65 research outputs found
Primena cinka u gajenju kukurza i efikasnost hibrida u njegovoj akumulaciji u zrnu
Zinc (Zn) is an essential trace element for plants. Cereals are the most important source of proteins and minerals for almost half of the world population, whose health is affected by zinc deficiency. Therefore, global research is focused at increasing zinc content in the most important agricultural products by studying the mechanisms of Zn-efficiency and practical application of zinc in crops production. Although mineral fertilizers with zinc are available in the market in Serbia, they are rarely applied in crop production. The main objectives of the research were to evaluate genotypic variability of Zn-efficiency in domestic maize hybrids, with special emphasis on their efficiency in grain zinc accumulation and to examine the effect of seed priming and foliar application of zinc on the growth, yield and grain mineral content. Also, the aim of the research was to examine how seed quality and viability are affected by seed priming with water (hydropriming) and zinc. Results obtained from the nutrient solution experiment indicated significant genotypic differences in Zn-efficiency in nine hybrids, based on shoot growth and zinc concentration in the leaves under treatments with zinc deficiency (0.05 uM) and the optimal zinc concentration (0.5 uM). In the two-year field experiment, Zn-efficient hybrids NS 6030 and NS 4030 and Zn-inefficient NS 4023 and NS 3022 were grown on two sites, on calcareous soil with low available Zn. Despite obtained significant differences between hybrids in zinc grain concentration, the results do not indicate to remarkable genotypic differences in the efficiency in zinc accumulation in the grain. There was no significant correlation between grain zinc and iron concentration...Cink (Zn) je esencijalni mikroelement za biljke. Žitarice su najvažniji izvor proteina i minerala za skoro polovinu populacije u svetu, čije je zdravlje ugroženo nedostatkom cinka. Stoga su istraživanja u svetu usmerena ka povećanju sadržaja cinka u najvažnijim poljoprivrednim proizvodima, proučavanjem mehanizama Zn-efikasnosti i primeni cinka u proizvodnoj praksi, najčešće na karbonatnim zemljištima koja su često Zn-deficitarna. Iako su mineralna đubriva sa cinkom dostupna na tržištu u Srbiji, retko se primenjuju u proizvodnoj praksi u ratarstvu. Glavni ciljevi ovih istraživanja bili su da se utvrdi da li postoje genotipske razlike u Zn-efikasnosti između domaćih hibrida kukuruza, sa posebnim osvrtom na efikasnost hibrida u akumulaciji cinka u zrnu, i da se prouči uticaj prajminga semena i folijarne primene cinka na porast, prinos i mineralni sastav zrna kukuruza. Cilj je bio i da se prouči uticaj prajminga semena vodom (hidroprajming) i cinkom na kvalitet i životnu sposobnost semena. Rezultati ogleda u hranljivim rastvorima ukazali su na značajne genotipske razlike u Zn-efikasnosti devet hibrida, određene na osnovu porasta nadzemnog dela biljaka i koncentracije cinka u listovima u tretmanima sa deficitom cinka (0,05 μM) i optimalnom koncentracijom (0,5 μM). U dvogodišnjem poljskom ogledu, Zn-efikasni hibridi NS 6030 i NS 4030 i Zn-neefikasni NS 4023 i NS 3022 gajeni su na dva lokaliteta, na karbonatnom zemljištu slabo obezbeđenom dostupnim cinkom. Uprkos zabeleženim značajnim razlikama između hibrida u koncentraciji cinka u zrnu, rezultati ne ukazuju na velike genotipske razlike u efikasnosti njegove akumulacije u zrnu. Korelacija između koncentracije cinka i gvožđa u zrnu nije bila značajna..
Аpplication of zinc in maize production and hybrids efficiency in grain zinc accumulation
Цинк (Zn) је есенцијални микроелемент за биљкe. Житарице су најважнији извор протеина и минерала за скоро половину популације у свету, чије је здравље угрожено недостатком цинка. Стога су истраживања у свету усмерена ка повећању садржаја цинка у најважнијим пољопривредним производима, проучавањем механизама Zn-ефикасности и примени цинка у производној пракси, најчешће на карбонатним земљиштима која су често Zn-дефицитарна. Иако су минерална ђубрива са цинком доступна на тржишту у Србији, ретко се примењују у производној пракси у ратарству.
