466 research outputs found

    Alcune osservazioni storico-giuridiche sul concetto di «volontà prevalente» nella fattispecie simulatoria relativa all’esclusione della dignità sacramentale

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    Este artículo estudia el tema de la nulidad del matrimonio en el can. 1101 § 2 y la función de la «dignitatis sacramentalis exclusio» en el derecho y en el proceso canónico. En la introducción preliminar el estudio examina el valor fundamental de la «dignitas sacramentalis» en el proceso canónico según la tradición, con especial referencia al concepto de «voluntas praevalens» de las doctrinas teológicas y canónicas antiguas. Después se encuentra un examen de la disciplina del instituto en la «corrente scolastico-teologica» y en la «corrente gallicano-laicista ». A continuación el artículo trata del peculiar aspecto de la «dignitas sacramentalis» en relación con el concepto de «actus positivus voluntatis excludens»; posteriormente está un análisis del concepto de «fides» y de «intentio». Al final el estudio examina la relación entre el can. 1099 y el can. 1101.This article deals with nullity of marriage as outlined in can. 1101, 2, and the role of «dignitatis sacramentalis exclusio» in canonical law and procedure. In the preliminary introduction, the study explores the essential value of «dignitas sacramentalis » in the tradition of canonical trials, with particular reference to the concept of «voluntas praevalens» in previous theological and canonical theories. The regulations regarding «corrente scolastico- teologica» and «corrente gallicano-laicista» of the institute are then examined. Thereafter, the article addresses the aspect of «dignitas sacramentalis » specific to the concept of «actus positivus voluntatis excludens», followed by an analysis of the concepts of «fides» and «intentio». Finally, the relationship between can. 1099 and can. 1101 is analysed

    L'atto introduttivo (denuntiatio) e la fase preliminare del processo penale canonico in epoca basso-medievale: rilievi storico-giuridici

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    En este artículo se resumen los elementos más importantes de la fase introductoria del proceso penal canónico, acusatorio e inquisitorio, durante la época medieval. En una primera etapa tanto las cortes episcopales como las magistraturas seculares actuaban según el principio romano de la 'accusatio'. De este modo la acción penal comenzaba con la acusación del delito por el ciudadano, que debía probar ante el juez los hechos denunciados. La segunda etapa corresponde al procedimiento inquisitorio, en el que el magistrado podía realizar las investigaciones secretas sobre hechos delictivos dando así inicio al juicio, por motivos de defensa del bien público. Por parte de la Iglesia, en el origen y fundamento teológico de la denuncia se encuentra la llamada 'denuntiatio evangelica' y la 'charitativa admonitio'. como medidas cautelares paralelas a la 'denuntiatio' se contaban la prisión preventiva y el secuestro cautelar de los bienes del acusado, con ayuda ejecutiva del brazo secular. ------ In this article, the more important elements of the introductory phase of the canonical penal process, accusatorial and inquisitorial, during the medieval era are summarized. In the first stage, both the Episcopal courts and the secular judiciaries acted according to the Roman principle of the 'accusatio'. Thus, the penal action started with the accusation of the offense by a citizen who should prove the denounced facts before a judge. The second stage corresponds to the inquisitorial procedure in which the magistrate could do the secret investigations regarding the offenses thus giving way to the commencement of the trial for reasons of defense of public good. On the part of the Church, the so-called 'denuntiatio evangelica' and the 'charitativa admonitio' are encountered in the origin and theological foundation of the complaint. As precautionary measures parallel to he 'denuntiatio', the preventive imprisonment and the precautionary confiscation or the goods of the accused with the executive help of the secular arm are included

    La potestà giurisdizionale del magistrato inquisitore e l’editto di fede quale momento instaurativo dell’actio poenalis nella procedura canonica medievale per inquisitionem

