57 research outputs found

    Improving Reading and Writing Literacy in I Cycle of Primary Education in Montenegro

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    The aim of this research is to examine didactic/pedagogical issues and teaching/learning strategies by determining the characteristics of pre-literary skills in the I grade, reading skills in the II grade and reading and writing skills in the III grade, as well as to which difficulties teachers are encountered in the literacy process itself. We observed primary public school pupils - 136 in I and 136 in II grades and 400 in III grades from Podgorica, Mojkovac, Budva and NikÅ”ić. The number of examined teachers from the same schools is 83. It was noticed that a significant number of I grade pupils did not have functional linking of symbols, has difficulties in understanding the words structures. Pupils in the II grade do not make a distinction in hand written and hand printed letters and have difficulties with punctuation. There are difficulties in general understanding and the simultaneous processing of information; the existence of elements of dyslexia and dysgraphia was observed. Among pupils in III grades there is uncertainty in writing, insufficient knowledge of fine graphomotorics, each 10th child has a difficulty in reading and understand what was read, around 13% has a difficulty in writing down what was read, and about 22% of them has a reduced skill to write a story based on the picture. The study findings show a need to redefine teaching goals, increase the number of hours for acquiring pre-school skills, teaching languages and teaching literature, propose more clearly the activities of adopting pre and general literacy skills, earlier learning of the Latin letters, to modernize teaching, and have a team approach

    Construction project management by the application of regression analysis to integrate data on costs, time and quality

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    Članak daje prikaz upravljačkih tehnika povezivanjem triju osnovnih veličina svakog građevinskog projekta - troÅ”kova, vremena i kvalitete. Za stvaranje modela formirana je povijesna baza podataka sačinjena od 24 primjera objekata za obranu od visokih voda - nasipa. U ovom istraživanju viÅ”estrukom regresijskom analizom ispitat će se na koji način premaÅ”enje ugovorenih vrijednosti vremenskih i kvalitativno značajnih aktivnosti utječe na premaÅ”enje ugovorenih vrijednosti troÅ”kovno značajnih aktivnosti. Ovisnu varijablu predstavlja postotak premaÅ”enja ugovorenih iznosa troÅ”kovno značajnih aktivnosti projekata nasipa, dok su kao neovisne varijable definirane postotak premaÅ”enja ugovorenog trajanja vremenski značajnih aktivnosti i postotak premaÅ”enja ugovorenih ocjena kvalitativno značajnih aktivnosti projekata nasipa. Dobiveni rezultati analize pokazuju da je predloženim modelom moguće unaprijediti upravljački alat, kao i proces odlučivanja.The paper presents management techniques by integrating three basic factors of every construction project ā€“ costs, time and quality. To create the model a history data base has been formed consisting of 24 examples of objects for high water protection ā€“ embankments. In this research multiple regression analysis will be used to analyse the way in which the violation of contracted terms regarding time and quality significant activities affects the over-running of contracted terms regarding cost significant activities. The dependent variable is represented by the percentage of violation of contracted amounts of embankment project cost significant activities, while the percentage of violation of contracted terms regarding time significant activities and the percentage of violation of agreed values regarding quality significant activities in embankment construction projects are defined as independent variables. The obtained results of the analysis show that it is possible to improve management tool as well as decision-making process by the proposed model

    Food tourism concept - creating synergy between urban and rural places - case study of Maglič, Serbia

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    Food tourism is being seen as one of the fastest growing industries over the second half of the twentieth century (e.g. Saeter, 1998; Smith, 1988) and a key support for the rural development. In declining rural areas, food tourism is often seen as an additional economic activity and a method of retaining rural regions (Font and Ahjem, 1999). Urban-rural connections are important for poverty assuagement, sustainable rural land use and balanced territorial development in general. Additionally, strong bonds can improve the overall living conditions and employment chances for both rural and urban areas (Tacoli, 1998, 2003; Rosenthal, 2000). The primary purpose of this study is to foster relationships between urban and rural areas by developing a concept proposal for food tourism, through the........ at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. The proposal was created during the two theoretical and project-based courses, focused on the sustainable planning and design in the natural environment. The location chosen for the project is a medieval fortress ..... with its surroundings, located in the gorge of Ibar, 20 km south of the city of Kraljevo. Having lost its primary function, the site is nowadays poorly visited. This problem is seen as a challenge to reinvent the urban/rural landscape and create an attractive ambient which relates to the revitalised historical site. As a result, the specific concept of food tourism called ā€œslow foodā€ is developed, both based on tradition and modern values, further elaborated through the planning proposal and urban design project. Following the specific planning and urban design methodology, the extensive research is drawn upon mostly primary and secondary sources, including analysis of urban plans in different scales, comprehensive literature review, as well as cooperation with local authorities and institutions. The full purpose and value of the proposal are confirmed by the city government of Kraljevo and several city agencies and institutes, as the proposal initialized the discussion and revival of the ideas for the important but forgotten historic place and its rural background


