941 research outputs found

    Factor Retention Decisions in Exploratory Factor Analysis Results: A Study Type of Knowledge Management Process at Malaysian University Libraries

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    Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a versatile statistical modeling tool which uses in the social sciences research. Recently, in Library and Information Science (LIS) environment, structural equation modeling has gained popularity across many disciplines, due to its generality and flexibility. Its estimation techniques, modeling capabilities and breadth of application are expanding rapidly.This paper reported a structural equation modeling through an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) result, which involves 300 lead users at six selected Malaysian university libraries through survey. The decision of how many factors to retain is a critical component of exploratory factor analysis. Evidence is presented that parallel analysis is one of the most accurate factor retention methods. SPSS 20 was utilized to analyze the factor analysis data. In this regards, the results of EFA could provide empirical evidence of each hypotheses construct. It is hoped that the EFA results could be used to level Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to perform full Structural Equation Modeling.© 2013 The Authors. Copyright for this article is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the journal. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Influence of marketing mix strategy in insurance business: The case of Kota Bharu

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    Malaysia has experience a low penetration for Takaful business despite many growing operators in insurance industry. After 25 years in operation, it is time that Takaful industry is evaluated in terms of its performance. This study provides better understanding on Takaful customer satisfaction in a case of Kota Bharu. Population of this study are customers who have subscribing family Takaful plans in selected Takaful operator at least one years’ experience based on convenience sampling method. A total of 196 questionnaires were distributed and 163 questionnaires were returned. Therefore, this study revealed that the Product, Pricing, Promotion, People and Process towards Takaful operator were positively influence customer satisfaction. Finally, the study found that the Process indicates as the most critical factor that influences customer satisfaction toward Takaful Operator.© 2019 Sciedu Pressfi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Infection and Inflammation Leading to Clozapine Toxicity and Intensive Care: A Case Series

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    Objective: To describe 3 cases of clozapine toxicity associated with infectious and/or inflammatory processes. Case Summaries: 3 patients stable on clozapine therapy prior to a medical hospital admission developed clozapine toxicity. It was suspected that an acute infectious and/or inflammatory process in each patient was related to abrupt mental status changes, onset of sialorrhea, myoclonus, and/or need for ventilatory support. Investigations of altered mental status did not reveal alterative causes and presentations were not consistent with neuroleptic malignant syndrome, other acute neurologic complications, or psychiatric decompensation. All patients improved after clozapine dose reductions allowing for transfer from intensive care units. Using the Naranjo ADR Probability Scale for each case, a probable relation between clozapine toxicity and the infectious and/or inflammatory process was determined. Discussion: Clozapine toxicity may manifest with multiple symptoms including sedation, sialorrhea, and hypotension. In addition to overdose and drug interactions; infection and/or inflammation may precipitate clozapine toxicity. This may be related to cytokine-mediated inhibition of cytochrome P450 1A2. The likelihood of toxicity via this mechanism has not been well-characterized, thus careful monitoring is required for medically ill patient receiving clozapine. Clozapine is extensively bound to the acute phase reactant, alpha-1 acid glycoprotein, which may unpredictably protect against clinical toxicity. C-reactive protein has also been investigated to relate clozapine toxicity to infection and/or inflammation. Conclusion: Clozapine toxicity developed in 3 patients admitted to a medical setting suspected to be related to infection and/or inflammation. Clinicians should be aware of this potential adverse drug event with clozapine

    Compact North Finding System

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    The knowledge of orientation of an object with respect to earth-fixed reference coordinate system is crucial in many applications. For instance, in oil mining it is very crucial to accurately know the orientation of the drilling equipment under the earth surface to drill through desired path. In this context we propose a compact inertial sensor system that estimates the instantaneous orientation of the system using accelerometer and gyroscope-derived tilt and azimuth angles. To keep the system size small, we use two-axis accelerometer and one-axis gyroscope. In addition, to avoid high sensor cost, the sensor biases are removed using indexing method. The proposed system estimates the orientation of the compact system in almost all of the orientations and additionally it also provides the measurement accuracy and integrity values that help in ascertaining the validity of the orientation estimate.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Penglibatan wanita yang mengikuti Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) dalam industri Oil & Gas

