199 research outputs found

    Predicting our own and others’ future preferences: The role of social distance

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    People underestimate how much their preferences will change in the future, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as a “presentism bias.” Recently, we found that this presentism bias is attenuated when thinking about the preferences of other people. The aim of this study was to investigate whether predicting future preferences also differs depending on the level of social distance between self and other. A total of 67 participants completed a perspective-taking task in which they were required to think about their own preferences, those of a generic peer, and those of a close other both now and in the future. They were also asked to consider the preferences of an older adult now. Participants predicted less change between their current and future preferences than between the current and future preferences of a generic peer. Predicted change in preferences for a close other were similar, but not identical, to those made for the self. When considering relevant future preferences, participants predicted less change for themselves than for their close others and less change for close others than for generic peers. In other words, as social distance increases, the presentism bias decreases. Interestingly, participants estimated that both they and their peers would not change so much that they become similar to current older adults. Simulating the future perspectives of a generic peer or, even better, the current perspectives of an older adult may thus result in improved long-term decision-making, as it may enable a more realistic estimation of the magnitude of likely changes in the future

    FEM-Based Thermal Analysis of Underground Power Cables Located in Backfills Made of Different Materials

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    Выполнен предварительный расчет температурного поля в подземных высоковольтных линиях электропередач, которые планируется использовать в электростанции мощностью 600 МВт. Исследуется система из трех силовых кабелей, размещенных в трубах из полиэтилена низкого давления, с многослойной засыпкой (грунт и термоизолирующие материалы). Рассматриваются различные конфигурации размещения слоев засыпки. Глубина размещения силовых кабелей, измеряемая от реперной точки (0,5 м ниже уровня грунта), варьируется от 2 до 6 м, что оказывает влияние на температурное распределение в грунте, изоляционном и проводящем слоях кабелей. С использованием метода конечных элементов выполнен численный расчет установившихся температурных полей. Для дополнительного учета влияния сформированной так называемой “сухой зоны” на распределение температуры постулируется зависимость теплопроводности грунта от температуры.Виконано попередній розрахунок температурного поля в підземних високовольтних лініях електропередач, які планується використовувати в електростанції потужністю 600 МВт. Досліджується система з трьох силових кабелів, що розміщені в трубах із поліетилену низького тиску, з багатошаровою засипкою (ґрунт і термоізольовані матеріали). Розглядаються різні конфігурації розміщення шарів засипки. Глибина розміщення силових кабелів, що вимірюється від реперної точки (0,5 м нижче рівня ґрунту), варіюється від 2 до 6 м, що впливає на температурний розподіл у ґрунті, ізоляційному і провідному кабелях. Із використанням методу скінченних елементів виконано числовий розрахунок усталених температурних полів. Для додаткового врахування впливу сформованої так званої “сухої зони” на розподіл температури постулюється залежність теплопровідності ґрунту від температури

    An inverse analysis for determination of space-dependent heat flux in heat conduction problems in the presence of variable thermal conductivity

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    Translator disclaimer Full Article Figures & data References Citations Metrics Reprints & Permissions Get accessAbstractThis article presents an inverse problem of determination of a space-dependent heat flux in steady-state heat conduction problems. The thermal conductivity of a heat conducting body depends on the temperature distribution over the body. In this study, the simulated measured temperature distribution on part of the boundary is related to the variable heat flux imposed on a different part of the boundary through incorporating the variable thermal conductivity components into the sensitivity coefficients. To do so, a body-fitted grid generation technique is used to mesh the two-dimensional irregular body and solve the direct heat conduction problem. An efficient, accurate, robust, and easy to implement method is presented to compute the sensitivity coefficients through derived expressions. Novelty of the study is twofold: (1) Boundary-fitted grid-based sensitivity analysis in which all sensitivities can be obtained in only one direct solution (at each iteration), irrespective of the number of unknown parameters, and (2) the way the measured temperatures on part of boundary are related to a variable heat flux applied on another part of boundary through components of a variable thermal conductivity. The conjugate gradient method along with the discrepancy principle is used in the inverse analysis to minimize the objective function and achieve the desired solution

    Health‐Related Quality of Life in Kidney Donors From the Last Five Decades: Results From the RELIVE Study

