868 research outputs found

    The Impact of Intergroup Emotions on Forgiveness in Northern Ireland

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    Although prejudice researchers have mainly focused their attention on changing attitudes toward outgroups, other outcome variables may also be important. In post-conflict reconciliation, intergroup forgiveness may play a crucial role in helping groups in conflict put the atrocities of the past behind them (Cairns, Tam, Hewstone, & Niens, 2005). Two studies showed that both the specific intergroup emotion of anger and infrahumanization (the attribution of more human emotions to the ingroup than to the outgroup) predicted decreased intergroup forgiveness in Northern Ireland. Results further revealed intergroup contact as a potential means of reducing anger toward the outgroup and improving attitudes toward them. This research integrated prior interpersonal theory with intergroup literature to examine the concept of intergroup forgiveness and its predictors. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for reconciliation in conflict societies

    The Effects of Chronic Sleep Deprivation on Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha and Bone Strength in Menopausal Rats

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    Osteoporosis affects one in four post-menopausal women, and approximately one in three of those women will experience a fracture due to osteoporosis in their lifetime. Sleep deprivation may be a contributing factor in the acceleration of osteoporosis due to the increase in pro-inflammatory cytokine production which may potentiate the diminished estrogen signaling. Tumor-necrosis factor alpha-type (TNFα), a pro-inflammatory cytokine of interest, stimulates osteoprotegerin ligand (OPGL) to increase the degradation of bone. Bisphosphonates, like Zolendronate, are the most commonly prescribed treatment for osteoporosis because they decrease osteoclastic activity. This study analyzed the effects of chronic sleep deprivation and Zolendronate on TNFα concentration and relative bone strength of thirty-two ovariectomized Wistar rats in a five-week protocol; groups included control (C), sleep deprived (SD), sleep deprived with Zolendronate (SDZ), and Zolendronate (Z). TNFα concentrations were determined by enzyme-linked immunoassay and bone strength was determined by a three-point bending test. The calculated TNFα concentration values for the groups were: C (M=23.97 pg/mL, =1.87 pg/mL), SD (M=25.56 pg/mL, =2.56 pg/mL), SDZ (M=24.02 pg/mL, =2.17 pg/mL), and Z (M=27.26 pg/mL, =2.22 pg/mL). The calculated bone strength values for the groups followed: C (M=161.42 N, =19.37 N), SD (M=162.21 N, =24.29 N), SDZ (M=165.97 N, =22.61 N), and Z (M=156.44 N, =20.46 N). There were significant differences (p \u3c .01) in serum concentration of TNFα in the group taking Zolendronate, but we found no differences in bone strength between the groups – but the trends suggest that in larger sample sizes, differences would emerge. We believe that further research measuring the changes in cytokine concentration throughout a longer sleep deprivation protocol would be a fruitful

    L’impact d’un campus clinique régional en milieu urbain : les perceptions des parties prenantes de la collectivité

