461 research outputs found

    Inducing ferromagnetism and Kondo effect in platinum by paramagnetic ionic gating

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    Electrically controllable magnetism, which requires the field-effect manipulation of both charge and spin degrees of freedom, has attracted growing interests since the emergence of spintronics. In this work, we report the reversible electrical switching of ferromagnetic (FM) states in platinum (Pt) thin films by introducing paramagnetic ionic liquid (PIL) as the gating media. The paramagnetic ionic gating controls the movement of ions with magnetic moments, which induces itinerant ferromagnetism on the surface of Pt films with large coercivity and perpendicular anisotropy mimicking the ideal two-dimensional Ising-type FM state. The electrical transport of the induced FM state shows Kondo effect at low temperature suggesting spatially separated coexistence of Kondo scattering beneath the FM interface. The tunable FM state indicates that paramagnetic ionic gating could serve as a versatile method to induce rich transport phenomena combining field effect and magnetism at PIL-gated interfaces.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Time to positivity of acute and chronic periprosthetic joint infection cultures

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    Introduction: A prolonged incubation time is generally recommended for diagnosing periprosthetic joint infections (PJI). However, in literature, no distinction is made between acute and chronic infections. Methods: All patients with a PJI that underwent surgical debridement between November 2015 and February 2019 with or without revision of the prosthesis were retrospectively evaluated. Synovial fluid, 5 intraoperative periprosthetic tissue samples, and the sonicated prosthesis were cultured. Results: Fifty-nine patients were analyzed, including 21 acute PJIs (33 isolates) and 38 chronic PJIs (46 isolates). In acute PJIs, all isolates grew within 5 days, while this took 11 days for chronic PJIs. Sonication fluid showed the shortest time to positivity (78% at day 2) for chronic PJIs, but no difference was observed for acute PJIs compared to tissue cultures. Conclusion: In contrast to cultures from chronic PJIs, acute PJIs do not need a prolonged incubation time and no clear benefit is observed for sonication. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Medication review and reconciliation with cooperation between pharmacist and general practitioner and the benefit for the patient:a systematic review

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    This article systematically reviews the literature on the impact of collaboration between pharmacists and general practitioners and describes its effect on patients' health. A systematic literature search provided 1041 articles. After first review of title and abstract, 152 articles remained. After review of the full text, 83 articles were included. All included articles are presented according to the following variables: (i) reference; (ii) design and setting of the study; (iii) inclusion criteria for patients; (iv) description of the intervention; (v) whether a patient interview was performed to involve patients' experiences with their medicine-taking behaviour; (vi) outcome; (vii) whether healthcare professionals received additional training; and (viii) whether healthcare professionals received financial reimbursement. Many different interventions are described where pharmacists and general practitioners work together to improve patients' health. Only nine studies reported hard outcomes, such as hospital (re)admissions; however, these studies had different results, not all of which were statistically significant. Randomized controlled trials should be able to describe hard outcomes, but large patient groups will be needed to perform such studies. Patient involvement is important for long-term success

    Stay Tuned: What Is Special About Not Shifting Attention?

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    Background: When studying attentional orienting processes, brain activity elicited by symbolic cue is usually compared to a neutral condition in which no information is provided about the upcoming target location. It is generally assumed that when a neutral cue is provided, participants do not shift their attention. The present study sought to validate this assumption. We further investigated whether anticipated task demands had an impact on brain activity related to processing symbolic cues. Methodology/Principal Findings: Two experiments were conducted, during which event-related potentials were elicited by symbolic cues that instructed participants to shift their attention to a particular location on a computer screen. In Experiment 1, attention shift-inducing cues were compared to non-informative cues, while in both conditions participants were required to detect target stimuli that were subsequently presented at peripheral locations. In Experiment 2, a non-ambiguous "stay-central'' cue that explicitly required participants not to shift their attention was used instead. In the latter case, target stimuli that followed a stay-central cue were also presented at a central location. Both experiments revealed enlarged early latency contralateral ERP components to shift-inducing cues compared to those elicited by either non-informative (exp. 1) or stay-central cues (exp. 2). In addition, cueing effects were modulated by the anticipated difficulty of the upcoming target, particularly so in Experiment 2. A positive difference, predominantly over the posterior contralateral scalp areas, could be observed for stay-central cues, especially for those predicting that the upcoming target would be easy. This effect was not present for non-informative cues. Conclusions/Significance: We interpret our result in terms of a more rapid engagement of attention occurring in the presence of a more predictive instruction (i.e. stay-central easy target). Our results indicate that the human brain is capable of very rapidly identifying the difference between different types of instructions

    Intermodal attention affects the processing of the temporal alignment of audiovisual stimuli

