69 research outputs found

    On Binary Matroid Minors and Applications to Data Storage over Small Fields

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    Locally repairable codes for distributed storage systems have gained a lot of interest recently, and various constructions can be found in the literature. However, most of the constructions result in either large field sizes and hence too high computational complexity for practical implementation, or in low rates translating into waste of the available storage space. In this paper we address this issue by developing theory towards code existence and design over a given field. This is done via exploiting recently established connections between linear locally repairable codes and matroids, and using matroid-theoretic characterisations of linearity over small fields. In particular, nonexistence can be shown by finding certain forbidden uniform minors within the lattice of cyclic flats. It is shown that the lattice of cyclic flats of binary matroids have additional structure that significantly restricts the possible locality properties of F2\mathbb{F}_{2}-linear storage codes. Moreover, a collection of criteria for detecting uniform minors from the lattice of cyclic flats of a given matroid is given, which is interesting in its own right.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Anisotropic fragmentation in low-energy dissociative recombination

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    On a dense energy grid reaching up to 75 meV electron collision energy the fragmentation angle and the kinetic energy release of neutral dissociative recombination fragments have been studied in a twin merged beam experiment. The anisotropy described by Legendre polynomials and the extracted rotational state contributions were found to vary on a likewise narrow energy scale as the rotationally averaged rate coefficient. For the first time angular dependences higher than 2nd^{nd} order could be deduced. Moreover, a slight anisotropy at zero collision energy was observed which is caused by the flattened velocity distribution of the electron beam.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; The Article will be published in the proceedings of DR 2007, a symposium on Dissociative Recombination held in Ameland, The Netherlands (18.-23. July 2008); Reference 19 has been published meanwhile in S. Novotny, PRL 100, 193201 (2008

    An Insight in the Reproductive Biology of Therophilus javanus (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, and Agathidinae), a Potential Biological Control Agent against the Legume Pod Borer (Lepidoptera, Crambidae)

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    Therophilus javanus is a koinobiont, solitary larval endoparasitoid currently being considered as a biological control agent against the pod borer Maruca vitrata, a devastating cowpea pest causing 20-80% crop losses in West Africa. We investigated ovary morphology and anatomy, oogenesis, potential fecundity, and egg load in T. javanus, as well as the effect of factors such as age of the female and parasitoid/host size at oviposition on egg load. The number of ovarioles was found to be variable and significantly influenced by the age/size of the M. vitrata caterpillar when parasitized. Egg load also was strongly influenced by both the instar of M. vitrata caterpillar at the moment of parasitism and wasp age. The practical implications of these findings for improving mass rearing of the parasitoid toward successful biological control of M. vitrata are discussed

    Development of sex pheromone traps for monitoring the legume podborer, Maruca vitrata (F.) (Lepidoptera: pyralidae)

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    The Natural Resources Institute (NRI) and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) are collaborating to develop sex pheromone traps as monitoring tools for Maruca vitrata. The principal component of the pheromone is (E, E)-10, 12-hexadecadienal. Our trapping experiments in cowpea fields in Benin have shown that the optimal synthetic blend also contains small amounts of (E, E)-10, 12-hexadecadien-1-ol and (E)-10-hexadecenal. Polyethylene vial lures containing 0.1 mg of pheromone attracted more males than other combinations of dose or dispenser. Lures showed no loss of effectiveness for up to four weeks in the field. A water-trap made from a plastic jerry can was superior to commercial funnel- and sticky-trap designs and 120 cm was the optimum height for traps. Females comprised up to 50% of total catches with synthetic lures, though almost none were attracted to traps baited with live females. Preliminary observations indicated a temporal coincidence between catches in traps placed outside cowpea fields and the appearance of larvae in fields a few days later. Thus pheromone trap catches may predict larval infestations

    Farmers' perception of climate change and climate-smart agriculture in northern Benin, west Africa

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    Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an approach that identifies actions needed to transform and reorganize agricultural systems to effectively support agricultural development and ensure food security in the face of climate change. In this study, we assessed farmers’ perception of climate change, available CSA practices (CSAP) and the determinants of CSAP adoption in northern Benin. A list of CSAP was generated from a workshop with different stakeholders. Face-to-face interviews were then carried out with 368 farmers selected based on stratified random sampling in the study area. Binomial generalized mixed-effect models were run to analyze the relation between socio-demographic characteristics and the use of CSAP. CSAP were evaluated using a three-point Likert scale and the frequency of agreement with the statement that the selected practices meet the pillars of CSA. More than 60% of farmers had heard about climate change, and more than 80% had observed changes in temperature, rainfall amounts and distribution. Thirty-one CSAP were identified in the area, and only 11 were known by more than 50% of farmers. Out of the 12 selected CSAP for the assessment of adoption and evaluation, seven (7) were used by more than 50% of those who knew them. Farmers agreed with the statements that the evaluated practices improved farm productivity and adaptation to climate change but did not mitigate climate change. Ethnic group and education level were the two major factors that significantly determined the use of the evaluated CSAP

    Modeling Evolution of Resistance by Maruca vitrata (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) to Transgenic Insecticidal Cowpea in Africa

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    We created a detailed model of the Maruca vitrata (F.) and cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] system to study the possible evolution of resistance by the insect to transgenic insecticidal cowpea, which is under development. We focused on population dynamics and genetics in a region of west Africa. We simulated single-toxin and pyramided (two-toxin) cowpea and emphasized conservative, worst-case scenarios in our analysis. The results indicate that as long as a pyramided, transgenic cowpea can be developed, seed saving by farmers and reliance on natural refuge are not major problems for resistance management. Furthermore, it is possible that one or both toxins in the pyramid may not need to be high dose for evolution to be delayed significantly (>20 yr or 80 generations for resistance to become a concern if transgenic cowpea is deployed in areas where M. vitrata is endemic). If efforts are made to deploy transgenic cowpea only into the regions where M. vitrata is not endemic, then there is little to no concern with resistance emerging in the M. vitrata populatio

