368 research outputs found

    Hospital readmission prevention: a literature critique

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    The main purpose of this paper is to critically review the literature on interventions within the United States and globally, that aim to reduce hospital readmission. Special focus will be placed among interventions that aim to reduce hospital readmission among Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries. With healthcare costs continually rising and hospital reimbursement dependent on patient satisfaction and length of stay, hospital readmissions have become a manner of measuring quality of patient care. Not only are hospital readmissions a measure of quality of care, they also impact the patient’s well-being as a whole. This topic has public health significance due to health disparities for those at higher risk for readmissions; it provides an area for future public health policies and interventions that will aim to decrease disparities in healthcare. This paper will review the policy background to the problem followed by the most common readmissions within American healthcare, a focus will be placed on factors that may impact readmissions including length of stay for most common readmissions. After, it will take a look at the impact of comorbidities on hospital readmissions before going into the literature critique of interventions, the critique will be followed by a discussion of the findings and the theoretical background to the interventions. Finally, the paper will aim to recommend an intervention that incorporates what current interventions are doing positively and fix those that are lacking

    On cosmological expansion and local physics

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    We find an exact convergence in the local dynamics described by two supposedly antagonistic approaches in modern cosmology: one starting from an expanding universe perspective such as FLRW, the other based on a local model ignoring any notion of expansion, such as Schwarzschild dS. Both models are in complete agreement when the local effects of the expansion are circumscribed to the presence of the cosmological constant. We elaborate in the relevant role of static backgrounds like the Schwarzschild-dS metric in standard form as the most proper coordinatizations to describe physics at the local scale. Finally, making use of an old and too often forgotten relativistic kinematical invariant, we clarify some widespread misunderstandings on space expansion, cosmological and gravitational redshifts. As a byproduct we propose a unique and unambiguous prescription to match the local and cosmological expression of a specific observable

    High-order spherical harmonics-nodal collocation scheme for the numerical solution of the time-dependent radiative transfer equation

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    This paper was published in Optical Society of America. Journal A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.36.000038. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law[EN] The validity of the spherical harmonics-nodal collocation approximation to the stationary Boltzmann equation has been established in multi-dimensional neutron transport problems. This is a high-order approximation method that allows a coarse spatial discretization without losing accuracy. We extend the method to solve the time-dependent radiative transfer equation for absorbing media with anisotropic scattering, also incorporating to the model reflecting boundary conditions, due to the refractive index mismatching. The formalism is then applied to numerical test cases in one and two spatial dimensions that, using typical values in optical tomography for the physical parameters, check the accuracy and convergence of the method.Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) (ENE2017-89029-P-AR)Capilla Romá, MT.; Talavera Usano, CF. (2019). High-order spherical harmonics-nodal collocation scheme for the numerical solution of the time-dependent radiative transfer equation. Optical Society of America. Journal A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 36(1):38-50. https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.36.000038S3850361Su, B., & Olson, G. L. (1997). An analytical benchmark for non-equilibrium radiative transfer in an isotropically scattering medium. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 24(13), 1035-1055. doi:10.1016/s0306-4549(96)00100-4Klose, A. D., & Hielscher, A. H. (2008). Optical tomography with the equation of radiative transfer. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 18(3/4), 443-464. doi:10.1108/09615530810853673Charest, M. R. J., Groth, C. P. T., & Gülder, Ö. L. (2012). Solution of the equation of radiative transfer using a Newton–Krylov approach and adaptive mesh refinement. Journal of Computational Physics, 231(8), 3023-3040. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2011.11.016Tapimo, R., Kamdem, H. T. T., & Yemele, D. (2018). Discrete spherical harmonics method for radiative transfer in scalar planar inhomogeneous atmosphere. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 35(7), 1081. doi:10.1364/josaa.35.001081Davison, B. (1960). ON THE RATE OF CONVERGENCE OF THE SPHERICAL HARMONICS METHOD: (FOR THE PLANE CASE, ISOTROPIC SCATTERING). Canadian Journal of Physics, 38(11), 1526-1545. doi:10.1139/p60-154Katika, K. M., & Pilon, L. (2006). Modified method of characteristics in transient radiation transfer. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 98(2), 220-237. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2005.05.086Hielscher, A. H., Alcouffe, R. E., & Barbour, R. L. (1998). Comparison of finite-difference transport and diffusion calculations for photon migration in homogeneous and heterogeneous tissues. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 43(5), 1285-1302. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/43/5/017Liu, L. H., & Liu, L. J. (2007). Discontinuous Finite Element Approach for Transient Radiative Transfer Equation. Journal of Heat Transfer, 129(8), 1069-1074. doi:10.1115/1.2737477Aydin, E. D., Katsimichas, S., & de Oliveira, C. R. E. (2005). Time-dependent diffusion and transport calculations using a finite-element-spherical harmonics method. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 95(3), 349-363. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2004.11.003Chen, J.-S., Hillman, M., & Chi, S.-W. (2017). Meshfree Methods: Progress Made after 20 Years. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 143(4), 04017001. doi:10.1061/(asce)em.1943-7889.0001176Tan, Z.-M., & Hsu, P.-F. (2000). An Integral Formulation of Transient Radiative Transfer. Journal of Heat Transfer, 123(3), 466-475. doi:10.1115/1.1371230Hébert, A. (1987). Development of the nodal collocation method for solving the neutron diffusion equation. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 14(10), 527-541. doi:10.1016/0306-4549(87)90074-0Capilla, M., Talavera, C. F., Ginestar, D., & Verdú, G. (2005). A nodal collocation method for the calculation of the lambda modes of the PL equations. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 32(17), 1825-1853. doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2005.07.004Capilla, M., Talavera, C. F., Ginestar, D., & Verdú, G. (2012). Application of a nodal collocation approximation for the multidimensional PL equations to the 3D Takeda benchmark problems. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 40(1), 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2011.09.014Larsen, E. W., Morel, J. E., & McGhee, J. M. (1996). Asymptotic Derivation of the MultigroupP1and SimplifiedPNEquations with Anisotropic Scattering. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 123(3), 328-342. doi:10.13182/nse123-32