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    The temporal asynchrony between inputs to different sensory modalities has been shown to be a critical factor influencing the interaction between such inputs. We used scalp-recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate the effects of attention on the processing of audiovisual multisensory stimuli as the temporal asynchrony between the auditory and visual inputs varied across the audiovisual integration window (i.e., up to 125 ms). Randomized streams of unisensory auditory stimuli, unisensory visual stimuli, and audiovisual stimuli (consisting of the temporally proximal presentation of the visual and auditory stimulus components) were presented centrally while participants attended to either the auditory or the visual modality to detect occasional target stimuli in that modality. ERPs elicited by each of the contributing sensory modalities were extracted by signal processing techniques from the combined ERP waveforms elicited by the multisensory stimuli. This was done for each of the five different 50-ms subranges of stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA: e.g., V precedes A by 125–75 ms, by 75–25 ms, etc.). The extracted ERPs for the visual inputs of the multisensory stimuli were compared among each other and with the ERPs to the unisensory visual control stimuli, separately when attention was directed to the visual or to the auditory modality. The results showed that the attention effects on the right-hemisphere visual P1 was largest when auditory and visual stimuli were temporally aligned. In contrast, the N1 attention effect was smallest at this latency, suggesting that attention may play a role in the processing of the relative temporal alignment of the constituent parts of multisensory stimuli. At longer latencies an occipital selection negativity for the attended versus unattended visual stimuli was also observed, but this effect did not vary as a function of SOA, suggesting that by that latency a stable representation of the auditory and visual stimulus components has been established

    Het Geldernsch-Nierskanaal: hoe een recht kanaal gaat meanderen als gevolg van kwel

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    Aan het eind van de 18de eeuw is tussen de rivieren de Niers in Duitsland en de Maas in Nederland het Geldernsch-Nierskanaal gegraven, om piekafvoeren in het benedenstroomse deel van de Niers af te vlakken. Het Duitse deel van het kanaal is in de loop van de tijd gekanaliseerd gebleven door oeverbeschoeiing. Opvallend is dat het Nederlandse deel, dat de vrije loop werd gelaten, actief is gaan meanderen. Onderzoek laat zien dat kwel de aanzet gaf voor het meanderen

    Retención de β-caroteno en preparación de Fariña y Casabe

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    Con el apoyo del programa de bioforti¬cación de HarvestPlus, el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) trabaja actualmente en la generación de nuevas variedades de yuca amarilla con altos contenidos de β -caroteno con el objetivo de combatir la defi¬ciencia de vitamina A en el mundo. Las variedades de yuca antes de ser liberadas para su consumo deben presentar además de altos contenidos de carotenos, un buen comportamiento agronómico y bajo contenido de cianuros. El objetivo de este trabajo es incentivar el consumo de yuca amarilla bioforti¬cada por medio de su uso en recetas de la región de centro y Suramérica (casabe y fariña), mejorando la calidad nutricional de los productos. En este trabajo se evaluó la retención aparente usando 2 recetas originarias del Amazonas para fariña y casabe, utilizando yuca amarilla bioforticada

    Mogelijke schade door waterberging op landbouwgrond

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    De implementatie van 'Waterbeheer 21e eeuw' richt zich momenteel vooral op de kwantitatieve aspecten van waterberging. Waar, wanneer, hoeveel en hoelang kan water worden geborgen? Aan de kwalitatieve effecten hiervan op gewassen, vee en productie-omstandigheden is tot nu toe nog weinig aandacht besteed. Vanuit de landbouw is aangedrongen op onderzoek naar de effecten van waterberging. In opdracht van de STOWA is binnen het regionale watersysteem verkend of waterberging op korte of langere termijn grote risico’s met zich mee brengt voor de landbouw. Feiten en ficties zijn zo goed mogelijk in beeld gebracht. De studie is uitgevoerd door Alterra, Plant Research International en Centraal Instituut voor Dierziekte Controle (CIDC) Lelystad. De resultaten zijn door het Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en het Centrum voor Landbouw en Milieu in een kennistabel bijeengebrach

    Wat doet een beek zelf na een project van beekherstel?

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    Al 25 jaar voeren waterbeheerders projecten uit waarbij laglandbeken een kronkelende loop terugkrijgen. Maar wat gebeurt er precies met de vorm van zo'n beek na uitvoering van het project? Hoe lang duurt de aanpassingsperiode en welke factoren hebben invloed? De conclusies van een onderzoek in de Lunterse Beek

    Waterberging en natuur, een goede combinatie?

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    Het lijkt zo vanzelfsprekend: het combineren van waterberging met bestaande of nieuwe natuur. In een niet al te ver verleden stonden immers de beekdalen en veenweidegebieden regelmatig blank. In de praktijk komt de gewenste samenwerking tussen waterbeheerders en natuurbeschermers maar moeizaam van de grond. Natuurbeschermers vinden dat waterschappen te weinig oog hebben voor de risico's. Waterbeheerders kunnen soms weinig begrip opbrengen voor de weerstand die de nieuwe waterplannen opwekken bij natuurbeschermers. Is hier sprake van conservatisme of is de terughoudendheid van natuurbeschermers terecht