166 research outputs found

    Perekond robirohu (Rhinanthus) geneetiline mitmekesisus ja taksonoomia

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Meie planeedi bioloogiline mitmekesisus kahaneb kiiresti. Tänaseks on teada, et liikide ellujäämiseks on oluline geneetiline varieeruvus. Geneetilise diversiteedi uurimine võib aidata lahendata keerukate liigikomplekside taksonoomiat ning annab infot tänapäeva liigirikkuse, liikide mineviku ja evolutsiooni kohta. Lisaks sellele mõjutab geneetilist mitmekesisust ka taimede paljunemisviis ning populatsioonide suurused. Seega on oluline hinnata liikide geneetilist mitmekesisust. Käesolevad doktoritöös uurisin isoensüümide ja mikrosatelliitidega seitsme liigi geneetilist varieeruvust perekonnast Rhinanthus. Uuritud liigid kuulusid kolme erinevasse sektsiooni: Eesti endeem R. osiliensis, R. rumelicus, R. wagneri, R. angustifolius, R. alectorolophus sektsiooni Cleistolemus, R. minor sektsiooni Rhinanthus ning Bulgaaria endeem R. javorkae sektsiooni Anoectolemi. Lisaks sellele võrdlesime esmakordselt geneetiliselt Rootsi saarelt Gotlandilt leitud ebaselget robirohu taksonit morfoloogiliselt sarnase Eesti endeemiga R. osiliensis. Tulemused näitasid laialdast sugulusristumist enamuses uuritud populatsioonidest hoolimata liigilisest kuuluvusest. Endeemidel (R. osiliensis ja R. javorkae) ning kitsa levikuga Gotlandilt leitud ebaselgel taksonil on madalam geneetiline mitmekesisus võrreldes laialt levinud liikidega (R. rumelicus, R. wagneri, R. angustifolius). Siiski, madal geneetiline mitmekesisus leiti samuti laialt levinud liigil R. minor, mis ilmselt on tingitud liigi õie morfoloogiast. Geneetiliselt eristusid hästi eraldi sektsioonidesse kuuluvad R. minor ja bulgaaria endeem R. javorkae. Uuritud sektsiooni Cleistomus liigid on geneetiliselt teineteisele sarnased välja arvatud R. alectorolophus, mis eristus märkimisväärselt teistest sama sektsiooni liikides. Seega on sektsiooni Cleistolemus monofüleetilisus küsitav. Lõpetuseks näitasid tulemused, et Rootsist Gotlandi saarelt leitud robirohi on geneetiliselt märkimisväärselt erinev morfoloogiliselt sarnase Saaremaa robirohuga R. osiliensis ning tegemist ei ole ühe liigiga. Minu doktoritöö näitab mlekulaargeneetiliste uuringute tähtsust aitamaks selgitada keerulisi liikidevahelisi suhteid, hinnata populatsioonide jõulisust.Biological diversity is rapidly decreasing. Evaluation of genetic diversity and assessment of genetic differentiation are essential for estimate boundaries between species. Different aspects of genetic diversity provide valuable information about the species delimitation, relationships and species boundaries. Genetic diversity and differentiation levels of seven Rhinanthus species from three different sections and one unclear taxon were studied in this thesis Estonian endem R. osiliensis, R. rumelicus, R. wagneri, R. angustifolius and R. alectorolophus belonging to section Cleistolemus, R. minor to section Rhinanthus and Bulgarian endem R. javorkae to section Anoectolemi. In addition, taxonomically unclear individuals found from Sweden were studied and compared with R. osiliensis, R. angustifolius and R. minor from Estonia. Two different molecular techniques - allozymes and microsatellites - were used for analyses. We found high level of non-random mating and inbreeding in most of the studied populations. Low genetic diversity was found in unknown Rhinanthus sp., endemics R. osiliensis and R. javorkae with restricted geographic range. Widespread R. minor showed also low level of genetic variation and high inbreeding mode due to flower morphology. Our results of genetic differentiation were in concordance with previous taxonomy where R. minor and R. javokae belong to two different sections were well differentiated from other studied species. Surprisingly, R. alectorolophus that belongs to section Cleistolemus together with R. osiliensis, R. rumelicus, R. wagneri and R. angustifolius was strongly differentiated from those species and monophyly of this section is questionable. Low genetic differentiation of R. osiliensis, R. rumelicus, R. wagneri and R. angustifolius shows their close affinity and weak genetic structure of section Cleistolemus. Finnaly, we clearly showed that the unknown Rhinantus sp. found from Gotland, while morphologically similar to R. osiliensis, does not belong to the same taxon. Both R. osiliensis and Rhinanthus sp. are genetically more close to R. angustifolius. We suggest that these two cryptic species originated from two independent island colonization events and may be even from different refugia. Further genetic comparison between unknown Rhinanthus sp. and local Rhinanthus species from Gotland is necessary to determine the species status and to check for possible alternative hypotheses about the origin of this unclear taxon

