274 research outputs found

    Estudo comparativo para lajes cogumelo utilizando as tecnologias “Bubbledeck” e Atex

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    O presente projeto de graduação tem por objetivos avaliar e comparar o novo tipo de laje bubbledeck apresentado neste projeto com uma laje nervurada, solução já corrente no Brasil para a redução no consumo de concreto. Foi apresentada também uma obra com a nova solução. O projeto foi desenvolvido de forma a servir como material didático de apoio para estudos futuros. A parte inicial do projeto apresenta uma visão geral não somente dos conceitos básicos para a nova solução em laje apresentada, como também algumas características que servem de guia para o dimensionamento. Na continuação do trabalho, é apresentado, em detalhes, o dimensionamento das duas tecnologias de laje estudadas (Bubbledeck e Atex).Em seguida, são apresentadas as características da obra utilizada como exemplo para demonstração do processo executivo da laje bubbledeck. Por fim, são apresentados os comparativos entre as duas soluções de lajes planas biaxiais – “tipo cogumelo”


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    Many managers have studied the afforestation as a mitigating tool for the problems caused by urbanization, since the specific knowledge of each municipality is fundamental for proper planning in relation to the species used, the number of trees and the location in the municipality. The present research had the objective of evaluating the spatial and biological diversity indexes of the road arborization of the city of Itanhaém - SP. For the accomplishment of the research, a qualitative and quantitative inventory of the arborization was done to obtain the coverage indices and tree density, index of full occupation, current occupation and the deficit of afforestation and the performance index of the species. There is 1 tree for each 100 m² of sidewalk in the municipality, 2.35% of the sidewalks are covered by the crown of the trees and the municipality presents only 21.1% of the ideal afforestation. The municipality had a high diversity index of Shannon H '= 3.45 and Simpson dominance λ = 0.082. The native species with the best performance index was Schinus terebinthifolius. Although there are species diversity in the municipality, the current situation demonstrates the scarcity of trees, indicating the need for intensification in the planting of trees in the road system

    Análise comparativa da resistência mecânica entre elementos estruturais constituídos de concreto/aço e concreto/prfc

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    Seeking improvements in several areas, society advances in search of technological innovations in the discovery of new materials, and composite materials are products of this technological advance, characterized by presenting better performances in their applicability due to the combination of polymer, metal and ceramic materials in a single material. The present study aimed to analyze the mechanical strength demonstrated by composite materials made of reinforced concrete with CFRP and compare its results with the steel reinforced concrete, traditionally used in constructions. Therefore, different geometries of CDPs were made, both conventional and self-compacting concrete were used and the reinforcements were manufactured in bars and also in meshes. Additionally, it was studied which type of stirrup best adapts to CFRP bars and which characteristics of the concrete/CFRP interface provide the best adhesion resistance. The analyzes of this study were carried out due to the manufacture of CDPs in 4 distinct groups. The results showed that despite the use of different materials to manufacture the stirrup and the changes made in the connection interface of the CFRP bars and the concrete, such as the alternation of surface coatings used in the CFRP bars and the variation of concrete with different strengths, it was observed a parity in the values of mechanical resistance of the materials reinforced concrete with CFRP bars and concrete reinforced with steel. However, the use of CFRP in meshes molded externally to the concrete presented values of mechanical strength with an order of magnitude significantly higher when compared to the use of steel in meshes molded externally to the concrete, making this reinforcement configuration the most suitable for increasing mechanical strength. from the composite material reinforced concrete with steel to the composite material reinforced concrete with CFRP.Buscando melhorias em diversas áreas, a sociedade avança em busca de inovações tecnológicas na descoberta de novos materiais, e os materiais compósitos são produtos deste avanço tecnológico, caracterizados por apresentar melhores desempenhos em suas aplicabilidades devido a combinação de materiais polímeros, metais e cerâmicos em um único material. O presente estudo visou analisar a resistência mecânica demonstrada por materiais compósitos constituídos de concreto armado com PRFC e comparar seus resultados com o concreto armado com aço, tradicionalmente utilizado nas construções. Portanto diferentes geometrias de CDPs foram confeccionadas, utilizou-se tanto o concreto convencional quanto o concreto auto adensável e as armaduras foram fabricadas em barras e também em telas. E adicionalmente estudou-se qual tipo de estribo melhor se adapta as barras de PRFC e quais características da interface concreto/PRFC proporciona a melhor resistência à aderência. As análises deste estudo foram realizadas devido a fabricação dos CDPs em 4 grupos distintos. Os resultados demostraram que apesar da utilização de diferentes materiais para fabricação do estribo e de mudanças realizadas na interface de ligação das barras de PRFC e do concreto, como a alternância de revestimentos de superfícies utilizados nas barras de PRFC e variação do concreto com diferentes resistências, observou-se uma paridade nos valores de resistência mecânica dos materiais concreto armado com barras de PRFC e concreto armado com aço. Entretanto o uso de PRFC em telas moldadas externamente ao concreto apresentou valores de resistência mecânica com ordem de grandeza significativamente maior quando comparados com o uso de aço em telas moldadas externamente ao concreto, fazendo desta configuração de armadura a mais indicada para o aumento de resistência mecânica do material compósito concreto armado com aço para o material compósito concreto armado com PRFC

