22 research outputs found

    Heat transfer performance of multiple holes impingement cooling technique

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    This research presents the possibility of the jet impingement cooling technique configuration for stator of turbine blade under the transient heat transfer condition. The main goal of this study is to investigate the impingement cooling plate holes configura tion and Reynolds number (Re) effect on the heat transfer which can be observed from the color play of the thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC). The fin dings proved that with the present of the small holes in between the main larger holes capable to enhance the heat transfer across the target surface. However, some criteria of the design need to be taken into count as it may produce different heat transfer performan ce of the impingement cooling technique. Therefore, in the range of predetermined design parameters, only several combinations that prevailed to achieve maximum heat transfer across the target plate

    Penyuluhan Kesehatan Penggunaan Masker pada Masyarakat Dusun Kampung Parang Desa Bontoramba Kec. Bontonompo Selatan Kab. Gowa Sulawesi Selatan

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    This community partnership program (PKM) is carried out on the villagers of Parang village of Bontoramba Village of South Bontonompo Subdistrict by involving Bontonompo Health Center as the person in charge of the work area that has the target of activities. In general, the purpose of this PKM progran is increased knowledge can affect attitudes followed by behavioral changes in this case is to use masks when doing activities outside the home. A special target is all villagers of Parang village, through this activity is for villagers to know the correct use of masks. The method used in achieving the goal is counseling with the question and answer lecture method (CTJ) to the target and villagers of Parang village of Bontoramba Village of South Bontonompo Subdistrict. The results of PKM activities are expected to be in accordance with the objectives and targets of the active role of participants during the activity

    Time to treatment initiation and retrospective analysis of antiretroviral therapy outcomes among HIV-positive methadone maintenance therapy clients in Primary Health-care Centers, Kuantan, Pahang

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    Introduction: Methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) program helped to improve access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people who inject drugs (PWID) with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, the time to treatment initiation (TTI) and outcomes of ART intervention in this population have scarcely been analyzed. Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the TTI and outcomes of ART among MMT clients in primary health-care centers in Kuantan, Pahang. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective evaluation of MMT clients from 2006 to 2019. The TTI was calculated from the day of MMT enrolment to ART initiation. The trends of CD4 counts and viral loads were descriptively evaluated. Cox proportional hazard model was used to analyze the survival and treatment retention rate. Results: A total of 67 MMT clients from six primary health-care centers were HIV-positive, of which 37 clients were started on ART. The mean TTI of ART was 27 months. The clients who were given ART had a mean CD4 count of 119 cells/mm3 at baseline and increased to 219 cells/mm3 after 6 months of ART. Only two patients (5.4%) in the ART subgroup had an unsuppressed viral load. The initiation of ART had reduced the risk of death by 72.8% (hazard ratio = 0.27, P = 0.024), and they are 13.1 times more likely to remain in treatment (P < 0.01). Conclusion: The TTI of ART was delayed in this population. MMT clients who were given ART have better CD4 and viral load outcomes, helped reduced death risk and showed higher retention rates in MMT program

    The evaluation of coated granules to mask the bitter taste of dihydroartemisinin

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    The purpose of this study was to mask the bitter taste imparted by dihydroartemisinin (DHA) by the use of different coating materials. Trial-1 and trial-2 were conducted to prepare the DHA granules. The granules produced from trial-1 were irregular in shape and smaller in size while the trial-2 granules were more regular and larger in size. The granules obtained from both trials were then coated with two different coating methods, namely A and B, depending upon coating material. The trial-2 granules showed better flow properties than trial-1 granules. In vitro dissolution studies in phosphate buffer at pH 6.8 revealed that granules of trial-2B released only 34% ± 3 DHA in two minutes compared with trial-1A (57% ± 2), trial-1B (48% ± 2) and trial-2A (53% ± 7). The pleasant taste perception (PTP) test also confirmed the taste masking efficacy of trial-2B (P O objetivo deste estudo foi o de mascarar o gosto amargo característico da diidroartemisinina (DHA) pelo uso de diferentes materiais de revestimento. Experimento-1 e experimento-2 foram realizados para preparar grânulos de DHA. Os grânulos produzidos pelo experimento-1 mostraram-se irregulares e menores se comparados aos obtidos pelo experimento-2, que foram mais regulares e maiores. Os grânulos obtidos em ambos os experimentos foram, então, revestidos por dois métodos distintos de revestimento, designados como A e B, dependendo do material de revestimento empregado. Os grânulos do experimento-2 mostraram melhor propriedade de fluxo que os obtidos no experimento-1. Estudos de dissolução in vitro em tampão fosfato pH 6,8 revelaram que grânulos do experimento-2B liberaram apenas 34% ± 3 da DHA em dois minutos se comparado com experimento-1A (57% ± 2), experimento-1B (48% ± 2) e experimento-2A (53% ± 7). A Análise Sensorial quanto ao sabor (Pleasant Taste Perception - PTP) também confirmou a eficácia do experimento-2B (P <0,05) em mascarar o gosto amargo da DHA. Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (SEM) revelou a superfície mais regular e lisa dos grânulos obtidos pelo experimento-2B. Além disso, Análise Termogravimétrica e Análise Térmica Diferencial (TG-DTA) confirmaram que não há nenhuma interação entre os materiais e a DHA pura. DHA mostrou seus picos característicos na Difração de Raios X (XRD) em padrões que também foram proeminentes em todas as amostras. Em conclusão, os grânulos obtidos pelo experimento-2B exibiram diminuição considerável no gosto amargo da DHA, o que era o propósito deste estudo