39 research outputs found

    Digital education as a catalyst for museum transformation: the case of the” Museums and New Digital Cultures” course

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    To embrace digital transformation, Continuing Professional Development (CDP) has become a strategic asset. In the cultural sector, new educational needs are emerging around the concept of “digital”, but how to approach them in a way that supports the evolution of previous roles as well as the overall organisational change? This paper addresses the aforementioned issue through the case study of a training programme, promoted by the Veneto Region and aimed at updating the digital skills of the regional cultural workforce. A qualitative study was implemented to explore the impact of such training programme, “Museums and New Digital Cultures”, which involved 120 professionals from 34 cultural organisations, at both individual and organisational levels. The research outcomes show how the introduction and implementation of new digital practices can be a key tool in transforming the individual evolution of different professional roles and trigger a broader organisational change

    Digital platforms ‘without a cause’: why the impact on a museum organization should not be taken for granted. The case study of Civic Museums in Treviso

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    The impact of digital platforms on different areas of the museum practice has been widely explored in museology. What is less clear is to what extent the adoption of digital platforms is connected to strategic choices and if it leads to organizational transformations. The paper addresses this issue through the case study derived from a project coordinated by the Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice at the Civic Museums of Treviso. A qualitative study was implemented to explore the impact of the introduction of new digital practices on how the members of the museums conceive the relationship with audiences, the curatorial function and the predominant museum’s modes. The research outcomes show how the adoption of digital platforms can foster a broad reflection upon the underlying values and beliefs that shape behaviours in museum, but this reflection it is not enough in itself to trigger an organizational transformation

    Green extracts from Coratina olive cultivar leaves: Antioxidant characterization and biological activity

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    Olive leaves and their extracts are associated with food preservation and health, and are used in folk medicine to treat several diseases, mainly because of their polyphenols. In this investigation polyphenols were extracted from olive leaves using green solvents and evaluated the antioxidant activity of the extracts. Polyphenols were extracted from fresh, freeze-dried, and hot air-dried leaves using either ethanol/water mixtures (70:30, 30:70, v/v) or water alone. Antioxidant activity was assessed in bronchial epithelial NCI-H292 cells by measuring reactive oxygen species (ROS) and in vegetable oil by measuring oxygen consumption. Results showed that extracts with a good antioxidant activity could be obtained when leaves were pre-treated by hot air-drying. The use of water alone as the extraction solvent gave results comparable to those obtained with ethanol/water (30:70, v/v). These extracts were particularly rich in oleuropein, and had anti-ROS effects in NCI-H292 cells and antioxidant activity in vegetable oil

    Quali strumenti giuridici statali e regionali per le comunit\ue0 patrimoniali?

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    The Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro Convention, 2005) recognizes a central role to heritage communities in the process of identification, study, interpretation, protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural heritage. As a signatory State of the Convention (signed on 27th February 2013, still waiting for ratification), Italy has in any case to ensure its contribution to the safeguarding of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage by adequate policies. Currently, a State law providing a general regulation of the participation of civil society to the protection and the enhancement of cultural heritage in the Italian legal system has not been adopted yet. Nevertheless, communities, groups and individuals have a wide range of instruments available, which can be drawn by an accurate interpretation of the Constitution and of many State and regional laws. In the long run, the persistent lack of common rules on this subject may be a source of uncertainty, capable of weakening, instead of strengthening, the role of heritage communities, in contrast with the principles of the Faro Convention

    Citizens of Europe

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    Il titolo della collana esprime la volont\ue0 di approfondire i profili legati al processo di integrazione europeo, non ignorandone i risvolti pi\uf9 discutibili e burocratici ma sapendo guardare al di l\ue0 di essi, nella logica che traspare dal gioco di assonanze indicato dal titolo. In questo terzo volume Citizens of Europe, dedicato ai temi delle identit\ue0 e della cittadinanza culturale, viene in rilievo la tensione tra i limiti delle politiche, culturali e di cittadinanza, perseguite dalla UE e l\u2019imporsi progressivo \u2013 malgrado le cupe ombre proiettate dalla drammatica attualit\ue0 \u2013 di una pi\uf9 ampia nozione di \u2018cittadinanza d\u2019Europa\u2019, scandita in particolare da quei recenti strumenti giuridici del Consiglio d\u2019Europa attraverso i quali l\u2019afflato europeo, non imprigionato nelle pastoie dei meccanismi della EU citizenship, si sviluppa pi\uf9 significativamente

    The Italian Draft Law on the \u2018Provisions Concerning the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage\u2019

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    Intangible cultural heritage in Italy is still in need of a unified approach, capable of providing reliable criteria for identifying its assets and for indicating timescales and means by which they should be safeguarded. In the continued absence of up-to-date, ad hoc state legislation (since the content of those laws which do implement international Conventions is too generic in nature to be sufficiently effective), the Regions have proceeded to act in a somewhat scattered manner, giving rise to an extremely fragmented and very disorderly regulatory framework. The draft law N. 4486, "Provisions Concerning the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage", presented on 12th May 2017 at the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic - as the result of the work of an interdisciplinary and inter-university research team coordinated by Marco Giampieretti, who has drafted the final text with the collaboration of Simona Pinton - seeks to fill the serious void that exists in Italian legal system by aligning it to the principles of international and European law, by redirecting the relevant State and Regional legislation, and by satisfying the fundamental requirements of the national community

    Common and rare variant association analyses in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis identify 15 risk loci with distinct genetic architectures and neuron-specific biology

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    A cross-ancestry genome-wide association meta-analysis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) including 29,612 patients with ALS and 122,656 controls identifies 15 risk loci with distinct genetic architectures and neuron-specific biology. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease with a lifetime risk of one in 350 people and an unmet need for disease-modifying therapies. We conducted a cross-ancestry genome-wide association study (GWAS) including 29,612 patients with ALS and 122,656 controls, which identified 15 risk loci. When combined with 8,953 individuals with whole-genome sequencing (6,538 patients, 2,415 controls) and a large cortex-derived expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) dataset (MetaBrain), analyses revealed locus-specific genetic architectures in which we prioritized genes either through rare variants, short tandem repeats or regulatory effects. ALS-associated risk loci were shared with multiple traits within the neurodegenerative spectrum but with distinct enrichment patterns across brain regions and cell types. Of the environmental and lifestyle risk factors obtained from the literature, Mendelian randomization analyses indicated a causal role for high cholesterol levels. The combination of all ALS-associated signals reveals a role for perturbations in vesicle-mediated transport and autophagy and provides evidence for cell-autonomous disease initiation in glutamatergic neurons