    Frequência de rinite e alterações orofaciais em pacientes com má oclusão dentária

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    ResumoObjetivoDescrever a frequência e etiologia da rinite, da respiração oral, os tipos de má oclusão e as alterações orofaciais em pacientes tratados por má oclusão dentária.MétodosPacientes com má oclusão dentária (n=89, oito a 15 anos) em tratamento ortodôntico em centro de pós‐graduação em ortodontia (São Paulo, Brasil) participaram do estudo. Rinite e respiração oral foram diagnosticadas por anamnese e exame clínico e a etiologia alérgica dessa por teste cutâneo de hipersensibilidade imediata (TCHI) com aeroalérgenos. Avaliou‐se a relação entre tipos de respiração (oral ou nasal), rinite e tipos de má oclusão dentária, bruxismo e alterações cefalométricas (aumento do eixo Y de crescimento facial) em comparação com o traçado cefalométrico padrão (Escola de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo).ResultadosA frequência de rinite nos pacientes com má oclusão dentária foi de 76,4% (68), desses 81,7% eram alérgicos (49/60 TCHI positivo) e a frequência de respiração oral foi de 62,9%. Houve associação significativa entre ter o eixo Y de crescimento facial aumentado e respiração oral (p<0,001), o mesmo entre respiração oral e rinite (p=0,009). Não houve associação entre rinite e bruxismo.ConclusõesA frequência de rinite em crianças com má oclusão dentária é superior à da população geral, que gira ao redor de 30%. Os pacientes com respiração oral têm tendência de crescimento dólico facial (eixo Y de crescimento aumentado). Nos pacientes com rinite, independentemente da presença da respiração oral, a tendência dólico facial não foi observada.AbstractObjectiveTo describe the frequency and etiology of rhinitis, oral breathing, types of malocclusion and orofacial disorders in patients treated for dental malocclusion.MethodsPatients with poor dental occlusion (n=89, 8‐15 years) undergoing orthodontic treatment at the Postgraduate Orthodontics Center (Sao Paulo, Brazil) participated in the study. Rhinitis and oral breathing were diagnosed by anamnesis, clinical assessment and allergic etiology of rhinitis through immediate hypersensitivity skin prick test (SPT) with airborne allergens. The association between types of breathing (oral or nasal), rhinitis and types of dental malocclusion, bruxism and cephalometric alterations (increased Y axis of facial growth) compared to standard cephalometric tracing (Escola de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo) were assessed.ResultsThe frequency of rhinitis in patients with dental malocclusion was 76.4% (68), and, of these, 81.7% were allergic (49/60 positive skin prick test), whereas the frequency of oral breathing was 62.9%. There was a significant association between an increased Y axis of facial growth and oral breathing (p<0.001), as well as between oral breathing and rhinitis (p=0.009). There was no association between rhinitis and bruxism.ConclusionsThe frequency of rhinitis in children with dental malocclusion is higher than that in the general population, which is approximately 30%. Patients with oral breathing have a tendency to a dolichofacial growth pattern (increased Y axis of facial growth). In patients with rhinitis, regardless of the presence of oral breathing, the dolichofacial growth tendency was not observed


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    The stability of jaboticaba skin fl our was evaluated during 12months of storage, for the purpose of extending the use of this fl ourthroughout the year, because jaboticaba production is seasonal.Ripe Plinia jaboticaba (Vell.) Berg fruits, of the Sabará genotype,were collected and the separated skins were dried at a temperatureof 45 oC. They were then ground and stored in hermetically sealedfl asks and protected from light at room temperature for 0, 3, 6, 9 and12 months. At each storage time, analyses of proximate composition,vitamin C, phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, soluble solids, wateractivity, color, pH and microbiological analysis were conducted.It was possible to observe a signifi cant increase in the followingparameters during the 12 months of storage: humidity, 34 %; wateractivity, 31.23 %; a color coordinates,12.37 % and b colorcoordinates, 24 %; pH, 7.35 %. There was a decrease in phenoliccontent of 9.91 %; anthocyanins 29 % and vitamin C 20 %. Therewas no signifi cant difference in the levels of lipids, protein, ash, fi berand soluble solids, and the presence of microorganisms was notdetected for any storage period. Therefore, it is possible to concludethat the jaboticaba skin fl our did not show signifi cant changes innutritional parameters, and showed a small reduction in antioxidantcompounds when stored for periods up to 12 months. This fl our cantherefore be considered as an alternative for the enrichment of foodproducts throughout the yea