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    Background: Regional medical campuses (RMC) have shown promise in addressing physician shortages. RMCs have been positively evaluated in rural/remote communities, however, it is unclear whether this model will be as beneficial in underserved urban areas. This study evaluated the impact of a RMC on a midsized urban city (Windsor, Ontario). We compare our results with a similar study conducted in a remote community in British Columbia (BC). Methods: A broad array of community stakeholders representing different sectors were consulted using a semi-structured interview format replicated from the BC Northern Medical Program (NMP) study. Thematic analysis based on the resulting rich data was conducted within a grounded theory context. Results: Twenty-three participants (52% male) representing healthcare, education, business, community and government/politico sectors were consulted. Their views regarding the Windsor Regional Medical Campus (WRMC) aligned around several themes: improved healthcare, enhanced community reputation, stimulated economic/community development, expanded training opportunities and an engaged community regarding the WRMC. These results were compared to the main findings of the NMP study with both similarities (e.g. increased community pride) and differences (e.g. resource concerns) discussed. Conclusion: Community stakeholders provided strong support for the WRMC through their perceptions of its positive impact on this urban region. These findings are consistent with similar RMC studies in rural/remote areas. Those interested in developing a RMC might benefit from considering these findings.Contexte : Les campus cliniques rĂ©gionaux (CCR) se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s prometteurs pour remĂ©dier Ă  la pĂ©nurie de mĂ©decins. Les CCR ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s positivement dans les collectivitĂ©s rurales/Ă©loignĂ©es, mais il n’est pas certain que ce modèle soit aussi bĂ©nĂ©fique dans les zones urbaines mal desservies. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude Ă©value l’impact d’un CCR dans une ville de taille moyenne (Windsor, Ontario). Nous comparons nos rĂ©sultats avec ceux d’une Ă©tude similaire menĂ©e dans une collectivitĂ© Ă©loignĂ©e en Colombie-Britannique (BC). MĂ©thode : Un large Ă©ventail de parties prenantes de la collectivitĂ© reprĂ©sentant diffĂ©rents secteurs a Ă©tĂ© consultĂ© par le biais d’entrevues semi-structurĂ©es calquĂ©es sur celles de l’étude du BC Northern Medical Program (NMP). L’analyse thĂ©matique des riches donnĂ©es obtenues a Ă©tĂ© faite selon l’approche de la Grounded Theory (thĂ©orie ancrĂ©e). RĂ©sultats : Vingt-trois participants (52 % d’hommes) des secteurs de la santĂ©, de l’éducation, des affaires, de la vie communautaire, du gouvernement ou encore du monde politique ont Ă©tĂ© consultĂ©s. Leurs opinions concernant le campus clinique rĂ©gional de Windsor (WRMC) s’articulaient autour de plusieurs thèmes : l’amĂ©lioration des soins de santĂ©, le renforcement de la rĂ©putation de la collectivitĂ©, la stimulation du dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique et communautaire, l’élargissement des possibilitĂ©s de formation et l’engagement de la communautĂ© envers le WRMC. Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s aux principales conclusions de l’étude du NMP, en analysant aussi bien les similitudes (par exemple, fiertĂ© accrue de la collectivitĂ©) que les diffĂ©rences (par exemple, les prĂ©occupations en matière de ressources). Conclusion : Percevant l’impact positif qu’a eu le WRMC dans la rĂ©gion urbaine, les acteurs de la collectivitĂ© tĂ©moignent d’un ferme appui Ă  son Ă©gard. Ces rĂ©sultats sont conformes aux Ă©tudes similaires portant sur des CCR dans les zones rurales/Ă©loignĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats de l’étude seraient utiles Ă  tous ceux qui souhaitant mettre sur pied un CCR

    Enhancing Social Diversity and Communication in an Assisted Living Facility for Older Adults: A Community Health Nursing Project

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    Improving the health of specific populations requires community partnerships, collaboration, and an in-depth understanding of the diverse health status and health care needs of the population.  The purpose of this paper is to describe a community health project that the authors, in conjunction with the staff and residents, implemented at an assisted living facility for older adults who needed assistance with activities of daily living but who were otherwise fairly independent. The LODGE (pseudonym) community is located in a large urban centre in Western Canada.  The focus of this three and half month project was to gain information about this community in order to help optimize the function and independence of its members. The guiding frameworks included the nursing process, the Community as a Partner model and the Population Health model. The community assessment included a windshield survey, a general survey of 142 residents living in the facility (74% response rate), key informant interviews, literature review, and several brainstorming sessions with staff and residents.  The focus of data analysis was on the salient areas of strength and areas that needed improvement. The major finding regarding how to best optimize the function and independence of the residents included interventions related to (a) obtaining a more specific in-depth interview with residents who are inactive in both a physical and social sense in order to obtain more specific information about the activities and interests they valued in the past, and which ones they could still participate in if specific types of resources were provided , (b) enhancing relational communication and (c) increasing accessibility to information regarding the eligibility and benefits of the government funded Home Care services.  Interventions were viewed positively by members of the community. Recommendations are provided for expansion and sustainability of future community interventions. &nbsp

    Ocular syphilis resurgence in an urban underserved community in the United States

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    AIM: To evaluate the clinical characteristics, demographics, and visual outcomes of patients with ocular syphilis at an urban hospital to increase awareness and assist in earlier diagnosis and treatment of the resurgent disease. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed on patients with ICD-9 and ICD-10 diagnosis codes correlating with syphilis or syphilis-related ocular diseases between 2010 and 2019. Variables evaluated included age, gender, race, vision, ocular findings, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status and men who have sex with men status, recreational drug and alcohol use. RESULTS: Ocular syphilis was diagnosed in 40 patients (53 eyes) of a total of 229 patients who tested positive for syphilis via serum and/or cerebrospinal fluid treponemal testing from 2010-2019. Among patients with ocular syphilis, most patients were males, aged 45 or above and Black, and had no diagnosed HIV infection. Approximately 50% patients had 20/40 vision or better. Nearly 50% had non-granulomatous anterior uveitis as their initial presentation, and 49% of patients had involvement of the posterior segment. Neovascular glaucoma (5.7%), papillitis (7.5%), vasculitis (5.7%), and retinal detachment (5.7%) were rarer presentations of the disease and were associated with a poorer visual prognosis. CONCLUSION: Given the increased prevalence and protean manifestations of syphilis, early diagnosis and treatment are paramount. More studies on ocular syphilis are warranted to understand this resurging disease