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    In this paper, a section of the Vuka River from its confluence with the Danube River in Vukovar to 3 + 630 rkm was modeled. The possibility and size of floods in the surrounding area were analyzed for different return periods (2, 5, 10, 50, and 100 yrs). Although the high-water levels of the Danube River are lower than the terrain elevation of Vukovar, they cause backwater in the Vuka River and in its tributary, the Bobotski canal. In that indirect way, the surrounding area is endangered and the efficiency of drainage systems is reduced. The existing riverbed of the analyzed Vuka River section was digitalized based on a digital terrain model using the geographic information system (GIS) software ArcGIS and the HEC-GeoRAS toolbar. A mathematical model of the steady-state flow of the Vuka river section using the digitized riverbed was executed in the HEC-RAS software using different return periods. The obtained velocities and water levels were analyzed using HEC-RAS, and the sizes of the flooded areas were calculated and observed in ArcGIS.U radu je modelirana dionica rijeke Vuke od samog uŔća u Dunav u Vukovaru do 3+630 rkm, pri čemu je analizirana mogućnost pojave poplava, uzimajući u obzir povratna razdoblja od 2, 5, 10, 50 i 100 godina. Iako maksimalni vodostaji rijeke Dunav ne premaÅ”uju kote, uglavnom, nizinskog terena područja grada Vukovara, uzrokuju uspore u rijeci Vuki i njezinom pritoku Bobotskom kanalu. Na taj, indirektan način, ugrožavaju okolno područje i smanjuju učinkovitost zaobalnih sustava povrÅ”inske odvodnje. Na digitalnom modelu terena korita rijeke Vuke i inundacijskog područja, u GIS računalnom programu ArcGIS pomoću alatne trake HEC-GeoRAS, digitalizirano je postojeće korito rijeke Vuke. Na tako definiranoj dionici napravljen je matematički model stacionarnog strujanja u računalnom programu HEC-RAS prema različitim povratnim razdobljima. Dobivene brzine strujanja i vodostaji analizirani su u samom programu HEC-RAS, dok se veličina poplavnih područja analizirala u ArcGIS-u

    Determining priorities for managing risk on construction projects

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    Polazi se od tvrdnje da se kvalitativni pristup određivanju popisa prvenstva u upravljanju rizicima primjenjuje kada nije na raspolaganju odgovarajuća baza podataka ili nema dovoljno pokazatelja za izračunavanje. Prikazane su najčeŔće rabljene tehnike za kvalitativnu analizu rizika. Usporedbom triju tehnika pokazano je da je Analitički hijerarhijski pristup (AHP) najpotpunija i najprilagodljivija tehnika za kvalitativni pristup upravljanju rizicima u građevinskim projektima.The paper starts with assertion that a quality-based approach should be applied to determine priority list for risk management in cases when an appropriate data base is not available, or when calculation parameters are not sufficient. Techniques most often used in the qualitative analysis of risk are presented. After comparison of three techniques, it has been established that the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is the most complete and the most flexible technique for ensuring a qualitative approach to risk management on construction projects

    University of Zagreb Administration Building āˆ’ Designs and Realisations by Architect Juraj Denzler

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    Arhitekt Denzler izradio je tijekom Å”ezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća niz projekata za zgradu Rektorata SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. U njima je uvijek vodio suptilan dijalog s postojećim elementima građevine, poÅ”tujući njezinu tradiciju, ali kreativno i kritički ih dorađujući. Posebno se ističu oblikovanje prozorskih otvora u prizemlju zgrade, unutraÅ”nje uređenje aule i vestibula te obnova vanjskog stubiÅ”ta s uređenjem vanjskog predvrta.In the sixties and seventies architect Denzler made several designs for the Universityof Zagreb Administration Building. They show his subtle dialogue with the existing elements and tradition of the building, but also his critically minded and creative contribution to its architecture. Especially prominent are the designs for the ground-floor window openings, assembly hall and vestibule, restoration of the exterior staircase and the landscaping of the front garden

    Petrinjska Street in Zagreb

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    Petrinjska ulica razvila se od običnoga prilaznog puta Zagrebu iz 18. stoljeća u viÅ”eslojnu gradsku ulicu s građevinama brojnih priznatih graditelja i arhitekata te kvalitetnom arhitekturom. U ulicu je utkan početak Å”irega razvoja grada Zagreba, kao i najranija arhitektura. Postoji razlika u karakteru namjene njezine istočne, većim dijelom stambene, i zapadne strane s pretežito javnom namjenom.Petrinjska Street developed from an 18th century access road into a multilayered urban street with buildings designed by numerous esteemed architects. The streetā€™s development marks the beginning of the wider urban growth of Zagreb and the first architectural projects. Discernible is a functional difference between the eastern side of the street with mostly residential buildings and its western side with public buildings