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    Live donation benefits recipients, but the long‐term consequences for donors remain uncertain. Renal and Lung Living Donors Evaluation Study surveyed kidney donors (N = 2455; 61% women; mean age 58, aged 24–94; mean time from donation 17 years, range 5–48 years) using the Short Form‐36 Health Survey (SF‐36). The 95% confidence intervals for White and African‐American donors included or exceeded SF‐36 norms. Over 80% of donors reported average or above average health for their age and sex (p 1 SD below norm). Obesity, history of psychiatric difficulties and non‐White race were risk factors for impaired physical health; history of psychiatric difficulties was a risk factor for impaired mental health. Education, older donation age and a first‐degree relation to the recipient were protective factors. One percent reported that donation affected their health very negatively. Enhanced predonation evaluation and counseling may be warranted, along with ongoing monitoring for overweight donors. Questionnaires completed by 2544 living donors 5 to 48 years postnephrectomy show that 80% have average or better health‐related quality of life for their age and sex based on SF‐36 norms and that obesity, history of psychiatric difficulties and nonwhite race are risk factors for poor health‐related quality of life outcomes, whereas being older, having more education and/or being a first‐degree relation to the recipient predict better outcomes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/100300/1/ajt12434.pd

    Anti-inflammatory effects of antidepressant and atypical antipsychotic medication for the treatment of major depression and comorbid arthritis: a case report

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    Extent: 4p.Introduction: This case report describes the effects of psychotropic treatment, quetiapine in particular, on systemic inflammation, pain, general functioning and major depression in the treatment of a woman with arthritis. Case presentation: A 49-year-old Caucasian Australian woman with arthritis, pain and depression was treated with a course of escitalopram, mirtazapine and quetiapine. Pain levels, general functioning and degree of depressive symptoms were evaluated with a visual analogue scale. Systemic inflammation had been assessed by C-reactive protein serum levels since 2003. C-reactive protein levels, physical pain, symptoms of arthritis and depression decreased significantly during the past 12 months of treatment with quetiapine, while treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and mirtazapine remained the same. Conclusions: We suggest that the treatment particularly with quetiapine may have anti-inflammatory effects in arthritis and comorbid major depression, which eventually led to a remission of pain and depression and to normal general function.Bernhard T Baune, Harris Eyr

    Glycolate Oxidase Isozymes Are Coordinately Controlled by GLO1 and GLO4 in Rice

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    Glycolate oxidase (GLO) is a key enzyme in photorespiratory metabolism. Four putative GLO genes were identified in the rice genome, but how each gene member contributes to GLO activities, particularly to its isozyme profile, is not well understood. In this study, we analyzed how each gene plays a role in isozyme formation and enzymatic activities in both yeast cells and rice tissues. Five GLO isozymes were detected in rice leaves. GLO1 and GLO4 are predominately expressed in rice leaves, while GLO3 and GLO5 are mainly expressed in the root. Enzymatic assays showed that all yeast-expressed GLO members except GLO5 have enzymatic activities. Further analyses suggested that GLO1, GLO3 and GLO4 interacted with each other, but no interactions were observed for GLO5. GLO1/GLO4 co-expressed in yeast exhibited the same isozyme pattern as that from rice leaves. When either GLO1 or GLO4 was silenced, expressions of both genes were simultaneously suppressed and most of the GLO activities were lost, and consistent with this observation, little GLO isozyme protein was detected in the silenced plants. In contrast, no observable effect was detected when GLO3 was suppressed. Comparative analyses between the GLO isoforms expressed in yeast and the isozymes from rice leaves indicated that two of the five isozymes are homo-oligomers composed of either GLO1 or GLO4, and the other three are hetero-oligomers composed of both GLO1 and GLO4. Our current data suggest that GLO isozymes are coordinately controlled by GLO1 and GLO4 in rice, and the existence of GLO isozymes and GLO molecular and compositional complexities implicate potential novel roles for GLO in plants

    Age-Related Impairment of Ultrasonic Vocalization in Tau.P301L Mice: Possible Implication for Progressive Language Disorders

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    Tauopathies, including Alzheimer's Disease, are the most frequent neurodegenerative diseases in elderly people and cause various cognitive, behavioural and motor defects, but also progressive language disorders. For communication and social interactions, mice produce ultrasonic vocalization (USV) via expiratory airflow through the larynx. We examined USV of Tau.P301L mice, a mouse model for tauopathy expressing human mutant tau protein and developing cognitive, motor and upper airway defects.At age 4-5 months, Tau.P301L mice had normal USV, normal expiratory airflow and no brainstem tauopathy. At age 8-10 months, Tau.P301L mice presented impaired USV, reduced expiratory airflow and severe tauopathy in the periaqueductal gray, Kolliker-Fuse and retroambiguus nuclei. Tauopathy in these nuclei that control upper airway function and vocalization correlates well with the USV impairment of old Tau.P301L mice.In a mouse model for tauopathy, we report for the first time an age-related impairment of USV that correlates with tauopathy in midbrain and brainstem areas controlling vocalization. The vocalization disorder of old Tau.P301L mice could be, at least in part, reminiscent of language disorders of elderly suffering tauopathy