Главни циљеви ових истраживања били су да се утврди да ли постоје генотипске разлике у Zn-ефикасности између домаћих хибрида кукуруза, са посебним освртом на ефикасност хибрида у акумулацији цинка у зрну, и да се проучи утицај прајминга семена и фолијарне примене цинка на пораст, принос и минерални састав зрна кукуруза. Циљ је био и да се проучи утицај прајминга семена водом (хидропрајминг) и цинком на квалитет и животну способност семена.
Резултати огледа у хранљивим растворима указали су на значајне генотипске разлике у Zn-ефикасности девет хибрида, одређене на основу пораста надземног дела биљака и концентрације цинка у листовима у третманима са дефицитом цинка (0,05 μМ) и оптималном концентрацијом (0,5 μМ). У двогодишњем пољском огледу, Zn-ефикасни хибриди NS 6030 и NS 4030 и Zn-неефикасни NS 4023 и NS 3022 гајени су на два локалитета, на карбонатном земљишту слабо обезбеђеном доступним цинком. Упркос забележеним значајним разликама између хибрида у концентрацији цинка у зрну, резултати не указују на велике генотипске разлике у ефикасности његове акумулације у зрну. Корелација између концентрације цинка и гвожђа у зрну није била значајна...Zinc (Zn) is an essential trace element for plants. Cereals are the most important source of proteins and minerals for almost half of the world population, whose health is affected by zinc deficiency. Therefore, global research is focused at increasing zinc content in the most important agricultural products by studying the mechanisms of Zn-efficiency and practical application of zinc in crops production. Although mineral fertilizers with zinc are available in the market in Serbia, they are rarely applied in crop production.
The main objectives of the research were to evaluate genotypic variability of Zn-efficiency in domestic maize hybrids, with special emphasis on their efficiency in grain zinc accumulation and to examine the effect of seed priming and foliar application of zinc on the growth, yield and grain mineral content. Also, the aim of the research was to examine how seed quality and viability are affected by seed priming with water (hydropriming) and zinc.
Results obtained from the nutrient solution experiment indicated significant genotypic differences in Zn-efficiency in nine hybrids, based on shoot growth and zinc concentration in the leaves under treatments with zinc deficiency (0.05 uM) and the optimal zinc concentration (0.5 uM). In the two-year field experiment, Zn-efficient hybrids NS 6030 and NS 4030 and Zn-inefficient NS 4023 and NS 3022 were grown on two sites, on calcareous soil with low available Zn. Despite obtained significant differences between hybrids in zinc grain concentration, the results do not indicate to remarkable genotypic differences in the efficiency in zinc accumulation in the grain. There was no significant correlation between grain zinc and iron concentration..
Životna sposobnost i vigor semena različitih inbred linija kukuruza tretiranih neonikotinoidima
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different neonicotinoid seed treatments on viability and vigour of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines. The trial included three maize inbred lines (207 x 312/5 DNS, 7-1 NS, and 312/5 DNS) treated with recommended doses of three commercial formulations of systemic insecticides (Poncho 600-FS, Gaucho 600-FS, and Cruiser 350-FS). Generally, formulation Gaucho 600-FS can be considered the most harmful regarding the impact on the reduction of germination in all tested maize inbred lines. A significant reduction of germination in maize inbred line 7-1 NS was observed after seed treatment with Cruiser 350-FS, using the standard germination test and cold test. A significant increase in seedlings root and shoot growth of maize inbred line 312/5 DNS treated with Poncho 600-FS and Cruiser 350-FS was noted using the cold test.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj različitih tretmana semena neonikotinoidima na životnu sposobnost i vigor semena inbred (Zea mays L.) linija kukuruza. Eksperimentalni objekti su bile tri različite inbred linije kukuruza (207 x 312/5 DNS, 7-1 NS i 312/5 DNS) tretirane sa tri komercijalne formulacije (Poncho 600-FS, Gaucho 600-FS i Cruiser 350-FS) u preporučenim dozama. Generalno se Gaucho 600-FS može smatrati štetnim pošto utiče na smanjenje klijavosti semena kod svih ispitivanih inbred linija. Značajno smanjenje klijavosti semena inbred linije 7-1 NS primećeno je nakon tretmana sa Cruiser 350-FS kod standarnog testa klijavosti i hladnog testa. Značajan porast korena i nadzemnog dela izdanaka inbred linije 312/5 DNS tretirane formulacijama Poncho 600-FS i Cruiser 350-FS je uočen primenom hladnog testa
