456 research outputs found

    Cosmic-ray induced background intercomparison with actively shielded HPGe detectors at underground locations

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    The main background above 3\,MeV for in-beam nuclear astrophysics studies with γ\gamma-ray detectors is caused by cosmic-ray induced secondaries. The two commonly used suppression methods, active and passive shielding, against this kind of background were formerly considered only as alternatives in nuclear astrophysics experiments. In this work the study of the effects of active shielding against cosmic-ray induced events at a medium deep location is performed. Background spectra were recorded with two actively shielded HPGe detectors. The experiment was located at 148\,m below the surface of the Earth in the Reiche Zeche mine in Freiberg, Germany. The results are compared to data with the same detectors at the Earth's surface, and at depths of 45\,m and 1400\,m, respectively.Comment: Minor errors corrected; final versio


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    Excited state g-functions from the Truncated Conformal Space

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    In this paper we consider excited state g-functions, that is, overlaps between boundary states and excited states in boundary conformal field theory. We find a new method to calculate these overlaps numerically using a variation of the truncated conformal space approach. We apply this method to the Lee-Yang model for which the unique boundary perturbation is integrable and for which the TBA system describing the boundary overlaps is known. Using the truncated conformal space approach we obtain numerical results for the ground state and the first three excited states which are in excellent agreement with the TBA results. As a special case we can calculate the standard g-function which is the overlap with the ground state and find that our new method is considerably more accurate than the original method employed by Dorey et al.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Study of coupling loss on bi-columnar BSCCO/Ag tapes by a.c. susceptibility measurements

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    Coupling losses were studied in composite tapes containing superconducting material in the form of two separate stacks of densely packed filaments embedded in a metallic matrix of Ag or Ag alloy. This kind of sample geometry is quite favorable for studying the coupling currents and in particular the role of superconducting bridges between filaments. By using a.c. susceptibility technique, the electromagnetic losses as function of a.c. magnetic field amplitude and frequency were measured at the temperature T = 77 K for two tapes with different matrix composition. The length of samples was varied by subsequent cutting in order to investigate its influence on the dynamics of magnetic flux penetration. The geometrical factor χ0\chi_0 which takes into account the demagnetizing effects was established from a.c. susceptibility data at low amplitudes. Losses vs frequency dependencies have been found to agree nicely with the theoretical model developed for round multifilamentary wires. Applying this model, the effective resistivity of the matrix was determined for each tape, by using only measured quantities. For the tape with pure silver matrix its value was found to be larger than what predicted by the theory for given metal resistivity and filamentary architecture. On the contrary, in the sample with a Ag/Mg alloy matrix, an effective resistivity much lower than expected was determined. We explain these discrepancies by taking into account the properties of the electrical contact of the interface between the superconducting filaments and the normal matrix. In the case of soft matrix of pure Ag, this is of poor quality, while the properties of alloy matrix seem to provoke an extensive creation of intergrowths which can be actually observed in this kind of samples.Comment: 20 pages 11 figure, submitted to Superconductor Science and Technolog

    Determination of gamma-ray widths in 15^{15}N using nuclear resonance fluorescence

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    The stable nucleus 15^{15}N is the mirror of 15^{15}O, the bottleneck in the hydrogen burning CNO cycle. Most of the 15^{15}N level widths below the proton emission threshold are known from just one nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) measurement, with limited precision in some cases. A recent experiment with the AGATA demonstrator array determined level lifetimes using the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method (DSAM) in 15^{15}O. As a reference and for testing the method, level lifetimes in 15^{15}N have also been determined in the same experiment. The latest compilation of 15^{15}N level properties dates back to 1991. The limited precision in some cases in the compilation calls for a new measurement in order to enable a comparison to the AGATA demonstrator data. The widths of several 15^{15}N levels have been studied with the NRF method. The solid nitrogen compounds enriched in 15^{15}N have been irradiated with bremsstrahlung. The γ\gamma-rays following the deexcitation of the excited nuclear levels were detected with four HPGe detectors. Integrated photon-scattering cross sections of ten levels below the proton emission threshold have been measured. Partial gamma-ray widths of ground-state transitions were deduced and compared to the literature. The photon scattering cross sections of two levels above the proton emission threshold, but still below other particle emission energies have also been measured, and proton resonance strengths and proton widths were deduced. Gamma and proton widths consistent with the literature values were obtained, but with greatly improved precision.Comment: Final published version, minor grammar changes, 10 pages, 4 figures, 8 tables; An addendum is published where the last section is revised: T. Sz\"ucs and P. Mohr, Phys. Rev. C 92, 044328 (2015) [arXiv:1510.04956

    Asymptotic scattering and duality in the one-dimensional three-state quantum Potts model on a lattice

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    We determine numerically the single-particle and the two- particle spectrum of the three-state quantum Potts model on a lattice by using the density matrix renormalization group method, and extract information on the asymptotic (small momentum) S-matrix of the quasiparticles. The low energy part of the finite size spectrum can be understood in terms of a simple effective model introduced in a previous work, and is consistent with an asymptotic S-matrix of an exchange form below a momentum scale p*. This scale appears to vanish faster than the Compton scale, mc, as one approaches the critical point, suggesting that a dangerously irrelevant operator may be responsible for the behaviour observed on the lattice

    Progress of the Felsenkeller shallow-underground accelerator for nuclear astrophysics

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    Low-background experiments with stable ion beams are an important tool for putting the model of stellar hydrogen, helium, and carbon burning on a solid experimental foundation. The pioneering work in this regard has been done by the LUNA collaboration at Gran Sasso, using a 0.4 MV accelerator. In the present contribution, the status of the project for a higher-energy underground accelerator is reviewed. Two tunnels of the Felsenkeller underground site in Dresden, Germany, are currently being refurbished for the installation of a 5 MV high-current Pelletron accelerator. Construction work is on schedule and expected to complete in August 2017. The accelerator will provide intense, 50 uA, beams of 1H+, 4He+, and 12C+ ions, enabling research on astrophysically relevant nuclear reactions with unprecedented sensitivity.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of Nuclei in the Cosmos XIV, 19-24 June 2016, Niigata/Japa

    One-point functions in massive integrable QFT with boundaries

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    We consider the expectation value of a local operator on a strip with non-trivial boundaries in 1+1 dimensional massive integrable QFT. Using finite volume regularisation in the crossed channel and extending the boundary state formalism to the finite volume case we give a series expansion for the one-point function in terms of the exact form factors of the theory. The truncated series is compared with the numerical results of the truncated conformal space approach in the scaling Lee-Yang model. We discuss the relevance of our results to quantum quench problems.Comment: 43 pages, 20 figures, v2: typos correcte

    Networks of reliable reputations and cooperation: a review

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    Reputation has been shown to provide an informal solution to the problem of cooperation in human societies. After reviewing models that connect reputations and cooperation, we address how reputation results from information exchange embedded in a social network that changes endogenously itself. Theoretical studies highlight that network topologies have different effects on the extent of cooperation, since they can foster or hinder the flow of reputational information. Subsequently, we review models and empirical studies that intend to grasp the coevolution of reputations, cooperation and social networks. We identify open questions in the literature concerning how networks affect the accuracy of reputations, the honesty of shared information and the spread of reputational information. Certain network topologies may facilitate biased beliefs and intergroup competition or in-group identity formation that could lead to high cooperation within but conflicts between different subgroups of a network. Our review covers theoretical, experimental and field studies across various disciplines that target these questions and could explain how the dynamics of interactions and reputations help or prevent the establishment and sustainability of cooperation in small- and large-scale societies