29 research outputs found

    Study case of air-mass modification over Poland and Romania observed by the means of multiwavelength Raman depolarization lidars

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    An air-mass modification, on its way from Poland to Romania, observed between 19-21 July 2014 is discussed. The air-mass was investigated using data of two multi-wavelength lidars capable of performing regular elastic, depolarization and Raman measurements in Warsaw, Poland, and in Magurele, Romania. The analysis was focused on evaluating optical properties of aerosol in order to search for similarities and differences in the vertical profiles describing the atmospheric layers above the two stations within given period

    Lidar-Radiometer Inversion Code (LIRIC) for the retrieval of vertical aerosol properties from combined lidar/radiometer data: development and distribution in EARLINET

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    The financial support by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ACTRIS-2, grant agreement no. 654109) is gratefully acknowledged. The background of LIRIC algorithm and software was developed under the ACTRIS Research Infrastructure project, grant agreement no. 262254, within the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, which financial support is gratefully acknowledged.r I. Binietoglou received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under the grant agreement no. 289923 - ITARS.This paper presents a detailed description of LIRIC (LIdar-Radiometer Inversion Code) algorithm for simultaneous processing of coincident lidar and radiometric (sun photometric) observations for the retrieval of the aerosol concentration vertical profiles. As the lidar/radiometric input data we use measurements from European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) lidars and collocated sun-photometers of Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). The LIRIC data processing provides sequential inversion of the combined lidar and radiometric data. The algorithm starts with the estimations of column-integrated aerosol parameters from radiometric measurements followed by the retrieval of height dependent concentrations of fine and coarse aerosols from lidar signals using integrated column characteristics of aerosol layer as a priori constraints. The use of polarized lidar observations allows us to discriminate between spherical and non-spherical particles of the coarse aerosol mode. The LIRIC software package was implemented and tested at a number of EARLINET stations. Intercomparison of the LIRIC-based aerosol retrievals was performed for the observations by seven EARLINET lidars in Leipzig, Germany on 25 May 2009. We found close agreement between the aerosol parameters derived from different lidars that supports high robustness of the LIRIC algorithm. The sensitivity of the retrieval results to the possible reduction of the available observation data is also discussed.European Union (EU) 654109ACTRIS Research Infrastructure project within the European Union 262254European Union (EU) 289923 - ITAR

    EARLINET instrument intercomparison campaigns: overview on strategy and results

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    This paper introduces the recent European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) quality-assurance efforts at instrument level. Within two dedicated campaigns and five single-site intercomparison activities, 21 EARLINET systems from 18 EARLINET stations were intercompared between 2009 and 2013. A comprehensive strategy for campaign setup and data evaluation has been established. Eleven systems from nine EARLINET stations participated in the EARLINET Lidar Intercomparison 2009 (EARLI09). In this campaign, three reference systems were qualified which served as traveling standards thereafter. EARLINET systems from nine other stations have been compared against these reference systems since 2009. We present and discuss comparisons at signal and at product level from all campaigns for more than 100 individual measurement channels at the wavelengths of 355, 387, 532, and 607¿nm. It is shown that in most cases, a very good agreement of the compared systems with the respective reference is obtained. Mean signal deviations in predefined height ranges are typically below ±2¿%. Particle backscatter and extinction coefficients agree within ±2¿¿×¿¿10-4¿km-1¿sr-1 and ±¿0.01¿km-1, respectively, in most cases. For systems or channels that showed larger discrepancies, an in-depth analysis of deficiencies was performed and technical solutions and upgrades were proposed and realized. The intercomparisons have reinforced confidence in the EARLINET data quality and allowed us to draw conclusions on necessary system improvements for some instruments and to identify major challenges that need to be tackled in the future.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Identification of long-range transport of aerosols over Austria using EARLINET lidar measurements

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    The aims of the study is to identify the paths of the long-range transported aerosols over Austria and their potential origin, and to estimate their properties, using lidar measurements from EARLINET stations closest to Austria from Germany and Romania and aerosol transport models. As of now, there is no lidar station in Austria. The study is part of a project to estimate the usefulness of a lidar station located in Vienna, Austria

    Air mass modification processes over the Balkans area detected by aerosol lidar techniques

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    Anthropogenic aerosols may have a substantial effect on the present-day aerosol abundance, optical depth and thus, may play an important role on the forcing of climate. This study combines aerosol lidar measurements with atmospheric modeling in order to assess the origin and type of aerosols affecting air quality in the Balkans region, and thus, having an impact on a possible modification of regional radiative budget. Based on the climatological aerosol data set containing the spatial and temporal evolution of the vertical distribution of aerosols over Greece and Romania, derived from lidar measurements, an analysis of two case studies is presented: one evidencing smoke aerosols traveling over the Balkan area, and the second evidencing transport of Saharan dust particles

    Independent Retrieval of Aerosol Type From Lidar

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    This paper presents an algorithm for aerosol typing from multiwavelength lidar data, based on Artificial Neural Networks. The aerosol model used to simulate optical properties for the training of the network is described. The algorithm is tested on real observations from ESA-CALIPSO database

    Biomass burning aerosol over Romania using dispersion model and Calipso data

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the seasonal variability, for the hot and cold seasons, of biomass burning aerosol observed over Romania using forward dispersion calculations based on FLEXPART model. The model was set up to use as input the MODIS fire data with a degree of confidence over 25% after transforming the emitted power in emission rate. The modelled aerosols in this setup was black carbon coated by organics. Distribution in the upper layers were compared to Calipso retrieval

    Independent Retrieval of Aerosol Type From Lidar

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    This paper presents an algorithm for aerosol typing from multiwavelength lidar data, based on Artificial Neural Networks. The aerosol model used to simulate optical properties for the training of the network is described. The algorithm is tested on real observations from ESA-CALIPSO database