Uticaj tretiranja semena neonikotinoidima na kvalitet semena inbred linija kukuruza
The importance of uniform germination and field emergence for achieving high yields, while ensuring good seed quality, raises the question of the influence of fungicide and insecticide preparations for seed treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the combination of five insecticides and fungicide preparations on germination energy and germination of four maize inbred lines. The impact of applied preparations on seed quality may vary, depending on the genetic composition of maize inbred lines. Inbred line L-1 was distinguished as the most tolerant, considering the fact that significant differences were not observed in all tested preparations, while the most sensitive genotype, inbred line L-4, showed a significant decrease in germination energy and seed germination when treated with fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M (M), fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M and imidacloprid (M+G), fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M and thiametoxam (M+Cr) and fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M and tefluthrin+thiametoxam (M+FZ). Results of this study indicate the importance of choosing the best combination of pesticides for certain genotypes, in order to ensure full protection of crops and at the same time obtain the high yields.S obzirom da je ujednačeno klijanje i nicanje u polju od velike važnosti za postizanje visokih prinosa uz obezbeđenje dobrog kvaliteta semena, postavlja se pitanje uticaja fungicidnih i insekticidnih preparata za tretiranje semena na kvalitet semena. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi efekat primene kombinacija pet insekticidnih i jednog fungicidnog preparata na energiju klijanja i klijavost semena četiri inbred linije kukuruza. Primenjeni preparati su različito uticali na kvalitet semena u zavisnosti od genetske kompozicije inbred linija kukuruza. Inbred linija L-1 se izdvaja kao najtolerantnija, s obzirom da nisu zabeležena značajna odstupanja u pogledu kvaliteta semena kod svih primenjenih preparata u poređenju sa kontrolom, dok je kod najosetljivijeg genotipa, inbred linije L-4, zabeleženo značajno smanjenje energije klijanja i klijavosti semena tretiranog preparatima na bazi aktivne materije fludioksonil+metalaksil-M (M), fludioksonil+metalaksil-M i imidakloprid (M+G), fludioksonil+metalaksil-M i tiametoksam (M+Cr) i fludioksonil+metalaksil-M teflutrin+tiametoksam (M+FZ). Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na važnost odabira najbolje kombinacije pesticida za određene genotipove, kako bi se obezbedila potpuna zaštita useva, a istovremeno se postigli visoki prinosi
Poređenje metoda za ispitivanje klijavosti semena Cannabis sativa
The most critical aspect of plant survival and reproduction is seed germination. Considering the specificity of the Cannabis sativa production, obtaining high-quality hemp seed is not an easy task. Germination testing is often the most reliable way of assessing viability, but the selection of appropriate methods is complex. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different conditions (i.e. various methods of germination testing) on the successful process of hemp seed germination, achieving maximum germination potential. Our results showed that C. sativa seeds germinated well in different methods, such as between filter papers, top of filter papers and sand, but there were significant differences between the applied methods. This means that the hemp seeds may have different requirements for germination than conditions covered by the Rules recommended methods. Further, the results show that hemp seed may have certain residual dormancy that needs to be investigated in detail.Najkritičnija faza preživljavanja i razmnožavanja biljaka je klijanje semena. S obzirom na specifičnost proizvodnje industrijske konoplje (Cannabis sativa), dobijanje visokokvalitetnog semena konoplje nije jednostavno. Ispitivanje klijavosti je često najpouzdaniji način procene vitalnosti, ali je odabir odgovarajućih metoda složen. Ovo istraživanje je sprovedeno kako bi se procenio efekat različitih uslova tj. različitih metoda testiranja klijavosti, na proces klijanja semena konoplje uz postizanje maksimalnog potencijala za klijanje. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da seme C. sativa dobro klija primenom različitih metoda (između filter papira, na filter papiru, pesak), ali postoje značajne razlike između primenjenih metoda. Ovo praktično znači da seme konoplje može imati zahteve za klijavost različite od onih koje su obuhvaćene preporučenim metodama. Takođe, rezultati pokazuju da kod semena konoplje možda postoji neki vid zaostale dormantnosti što je potrebno dodatno istražiti
