The HNH domain is the second most common, with 24 (8%) members. When putative REases are taken into account, the fraction of PD-(D/E)XK and HNH folds changes to 48% and 30%, respectively. Fifty-six characterized (and 521 predicted) REases remain unassigned to any of the five REase folds identified so far, and may exhibit new architectures. These enzymes are proposed as the most interesting targets for structure determination by high-resolution experimental methods. Our analysis provides the first comprehensive map of sequence-structure relationships among Type II REases and will help to focus the efforts of structural and functional genomics of this large and biotechnologically important class of enzymes

    Crystal Structure of the R-Protein of the Multisubunit ATP-Dependent Restriction Endonuclease NgoAVII

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    The restriction endonuclease (REase) NgoAVII iscomposed of two proteins, R.NgoAVII and N.NgoAVII,and shares features of both Type II restriction en-zymes and Type I/III ATP-dependent restriction en-zymes (see accompanying paper Zaremba et al.,2014). Here we present crystal structures of theR.NgoAVII apo-protein and the R.NgoAVII C-terminaldomain bound to a specific DNA. R.NgoAVII is com-posed of two domains: an N-terminal nucleolytic PLDdomain; and a C-terminal B3-like DNA-binding do-main identified previously in BfiI and EcoRII REases,and in plant transcription factors. Structural compar-ison of the B3-like domains of R.NgoAVII, EcoRII, BfiIand the plant transcription factors revealed a con-served DNA-binding surface comprised of N- andC-arms that together grip the DNA. The C-arms ofR.NgoAVII, EcoRII, BfiI and plant B3 domains are sim-ilar in size, but the R.NgoAVII N-arm which makes themajority of the contacts to the target site is muchlonger. The overall structures of R.NgoAVII and BfiIare similar; however, whilst BfiI has stand-alone cat-alytic activity, R.NgoAVII requires an auxiliary cog-nate N.NgoAVII protein and ATP hydrolysis in or-der to cleave DNA at the target site. The structureswe present will help formulate future experiments toexplore the molecular mechanisms of intersubunitcrosstalk that control DNA cleavage by R.NgoAVIIand related endonucleases

    Structural mechanisms of the degenerate sequence recognition by Bse634I restriction endonuclease

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    Restriction endonuclease Bse634I recognizes and cleaves the degenerate DNA sequence 5'-R/CCGGY-3' (R stands for A or G; Y for T or C, '/' indicates a cleavage position). Here, we report the crystal structures of the Bse634I R226A mutant complexed with cognate oligoduplexes containing ACCGGT and GCCGGC sites, respectively. In the crystal, all potential H-bond donor and acceptor atoms on the base edges of the conserved CCGG core are engaged in the interactions with Bse634I amino acid residues located on the α6 helix. In contrast, direct contacts between the protein and outer base pairs are limited to van der Waals contact between the purine nucleobase and Pro203 residue in the major groove and a single H-bond between the O2 atom of the outer pyrimidine and the side chain of the Asn73 residue in the minor groove. Structural data coupled with biochemical experiments suggest that both van der Waals interactions and indirect readout contribute to the discrimination of the degenerate base pair by Bse634I. Structure comparison between related enzymes Bse634I (R/CCGGY), NgoMIV (G/CCGGC) and SgrAI (CR/CCGGYG) reveals how different specificities are achieved within a conserved structural core

    Structure of the metal-independent restriction enzyme BfiI reveals fusion of a specific DNA-binding domain with a nonspecific nuclease

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    Among all restriction endonucleases known to date, BfiI is unique in cleaving DNA in the absence of metal ions. BfiI represents a different evolutionary lineage of restriction enzymes, as shown by its crystal structure at 1.9-Å resolution. The protein consists of two structural domains. The N-terminal catalytic domain is similar to Nuc, an EDTA-resistant nuclease from the phospholipase D superfamily. The C-terminal DNA-binding domain of BfiI exhibits a β-barrel-like structure very similar to the effector DNA-binding domain of the Mg2+-dependent restriction enzyme EcoRII and to the B3-like DNA-binding domain of plant transcription factors. BfiI presumably evolved through domain fusion of a DNA-recognition element to a nonspecific nuclease akin to Nuc and elaborated a mechanism to limit DNA cleavage to a single double-strand break near the specific recognition sequence. The crystal structure suggests that the interdomain linker may act as an autoinhibitor controlling BfiI catalytic activity in the absence of a specific DNA sequence. A PSI-BLAST search identified a BfiI homologue in a Mesorhizobium sp. BNC1 bacteria strain, a plant symbiont isolated from an EDTA-rich environment