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    L’articolo introduce la tematica attraverso considerazioni preliminari a proposito del quadro storico, sociale ed ecclesiale di riferimento in epoca medievale. Dopo alcune considerazioni circa la caratteristiche canoniche, strutturali e funzionali, della giurisdizione inquisitoria, in seguito vi è un’approfondita analisi circa il ruolo del giudice in tale giurisdizione, come parte attiva nell’ambito dell’actio poenalis. Successivamente, lo studio indaga a proposito del mandato pontificio, quale fonte della giurisdizione inquisitoria, e delle sue caratteristiche principali. Seguono alcune osservazioni circa il concorso tra giurisdizione penale episcopale ed inquisitoria in un determinato territorio. Vengono successivamente formulate alcune osservazioni circa la natura intrinsecamente personale della giurisdizione inquisitoria, della potestà dell’inquisitore quale potestà soggettiva autonoma sul territorio, nonché dei criteri di determinazione della sua competenza sul territorio come parametri pratici generali di esercizio della funzione giurisdizionale, in relazione ai soggetti destinatari ed al territorio. Infine, l’articolo si occupa dell’edictum fidei quale momento instaurativo dell’actio poenalis nell’ambito della fase preliminare del rito inquisitorio.The article introduces the topic with some preliminary reflections on the historical, social and ecclesial context of the Medieval period. Initial consideration of the canonical, structural and functional characteristics of inquisitorial jurisdiction leads into a more detailed analysis of the role of the judge in this jurisdiction, as an active agent in the actio poenalis. Thereafter, the study deals with pontifical mandate, as the source of inquisitorial jurisdiction, and its main features. There are further observations concerning disputes between episcopal and inquisitorial penal jurisdiction in particular places. These are followed by an exploration of the intrinsically personal nature of inquisitorial jurisdiction and the power of the inquisitor as an independent subjective position in a given territory, and his competence in that territory as a general practical parameter for juridical function in relation to both subject and territory. Finally, the study deals with edictum fidei as the first phase of the actio poenalis in the preliminary act of inquisitorial jurisdiction

    TREM1/3 deficiency impairs tissue repair after acute kidney injury and mitochondrial metabolic flexibility in tubular epithelial cells

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    Long-term sequelae of acute kidney injury (AKI) are associated with incomplete recovery of renal function and the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD), which can be mediated by aberrant innate immune activation, mitochondrial pathology, and accumulation of senescent tubular epithelial cells (TECs). Herein, we show that the innate immune receptor Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1) links mitochondrial metabolism to tubular epithelial senescence. TREM-1 is expressed by inflammatory and epithelial cells, both players in renal repair after ischemia/reperfusion (IR)-induced AKI. Hence, we subjected WT and TREM1/3 KO mice to different models of renal IR. TREM1/3 KO mice displayed no major differences during the acute phase of injury, but increased mortality was observed in the recovery phase. This detrimental effect was associated with maladaptive repair, characterized by persistent tubular damage, inflammation, fibrosis, and TEC senescence. In vitro, we observed an altered mitochondrial homeostasis and cellular metabolism in TREM1/3 KO primary TECs. This was associated with G2/M arrest and increased ROS accumulation. Further exposure of cells to ROS-generating triggers drove the cells into a stress-induced senescent state, resulting in decreased wound healing capacity. Treatment with a mitochondria anti-oxidant partly prevented the senescent phenotype, suggesting a role for mitochondria herein. In summary, we have unraveled a novel (metabolic) mechanism by which TREM1/3 deficiency drives senescence in TECs. This involves redox imbalance, mitochondrial dysfunction and a decline in cellular metabolic activities. These finding suggest a novel role for TREM-1 in maintaining tubular homeostasis through regulation of mitochondrial metabolic flexibility

    Seasonal performance assessment of sanitary hot water production systems using propane and CO2 heat pumps