Detection of genetically modified crops in animal feed in Serbia
The survey was conducted on a total of 100 non-labelled samples of feed and feed mixture containing maize, soybean and rapeseed, originating from countries with different legislation systems. Screening of all samples was performed using primers for Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S (CaMV35S) promoter, primers for the Agrobacterium tumefaciens nopaline synthase (NOS) terminator and event-specific primers for GT73 rapeseed. Roundup Ready soybean was found in 26 samples, with the amount of GM soybean above the limit of 0.9% in 9 of them. There was one maize seed sample positive for the presence of MON810 maize and no rapeseed meal samples contained GM rapeseed. The results found in this study clearly showed that imported maize and soybean and complete mixtures intended for animal feed on the Serbian market contain GMO. Monitoring plans are required to control the distribution of non-labelled feeds containing GMO in the Serbian market
Antioxidant capacity of oilseed rape (&ITBrassica napus&IT) in different soil types
This work considers the results obtained by testing the parameters of antioxidant status in leaves and roots of oilseed rape at different growth stages (phase I: formation of leaf rosettes and preparing for winter hibernation; phase II: after the winter hibernation; phase III: flowering) grown in semicontrolled field conditions on different soil types. The experiment was conducted on four oilseed rape genotypes (Banacanka, Jasna, Kata, and Zlatna) in semicontrolled conditions in containers with three soil types: chernozem, solonetz, and solonchak. The germination failed on solonchak due to the excessive amount of salt, but results were obtained for plant material on chernozem and solonetz. The following parameters were examined: superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity, lipid peroxidation (LP) intensity, glutathione (GSH) content, and total antioxidant capacity (by ferric reducing antioxidant power, FRAP method). The activity of all the tested parameters of antioxidant status in all genotypes, both in leaves and roots, was higher in plants grown on solonetz soil compared to plants grown on chernozem. Furthermore, the activity of all the tested parameters on both soil types was highest in the second phase of testing, the stage after the winter hibernation, because the plants were exposed to low temperatures in addition to salt stress. The vital thing to note is that GPx activity is important for the defense at the initial stages of growth, while in the later growth stages SOD assumes this role. The genotype Banacanka has been distinguished as the most tolerant, while the genotype Zlatna was the most sensitive
Porast izdanaka inbred linija kukuruza (Zea mays L.) pod uticajem tretmana semena pesticidima
Seed treatment is a common way of fungicide and insecticide use nowadays, since this way of pesticide application can provide the best protection in the vicinity of the future plant. The aim of research was to evaluate the effects of different seed treatments on germination and seedling growth in three maize inbred lines. The research included the seed treatment with several combinations of a fungicide Maxim XL 035-FS (a.i. metalaxil-M + fludioxonil) and neonicotinoid insecticides Gaucho 600-FS (a.i. imidacloprid) and Cruiser 350-FS (a.i. thiamethoxam), as well as untreated seed (control). The results indicated that inbred lines 21202 x 21101 NS and 317659 NS had a highly vigourous seed which was not affected by the seed treatments. The seed treatments with Maxim XL 035- FS+Gaucho 600-FS and Maxim XL 035-FS+Cruiser 350-FS led to a decrease in germination (90.25% and 89.50%, respectively) of maize inbred line 306081 NS as well as a decrease in root length (126.75 mm and 125.25 mm, respectively) and dry root weight (0.135 g and 0.1875 g, respectively) of maize inbred line 21202 x 21101 NS. All seed treatments had positive effects on root growth, as well as on fresh root weight of maize inbred lines 306081 NS and 317659 NS.Tretiranje semena fungicidima i insekticidima je uobičajen način pripreme semena pre setve, s obzirom na to da ovaj način primene pesticida može da pruži najbolju zaštitu mlade biljke od patogena i štetočina u zemljištu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih tretmana semena pesticidima na klijanje semena i početni porast izdanaka različitih inbred linija kukuruza. