251 research outputs found

    Főbb gabona allergének immunanalitikai kimutatása

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    A gabonafélék ősidőktől fogva nagy szerepet játszanak a humán táplálkozásban. Energiatartalmuk mellett rendkívül fontos a tápanyagtartalmuk: szénhidrát- vitamin-, ásványi anyag-, élelmi rost- és fehérjeszükségletünk legfontosabb forrásai. A cereáliák közül az egyik legértékesebb és legnagyobb területen termelt gabona a búza. Kedvező élettani hatása mellett, mégis az egyik leggyakoribb allergénforrás a cöliákiás és a gabonaallergiás betegek körében egyaránt. A kétféle érzékenység hátterében alapvetően más immunológiai folyamatok húzódnak, és kiváltásukban is más allergének játszanak szerepet. Eddigi ismereteink szerint a gabonaallergiát leggyakrabban kiváltó erıs allergén komponensek az alkohololdható gliadinok (a és w5), a vízoldható a-amiláz inhibitorok (CM3, 0.53) és a nemspecifikus lipid transzfer fehérjék. Ezen komponensek a tünetek széles skáláját okozhatják. Az érzékenyítés történhet légzőrendszeren, vagy tápcsatornán keresztül. A cöliákia esetében a toxikus allergén faktorok a búza gliadinok és a gliadinokkal azonos szerkezettel rendelkező prolaminok (rozs szekalin, árpa hordein, zab avenin), melyek fıként bélboholy elváltozást okozhatnak. Mindkét betegségnél az egyetlen gyógymód a tüneteket kiváltó allergének és intolerancia faktorok elkerülése, vagyis kizárólag csak allergénmentes élelmiszerek fogyasztása. (...

    Anatomy II. – List of Formulas

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    Anatomy I. – List of Formulas

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    A humán metasztázis inhibitor nm23 géncsalád C. elegans ortológjainak genetikai analízise = A genetic characterisation of the human metastasis inhibitor nm23 orthologues in C. elegans

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    Az nm23 géncsalád első csoportjába tartozó gének nukleozid-difoszfát kinázokat (NDPK) kódolnak. Az első csoportba tartozó NDPK-ok C. elegans ortológját, az ndk-1 gént tanulmányoztuk, különös tekintettel a Ras/MAPK jelátvitelben betöltött szerepére. Az ndk-1 inaktiválása a vulva sejtsors meghatározásában olyan defekteket okoz, amelyek a Ras/MAPK útvonal működésével függenek össze. Az ndk-1 mutánsok szomatikus szöveteiben az aktivált MAPK szintje alacsony, ami a Ras/MAPK jelátvitel alulműködésére utal. A C. elegans vulva indukciót, mint kísérleti rendszert alkalmazva, episztázis elemzést végeztünk, és kimutattuk, hogy az NDK-1 a LET-60/RAS-tól downstream, az MPK-1/MAPK-tól pedig upstream hat, a kinase suppressor of Ras (KSR) fehérjék szintjén. A KSR állványfehérjék a Raf/MEK/ERK szignalizációs komponenseket összegyűjtve teszik lehetővé a MAPK jelátvitelt. Kimutattuk, hogy az NDK-1 köt a KSR-2 scaffoldhoz, ezáltal a Ras/MAPK szignál aktivitásának modulálásán keresztül pozitívan hat a differenciációra. Eredményeink in vivo evidenciát szolgáltatnak az NDPK/KSR interakció értelmezéséhez, és hozzájárulhatnak az Nm23 bizonyos szövetekben megfigyelt tumorfejlődést serkentő hatásának megértéséhez (kézirat benyújtva a PNAS-nek). Kimutattuk továbbá, hogy az NDK-1 befolyásolja a DTC migráció és az apoptotikus testek bekebelezésének folyamatait is a citoszkeleton átrendeződésén keresztül. Ezek az adatok az nm23 sejtmigrációban és apoptózisban betöltött szerepének jobb megértését segítik. | The group I members of the nm23 (nme) gene family encode nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDPKs). The molecular functions of NDPKs remain ill defined. We studied ndk-1, the sole Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of group I NDPKs, and focused on its role in Ras/MAP kinase (MAPK)-mediated signaling events during development. ndk-1 inactivation affects vulval cell fate specification through the Ras/MAPK cascade. ndk-1 mutant worms show severe attenuation of activated, diphosphorylated MAPK in somatic tissues, indicative of compromised Ras/MAPK signaling. Using the C. elegans vulval induction system we performed a genetic epistasis analysis, and found that NDK-1 acts downstream of LET-60/Ras but upstream of MPK-1/MAPK, at the level of the kinase suppressors of Ras (KSR-1/2). KSR proteins act as scaffolds facilitating Ras signaling events by tethering signaling components, and we show that NDK-1 binds to KSR-2. Our study provides the first in vivo evidence for a functional NDPK/KSR interaction, revealing that NM23 controls differentiation by modulating the level of activation of Ras/MAPK signaling. These results may help to better understand how dysregulated Nm23 in humans can lead to tumorigenesis (manuscript submitted to PNAS). We also found that NDK-1 influences the processes of DTC migration and apoptotic engulfment through rearrangement of the cytoskeleton. These data contribute to understand the role of NDPK/Nm23 in cell migration and apoptosis

