198 research outputs found

    The Collins-Roscoe mechanism and D-spaces

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    We prove that if a space X is well ordered (αA)(\alpha A), or linearly semi-stratifiable, or elastic then X is a D-space

    High-density plasma production with potential confinement in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror

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    The improvement of potential confinement was attained in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror [Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 939 (1985); Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Washington, 1990 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1991), Vol. 2, p. 539] by axisymmetrization of heating systems for the plasma production, heating, and potential formation. A significant increase of the density and diamagnetism by the potential confinement was observed. In the previous experiment, it was difficult to increase the central cell density higher than 2.7×1018 m–3. One of the possible mechanisms is the density clamping due to the eigenmode formation of the ion–cyclotron-range of frequency (ICRF) waves in the axial direction. With high harmonic ICRF waves (RF3), the experiments to overcome this problem have been performed. In preliminary experiments with RF3 and NBI the maximum density of 4×1018 m–3 was attained

    Genomics of Aspergillus oryzae: Learning from the History of Koji Mold and Exploration of Its Future

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    At a time when the notion of microorganisms did not exist, our ancestors empirically established methods for the production of various fermentation foods: miso (bean curd seasoning) and shoyu (soy sauce), both of which have been widely used and are essential for Japanese cooking, and sake, a magical alcoholic drink consumed at a variety of ritual occasions, are typical examples. A filamentous fungus, Aspergillus oryzae, is the key organism in the production of all these traditional foods, and its solid-state cultivation (SSC) has been confirmed to be the secret for the high productivity of secretory hydrolases vital for the fermentation process. Indeed, our genome comparison and transcriptome analysis uncovered mechanisms for effective degradation of raw materials in SSC: the extracellular hydrolase genes that have been found only in the A. oryzae genome but not in A. fumigatus are highly induced during SSC but not in liquid cultivation. Also, the temperature reduction process empirically adopted in the traditional soy-sauce fermentation processes has been found to be important to keep strong expression of the A. oryzae-specific extracellular hydrolases. One of the prominent potentials of A. oryzae is that it has been successfully applied to effective degradation of biodegradable plastic. Both cutinase, responsible for the degradation of plastic, and hydrophobin, which recruits cutinase on the hydrophobic surface to enhance degradation, have been discovered in A. oryzae. Genomic analysis in concert with traditional knowledge and technology will continue to be powerful tools in the future exploration of A. oryzae

    Expression of midkine in the early stage of carcinogenesis in human colorectal cancer

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    It has been suggested that a heparin-binding growth factor, midkine (MK), plays an important role incarcinogenesis because of its frequent overexpression in various malignant tumours. To clarify whether or not MK contributes to theearly stage of carcinogenesis, we examined the status of MK mRNA in 20 adenomas with moderate- and severe-grade dysplasia, 28carcinomas and 28 corresponding normal tissues, by means of Northern blotting. The MK expression level was significantly moreelevated in adenomas than in normal tissues P< 0.001, unpaired Student's t -test). A difference wasalso observed between carcinomas and the corresponding normal tissues P< 0.04, paired Student's t-test). Moreover, MK immunostaining was positive in the adenomas with moderate- and severe-grade dysplasia and in the carcinomas,but not in mild-grade dysplasia or in normal tissues. These findings were in line with those on Western blotting. In three patientswith both adenomas with moderate- or severe-grade dysplasia and carcinomas, elevated MK expression was observed in the neoplasticlesions. This is the first report of the association of elevated MK expression with the early stage of carcinogenesis in humans. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    In silico Analysis of 3′-End-Processing Signals in Aspergillus oryzae Using Expressed Sequence Tags and Genomic Sequencing Data

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    To investigate 3′-end-processing signals in Aspergillus oryzae, we created a nucleotide sequence data set of the 3′-untranslated region (3′ UTR) plus 100 nucleotides (nt) sequence downstream of the poly(A) site using A. oryzae expressed sequence tags and genomic sequencing data. This data set comprised 1065 sequences derived from 1042 unique genes. The average 3′ UTR length in A. oryzae was 241 nt, which is greater than that in yeast but similar to that in plants. The 3′ UTR and 100 nt sequence downstream of the poly(A) site is notably U-rich, while the region located 15–30 nt upstream of the poly(A) site is markedly A-rich. The most frequently found hexanucleotide in this A-rich region is AAUGAA, although this sequence accounts for only 6% of all transcripts. These data suggested that A. oryzae has no highly conserved sequence element equivalent to AAUAAA, a mammalian polyadenylation signal. We identified that putative 3′-end-processing signals in A. oryzae, while less well conserved than those in mammals, comprised four sequence elements: the furthest upstream U-rich element, A-rich sequence, cleavage site, and downstream U-rich element flanking the cleavage site. Although these putative 3′-end-processing signals are similar to those in yeast and plants, some notable differences exist between them

    On the zero-Hopf bifurcation of the Lotka-Volterra systems in R3

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    Here we study the Lotka-Volterra systems in R3, i.e. the differential systems of the form dxi/dt = xi(ri - Σ3j=1 aijxj), i = 1, 2, 3. It is known that some of these differential systems can have at least four periodic orbits bifurcating from one of their equilibrium points. Here we prove that there are some of these differential systems exhibiting at least six periodic orbits bifurcating from one of their equilibrium points. The tool for proving this result is the averaging theory of third order