299 research outputs found

    Estado de salud periodontal de gestantes después del uso de una pasta dental con extractos vegetales

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    Existe una alta prevalencia de problemas gingivales en gestantes ampliamente comprobada. Este estudio tuvo como propósito determinar el estado de salud periodontal de gestantes después del uso de una pasta dental con extractos vegetales, así como la justificación de su uso sobre las pastas convencionales. Se realizó un estudio de tipo clínico cuasi experimental, prospectivo y longitudinal. La muestra fue constituida por 80 pacientes gestantes del Centro Médico Naval “Cirujano Mayor Santiago Távara” que acudieron a atenderse en obstetricia. Se dividió la muestra en dos grupos, dando a cada paciente un cepillo y una pasta dental, en el grupo experimental se entregó una pasta dental con extractos vegetales y en el control una pasta dentífrica convencional. Se examinaron la gravedad de inflamación gingival, placa bacteriana y hemorragia gingival al inicio del estudio y luego de 28 días se realizó el control de los parámetros. Se observó una mejora estadísticamente significativa del estado periodontal en ambos grupos, siendo mayor la mejora en el grupo experimental, la diferencia entre ambos grupos fue significativa en inflamación gingival y placa bacteriana. Al comparar el efecto según los trimestres de gestación, la pasta con extractos vegetales tuvo similar efectividad que el control en el tercer trimestre. Se concluyó que la pasta dental con extractos vegetales redujo significativamente la enfermedad periodontal, sin ser consistentemente mejor que el control; y que su efecto disminuye en el tercer trimestre de gestación.Tesi

    Estudio radiográfico-comparativo de los estadíos de maduración de la falange media del tercer dedo de la mano derecha e izquierda en pacientes de 8 a 15 años de edad de la Clínica de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

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    Durante el crecimiento y desarrollo de la persona, ocurren un sin número de cambios, ya sea, en el aumento de tamaño del individuo así como en la maduración de órganos internos. Por otro lado, se sabe que las diferentes partes del cuerpo humano crecen con diferentes velocidades y se modifican con la edad.Las proporciones corporales se obtienen porque los tejidos y los órganos crecen con diferentes ritmos y en diferentes épocas; a pesar que el crecimiento es un proceso ordenado, hay momentos en el que se intensifica y otros en los que se mantiene con una relativa estabilidad. La velocidad de crecimiento y su debida gráfica, la curva de crecimiento, no está determinada por la edad cronológica del paciente, sino más bien, por su edad esquelética u ósea, que evalúa la maduración esquelética del individuo, cuanto tiempo le falta para que sus huesos terminen de formarse, cada uno de estos cambios óseos está representado por un estadío, el cual tiene una ubicación dentro de la curva de crecimiento; así como también le compara con la edad cronológica para darnos una idea de cuantos años tiene nuestro paciente Esta edad ósea se determina tomando una radiografía de una parte del cuerpo, y de acuerdo la fase de osificación de la estructura se le asigna un estadío de maduración. Para el presente estudio, el método el cual fue utilizado para determinar esta edad ósea fue el de las radiografías carpales, específicamente de la falange media del tercer dedo. El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar si existen diferencias en los estadíos óseos de la mano derecha en comparación con la izquierda, con la finalidad de definir exactamente que mano debemos tomar al momento de realizar el estudio para el diagnóstico y planificación de tratamiento en la historia clínica ortodóntica, y a dar un estímulo de investigación a futuros trabajos sobre este tema de suma importancia para el ortodoncista.Tesi

    Estimating the number of contributors to two-, three-, and four-person mixtures containing DNA in high template and low template amounts

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    Aim To develop guidelines to estimate the number of contributors to two-, three-, and four-person mixtures containing either high template DNA (HT-DNA) or low template DNA (LT-DNA) amounts. Methods Seven hundred and twenty-eight purposeful two-, three-, and four-person mixtures composed of 85 individuals of various ethnicities with template amounts ranging from 10 to 500 pg were examined. The number of alleles labeled at each locus and the number of labeled different and repeating alleles at each locus as well over all loci for 2 HT-DNA or 3 LT-DNA replicates were determined. Guidelines based on these data were then evaluated with 117 mixtures generated from items handled by known individuals. Results The number of different alleles over all loci and replicates was used to initially categorize mixtures. Ranges were established based on the averages plus and minus 2 standard deviations, and to encompass all observations, the maximum and the minimum values. To differentiate samples that could be classified in more than one grouping, the number of loci with 4 or more repeating or different alleles, which were specific to three- and four-person mixtures, were verified. Misclassified samples showed an extraordinary amount of allele sharing or stutter. Conclusions These guidelines proved to be useful tools to distinguish low template and high template two-, three-, and four-person mixtures. Due to the inherent higher probability of allele sharing, four-person mixtures were more challenging. Because of allelic drop-out, this was also the case for samples with very low amounts of template DNA or extreme mixture ratios