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo testiranje tretmana semena inbred linija kukuruza sa nekoliko kombinacija fungicida (Maxim XL 035-FS, fludioksonil, 25 g/l + metalaksil-M, 10 g/l) i insekticida (Gaucho 600-FS, imidakloprid 600 g/l i Cruiser 350-FS, tiametoksam, 350 g/l). Netretirano seme je uzeto za kontrolu. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da inbred linije 21202 x 21101 NS i 317659 NS imaju visoko vigorozno seme, na koje nisu uticali testirani preparati. Testirane kombinacije preparata pesticida Maxim XL 035-FS+Gaucho 600-FS i Maxim XL 035-FS+Cruiser 350-FS dovele su do smanjenja klijavosti semena inbred linije 306081 NS (90,25%, odnosno 89,50%), kao i do smanjenja dužine korena (126,75 mm, odnosno 125,25 mm) i mase suvog korena (0,135 g, odnosno 0,1875 g) izdanaka inbred linije 21202 x 21101 NS. Svi testirani tretmani imali su pozitivan uticaj na porast korena izdanaka, kao i na masu svežeg korena izdanaka inbred linija 306081 NS i 317659 NS
Comparative study of drought and salt stress effects on germination and seedling growth of pea
Seed germination is first critical and the most sensitive stage in the life cycle of plants compromise the seedlings establishment. Salt and drought tolerance testing in initial stages of plant development is of vital importance, because the seed with more rapid germination under salt or water deficit conditions may be expected to achieve a rapid seedling establishment, resulting in higher yields. The aim of this study was to determine whether the pea seed germination and seedling growth were inhibited by the salt toxicity and osmotic effect during the seedling development, and also identification of the sensitive seedling growth parameters in response to those stresses. Based on the obtained results, pea has been presented to be more tolerant to salt than water stress during germination and early embryo growth. Investigated cultivars showed greater susceptibility to both abiotic stresses when it comes growth parameters compared to seed germination
Uticaj insekticida na klijavost semena i parametre porasta ponika inbred linija kukuruza
In some years, polyphagous insects can threaten production of maize seed. Use of insecticides through seed treatment is known to be the most economical chemical control, which imposed the need to determine the impact of used insecticides on seed quality. Concentrated suspensions for seed treatment, based on active substances clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, tefluthrin + thiamethoxam and fipronil are included in this test. The results indicate differences in germination capacity and seedling growth parameters of maize inbred lines when insecticides with different active substances were applied. All applied insecticides decreased the percentage of germination (93.3 to 94.3%) when compared to control (96.6%). Insecticides based on active substances tefluthrin + thiamethoxam, imidacloprid and fipronil increased the number of abnormal seedlings. Products based on active ingredient clothianidin, increased shoot length of seedlings (146 mm) when compared to the control, while products based on active ingredient thiamethoxam + tefluthrin increased the root length of seedlings (154.6 mm).U pojedinim godinama, napadi polifagnih insekata mogu da ugroze semensku proizvodnju kukuruza. Od hemijskih mera zaštite najekonomičnije je tretiranje semena insekticidnim preparatima, a to je dovelo do ispitivanja njihovog uticaja na kvalitet semena. Koncentrovane suspenzije za tretiranje semena na bazi aktivnih materija klotianidin, imidakloprid, tiametoksam, teflutrin+tiametoksam i fipronil su obuhvaćene ovim testiranjem. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na postojanje razlika u ispitivanjima klijavosti semena i parametara porasta ponika samooplodnih linija kukuruza kod primene insekticida na bazi različitih aktivnih materija. Svi primenjeni preparati su uticali na smanjenje procenta klijavosti semena (93,3-94,3%). Primenom preparata na bazi aktivnih materija teflutrin+tiametoksam, imidakloprid i fipronil došlo je do povećenje broja atipičnih ponika. Preparat na bazi aktivne materije klotianidin uticao je na povećanje dužine nadzemnog dela ponika (146 mm) u odnosu na kontrolu, dok je preparat na bazi aktivne materije teflutrin+tiametoksam uticao na povećanje dužine korena ponika (154,6 mm)
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