    The metastasis suppressor Nm23 as a modulator of Ras/ERK signaling.

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    NM23-H1 (also known as NME1) was the first identified metastasis suppressor, which displays a nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) and histidine protein kinase activity. NDPKs are linked to many processes, such as cell migration, proliferation, differentiation, but the exact mechanism whereby NM23-H1 inhibits the metastatic potential of cancer cells remains elusive. However, some recent data suggest that NM23-H1 may exert its anti-metastatic effect by blocking Ras/ERK signaling. In mammalian cell lines NDPK-mediated attenuation of Ras/ERK signaling occurs through phosphorylation (thus inactivation) of KSR (kinase suppressor of Ras) scaffolds. In this review I summarize our knowledge about KSR's function and its regulation in mammals and in C. elegans. Genetic studies in the nematode contributed substantially to our understanding of the function and regulation of the Ras pathway (i.e. KSR's discovery is also linked to the nematode). Components of the RTK/Ras/ERK pathway seem to be highly conserved between mammals and worms. NDK-1, the worm homolog of NM23-H1 affects Ras/MAPK signaling at the level of KSRs, and a functional interaction between NDK-1/NDPK and KSRs was first demonstrated in the worm in vivo. However, NDK-1 is a factor, which is necessary for proper MAPK activation, thus it activates rather than suppresses Ras/MAPK signaling in the worm. The contradiction between results in mammalian cell lines and in the worm regarding NDPKs' effect exerted on the outcome of Ras signaling might be resolved, if we better understand the function, structure and regulation of KSR scaffolds

    Exploiting the beneficial properties of microalgae for food and feed use

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    By 2050, 9.8 billion people are projected to live on Earth, which means that we need to double our current food production to keep pace with such a large population increase. In addition, rising greenhouse gas emissions and the associated climate change are placing a significant strain on the planet’s ability to sustain itself. However, in order to increase the quantity of proteins of plant origin, it is necessary to increase crop production areas, harvesting frequencies and the quantity of crops produced. Unfortunately, the optimization of these factors is already very close to the available maximum in the current situation. The developed cultivation systems and maximum utilization of the soil power leads to very serious environmental problems, soil destruction, loss of biodiversity and serious environmental pollution through the transport of the produced plant raw materials. This poses a serious challenge to food security and further increases the risk of hunger. There is therefore a need for agricultural practices that can lead to the cultivation of food and feed crops that have better sustainability indicators and are more resilient to climate change, which can be used to safely produce health-promoting feeds, as well as novel and value-added foods. Within this group, a particular problem is presented by the protein supply of the population, as currently about one billion people do not have adequate protein intake. However, conventional protein sources are not sufficient to meet growing protein needs. As mentioned above, food and feed proteins are based on plant proteins. In recent years, a prominent role has been played by the research into alternative proteins and the mapping of their positive and negative properties. Among alternative proteins, special attention has been paid to various yeasts, fungi, bacteria, algae, singe cell proteins (SCPs) and insects. In this paper, we focus on the presentation of algae, particularly microalgae, which are of paramount importance not only because of their significant protein content and favorable amino acid composition, but also because they are also sources of many valuable molecules, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, pigments, antioxidants, drugs and other biologically active compounds. It is important to learn about microalgae biomass in order to be able to develop innovative health food products

    Anatómia I.- Képletek jegyzéke: Egészségtudományi hallgatók részére

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