    A legitimate practice? How the United Nations justifies the use of private military and security companies

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    Private Military and Security companies (PMSCs) are important non-state actors with growing influence in international relations. In this paper, the legitimacy of the use of PMSCs is explored in the case of the United Nations (UN). Constructivist framework is employed to understand the legitimation of the use of PMSCs in contacts of international norms such as the antimercenary norm, states’ monopoly on violence and prohibition of use of force in international relations. Based on a search in the UN's official Document System and reports by the Working Group on the use of mercenaries, the UN officials have not given many norm-based explanations to their use of PMSCs and instead employ functional explanations while also framing the use as inevitable. Through the latter, the UN has managed to avoid the responsibility for making the decision of employing PMSCs and largely also the legitimacy of this use

    Potilaan valmistaminen siirtoon ja evakuointiin : tarkistuslista Itämerellä liikennöiville aluksille

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on potilaan valmistaminen siirtoa ja evakuointia varten Itämerellä liikennöivillä aluksilla. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda tarkistuslista potilaan siirtämistä ja evakuointivalmisteluja varten, sillä tarkistuslistan järjestelmällisellä käytöllä voidaan parantaa työ- ja potilasturvallisuutta. Työ on osa OnBoard Med - Harmonization of on Board Medical Treatment, Occupational Safety and Emergency Skills on Baltic Sea Shipping – hanketta. Tämä työ on kahden Turun Ammattikorkeakoulun ensihoidon opiskelijan opinnäytetyö. Työn toimeksiantaja on Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu. Työ- ja potilasturvallisuuden tärkeys korostuu merellä, jossa työskentely-ympäristö ja olosuhteet ovat haastavia ja kuljetusaika sairaalaan on pitkä. Potilaan liikuttelun, immobilisaation ja siirtämisen on oltava suunnitelmallista ja johdettua. Potilaan liikuttaminen ja immobilisointi tulee toteuttaa oikeilla tekniikoilla ja välineillä lisävahinkojen välttämiseksi. Lisäksi tulee huomioida millaisessa asennossa, millaisella alustalla ja mitä reittiä käyttäen potilas siirretään aluksen evakuointipisteelle. Opinnäytetyön tuotteena syntyi tarkistuslista potilaan valmistamiseksi siirtoa ja evakuointia varten. Tarkistuslistan kieli on englanti. Tuote luovutetaan toimeksiantajalle, joka välittää sen eteenpäin hankkeeseen kuuluville tahoille.The subject of this thesis is preparation of the patient for transfer and evacuation on the vessels operating in the Baltic Sea. The aim of the thesis was to create a checklist for patient transfer and evacuation preparations as systematic use of checklist can improve work- and patient safety. The work is part of the OnBoard Med - Harmonization of on Board Medical Treatment, Occupational Safety and Emergency Skills on Baltic Sea Shipping –project. This work is a bachelor’s thesis of two emergency care students in Turku University of Applied Sciences. The assignment was given by Turku University of Applied Sciences. The importance of work and patient safety is emphasized at sea where the working environment and conditions are challenging and the transport time to the hospital is long. The moving, immobilization and transfer of the patient must be planned and organized. Moving and immobilization of the patient should be carried out with the correct techniques and devices to avoid further injuries. The transfer route to the evacuation zone, proper transfer device and patient’s position during transfer should also be taken into consideration. As a product of this bachelor’s thesis a checklist was created for the patient’s preparation for transfer and evacuation. The language of the checklist is English. The product will be handed over to the client who will forward it to the project participants

    Lasten ja nuorten osallisuus Luostarinkadun ja Virusmäentien lastenkotien päivittäisessä toiminnassa