    IRE1β negatively regulates IRE1α signaling in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress

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    IRE1β is an ER stress sensor uniquely expressed in epithelial cells lining mucosal surfaces. Here, we show that intestinal epithelial cells expressing IRE1β have an attenuated unfolded protein response to ER stress. When modeled in HEK293 cells and with purified protein, IRE1β diminishes expression and inhibits signaling by the closely related stress sensor IRE1α. IRE1β can assemble with and inhibit IRE1α to suppress stress-induced XBP1 splicing, a key mediator of the unfolded protein response. In comparison to IRE1α, IRE1β has relatively weak XBP1 splicing activity, largely explained by a nonconserved amino acid in the kinase domain active site that impairs its phosphorylation and restricts oligomerization. This enables IRE1β to act as a dominant-negative suppressor of IRE1α and affect how barrier epithelial cells manage the response to stress at the host–environment interface

    Best Practices for Virtual Care: A Consensus Statement From the Canadian Rheumatology Association

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    Objective. To develop best practice statements for the provision of virtual care in adult and pediatric rheumatology for the Canadian Rheumatology Association\u27s (CRA) Telehealth Working Group (TWG). Methods. Four members of the TWG representing adult, pediatric, university-based, and community rheumatology practices defined the scope of the project. A rapid literature review of existing systematic reviews, policy documents, and published literature and abstracts on the topic was conducted between April and May 2021. The review informed a candidate set of 7 statements and a supporting document. The statements were submitted to a 3-round (R) modified Delphi process with 22 panelists recruited through the CRA and patient advocacy organizations. Panelists rated the importance and feasibility of the statements on a Likert scale of 1-9. Statements with final median ratings between 7-9 with no disagreement were retained in the final set. Results. Twenty-one (95%) panelists participated in R1, 15 (71%) in R2, and 18 (82%) in R3. All but 1 statement met inclusion criteria during R1. Revisions were made to 5/7 statements following R2 and an additional statement was added. All statements met inclusion criteria following R3. The statements addressed the following themes in the provision of virtual care: adherence to existing standards and regulations, appropriateness, consent, physical examination, patient-reported outcomes, use in addition to in-person visits, and complex comanagement of disease. Conclusion. The best practice statements represent a starting point for advancing virtual care in rheumatology. Future educational efforts to help implement these best practices and research to address identified knowledge gaps are planned

    Cinnamoyl-Oxaborole Amides: Synthesis and Their in Vitro Biological Activity.

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    Due to the increased interest in their application in the treatment of infectious diseases, boron-containing compounds have received a significant coverage in the literature. Herein, a small set of novel cinnamoly-oxaborole amides were synthesized and screened against nagana Trypanosoma brucei brucei for antitrypanosomal activity. Compound 5g emerged as a new hit with an in vitro IC50 value of 0.086 ÎĽM against T. b. brucei without obvious inhibitory activity against HeLa cell lines. The same series was also screened against other human pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB), for which moderate to weak activity (10 to >125 ÎĽM) was observed. Similarly, these compounds exhibited moderate activity against the human protozoal pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis with no observed effect on common microbiome bacterial species. The cross-species inhibitory activity presents the possibility of these compounds serving as broad-spectrum antibiotics for these prevalent three human pathogens

    Stakeholder Influences on the Design of Firms’ Environmental Practices

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    While prior literature has emphasized that stakeholders can influence a firm's decision to adopt environmental practices that lead to competitive advantage, most scholarship has assumed that stakeholders influence the design of firms' environmental practices similarly. We challenge this notion and suggest that stakeholders affect not only the decision to adopt environmental practices, but also managerial decisions about the design of these practices. We consider the case of firms' strategic decisions about the design of their environmental practices, and in particular their degree of comprehensiveness and visibility. We then develop a classification of four design strategies: movers and shakers, backroom operators, wannabes, and passivists. Using multinomial regression techniques for a sample of more than 1700 firms worldwide, our research shows that while stakeholders exert pressures on firms, managers' perceptions of these pressures vary, and these variations appear to influence the design of their environmental practices. These findings offer important evidence that the scope of stakeholders' influence appears more far reaching (and nuanced) than previously considered. Managers who respond to these influences may therefore be in a better position to satisfy stakeholder expectations, thus enhancing their organization's overall credibility
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