273 research outputs found

    Spatial Mapping of Traffic Noise Levels in Urban Areas

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    This paper combines field data with an analytical approach to spatially map noise levels due to traffic movements at relatively high traffic volume signalized intersections utilizing the potential of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Noise data were collected using a discrete mapping technique at 29 signalized intersections, as well as between intersections, and at their respective neighborhood areas in Amman, capital of Jordan. Data were collected in three different highly congested traffic peak periods: 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m., and 9:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. A portable precision sound level meter capable of measuring noise levels from 34 to 134 decibels (dB) was used during the data collection process. The highest recorded noise level at some signals was 80 dB, while the lowest was 34 dB. In fact, some signalized intersections showed higher noise levels than the acceptable or the standard ones, i.e., 65 dB for daytime and 55 dB for nighttime in residential areas at city center. Two-dimensional (2D) vector and raster maps of noise levels, at different time periods for signals' areas and neighborhoods, were spatially displayed. Results showed that the developed GIS maps could be useful for city planning and other environmental management applications for the purpose of: 1) temporal monitoring and queries of noise level changes as a function of time, 2) spatial queries to find the highest noise disturbance location and its time of the day, 3) development of an online noise information system, 4) using noise level based spatial maps as indicators of variation in land prices, and 5) forecasting and current assessment of the acoustic climate of urban areas

    Diversité floristique du Parc National du Haut Atlas Oriental et des Massifs ayachi et Maâsker (Maroc).

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    Diversité floristique du Parc National du Haut Atlas Oriental et des massifs Ayachi et Maâsker (Maroc). Etant donné la rareté des études sur le Parc National du Haut Atlas Oriental et les massifs Ayachi et Maâsker, les connaissances sur la diversité floristique de ces régions, très accidentées, étaient très insuffisantes et fragmentaires. Actuellement la flore vasculaire du Parc, jbels Ayachi et Maâsker est estimée respectivement à 227, 140 et 96 espèces; la flore rare, menacée et/ou endémique constitue une part importante. Le nombre d�endémiques dans le Parc (espèces et sous espèces) représente 6.8 % de l�ensemble des endémiques marocaines. Ce nombre est très important dans l�Ayachi avec 7.5 %. Dans le Maâsker, le nombre d�endémiques est évalué à 3.9 % de l�ensemble des endémiques marocaines. La flore rare (espèces et sous-espèces) est représentée par 3.6 % de la flore totale du Parc, 4 % de la flore totale du jbel Ayachi et 4 % de la flore totale du jbel Maâsker. Par contre le taux de la flore très rare est faible, respectivement de l�ordre de 1.9 %, 2 % et 2.4 %.Flora diversity of the National Park of the Eastern High Atlas and the massifs Ayachi and Mâasker (Morocco). Considering the rare studies on the Eastern High Atlas National Park, Ayachi and Mâasker mountains, the knowledge on the flora diversity of these regions were very insufficient.Their flora is estimated currently 227, 140 and 96 species. The rare flora, threatened and/or endemic constitutes an important part. The number of endemics in the Park (species and subspecies) represents 6.8% of the endemics of Morocco. This number is very important in Ayachi (7.5%). In Maasker, the number of endemics is about 3.9% of the endemic of Morocco. The rare flora (species and subspecies) in the Park, Ayachi and Maasker is represented respectively by 3.6%, 4%, and 4%. On the other hand the very rare flora is poor respectively 1.9%, 2% and 2.4%

    Elizabethan Presentation of the Islamic Script: A Socio-cultural Understanding

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    The Arabic Qur’?n entered Europe through Spain with Muslim conquerors in the eighth century. Though the Elizabethan treaties about Islam introduced the Qur’?nic teachings, Prophet Muhammad’s mission was rejected, and he was announced a false prophet. In Elizabethan literature, this anti-Islamic information is intently expressed against the Prophet and the Qur’?n. Crimes and evil characteristics are imputed to the stereotypes of the Moors and Turks. These evil traits are referred to the Muslims’ culture as they are represented being imbedded in the Qur’?n. Some Elizabethan dramatists have developed their interest in the Qur’?nic theology. It has been depicted to the Elizabethan audience that Qur’?n justifies the Turkish imperialism. For Marlowe, smashing or burning copies of the Qur’?n is a symbol of personal revenge and attack on religion. Keywords: Koran, Qur’?n, Muhammad, translation, Saracen, divinity, conversion, Elizabethan literature

    Steppes and Grasslands in Morocco: Diversity, Functional Ecology and Socio-Economic Role

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    With Morocco’s geographical situation (at the crossroads between Europe and Africa, the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean), its diverse climate and habitats supports a varied natural vegetation. The floristic richness of the country is related to the heterogeneity of biotypes. From the desert to the high mountains and the littoral to the continental borders, Morocco offers varied ecological conditions that support many different plant species. Steppes and grasslands are important parts of the main plant associations encountered in Morocco. They contain a wealth of flora, play important ecological roles and, from a socioeconomic perspective, are highly significant