    Evaluacija efekata programa namenjenog unapređenju veÅ”tina i motivacije za traženje posla

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    Contemporary programs that have been implemented in order to help unemployed reduce time for finding a job are based on clear theoretical background and empirical evidence. In addition to providing opportunities to learn necessary skills, these programs also incorporate important psychological components which will be addressed in this paper. The goal of these interventions is to reduce time for finding a job, prevent long-term unemployment and negative effects of unemployment on individuals' mental health. The paper presents evaluation of the effects of these psychological interventions. The program was based on Ajzen's theory of planned behavior (2005), Bandura's social-cognitive theory (1997) and cognitive-behavior theory of behavioral change (Meichenbaum, 1993). The goal of this program was to help unemployed individuals take an active role in finding a job, reduce time for finding a job and prevent negative effects of unemployment on their mental health. The target group of the program were young unemployed individuals ages 19 - 30, with at least high school level of education. Evaluation study was conducted on a sample of 92 male and female individuals who attended 3-day psychological program. Participants filled out five short scales specifically designed to assess variables that were targeted for change, such as, active approach to finding a job, attitudes toward process of employment, self-efficacy and resilience to frustrations and obstacles. Scales were administered before and after the training. Evaluation results, based on these pre and post measures, showed significant positive effects of this program on all five variables.Savremeni programi koji se implementiraju sa ciljem da se nezaposlenim osobama pomogne da brže dođu do zaposlenja, zasnovani su na jasnim teorijskim osnovama i empirijskim nalazima. Pored učenja potrebnih veÅ”tina, ovakvi programi sadrže i značajne psiholoÅ”ke komponente kojima se ovaj rad i bavi. Cilj ovih intervencija je ubrzavanje procesa zapoÅ”ljavanja, prevencija dugotrajne nezaposlenosti i negativnih efekata nezaposlenosti na mentalno zdravlje. U ovom radu izlažemo evaluaciju efekata psiholoÅ”kog programa koji je kreiran za primenu na naÅ”oj populaciji nezaposlenih. Program je dizajniran na osnovu postavki teorije planiranog ponaÅ”anja Ajzena (Ajzen, 2005), socijalno-kognitivne teorije Bandure (Bandura, 1997) i kognitivno-bihejviorale teorije promene ponaÅ”anja (Meichenbaum, 1993). Svrha programa je da pomogne nezaposlenim osobama da prepoznaju i preuzmu aktivnu ulogu u traženju posla, čime bi se ubrzao proces zapoÅ”ljavanja i sprečiti negativne efekte nezaposlenosti na mentalno zdravlje. Ciljna grupa programa bili su mladi nezaposleni, od 19 do 30 godina, sa minimum zavrÅ”enim trećim stepenom stručne spreme. Evaluacija programa je obavljena na uzorku od 92 mlade nezaposlene osobe oba pola koje su proÅ”le trodnevni psiholoÅ”ki program. Ispitanicima je zadato pet kraćih skala samoprocene kreiranih specifično za procenu osnovnih varijabli na čiju je promenu trening usmeren. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćena procena namere za aktivno traženja posla, stavova o traženju posla, samoefikasnosti i otpornosti na prepreke i osujećenja. Upitnici su zadavani pre i posle treninga, na osnovu čega je utvrđen stepen pozitivnih promena. Rezultati evaluacije koji su prikazani u radu pokazuju značajne pozitivne efekte programa na sve ciljne varijable

    Managing the cost, time and quality of works on construction projects

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    U radu su prikazane upravljačke tehnike ujedinjenjem triju osnovnih pokazatelja svakog građevinskog projekta - troÅ”kova, vremena i kvalitete. Prikupljene su 4 baze podataka (vodovod, kanalizacija, odvodnja i nasipi) [1, 2], a upravljanje projektima objaÅ”njeno je na primjeru projekata za zaÅ”titne nasipe. Matematički model je izrađen na temelju povijesne baze podataka kako bi se izračunala zavisna varijabla postotka premaÅ”enja ugovorenih iznosa troÅ”kovno značajnih aktivnosti.Management techniques based on unification of three basic indicators of every construction project - costs, time and quality - are presented. Four data bases have been collected (water supply, sewerage, drainage and embankments) [1, 2], and the project management is explained and illustrated by several real-life embankment protection examples. The mathematical model, derived from the historical data base, is used to calculate the dependent variable of the percentage by which the contract price of economically significant activities is exceeded
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