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    Urban forest planning is necessary to avoid problems coming from the introduction of trees into urban spaces. Within the planning process, how space can be occupied on sidewalks is an important item to indicate which species can be planted according to the canopy characteristics . The objective of this study was to analyze morphometric indexes, to classify the growth pattern and to determine the canopy architecture of ten species planted in the urban forest of the cities Curitiba and Pinhais, Paraná, under conditions of free growth, without competition. The sampled species were characterized by the variables diameter at breast height, total height and canopy height and canopy radius in the north, south, east and west directions, which helped to characterize the morphometry of the species. The canopy architecture was classified according to structural models A 60% of crown ratio. Libidibia ferrea and Koelreuteria paniculata presented the greatest amplitude regarding the canopy form, between vertical elliptic, round and horizontal elliptic. Half of the species were fit in the canopy architecture model of the Koriba type, two in the Troll model and one in each of the D'Attim, Leeuwenberg and Mangenot types

    Progressive in vivo detection of wooden breast in broilers as affected by dietary energy and protein

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    Wooden breast (WB) myopathy was investigated in broilers fed varying energy and protein at early ages. Correlation analyses were conducted between echogenicity of ultrasound images (US) of breast muscle from live birds and WB after slaughter. A total of 1,000 Cobb 500 one-day-old male chicks were fed on five dietary programs with eight replicates of 25 birds each, in a completely randomized design. Control feeds (commercially used ME and ideally balanced amino acids) or low-density feeds (low EP, with reductions of 50 kcal/kg ME and 0.20% dig. Lys compared to the control) were formulated. Feeds were provided in different periods: 1 to 7 d, 8 to 14 d, 15 to 21 d or 22 to 28 d. All broilers were fed a common basal diet thereafter until 49 d. Images using US were obtained once a week from all individuals and WB scored from one slaughtered bird per replication (0, normal; 1, mild hardening in the upper breast muscle; 2; moderate hardening in the upper and/or lower breast muscle; 3, severe hardening; 4, severe hardening with hemorrhagic lesions and yellow fluid). Blood was collected for enzyme investigation from the weekly slaughtered bird. Broilers had lower BWG and higher FCR when fed low EP feeds, regardless of the period fed when compared to the control (P < 0.001). Growth compensation, however, occurred afterwards such that all birds presented similar performance at the end. At 14, 21, and 28 d, broilers previously fed low EP feeds had lower WB scores (P < 0.001) compared to birds fed the control; however, both groups presented increased WB scores after 28 d. Wooden breast was positively correlated with breast echogenicity at 21 d (r = 0.31), 28 d (r = 0.43), 35 d (r = 0.21) and 42 d (r = 0.39). In conclusion, dietary energy and protein affected the development of WB scores in broilers and breast US images can be used as an early predictor of WB


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    As palmeiras são plantas pertencentes à família Arecaceae que tem como característica o grande valor ornamental. As espécies desta família são responsáveis por cerca de 25% da arborização viária de Itanhaém, sendo bastante utilizada na composição da floresta urbana no Brasil e no Mundo. Entretanto, informações quanto a adaptação e qualidade destas plantas no meio urbano ainda são restritas. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um inventário qualitativo da família Arecaceae presente na arborização viária de Itanhaém –SP, por meio de amostragem estratificada. Foram analisados padrões de qualidade física e fitossanitária, além do índice de performance da espécie. A família apresentou 317 indivíduos distribuídos em 9 espécies e 7 gêneros. A maioria dos indivíduos apresentou porte médio, de 3 a 6 metros (52%), boas condições físicas e fitossanitárias (82%), sistema radicial profundo (81%).  No entanto, para as palmeiras Dypsis lutescens recomenda-se o aumento dos canteiros que apresentaram maior quantidade de afloramento de raízes. Quanto ao índice de performance, a maioria (88%) das palmeiras apresentam um bom desenvolvimento no município. A abundância de palmeiras na arborização dá ao município uma característica própria, entretanto, a quantidade de espécies exóticas pode descaracterizar o bioma local