    Measurement of pesticide residues from chemical control of the invasive Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in a maize experimental field in Mokwa, Nigeria

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    Open Access JournalThe management of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda in maize field necessitates the use a big quantities of insecticides and sometimes the use of multiple types and formulations of chemicals. The use of insecticides in crops is associated with environmental risks and health hazards to both producers and consumers. This study was designed to evaluate the residue of 11 insecticides that were used to control high population of the fall armyworm in maize field in Mokwa, Nigeria. Maize and soil samples were collected from an experimental field to investigate the residue level using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) analysis techniques. Results revealed the presence of five insecticide compounds (Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Lambda-Cyhalothrin, Permethrin, and Chorpyrifos) in soil samples with possible adverse effects on soil born organisms and other non-targeted species. In contrast, no residue was found in maize stems and seeds. From these results, we conclude that the treated maize remains safe for consumption and the producers may not get any serious risk of contamination from the chemical control of the fall armywor

    Volatiles from Maruca vitrata (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) host plants influence olfactory responses of the parasitoid Therophilus javanus (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Agathidinae)

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 9 Nov 2018.Plants damaged by herbivores are known to release odors attracting parasitoids. However, there is currently no information how leguminous plants damaged by the pod borer Maruca vitrata attract the exotic larval parasitoid Therophilus javanus, which was imported into Benin from the putative area of origin of the pod borer in tropical Asia for assessing its potential as a biological control agent. In this study, we used Y-tube olfactometer bioassays to investigate T. javanus response towards odors emitted by four M. vitrata-damaged host plants: cowpea Vigna unguiculata, the most important cultivated host, and the naturally occurring legumes Lonchocarpus sericeus, Sesbania rostrata and Tephrosia platycarpa. Olfactory attraction of T. javanus was influenced by the species of plant damaged by the pod borer. Moreover, odors released from M. vitrata-infested host plant organs (flowers and pods) were discriminated over non-infested organs in cowpea and T. platycarpa, respectively. These results are discussed in the context of the possible impact of M. vitrata host plants on T. javanus foraging activity and subsequent establishment in natural environments following experimental releases

    Assignment of resonances in dissociative recombination of HD+ ions: high-resolution measurements compared with accurate computations

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    The collision-energy resolved rate coefficient for dissociative recombination of HD+ ions in the vibrational ground state is measured using the photocathode electron target at the heavy-ion storage ring TSR. Rydberg resonances associated with ro-vibrational excitation of the HD+ core are scanned as a function of the electron collision energy with an instrumental broadening below 1 meV in the low-energy limit. The measurement is compared to calculations using multichannel quantum defect theory, accounting for rotational structure and interactions and considering the six lowest rotational energy levels as initial ionic states. Using thermal equilibrium level populations at 300 K to approximate the experimental conditions, close correspondence between calculated and measured structures is found up to the first vibrational excitation threshold of the cations near 0.24 eV. Detailed assignments, including naturally broadened and overlapping Rydberg resonances, are performed for all structures up to 0.024 eV. Resonances from purely rotational excitation of the ion core are found to have similar strengths as those involving vibrational excitation. A dominant low-energy resonance is assigned to contributions from excited rotational states only. The results indicate strong modifications in the energy dependence of the dissociative recombination rate coefficient through the rotational excitation of the parent ions, and underline the need for studies with rotationally cold species to obtain results reflecting low-temperature ionized media.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Paper to appear in Phys. Rev. A (version as accepted

    Harnessing data science to improve integrated management of invasive pest species across Africa: an application to Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 11 Feb 2022After five years of its first report on the African continent, Fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) is considered a major threat to maize, sorghum, and millet production in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the rigorous work already conducted to reduce FAW prevalence, the dynamics and invasion mechanisms of FAW in Africa are still poorly understood. This study applied interdisciplinary tools, analytics, and algorithms on a FAW dataset with a spatial lens to provide insights and project the intensity of FAW infestation across Africa. The data collected between January 2018 and December 2020 in selected locations were matched with the monthly average data of the climatic and environmental variables. The multilevel analytics aimed to identify the key factors that influence the dynamics of spatial and temporal pest density and occurrence at a 2 km x 2 km grid resolution. The seasonal variations of the identified factors and dynamics were used to calibrate rule-based analytics employed to simulate the monthly densities and occurrence of the FAW for the years 2018, 2019, and 2020. Three FAW density level classes were inferred, i.e., low (0–10 FAW moth per trap), moderate (11–30 FAW moth per trap), and high (>30 FAW moth per trap). Results show that monthly density projections were sensitive to the type of FAW host vegetation and the seasonal variability of climatic factors. Moreover, the diversity in the climate patterns and cropping systems across the African sub-regions are considered the main drivers of FAW abundance and variation. An optimum overall accuracy of 53% was obtained across the three years and at a continental scale, however, a gradual increase in prediction accuracy was observed among the years, with 2020 predictions providing accuracies greater than 70%. Apart from the low amount of data in 2018 and 2019, the average level of accuracy obtained could also be explained by the non-inclusion of data related to certain key factors such as the influence of natural enemies (predators, parasitoids, and pathogens) into the analysis. Further detailed data on the occurrence and efficiency of FAW natural enemies in the region may help to complete the tri-trophic interactions between the host plants, pests, and beneficial organisms. Nevertheless, the tool developed in this study provides a framework for field monitoring of FAW in Africa that may be a basis for a future decision support system (DSS)