    Traffic Accidents at Hazardous Locations of Urban Roads

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    This study aims at highlighting the most contributing and influential factors to accident occurrence at hazardous locations of local urban roads, and correlating accident characteristics to different factors including geometric elements, traffic speed, pavement type, lighting conditions, type of collisions, pedestrian facilities existence and traffic conditions. The study was conducted using twenty-eight hazardous locations at Amman-Jordan roads. Each of the hazardous locations had at least twenty accidents and two fatality records per year. Data were collected through different sources that included Great Amman Municipality, Traffic Institute, Police Traffic Department and field studies. Different stepwise statistical regression models were developed to correlate accident characteristics with the studied variables. It was found that the logarithmic and linear models were the most significant and realistic models that can be used to predict the relationship between the accident characteristics as a dependent variable and the other studied variables as independent variables. The developed models were strong and predictable because the coefficient of multiple determinations was very close to the adjusted coefficient of multiple determinations. The following variables were found to be the most significant contributors to traffic accidents at hazardous locations: average running speed, posted speed, maximum and average degree of horizontal curves, number of vertical curves, median width, type of road surface, lighting (day or night), number of vehicles per hour, number of pedestrian crossing facilities and percentage of trucks. The study could open the door for planners and traffic engineers to overcome the problems associated with traffic accident occurrence at hazardous locations and enhance their safety. The developed models showed that accident characteristics such as number of accidents, number of fatalities, number of injuries, type of accident and number of vehicles involved in accidents, and statistics of hazardous locations could be predicted if the traffic conditions, geometric elements and environmental variables are known. The study could also be enhanced if incorporated with drivers’ characteristics including socio-economic data

    Le réenchantement de notre rapport au monde : une valeur centrale de l’éthique subversive de l’éducation relative à l’environnement

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    L’introduction faite par le sociologue Max Weber de la notion de « désenchantement du monde » a été d’une exceptionnelle fécondité. Elle situe, à gros traits, l’une des principales caractéristiques du monde occidental moderne, à savoir la relative disqualification des dimensions sensibles, poétiques, morales et spirituelles de l’existence : le réel se réduisant au matériel, c’est, en dernier instance, toute la réalité qui devient objectivable. On sait que la crise socio-écologique est, en partie, une manifestation de cette conception désenchantée du monde. Philosophiquement, nous dirons que l’axiologie qui domine et, en même temps, structure le lien social et la représentation de l’environnement est polarisée par la « réification ». L’éducation relative à l’environnement, par certaines de ses écoles de pensée, entend retrouver le sens de l’inobjectivable, de l’Imaginaire, du mystérieux. Que ce soit l’écoformation, avec son souci de réhabiliter un concret malmené par le conceptuel, ou l’écopsychologie, qui veut retrouver ces liens d’intimité entre la Terre et la psyché, nous sommes en présence de la résurgence d’une autre éthique, fondée, en quelque sorte, sur une autre raison, plus ouverte au qualitatif. Avec l’aide de la philosophie des sciences et de la nature d’Alfred North Whitehead, nous ferons le point - autour du couple « désenchantement/ réenchantement » - sur cette « nouvelle » éthique, qui est une éthique de la déconstruction des valeurs scientistes et marchandes, éthique qui émerge au cœur même de l’éducation relative à l’environnement.The introduction made by the sociologist Max Weber of the notion of « disillusionment of the world » was of exceptional fertility. It broadly situates one of the main characteristics of the modern western world, namely the relative disqualification of the sensitive, poetic, moral and spiritual dimensions of the existence : the reality is reduced to the material and thus becomes objectivable. We know that the socio-ecological crisis is in part a symptom of this disillusioned conception of the world. Philosophically, we shall say that the axiology which dominates and, at the same time, structures the social link and the representation of the environment is polarized by « reification ». Environmental education, through some of its schools of thought, intends to find the significance of the inobjectivable, the Imaginary, the mysterious. Be it through Écoformation, concerned with rehabilitating a concrete manhandled by the abstract, or ecopsychology, which seeks to renew the links of intimacy between the Earth and the psyche, we are in the presence of the resurgence of another ethics, based, in some sort, on another reason, more open to the qualitative. With the help of the philosophy of sciences and nature of Alfred North Whitehead, we will review - around the couple « disillusionment / reenchantment » - this new ethics, which is an ethics of deconstruction of scientific and commercial values, that is at the heart of the environmental education

    The English Koranic Images in Some Literary Writings

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    The Qur’ān translations into English appeared first in 1649. This English translation entitled the Arabic Qur’ān as the Koran and ambiguously represented most of the authentic Islamic teachings. Some misinformation is directed against the Prophet and the divinity of the Qur’ān. In modern English literature, the reader encounters an increasing diversity of references to the English Koran. For instance, Prophet Muhammad is an imposter and his Koran is a stock of heresy. The Koranic Satan becomes a font of challenge for the righteous. The Koranic paradise has interesting details for English readers. The Koranic image of Hell trees becomes common in the West. The Koran has been presented to the Western world as promoting Islamic extremism and threatening the Western civil society. For some modern diehard fanatics, smashing or burning copies of the Arabic Qur’ān is a symbol of personal revenge and attack on Muslims’ dignity. The spread of genuine information about Qur’ān and Prophet Muhammad helps to appreciate Islam and Muslims