63 research outputs found

    Immunotherapy of transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder

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    Karcinom prijelaznog epitela mokraćnog mjehura najčešći je karcinom mokraćnog sustava. Klinički razlikujemo dva oblika ove bolesti: mišićno-neinvazivni i mišićno-invazivni oblik. Temeljna klinička odrednica mišićno-neinvazivnih tumora su recidivne novotvorinske promjene; 60 – 90 % mišićno-neinvazivnih tumora recidivirat će ako se liječe samo transuretralnom resekcijom (TUR). Upravo stoga se nakon TUR-a u pacijenata u kojih postoji visoki rizik od ponovne pojave ili progresije bolesti provodi intravezikalna imunoterapija BCGom (bacillus Calmette-Guerin). BCG predstavlja živi atenuirani soj Mycobacterium bovis. U primjeni BCG-a intravezikalne terapije razlikujemo indukcijsku terapiju i terapiju održavanja. Intravezikalna aplikacija BCG-a uzrokuje masivan ulazak upalnih stanica u stijenku mokraćnog mjehura te produkciju citokina detektibilnih u sluznici mjehura i u urinu, što dovodi do imunog odgovora protiv tumora. Činjenica je kako BCG uzrokuje dugotrajan i dugodjelujući imuni odgovor. Do eradikacije tumorskih stanica dolazi zbog celularnih fokusa u stijenci mjehura, a kao direktan antitumorski efektorski mehanizam navodi se direktna antitumorska aktivnost IFN (interferon) i citotoksičnost NK (engl. natural killer) stanica.Bladder cancer is the most common cancer in urinary system. There are two clinical aspects of this disease: muscle non-invasive and muscle invasive disease. Basic characteristic of non-muscle invasive disease is tumor recurrence; 60-90 % of tumors will recurr if treated by transurethral resection (TUR) only. That is the reason why patients in whom exists the risk of recurrence or progression undergo intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) immunotherapy. BCG represents live attenuated Mycobacterium bovis. There are two phases in BCG therapy: induction and maintenance therapy. Intravesical BCG application causes massive agregation of immune cells in bladder wall and producton of cytokins which causes cytotoxic tumor response. Direct effector mechanism is achieved by IFN (interferon) and NK (natural killer) cell cytotoxicity

    Signature of hidden order and evidence for periodicity modification in URu<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>2</sub>

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    The detail of electronic structures near the Fermi level in URu2Si2 has been investigated employing state-of-art laser angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The observation of a narrow dispersive band near the Fermi level in the ordered state as well as its absence in a Rh-substituted sample strongly suggest that the emergence of the narrow band is a clear signature of the hidden-order transition. The temperature dependence of the narrow band, which appears at the onset of the hidden-order transition, invokes the occurrence of periodicity modification in the ordered state, which is shown for the first time by any spectroscopic probe. We compare our data to other previous studies and discuss possible implications

    Electronic Structure of the Novel Filled Skutterudite PrPt<sub>4</sub>Ge<sub>12</sub> Superconductor

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    We have performed soft x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (SXPES) and resonant photoemission spectroscopy (RPES) of the filled skutterudite superconductor PrPt4Ge12 in order to study the electronic structure of valence band and the character of Pr 4f. SXPES of PrPt4Ge12 measured with 1200 eV photon energy, where spectral contribution of Pr 4f is negligible, was found nearly identical with that of LaPt4Ge12, indicating similarity of Pt–Ge derived electronic states of the two compounds. Good correspondence with band calculations allows us to ascribe the dominant Ge 4p character of the density of states at the Fermi level (EF). Pr 3d → 4f RPES shows that, although Pr 4f electrons in PrPt4Ge12 are not as strongly hybridized with conduction electrons near EF as in PrFe4P12, there are finite Pr 4f contribution to the states near EF in PrPt4Ge12. These PES results give the information of fundamental electronic structure for understanding the physical properties of the novel filled skutterudite superconductor PrPt4Ge12

    Multiple gastrointestinal stromal tumors in neurofi bromatosis type 1 treated with laparoscopic surgery

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) have been reported to occasionally occur in patients with neurofi bromatosis type 1 (NF-1), and many cases have had multiple lesions predominantly involving the small intestine. We report herein a case of multiple GISTs associated with NF-1 from whom laparoscopic surgery was benefi cial. In a 79-year-old female admitted with anemia and melena, the abdominal computed tomography revealed a tumor arising from the small intestine. Laparoscopic surgery was performed, and another small tumor was revealed during laparoscopic observation. Extracorporeal partial and wedge resection of the small intestine were undertaken. Both lesions were diagnosed as typical GISTs of low risk. Laparoscopic surgery would be useful for examination and a minimally invasive approach to tumors of the small intestine, especially on cases with the possibility of multiple tumors.</p

    Angle-resolved photoemission study of Si electronic structure: Boron concentration dependence

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    The boron concentration dependence of the Si electronic structure of Si(100)2 × 1 surfaces were investigated by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The ARPES spectra exhibit rigid shifts toward lower binding energy as the boron concentration increases. The band dispersion was obtained from fitting procedure, and it is found that the top of the valence band does not exceed the Fermi level even with a boron concentration 35 times larger than the critical concentration of the metal-insulator transition

    Multiple phosphorus chemical sites in heavily phosphorus-doped diamond

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    We have performed high-resolution core level photoemission spectroscopy on a heavily phosphorus (P)-doped diamond film in order to elucidate the chemical sites of doped-phosphorus atoms in diamond. P 2p core level study shows two bulk components, providing spectroscopic evidence for multiple chemical sites of doped-phosphorus atoms. This indicates that only a part of doped-phosphorus atoms contribute to the formation of carriers. From a comparison with band calculations, possible origins for the chemical sites are discussed

    Abdominal wall and thigh abscess resulting from the penetration of ascending colon cancer.

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    An unusual case is described in which an abdominal wall and thigh abscess was an initial symptom of ascending colon cancer. A 76-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for investigation of fever and abdominal and thigh swelling. Computed tomography revealed a right abdominal wall, retroperitoneal, psoas and thigh abscess formation suspected to be caused by colon perforation. Due to the patient's poor general condition, local drainage of the abscess was performed on the following day of hospitalization. Histological examination of necrotic tissues removed form the retroperitoneal cavity demonstrated adenocarcinoma of the colon. The patient subsequently underwent right hemicolectomy with lymph nodal dissection after 19 days of the drainage procedure and was transferred to another hospital on the 49th day following the second surgery.</p

    Ultrahigh-resolution laser photoemission study of URu<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>2</sub> across the hidden-order transition

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    We have studied the electronic structures of URu2Si2 employing ultrahigh-resolutionlaser angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The change of photoemission spectra is investigated across the hidden-ordertransition, and the emergence of a narrow band is clearly observed near the Fermi level for both (π,0) and (π,π) directions. In addition, it is shown that tuning of light's polarization allows the signal of a hole-like dispersive feature to enhance. These observations prove that laser angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy is an effective tool for studying the evolution of electronic structures across the hidden-ordertransition in URu2Si2

    Analysis on photoemission spectrum of superconducting FeSe

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    In this paper, we present the result of soft X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and its comparison with the density functional calculation. Although local density approximation seems to be a good starting point for describing the electronic structure of FeSe, the simulated spectrum poorly reproduced the structure around E(B) = 2 eV. This result suggests the necessity of theoretical treatment beyond local density approximation