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    [EN] This paper presents an experimental analysis and performance evaluation of a ground source heat pumpsystem providing heating/cooling to an office building, located at the Universitat Politècnica de Valènciain Spain. The experimental data and a detailed description of the analysis tool used were presented ina previous paper for the first six operational years. This paper provides the adaptation of such analysistool to the new configuration (heat pump with two compressors working in tandem), and provides anupdated complete reference data sets over more than eleven years which can be used by researchers formodel validation purposes.The work of M. Tammaro on electric heat pumps is supported by the Next Heat Pump Generation project (funded by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme, grant number 307169 - European Heat Pump Association, 2013), which is gratefully acknowledged.Tammaro, M.; Montagud, C.; Corberán, J.; Mauro, A.; Mastrullo, R. (2017). Seasonal performance assessment of sanitary hot water production systems using propane and CO2 heat pumps. International Journal of Refrigeration. 74:222-237. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2016.09.0262222377

    A Case of Ketron-Goodman Disease

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    Pagetoid reticulosis (PR) is a rare form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma [Mod Pathol 2000;13:502–510]. Two variants of the disease are described: the localized type Woringer-Kolopp disease (WKD) and the disseminated type Ketron-Goodman disease (KGD). KGD may have disseminated lesions, high rate of recurrence and a guarded prognosis [Mod Pathol 2000;13:502–510]. In patients with KGD, therefore, long-term observation is necessary. Disappearance of cutaneous lesions does not mean resolution of the disease [J Am Acad Dermatol 2002;47:183–186]. Herein we report the case of an 84-year-old man with erythematous patches of the trunk and the upper and lower extremities in whom the diagnosis of KGD was made. We describe this case for the rarity of this pathology and for the good response to therapy (IFN)

    Spatial and temporal distribution of vertical ground movements at Mt. Vesuvius in the period 1973-2009

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    Since the early ’70s vertical ground movements at Mount Vesuvius area have been investigated and monitored by the Osservatorio Vesuviano (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica Vulcanologia - Osservatorio Vesuviano since 2001). This monitoring began with the installation of a high-precision leveling line in the region at medium-high elevations on the volcano. The deformation pattern and expected strain field assessment methods in the volcanic structure induced by inner sources has demanded in subsequent years the expansion of the leveling network up to cover the whole volcanic area, enclosing part of leveling lines of other institutions. As a result of this expansion, the Mt. Vesuvius Area Leveling Network (VALN) has today reached a length of about 270 km and consists of 359 benchmarks. It is configured in 21 circuits and is connected, westward, to the Campi Flegrei leveling network and, northward, to the Campania Plain leveling network. The data collected have been carefully re-analyzed for random and systematic errors and for error propagation along the leveling lines to identify the areas affected by significant ground movements. For each survey, the data were rigorously adjusted and vertical ground movements were evaluated by differentiating the heights calculated by the various measurements conducted by the Osservatorio Vesuviano from 1973 to 2009

    Characterization of GPS time series at the Neapolitan volcanic area by statistical analysis

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    The GPS time series recorded at the Neapolitan volcanic area reveals a very peculiar behavior. When a clear deformation is observed, the amplitude distribution evolves from a super‐Gaussian to a broader distribution. This behavior can be characterized by evaluating the kurtosis. Spurious periodic components were evidenced by independent component analysis and then removed by filtering the original signal. The time series for all stations was modeled with a fifth‐order polynomial fit, which represents the deformation history at that place. Indeed, when this polynomial is subtracted from the time series, the distributions again become super‐Gaussian. A simulation of the deformation time evolution was performed by superposing a Laplacian noise and a synthetic deformation history. The kurtosis of the obtained signals decreases as the superposition increases, enlightening the insurgence of the deformation. The presented approach represents a contribution aimed at adding further information to the studies about the deformation at the Neapolitan volcanic area by revealing geologically relevant data

    A Challenging Nodular Lesion of the Ear

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    Skin nodular lesion are really frequent, but rapidly growing ones needs to be quickly removed since they can hide really aggressive skin tumor. Among malignant lesion Merkel cell carcinoma arise. It is a rare neuroendocrine skin tumor highly aggressive, not easy to diagnose at first stage, since at first diagnosis it is already widespreading all over the body. In order to renew interest in this letal skin tumori is mandatory to remind high risk population which include elderly people, white skin, chronically exposed to UV immunocompromised. Our unhappy case was described to increase awareness on this kind of skin tumor, since new drug appeared in the market can give an hope to these patients