    Chlorodefluorination of Fluoromethanes and Fluoroolefins at a Lewis Acidic Aluminum Fluoride

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    Chlorodefluorination reactions of fluoromethanes and fluoroolefins catalysed by the highly Lewis acidic nanoscopic aluminum chlorofluoride (ACF, AlClxF3−x, x≈0.05–0.3) in the presence of ClSiEt3 were studied. Both fluoromethanes and fluoroolefins convert under mild reaction conditions by fluorine-chlorine exchange steps into chlorinated fluoro derivatives. MAS NMR studies provided information on the interaction of silanes and hexafluoropropene with the ACF surface.CRC 1349Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), German Research FoundationDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Chinese Scholarship CouncilPeer Reviewe

    Factors affecting the teaching-learning process in the acquisition of speaking skill, in the students of 7th grade “F”, at Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Institute in Managua city, in the morning shift, during the Second semester of 2016.

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    This research paper, which is a quantitative research, suggest to people identify one of the greater fears which is public speaking; considering classroom environment ,didactic materials, strategies used in teaching -learning and then propose useful strategies for the overcoming of those factors

    A SF5 Derivative of Triphenylphosphine as an Electron-Poor Ligand Precursor for Rh and Ir Complexes

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    The synthesis of the triarylphosphine, P(p-C6H4SF5)3 containing a SF5 group, has been achieved. The experimental and theoretical studies showed that P(p-C6H4SF5)3 is a weaker σ-donor when compared with other substituted triarylphosphines, which is consistent with the electron-withdrawing effect of the SF5 moiety. The studies also revealed a moderate air stability of the phosphine. The σ-donor capabilities of P(p-C6H4SF5)3 were estimated from the phosphorus-selenium coupling constant in SeP(p-C6H4SF5)3 and by DFT calculations. The behavior of P(p-C6H4SF5)3 as ligand has been investigated by the synthesis of the iridium and rhodium complexes [MCl(COD){P(p-C6H4SF5)3}], [MCl(CO)2{P(p-C6H4SF5)3}2] (M = Ir, Rh), or [Rh(µ-Cl)(COE){P(p-C6H4SF5)3}]2, and the molecular structures of [IrCl(COD){P(p-C6H4SF5)3}] and [Rh(µ-Cl)(COE){P(p-C6H4SF5)3}]2 were determined by single X-ray diffraction. The structures revealed a slightly larger cone angle for P(p-C6H4SF5)3 when compared to other para-substituted triarylphosphines.Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftPeer Reviewe

    Diagnosing conceptions about the epistemology of science: Contributions of a quantitative assessment methodology

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    This study applies a new quantitative methodological approach to diagnose epistemology conceptions in a large sample. The analyses use seven multiple-rating items on the epistemology of science drawn from the item pool Views on Science-Technology-Society (VOSTS). The bases of the new methodological diagnostic approach are the empirical psychometric scaling of the item sentences in accordance with experts’ criteria, the implementation of a multiple-rating model of answering (the respondent appraises each item sentence), and a scoring procedure that computes standardized indices from the multiple-rating responses and the sentence’s scaling. These standardized indices represent the extent to which the respondent's conceptions about the epistemology of science are informed (the higher the index, the more informed the conception). The approach is applied to evaluate the conceptions of a large and diverse national sample through its standardized indices, which provide statistical hypothesis-testing across individual sentences, items, groups, or studies, computation of reliability indices, the correlations between items, and an exploratory factor analysis that may complement qualitative analysis. Finally, the most relevant features of the new approach, its potential for applications to teacher training and curricular development in the science classroom and the method's power to make easy, quick, and economic evaluations of conceptions about the nature of science, are discussed

    Synthesis of iridaoxaphospholane complexes

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    Financiaciado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGAn alkenylphosphinite compound has been used to synthesize the unknown iridaoxaphospholane complexes which have been characterized in solution and solid state. The reactions took place in mild conditions and the product were obtained in good yields. The synthesis of the iridaoxaphospholane complexes is based on the capability of the alkenylphosphinite compound to behave as a κ1P or κ3(P, C, C) ligand when bonded to a metal complex. Theoretical calculations have been performed to explain the formation of the iridaoxaphospholane derivative due to a lower energy barrier for the nucleophilic attack at the terminal carbon of the olefin.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2019/2