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    Persediaan wanita yang mengikuti TVET untuk menceburkan diri dalam industri oil & gas merupakan suatu masalah yang sering diperkatakan dikalangan wanita ketika ini. Permasalahan ini menjadi suatu persoalan dalam kalangan wanita tentang apakah persediaan yang perlu mereka lakukan dalam merencana kerjaya dalam industri oil & gas ini. Secara umumnya kajian ini adalah bertujuan mengenalpasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan kerja dalam industri oil & gas, kesediaan diri wanita dari segi fizikal dan mental serta cabaran yang dihadapi dalam merealisasikan kerjaya mereka dalam industri oil & gas ini. Kajian ini telah dilakukan ke atas pekerja wanita yang telah berkhidmat dalam industri ini bagi zon selatan dan zon tengah. Seramai 110 sampel kajian yang terlibat dalam penyelidikan ini melalui pengedaran borang kaji selidik sebagai instrumen kajian. Data daripada 86 sampel kajian yang diperolehi dari soal selidik kemudiannya dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) versi 20.0. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan faktor yang mempengaruhi wanita untuk menceburkan diri dalam industri oil & gas ini adalah faktor gaji iaitu skor min sebanyak 4.41 dan diikuti dengan kesediaan dari segi mental dengan nilai skor min pada tahap yang tinggi iaitu 4.392. Dapatan kajian juga mendapati cabaran semasa mendapatkan pekerjaan adalah perkara paling mencabar yang perlu dihadapi oleh wanita iaitu dengan dapatan skor min sebanyak 4.242. Ini membuktikan bahawa wanita perlu mempersiapkan diri dengan sebaiknya sebelum menceburi industri ini. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan di antara faktor pemilihan kerja dan kesediaan diri wanita. Kesimpulannya, wanita perlu mempersiapkan diri bukan sekadar dengan memperolehi keputusan yang baik dalam akademik, tetapi kecenderungan dan minat dalam meletakkan diri untuk bersaing dengan lelaki bagi membuktikan wanita turut berkemahiran dan mempunyai jati diri yang tinggi untuk berkerja dalam bidang yang sungguh mencabar

    Development and simultaneous application of multiple care protocols in critical care: amulticenter feasibility study

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    Objective: To test the feasibility of and interactions among three software-driven critical care protocols. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Intensive care units in six European and American university hospitals. Patients: 174 cardiac surgery and 41 septic patients. Interventions: Application of software-driven protocols for cardiovascular management, sedation, and weaning during the first 7days of intensive care. Measurements and results: All protocols were used simultaneously in 85% of the cardiac surgery and 44% of the septic patients, and any one of the protocols was used for 73 and 44% of study duration, respectively. Protocol use was discontinued in 12% of patients by the treating clinician and in 6% for technical/administrative reasons. The number of protocol steps per unit of time was similar in the two diagnostic groups (n.s. for all protocols). Initial hemodynamic stability (a protocol target) was achieved in 26 ± 18 min (mean ± SD) in cardiac surgery and in 24 ± 18 min in septic patients. Sedation targets were reached in 2.4 ± 0.2 h in cardiac surgery and in 3.6 ± 0.2 h in septic patients. Weaning protocol was started in 164 (94%; 154 extubated) cardiac surgery and in 25 (60%; 9 extubated) septic patients. The median (interquartile range) time from starting weaning to extubation (a protocol target) was 89 min (range 44-154 min) for the cardiac surgery patients and 96 min (range 56-205 min) for the septic patients. Conclusions: Multiple software-driven treatment protocols can be simultaneously applied with high acceptance and rapid achievement of primary treatment goals. Time to reach these primary goals may provide aperformance indicato
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