    Virtual Environment, Digital Hypertext, Reading and Writing in Foreign Language

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    This work intends to analyze - in an activity carried out with students from the third period of the Language (Spanish) undergraduate course of a college located in Itaperuna, a town in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - how the digital hyper textual reading can facilitate the selection of information in order to facilitate the writing process of texts in Spanish that can be broadcasted in the virtual environment, verifying how this may happen, so that these productions are shared, also allowing the interaction of the subjects with the language and with their peers. For this objective, we used the qualitative methodology (Erickson, 1986) with action research, seeking foundation in what theorists such as Lévy (1996, 1999), Coscarelli (2006, 2009), Gomes et al. (2015), Bannell et al. (2016), among others, investigate. As results, we emphasize that the subjects of the research actively participated in the construction of their own learning regarding the aspects covered in the foreign language class, and with this they were able to practice reading, writing, and the USAge of the vocabulary and grammar studied. Finally, we conclude that the hypertext worked here as an inclusive device, facilitator of reading and propitiator of writing, making the participant students authors of digital texts that provided them with learning throughout all the process they have been through

    Use of domesticated pigs by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in northwestern Europe

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    Acknowledgements We thank the Archaeological State Museum Schleswig-Holstein, the Archaeological State Offices of Brandenburg, Lower Saxony and Saxony and the following individuals who provided sample material: Betty Arndt, Jo¨rg Ewersen, Frederick Feulner, Susanne Hanik, Ru¨diger Krause, Jochen Reinhard, Uwe Reuter, Karl-Heinz Ro¨hrig, Maguerita Scha¨fer, Jo¨rg Schibler, Reinhold Schoon, Regina Smolnik, Thomas Terberger and Ingrid Ulbricht. We are grateful to Ulrich Schmo¨lcke, Michael Forster, Peter Forster and Aikaterini Glykou for their support and comments on the manuscript. We also thank many institutions and individuals that provided sample material and access to collections, especially the curators of the Museum fu¨r Naturkunde, Berlin; Muse´um National d0 Histoire Naturelle, Paris; Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C.; Zoologische Staatssammlung, Mu¨nchen; Museum fu¨r Haustierkunde, Halle; the American Museum of Natural History, New-York. This work was funded by the Graduate School ‘Human Development in Landscapes’ at Kiel University (CAU) and supported by NERC project Grant NE/F003382/1. Radiocarbon dating was carried out at the Leibniz Laboratory, CAU. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Synthesis of 4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzoxazol-2-ones by a highly regioselective Diels-Alder cycloaddition of exo-oxazolidin-2-one dienes with chalcones

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    En este trabajo se describe la reactividad química de derivados de chalconas y dienos exo heterocíclicos, obteniéndose una serie de compuestos los cuales fueron caracterizados y rigurosamente identificados, demostrando de esta manera la conducta de estas moléculas en ambientes controlados.The synthesis of novel of 4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzoxazol-2-ones is herein reported. They were obtained in moderate to good yields by a highly regio- and stereoselective Diels-Alder cycloaddition of N-substituted exo-oxazolidin-2-one dienes with chalcones or bis-chalcones as dienophilesSecretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    A novel and chemoselective process of N-alkylation of aromatic nitrogen compounds using quaternary ammonium salts as starting material

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    Artículo Internacional Open AccesThe process of N-alkylation of several pyrroles, indoles, and derivative heterocycles is herein described, using quaternary ammonium salts as the source of an alkylating agent. These reactions were carried out on several heterocyclic rings with triethylbenzylammonium chloride or tetradecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide and an NaOH solution at 50%, leading to a chemoselective N-alkylated product and an average yield of 73%. This is an alternative process to the traditional benzylation and methylation of N-heterocycles with direct handling of alkyl halides.CONACYT, Secretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados de la UAE

    Ascending midbrain dopaminergic axons require descending GAD65 axon fascicles for normal pathfinding