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    Kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen toimeksiantajana on Turun kaupungin kaksi sijaishuoltoyksikköä, Luostarinkadun ja Virusmäentien lastenkodit. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa lastenkodeille uutta tietoa lasten ja nuorten osallisuudesta ja sen toteutumisesta lastenkotien päivittäisessä toiminnassa. Tutkimus toteutettiin työntekijöiden yksilöhaastatteluiden sekä lasten ja nuorten ryhmähaastatteluiden pohjalta. Lasten haastattelun tukena käytettiin lapsille etukäteen täytettäväksi annettua haastattelulomaketta. Työntekijöiden haastatteluissa ilmeni, että heidän mielestään lasten ja nuorten osallisuus yleisesti toteutuu lastenkotien päivittäisessä toiminnassa hyvin, mutta se on aihe, jonka toteutumista tulee jatkuvasti pohtia. Lapset ja nuoret eivät ryhmähaastatteluissaan kokeneet osallisuutensa toteutumista yhtä positiivisesti. Lapset kokivat vaikutusmahdollisuutensa etenkin lastenkotien sääntöihin ja rajoituksiin vähäisiksi ja ne tuntuivat heistä liian tiukoilta. Toisaalta lapset ja nuoret kokivat vaikutusmahdollisuutensa rahankäyttöön, pukeutumiseen ja vapaa-aikaan liittyen hyviksi. Tutkimustulokset vastasivat suuresti aiempia samaa aihealuetta koskevia tutkimuksia. Tutkimustulokset esiteltiin lastenkodeissa henkilökunnalle sekä lapsille ja nuorille.Thesis was ordered by two children’s homes from city of Turku. The homes were Luostarinkatu and Virusmäentie. The aim of the research was to produce new information about children’s and adolescents participation and its implementation in daily action in these two children’s homes. The qualitative research was done based on the individual interviews with personnel and on the group interviews with children. Questionnaire was used as a base of children’s group interview. By interviewing the personnel it occurred that they thought children’s and adolescents’ participation is usually implemented well in daily action. It is also a topic which should be constantly under reflection. Children and adolescents did not have as positive feelings about their participation possibilities, According to their group interviews children felt like their possibilities to have influence in rules and restrictions in children’s home were low. Rules and restrictions felt too strict to them. However, children and adolescents felt that their possibilities of influencing their money use, clothing and free time, were good. Results of the research were consistent with previous results of the same topic. Research’s results were introduced in children’s homes to the residents and personnel

    Toivo Vuorela Suomalainen kansankulttuuri

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    Turismiatraktsioonide roll Eesti maapiirkondade arendamisel

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    E. Laugaste Eesti rahvaluuleteaduse ajalugu. Valitud tekste ja pilte

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    Huumori tekstin ja kokemuksen risteyksessä – Huvittavuuden prosessin systeemiteoreettisia suuntaviivoja

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    Humour, as a concept, comprises a broad range of human everyday experience. Barely a day passes without a humorous situation. Still, it has been amazingly hard to pinpoint the identity of the phenomenon in question. Humour seems to escape any attempts of scientific definition. In this article, humour is approached from the second order cybernetic viewpoint, which has not been widely known in the contemporary cultural sciences. The objective of the article is not to define humour, but to consider how humour relates to general concepts of text and experience on the one hand, and to the process of amusement on the other. It is argued that humour cannot be understood only in terms of text. Humour is seen as an emergent property of cultural experience that cannot be reduced to the sum of its parts. Second order cybernetics is treated as a vehicle for understanding humour and amusement as immanent processes that are brought forth by the cultural subject himself.Humour, as a concept, comprises a broad range of human everyday experience. Barely a day passes without a humorous situation. Still, it has been amazingly hard to pinpoint the identity of the phenomenon in question. Humour seems to escape any attempts of scientific definition. In this article, humour is approached from the second order cybernetic viewpoint, which has not been widely known in the contemporary cultural sciences. The objective of the article is not to define humour, but to consider how humour relates to general concepts of text and experience on the one hand, and to the process of amusement on the other. It is argued that humour cannot be understood only in terms of text. Humour is seen as an emergent property of cultural experience that cannot be reduced to the sum of its parts. Second order cybernetics is treated as a vehicle for understanding humour and amusement as immanent processes that are brought forth by the cultural subject himself

    Different expression of BRAFV600E, ALK and PD-L1 in melanoma in children and adolescents : a nationwide retrospective study in Finland in 1990-2014

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    Background Pediatric melanoma may have a different biological background and more favorable prognosis compared with melanoma in adults. The aim of this study was to investigate melanoma in children and adolescents in the Finnish population in terms of incidence, clinical course, treatment, prognosis and BRAFV600E-, ALK- and PD-L1-positivity of the primary tumors. Materials and Methods Primary tumor samples and clinical records of all patients aged 0-19 years diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma in Finland in 1990-2014 were collected using the Finnish Cancer Registry database, Finnish hospitals and private pathology laboratories. BRAFV600E, ALK and PD-L1 were analyzed from 54 primary tumors and BRAFV600E from six metastasis samples. Results A total of 122 patients diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma were retrieved from the Cancer Registry database. The primary tumor samples of 73 patients were obtained for the review, and 56 cases were included in the study. The incidence of pediatric melanoma increased from 0.2 to 1.0/100 000 during the period 1990-2014. Spitzoid melanoma was the most common subtype (66%). The 10-year cancer-specific survival (CSS) was 88.7% in all patients. The 10-year-CSS did not differ in SLNB-positive or -negative groups. BRAFV600E was positive in 48%, ALK in 9% and PD-L1 in 2% of the tumors. BRAFV600E mutation was associated with 83% of melanoma deaths. Conclusions Young melanoma patients had more favorable prognosis and a different staining profile for BRAFV600E, ALK, and PD-L1 in primary tumor than reported in adults. SLNB status was not an indicator for survival. BRAFV600E-positive patients have worse prognosis and could benefit from surveillance and treatment similarly to adults.Peer reviewe