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    The Nigrostriatal pathway (NSP) is formed by dopaminergic axons that project from the ventral midbrain to the dorsolateral striatum as part of the medial forebrain bundle. Previous studies have implicated chemotropic proteins in the formation of the NSP during development but little is known of the role of substrate-anchored signals in this process. We observed in mouse and rat embryos that midbrain dopaminergic axons ascend in close apposition to descending GAD65-positive axon bundles throughout their trajectory to the striatum. To test whether such interaction is important for dopaminergic axon pathfinding, we analyzed transgenic mouse embryos in which the GAD65 axon bundle was reduced by the conditional expression of the diphtheria toxin. In these embryos we observed dopaminergic misprojection into the hypothalamic region and abnormal projection in the striatum. In addition, analysis of Robo1/2 and Slit1/2 knockout embryos revealed that the previously described dopaminergic misprojection in these embryos is accompanied by severe alterations in the GAD65 axon scaffold. Additional studies with cultured dopaminergic neurons and whole embryos suggest that NCAM and Robo proteins are involved in the interaction of GAD65 and dopaminergic axons. These results indicate that the fasciculation between descending GAD65 axon bundles and ascending dopaminergic axons is required for the stereotypical NSP formation during brain development and that known guidance cues may determine this projection indirectly by instructing the pathfinding of the axons that are part of the GAD65 axon scaffold

    Enantiopure 4‐oxazolin‐2‐ones and 4‐methylene‐2‐oxazolidinones as chiral building blocks in a divergent asymmetric synthesis of heterocycles

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    En este trabajo se describe la reactividad de las oxazolidin-2-onas en un ambiente quiral obteniéndose resultados novedosos, los cuales se describen extensamente.Enantiopure 3‐((R)‐ and 3‐((S)‐1‐phenylethyl)‐4‐oxazoline‐2‐ones were evaluated as chiral building blocks for the divergent construction of heterocycles with stereogenic quaternary centers. The N‐(R)‐ or N‐(S)‐1‐phenylethyl group of these compounds proved to be an efficient chiral auxiliary for the asymmetric induction of the 4‐ and 5‐positions of the 4‐oxazolin‐2‐one ring through thermal and MW‐promoted nucleophilic conjugated addition to Michael acceptors and alkyl halides. The resulting adducts were transformed via a cascade process into fused six‐membered carbo‐ and heterocycles. The structure of the reaction products depended on the electrophiles and reaction conditions used. Alternative isomeric 4‐methylene‐2‐oxazolidinones served as chiral precursors for a versatile and divergent approach to highly substituted cyclic carbamates. DFT quantum calculations showed that the formation of bicyclic pyranyl compounds was generated by a diastereoselective concerted hetero‐Diels‐Alder cycloaddition.Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Secretaria de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Universidad de Guanajuato y CONACYT

    Cluster randomized trial assessing the effects of rapid ethical assessment on informed consent comprehension in a low-resource setting

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    Background Maximizing comprehension is a major challenge for informed consent processes in low-literacy and resource-limited settings. Application of rapid qualitative assessments to improve the informed consent process is increasingly considered useful. This study assessed the effects of Rapid Ethical Assessment (REA) on comprehension, retention and quality of the informed consent process. Methods A cluster randomized trial was conducted among participants of HPV sero-prevalence study in two districts of Northern Ethiopia, in 2013. A total of 300 study participants, 150 in the intervention and 150 in the control group, were included in the study. For the intervention group, the informed consent process was designed with further revisions based on REA findings. Informed consent comprehension levels and quality of the consent process were measured using the Modular Informed Consent Comprehension Assessment (MICCA) and Quality of Informed Consent (QuIC) process assessment tools, respectively. Result Study recruitment rates were 88.7 % and 80.7 % (p = 0.05), while study retention rates were 85.7 % and 70.3 % (p < 0.005) for the intervention and control groups respectively. Overall, the mean informed consent comprehension scores for the intervention and control groups were 73.1 % and 45.2 %, respectively, with a mean difference in comprehension score of 27.9 % (95 % CI 24.0 % - 33.4 %; p < 0.001,). Mean scores for quality of informed consent for the intervention and control groups were 89.1 % and 78.5 %, respectively, with a mean difference of 10.5 % (95 % CI 6.8 -14.2 %; p < 0.001). Conclusion Levels of informed consent comprehension, quality of the consent process, study recruitment and retention rates were significantly improved in the intervention group. We recommend REA as a potential modality to improve informed consent comprehension and quality of informed consent process in low resource settings